Ubuntu Servers :: Share Bandwidth Over Internet?

Sep 6, 2010

Is it possible to share bandwidth over Internet? A friend of me has made a little radio station with win-amp to screw around with. But as you can guess after 10 users the connection flips due to bandwidth limits. So we where wondering if we somehow can share both our bandwidth. I was thinking about perhaps linking some proxy's and combine that with load balancing... Something like that! But i'm not even sure if it's possible to do so.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Bandwidth Does Not Share Effectively?

May 16, 2011

I have an Ubuntu box, and there are two another PCs with Windows XP at my home.There is a TP-Link WR340GD wireless broadband router, and a Motorola SB5101E cable modem. Maximum download speed of the Internet connection is about 6 Mbit/sec.While I'm starting some download processes on the Ubuntu box, the other two PCs get only small bandwidth according to their users, although download speed on my computer does not often exceed its maximum.

More precisely: I usually download files at approx. 1 Mbit. The other users complain about that I slow down the Internet connection at their computers, and tell me to stop using the Internet.Is it possible to improve the usage of internet bandwidth, and share the connection fairly between computers

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Share Internet Connection Over Two Systems

Feb 16, 2011

I have two systems in both systems there I installed ubuntu 10.10. I need to know how to share an internet connection over the two systems at a time?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Share Internet Connection To Client Using NAT

Jul 19, 2011

I am back to the same issue internet connection sharing using NAT .I use the following command it work for me for an hours.

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE

sudo iptables-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables.sav
Edit /etc/rc.local and add the following lines before the "exit 0" line:

iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.sav

sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

After restarting my server NAT is not working .client system can ping to my server through the server's eth1 ip but Internet is not accessible to the client pcs.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Share The Internet Connection To Wireless Devices?

Mar 27, 2010

if i set up an older computer as a local DNS server for my home network, can i plug my wireless router into one of the ethernet ports to share the internet connection to my wireless devices?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Search For Drivers And Share Internet Connection

Jun 21, 2011

I have three machines(2x Dell Optiplex GX620, 1x Dell Optiplex 330) and I salvaged a D-Link Ethernet card from another PC, and I want to put it in the Optiplex 330. I was wondering if there was something I needed to do before I take the server offline and install it and how do I find the drivers for it? Or does Ubuntu go ahead and do that?

And my second question is, once I get the network card installed, how do I share the internet connection of that machine with another server? And how would I SSH in to the server connected to the other? I'm guessing that I have to set up some ports to do that, but I don't know how as I am very new to the Ubuntu Server scene and I am doing this for educational purposes.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Bandwidth By Means Of Commands?

Jan 18, 2010

How to share bandwidth by means of commands in Ubuntu Linux?

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Networking :: Share Equal Bandwidth Among Two Users

Oct 25, 2010

I have a router having four ethernet ports and bandwidth of this router is 500kbps. Suppose one user used one Ethernet ports only rest of Ethernet ports are free, that user should get 500Kbps. If I Add one or more user to any of the Remaining Ethernet ports how can i equally share a bandwidth among those two users ,it means each user should get 250kbps.

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Networking :: Share Bandwidth Of Two ISPs For Local Client With Server?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a UBUNTU server 10.04 LTS with 3 network interfaces (eth0,1,2) which eth0 is connected to my lan and others connected to two different ISPs , I would like to know is there any way to share bandwidth of this two ISP for my LAN , I mean for example if eth1 has X MB bandwidth and eth2 has Y MB bandwidth my clients those who use download manager for downloading file from internet has X+Y MB download and upload bandwidth.I do not want just limiting each user or service to use one of those interfaces I want to share them for all to increasing my internet bandwidth

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Ubuntu Networking :: Detect The Softwares Which Are Using Internet Bandwidth?

Aug 3, 2011

very slow internet connection with a download speed of only five kbps and my problem is i have many softwares installed which startup during my boot and i can see network activity in the system monitor that some software is using my internet speed and all other important downloads run slow...Can anybody tell me some softwares which tell me which software is using my internet bandwidth, I tried iftop and it shows only the connection between client and server with ip address ...I need softwares which tell the software using the internet bandwidth

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Slackware :: Monitor And Log Internet Bandwidth Usage

Jan 2, 2010

I'm looking for a simple way to monitor and log my internet bandwidth usage. Not total network device usage, just internet usage.Something that provides a simple chart of daily, monthly, and yearly usage, but ignoring all bandwidth on my internal LAN.I notice several possible tools, such as vnstat, ntop, iftop. Yet all of them seem focused on tracking the entire network interface. I want to ignore LAN usage. I do not really care about LAN bandwidth.iftop seems intended only for on-the-fly usage and not cumulative logging. I can't tell whether vnstat or ntop can be configured to log only internet usage rather than all traffic through the network device.

I do not want to log every connection like squid. The utility should only log stats on a daily basis, but also be able to display cumulative totals from those daily entries.I don't need DNS resolution, port monitoring, etc.I prefer something that runs in the background as a service or daemon, but can provide statistics quickly with a terminal window. All I want is to view total daily, monthly, and yearly internet usage. Perhaps even pipe the output to a local email each day too.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Best Way To Manage Bandwidth On A LAN?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm looking for an effective way to manage use of internet bandwidth by users on a local area network. Currently there is a simple broadband router and unmanaged switch, and a standalone Ubuntu Server (8.04) that provides DHCP, DNS and mail for the LAN, and a web server. Ports are forwarded from a static external IP address to HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SSH and IMAPS, and some security is provided by IP Tables (managed by using UFW).

There are 5 users on the network, and currently one or two of those 5 are using beyond our monthly download allowance of 30Gb. 1) To be aware of how many users are currently using the internet connection, and to divide the bandwidth between that number (so that if there are, say, 3 active connections, the total bandwidth available is divided 3 ways, rather than one of those users being able to hog all of it).

2) To allow each user to download up to 1/5 of 30Gb each month without any additional throttling (apart from the above), but once they go over that allowance to throttle them individually to, say, 10Kbps until the start of the new month.

I've heard other threads talking about both IP Tables and a proxy server such as Squid. I have no idea which of these would be most suited to the task. Currently, as I said, the Ubuntu server is standalone and only using 1 NIC, but it has 2 NICs and I could be configured to act as a gateway for the LAN, instead of the router, which is set to be the current default gateway.

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Software :: Bandwidth Limiter / Slow Internet Simulation?

Jul 2, 2011

need an easy to use bandwidth limiter / slow Internet simulator to test my websites. I would prefer a per application setting where I can limit, say only the web-brower etc.A GUI would be nice as wel

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Switch Off Bandwidth Monitoring

Feb 8, 2010

I switched on bandwidth monitoring on my Ubuntu Server via Webmin on interface eth1. Unfortunately this has filled my disk by writing huge syslog, debug and kernel.log files. How do I switch it off? I can't see a way of doing it in Webmin.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor Website Bandwidth Used?

Mar 27, 2010

I am hosting some websites and i want to monitor who is using more resources from a thoughput standpoint... Would this be bandwidth monitoring. can use to monitor these sites. I am using an uptodate version of apache2 and a single ip vhost setup.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bandwidth Aggregation Software Per Ip?

May 19, 2010

I am running Ubuntu server 9.10 and I am trying to find a way to cumulate and visualized bandwidth for all the ips on my network.

I created a server connected to a mirror port of my router and I am running snort and nessus and ntop to monitor and scan my network for security. Everything is running fine and I can see all the traffic happening, ntop creates really nice report of what is going on in the network, snort with base alert me of probable security problem and nessus help me secure the network with weekly scans.

What else do I need ? I really simply need a software that will calculate the total bandwith usage per ip address. Ntop seems to gather all that information somewhere, but there is not simple way to get the information out of it. I was thinking maybe cacti would be the software to use but I am not too familiar with Cacti and it's interface seems a bit daunting still.

I don't need it to be web interface - but it would be nice. I could probably rig up something on a console base program. What I want the output to be should look like tcptrack but with the running totals for last day, last month, last year, and if there could be a graph for it- even better.

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Networking :: How To Allocate Percentages Of Internet Bandwidth For Different Local Connections?

May 18, 2010

My linux box has 3 network adapter. eth0 connects with ISP, eth1 is for staff network, eth2 is for public user. I want to limit the usage of internet bandwidth. for example, the traffic going through eth0, 75% is for staff network, 25% is for public user.In addition, I setup shorewall on it for port forwarding and filtering, but I felt the traffic shaping of shorewall is complex. I don't need the specific TOS, but only the percentage. could you give me some suggestion?Which software or package I should use to achieve this goal?

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General :: Internet Gateway Monitoring - Log Bandwidth And Site Access

Sep 27, 2010

In one of our network we are using one firewall which works as gateway. All machines are able to access internet through this gateway. There is no filtering and any internet restriction. I would like to setup monitoring system which monitor and log bandwidth and sites access by client machine. Is there any tool which monitor internet access as well as sites which are access from client machines.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Save Bandwidth While Package Upgrades

Nov 16, 2010

Here is a mail in /var/mail/root which I received in my server logs[URL]I see same packages downloaded many times again and again.The servers which are upgrading are total 5 (4 virtual machines and one hostso is there a way I can save bandwidth on this sort of setup.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Masquerad Internet Using Knetwork Manager - Share The Internet Connection To A Desktop

Jul 5, 2011

OpenSuse 11.4 Asus Netbook 1000H Following other members in the forums I have installed Opensuse 11.4 on the Netbook. In the early days Ubuntu Netbook Remix worked well for me. But this has been discarded, and the "one size fits all" Ubuntu had become slow and cumbersome. So..... onto my post. Opensuse is working well. The install went beautifully.

It detected the Wireless Internet and I am able to get on line. I also need to share the Internet connection to a desktop. This is done via a small network switch. Thus far I cannot do this. I tried to use ifup to configure a static ip but this busted my Wireless configuration. I went back to knetwork manager. Then I tried to set up the wired network using knetwork manager and under IPV4 "share" the connection. But this blanks out any possiblity of a static address and substitutes dhcp. My desktop cannot ping the this dhcp address. Ubuntu had this thing called Firestarter? - from memory. This configured the system to sharing the network.

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Server :: Delay Pools - Managing Internet Bandwidth Thru Squid Proxy

Jan 2, 2010

I have configured a normal squid & now I want to manage internet bandwidth thru. "squid" proxy only.
Squid proxy server ip is :-
Client PC ip addres is
Total bandwidth avaialable :- 2 Mbps
Now, I want to limit bandwith of 400 kbps for the ip address pc only. So, is there any method available for bandwidth limiting for a single pc?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cache The Couple Of Site Because Of Our Country Have Bandwidth?

Mar 25, 2011

I used the Ubuntu server 10.10 for cache and proxy purpose. I install squid 2.7 stable 9. My problem is to cache the some url by force. eg . [URL]...I search the clues by using google. but I only found how to block the url. so I come here and request the advice. I want to cache the couple of site because of our country have bandwidth problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Realtime Bandwidth Monitor 10.10 (Bridged Connection)

Apr 14, 2011

I posted this in the Networking section, but should probably be over here. Couldn't move it. I have a transparent proxy in place. I have Webmin installed on the server. Is there an app that can monitor bandwidth in real time? Also run reports? I have SARG installed, but seems to only monitor HTTP traffic, I need to monitor all traffic. I have a bridged connection, but monitoring the outside interface is fine too.

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Fedora Networking :: Finding The Upcoming Bandwidth And Specify The Bandwidth Rateto Classes

Nov 18, 2010

I created a the class like this for shaping the packets with a specified bandwidth rate.....

tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 15
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 htb rate 750kbit ceil 750kbit
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:3 htb rate 600kbit ceil 750kbit prio 0

For Our Requirement:-

I dont want to specify the bandwidth rate strictly like this rate750kbit ceil 750kbit,based on whatever speed is coming which should allocate the bandwidth rate for particular class...I need one application for finding the upcoming bandwidth & Is any other method is there for specify the bandwidth rate in a classes.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Firestarter And Webmin Bandwidth Monitor Not Logging Anything When FS Is Active

Jan 7, 2010

I'm installing a server to act as a firewall between a local network and internet. I've installed Firestarter becaused it worked straitgh away (it seems that FS is configuring the routing as well). I've tried to remove it, and then I lost the access from LAN to Internet. (I don't know why -perhaps the routing is disabled then- , so I prefer to keep it).

The problem is that Webmin Bandwidth Monitor (bandwidthd) is not logging anything when FS is active. Does someone has an idea on how I could make it work? I've tried cacti and some other stuff, but it is far too complicated for me.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Skews Bandwidth Usage When Pull Music Off The Server

Aug 20, 2010

Recently our houses internet usage has skyrocketed and i'm trying to keep an eye on it using bandwidthd (installed on the server). It installed fine and counts traffic fine, the problem is we have a server that hosts our music/movies/etc and when people pull music off the server it skews their bandwidth usage. I'm looking for a way to exclude all traffic on the local network and only count internet traffic. This is the filtering part of the config file


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Fedora Servers :: Limiting - One Person Doesn't Use All The Bandwidth?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a fedora 9 server. It is used purely as a dedicated server. Until recently I never came close to my allowed bandwidth of 1 TB but I expect that may change in the near future because I will be adding many files for downloading. I have Apache 2.2.9, PHP 5.2.6, mySQL 5.0.51 and Webmin 1.441.

The most critical thing is monitoring total bandwidth and then doing a job, probably using Cron to change a folder's name, to stop downloads before a critical point is reached and my sites shut down. I would also probably eventually like to limit member downloads so all members of the sites get a chance to download and one person doesn't use all the bandwidth. I expect that would be possible using php. to log the bandwidth used by members. I know php but I don't know how to get the bandwidth using php.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Internet Connection From LAN To Share Internet Connection Through Wireless?

Jan 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, and I would like to use my computer to share the internet connection from an ethernet port. For example, I would like to set up my computer as a wireless access point so I can create a network that other computers can connect to for internet.

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Ubuntu :: Share Internet Over Network

Oct 18, 2010

I want to configure Ubuntu A to share the internet with Ubuntu B so that I can can plug my wireless router directly in the middle of the two computers without having to route all traffic through the router and it having to be connected at one place or the other.

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Networking :: Control Bandwidth Access With Squid - Allow Certain IPs To Have Higher Bandwidth Access?

May 27, 2009

We have a sipmle office network set up that we also use use to connect to the internet, however of late the number of users has increased thus slowing internet access. Bandwidth upgrade is not an option thus i have to do bandwidth shaping on our linux router. The question is how do set the squid configs to allow certain IP's range a certain percentage bandwidtheg 60% and furthe divide the rest. Alternatively how can allow certain IPs to have higher bandwidth access.

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