Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Install Anything From Internet

Feb 28, 2011

I've just install and configure an 10.10 ubuntu server, but I cant install anything from internet. When ping for example Google, recieves "connect: network is unreachable".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Wordpress Can't Be Seen From Internet?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a problem with my Wordpress installation.It works from inside of my LAN but not from Internet.I have opened for the port on my router and the default html page works from Apache2 from Internet.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Access Internet On 6.06 Lts?

Jan 30, 2010

I installed 6.06 LTS on Virtual box and I cannot access the netPlease let me know what I must look for.I am new to linux as well

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Get Website Available On LAN And Internet

Feb 12, 2010

I am running ubuntu server in a virtual environment (vmware) and have setup apache and got mediawiki up and running which I can access on host machine by going to But this is only available on my host machine and not elsewhere on the network. How do I make it available to others on LAN and eventually on the internet (associated with my host IP address?)

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Ubuntu Servers :: VPN Internet Access?

Jan 10, 2011

I've got VPN setup and working on my server. I can VPN into the server and access my local network from anywhere. It uses pptpd for it. My problem is that I can't access the internet once I'm connected to my VPN. Is it possible to allow internet access through VPN?I mainly would just like to be able to connect, access my local network, and still browse the internet. Is there anything specific I need to change?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Internet From Another Router?

Feb 11, 2011

I have two routers in the same apt. building and just need to extend the wifi so the whole building can use. Using a netgear router (router x) as the secondary router without WAN how can I get internet from router y? What values should I put where in the NETGEAR config?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Connect To Internet

Jun 12, 2011

I just recently installed ubuntu 11.04 server on an emachines etower, 400MHz intel celeron, 256MB RAM. I've tried installing apache2 and python3, but cannot get it to connect to the internet. while I understand how to work in a command line, I'm not sure what to do to diagnose the problem. I can list all the packages if it would help. (it's a fresh install so far), as well as the ethernet statuses (two cards for a firewall type setup)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dual NIC 11.04 - Cannot Get Out To Internet

Jul 12, 2011

I have with my dual NIC Ubuntu 11.04 server running on my home network. I've recently set this machine up but noticed an issue with Internet connectivity when running 'sudo apt-get update' - it basically fails to get out onto the Internet.

The machine actually has three NICs but only eth1 and eth2 are configured. Both are statically configured.

eth1 connects to a LAN port on a Netgear DGND3300v2 modem router. This NIC is assigned the IP (the modem router is

eth2 connects to a LAN port on a Netgear WNDR3400 router. This NIC is assigned the IP

The config for the NICs in /etc/network/interfaces is as follows:

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static


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Ubuntu Servers :: Ssh Doesn't Work From Internet

May 2, 2010

I can't connect to my ssh-server (on ubuntu 10.04) from any external address. The error in putty is "connection timed out". From my internal network, everything works fine, even if I select my external IP address and port in putty as the destination.

This is what I have done so far:

installed open ssh with the ubuntu server 10.04 cd
set up port forwarding (11041) in my router (seems to work ok, port is open according to "shields up")
configured ssh to use port 11041 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
changed tcp and udp ssh port in /etc/services to 11041
enabled UFW and did sudo ufw allow ssh


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Ubuntu Servers :: Being Disconnected From Wireless Internet

Jun 7, 2010

My Ubuntu web server is left on all the time, sometimes I notice that it is disconnected from the network so I have to goto the server and re-enter the password in the network connections, this allows me back onto the network. Why is the server being disconnected? (The computer is running all the time because if it re-starts the terminal window is open on the screen). And how can I stop it from happening? It's got to the point where I need to check it every hour which really defeats the purpose of having it!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Loading Internet Pages ?

Jun 18, 2010

Some pages on the Internet will not load. What is the remedy?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Default Gateway For Internet / Vpn?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm having some difficulty with a internet/vpn setup. I have 3 network adapters on the server. 1x is used to connect it to the rest of the network 1x is used to provide internet (squid,dansguardian) 1x is used to connect to the vpn router

My interfaces file looks like this:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


The problem that I have is this: When the gateway on eth2 is set to the VPN works 100% but there is no internet. When the gateway on eth2 is set to there is internet but no VPN.

So what I want to do is, route all traffic that is supposed to go to and to eth2 and all internet traffic to eth0.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Desktop Has No Internet Access?

Aug 26, 2010

I have ubuntu server 10.04 installed with wired internet access through my router. I recently installed the ubuntu-desktop packages and cannot get internet through the gui, firefox never gets past the "looking up" stage.I can accessthe internet through the command line and through webmin httptunnel. Wget, apt-get install, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade all work fine from the command line. I have local access to the GUi as well in the form of VNC that is working fine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Share Bandwidth Over Internet?

Sep 6, 2010

Is it possible to share bandwidth over Internet? A friend of me has made a little radio station with win-amp to screw around with. But as you can guess after 10 users the connection flips due to bandwidth limits. So we where wondering if we somehow can share both our bandwidth. I was thinking about perhaps linking some proxy's and combine that with load balancing... Something like that! But i'm not even sure if it's possible to do so.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Access Website Over Internet

Oct 8, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.04 running LAMP and proftpd, I can access over LAN but not when I type my domain name in. I have forwarded all necessary port to to the local ip of that box, added rules to ufw to allow traffic on those specific ports. I use dyndns for a second level domain and have used all their tools to check whether the ports are open and have the results I am looking for.

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Ubuntu :: Test The Internet Speed Between Two Servers?

Nov 5, 2010

Is their from the CLI a way to test the internet speed between two servers?I'm thinking some sort of ping test that can calculate it or something.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Connect To Sftp From Internet

Nov 14, 2010

I have a openSSH server, it works to connect to it within the local network but I can't connect to it from the Internet. What I would like to do is to connect to the server using filezilla client, simply by using username and password.To make it secure from brute force attacks will I only allow connections from specific IP number.

I have a server with the static internal ip, port is 2222. My global ip is and I would like to connect with filezilla client from ip How do I connect?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Connection Sharing In LAN?

Dec 6, 2010

What can you recommend software to link sharing, and priority services such as VoIP, email, web, ftp others. The only thing I got it [URL], but it is not developed since 2008 ri do not know if it works.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Connection Sharing

Jan 20, 2011

I have discussed sharing an internet connection with my neighbor so we can both save money. We both have multiple computers connected to consumer grade routers. I've tinkered with WDS configurations but it was very unreliable and cumbersome to manage for reasons I won't get in to here. I'm thinking of getting my ubuntu server box to connect to my neighbor's wifi (via a USB wifi adapter) and share the connection through my router to my own subnet, (wired and wireless).

Can anyone shed some light on how I can best accomplish this?I can see a number of hurdles with this, maybe there are some I have yet to discover:Getting the USB wireless adapter to connect and stay that way via commandline.Configuring ICS from the USB connection to ethernet out to my router.Probably moving DHCP duty from my router to my server.Getting it all to work reliably well.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Access Phpmyadmin Over The Internet?

Feb 13, 2011

I am able to access phpmyadmin via my web browser using either my local ip followed by /phpmyadmin and by using the same layout with localhost. If i use my DNS name provided by no-ip which i bound to in apache2 i am able to get to the "It works!" page with the domain name but if i use /phpmyadmin after it, it will tell me that there is no such directory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Website To Work On Internet?

Jul 17, 2011

I finally got my apache web server up and running and tested it using local host. I was wondering how I can create a domain name now and get this accessible on the internet

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Internet And No DNS Response?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 server here, and this week internet sharing got too slow... i dunno if it is a squid problem... but it's too slow. And when i try to registar a domain for that server, bind gives do response. If i dig my server inside lan, it's working pretty well.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure To Restrict Internet Access?

Jan 2, 2010

I've been searched for the related topic, but i couldn't found any of them. Basically, i want to set up a server to restrict internet access for other computer (windows box), but allow internet connection for kaspersky to download its database. Here are some questions:

1. Do i need two network card at the server box?
2. There are 8 computers but only 2 are allowed all internet connection, 6 of the rest are not allowed, all windows box can accept connection to download database from kaspersky.
3. Is it Iptables the best, easiest way to configure?

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Ubuntu Servers :: DHCP General - Connect To The Internet

Jan 22, 2010

I'm going to load ubuntu server to a computer just for testing and learning. There is one ethernet card on this computer that will only be used occasionally to connect to the internet. This computer will not have any computers or routers connected to it. So my question is, once installed and running, will DHCP just sit quietly and wait for a request or is it going to complain a lot that it is not finding any other computers?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Wireless Internet Connection For 8.04 LTS?

Mar 25, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server Edition, with no GUI. I can't connect to internet, and therefore I can't use commands like "apt-get update" I do not even know how to configure this server yet. I need my server to connect to Internet through my wireless card (I have no cable connexion for now).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dhcp Lan Clients Have No Internet Access?

Apr 20, 2010

alright so i set up dhcp server and my clients are getting ip's, can ping each other, and can ping/ssh the server. but nowhere beyond that.

however if i ping an externel site, i get its IP addr, but no pings (100% loss)

im ripping my hair out over this. i know that iptables is right, but i dont know about dns

idk if this helps:

pavel@ubuntu-server:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo br0 eth0 eth1
iface lo inet loopback
#mapping hotplug


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Ubuntu Servers :: Route Command - How To Get Internet To Clients

Apr 24, 2010

I do not understand this command well. Yes, I have looked at man route and that whilst that gives lots of information about the switches I cannot see it in context. I have a server with two nics. One to the Internet (eth1) and one to the lan (eth0). I use pppoe and when it is running I get a virtual adapter appear in ifconfic called ppp0 which shows the public DNS and ISP session IP. I entered the command:
route add -host (gateway IP) dev eth1
and get the Internet to appear on the server. However, I do not get the Internet to the clients. I have turned off the firewall to be sure that this is not the problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Access Via Proxy Server ?

Apr 28, 2010

Ubuntu lts server distro using on remote machine. i have remote site where internet access given via squid proxy. so when we enter in browser it start working internet fine. but on command line(bash shell prompt terminal) like wget,ping,nslookup,traceroute etc these commands does not work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache -> Squirrelmail Not Accessible From Internet

May 4, 2010

I set up a mail server today. Everything works except I can't access the damn squirrelmail web interface from the internet.

I followed this guide here: [URL]

I can access just fine from a computer on my local network.


When I access http://mywanip/squirrelmail, i get a connection timeout.

When I access http://mywanip, I get the standard Apache "IT WORKS!" Page. (Rules out port forwarding)

According to the guide, that should allow me to access squirrelmail from the internet on my server. Its as if Squirrelmail is only available on my local interface and not on my wan interface? How do I check?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server For Internet Logging And Filtering

Jun 16, 2010

I'm in charge of a church computer lab which is open to children ages 6 to 16 for about 3 hours a week. We try to have adult supervision but don't have 100% coverage.

The lab has a maximum of 8 computers, a mixture of MACs, Windows XP, and Linux machines, depending on their state of repair.

The church's current internet connection is Verizon residential speed DSL to a 4 port wired plus wireless router in a locked office which also houses our Windows XP office computer and is adjacent to our locked pastor's office.

Internet access for the lab is by a single CAT5 cable passing through a small hole in a wall to a network switch on the other side. All of the lab computers are connected to the switch by CAT5 cable.

I would like to add a server in the locked office to log internet usage and block access to certain websites as needed. I think logging internet activity will be a good antidote in case one of the older ones wants to try to get sneaky and cover their tracks.

I envision building a computer from donated parts, including 2 NICs.

I have never done things from the server end, but think the server edition of Ubuntu would be a good starting point.

My goal is to be able to manage internet access with an easy to use GUI system so I could teach the basics to a couple of youth leaders to use it when I'm not there.

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