Ubuntu Servers :: Binding To IP's Not Assigned To Ethernet Card?

May 26, 2011

I have a server hosted with Hetzner in Germany and have had it there for over a year now without any glitches. Last week very abruptly they deactivated the server giving me a very vague reason of "I was using another IP that was not assigned to me". After several calls I had the server reactivated but am still puzzled by this and Hetzner Germany has been unable to provide me with any proof, logs, traces or anything for that matter to validate their claims.

My primary (physical) server has one IP allocated (static) and IPv6 is turned off. On top of this server I run 3 VMware servers, 1 Ubuntu, 1 Debian, 1 Windows and all 3 of these VM's have static IP's configured.

I've done traceroutes, netstats and looked through every single config file with a fine toothcomb without finding anything and the problem has not reoccured either.

What I would like to know is if there is some way that someone could craft an attack of some sort that could cause a server to do this, to latch onto another IP not assigned to its NIC?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Realtec Ethernet Card Assigned Wrong MAC Address - Fails?

Dec 17, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion A6750F with an AMD Phenom 9650 Quad Core. 8 GB memoryThe NIC is a REALTEC Semiconductor RLT8111/81688 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller.The actual MAC address for the NIC is 00:24:21:55:DE:40I have loaded CentOS 5.3 on this host three of four times in various configurations and patching levels.THE PROBLEM: The system identifies the NIC as having MAC FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF.When this happens, the network connectivity obviously stops working.It identifies everything else OK, just maps the wrong MAC.I'm no sure how to troubleshoot this problem. I tried rebooting a couple times and once that fixed it. Usually it does not. I reloaded (gasp) Windows Vista on it and it worked ok.This last time, I reloaded CentOS it hung on the bootup (ASK ??), I reset it, it rebooted and everything looks ok; for now.
The system says it is presently using driver r8169

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Ubuntu Servers :: Inserted Gigabit Ethernet Card - Now What To Do

Mar 3, 2010

I installed ubuntu server 9.10. During the install the onboard 10/100 land card was automatically installed and was used for updating packages. I just put in a DGE-530T gigabit ethernet card. I can see it recognized under lspci.01:07.0 Ethernet controller: D-Link System Inc DGE-530T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev 11) (rev 11). It does not show up under ifconfig. The CD came with linux drivers. The readme talked about recompiling the kernel and a whole bunch of other stuff. Google was equally confusing. What do I do?

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Ubuntu :: Share Internet From 1st Ethernet AND To 2nd Ethernet And Wifi Card?

Feb 8, 2011

I am basically wanting to use my Ubuntu 10.10 computer as a router. Note: Before you say just get a router please note that I am poor/cheap. I have two ethernet connections and one wireless connection on my netbook. I want to share the internet connection that is going into one of the ethernet cards through the other ethernet card and the wireless card.

DSL-->1sr Eth --> 2nd Eth (currently works)
DSL-->1sr Eth --> Wireless Card (Adhoc) <--(connects with limited connectivity AKA no internet)

The 2nd Ethernet card already has working internet, but when I connect to the Wireless card (through an Adhoc network), it cannot get an IP (I believe).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dovecot Binding To LDAP On Reboot?

Jun 9, 2011

Today I'm trying to configure Postfix+Dovecot to use Samba4's LDAP database for authorisation and mail delivery. As I can see from /var/log/mail.log, Dovecot tries to bind to LDAP right after reboot , but fails:


pdcadmin@PDC1:~$ cat /var/log/mail.log
Jun 9 13:06:46 PDC1 dovecot: auth(default): ldap_bind
Jun 9 13:06:46 PDC1 dovecot: auth(default): ldap_simple_bind


Believing this to be a sign of succesfull bind, I couldn't understand the reason behind it. Why do I need to restart or reload dovecot service to make it work (though it fails on the next step with "dict_ldap_lookup: Search error 1: Operations error" and "451 4.3.0 ... Temporary lookup failure")?

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Binding Only To Ipv6?

Feb 14, 2009

I just installed FC 10 and have apache running with the default config. the problem is that it is only listening on ipv6 for ports 80 and 443


Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2059/exim
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2059/exim


here is the only part in the httpd.conf file that seems to have anything to do with this:


Listen 80

which from my understanding should make it listen on all interfaces, ipv4 and ipv6

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Ubuntu Servers :: When Is A Static IP Assigned At Boot

Oct 22, 2010

I've been having a problem getting a couple of services started at boot on my home server. I want to have my Openvpn daemon and a holdingnuts poker server start at boot. Neither of these start properly if placed at level S99 in the rc2 folder. Looking through the logs, it seems that the network is not up and running at this time. To confirm this, I placed the following in my rc.local file that runs at level S99.

ifconfig | cat > /home/username/network-status.txt

My ifconfig file shows the lo, eth0 and my bridged br0 interfaces. However, the br0 interface does not show an IP, netmask or anything else, indicating that it hasn't been brought up, yet. So this begs the question, if you have a static ip set (with a bridged connection for the VPN server), when does that actually get up and running? I would have thought that it should be up by the time that the last startup scripts are running. How can I ensure that these things run at startup, but not until the network is fully up and running?

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Binding To Active Directory - Use Web Shares?

Feb 9, 2009

Something that has been in the pipleline at work for a while is user-based web directories. Main PDCs are running Windows Server 2003 using Active Directory, ideally what would happen is that users have a web share under [URL].. - the server behind this would be Linux (either Fedora or CentOS).

What kind of configuration would be needed for Apache to make this possible? The way I have planned so far is to have the Linux box auth against the AD domain (possibly joined), with Apache setup to share local public_html folders. Not sure how I can get rid of the tilde from the start of the username, but it should be pretty easy.

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Fedora Networking :: 14 Can't Connect To SpeedTouch 585 - Either Wireless Broadcom Card Or The Wired Ethernet Card

Dec 4, 2010

Just installed Fedora 14 from the Live CD i686 on my Dell Inspiron 1521. I can't connect to the SpeedTouch 585 on either wireless broadcom card or the wired Ethernet card.

I can connect to it from the same Laptop on the Vista which is on dual boot on the same laptop.

Further confusing is that I ran Fedora 14 and connected to another SpeedTouch today.

Already checked the Channel on the wireless nic and it's on the same one as the SpeedTouch.

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Ubuntu :: Ethernet Card Cannot Be Enabled In 9.04

Jan 1, 2010

i tried to connect internet in ubuntu 9.04 by using sudo pppoeconf and now network manager is displaying as ethernet device not managed.i couldnt connect internet in ubuntu.how can i enable ethernet card in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Connection For Second Ethernet Card

Jun 6, 2010

I'm trying to set up a shared Internet connection that had been broken by a previous update, I believe. Eth0 is connected to the Internet, whereas eth2 should be the connection going to my Roku set-top box. Under the nm-applet icon, an entry exists for "Auto eth0" for the first card, but there is nothing under the second card except "disconnected". How do I make a connection entry under my eth2 card so that I can share my Internet connection with my Roku box?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ethernet Card Not Getting Detected

Dec 3, 2010

I have brought a new DELL INSPIRON 1410. I installed ubuntu 10.04 but my ethernet card is not getting detected where as in windows 7 is working..

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.04 Recognizes Ethernet Card But Won't Connect

May 6, 2010

I own a D-Link DI-604 wired router and I've started getting some issues after Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 upgrade(Ubuntu 9.04 used to work OK!). The problem is that Ubuntu recognizes all my ethernet cards (see below), but I can only connect to the internet through eth1 not eth0 (which is my Windows default). If I try to plug the cable in eth0 nothing happens (at least not in Ubuntu 10.04 and 9.10).


lucas@lucas-desktop:~$ sudo lshw -C network
[sudo] password for lucas:
description: Ethernet interface


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Get PCI Ethernet Card Working Under 9.10

May 20, 2010

I have just installed a generic PCI ethernet card into a fairly low powered system (Celeron 766MHZ, 512mb Ram, 40 Gb HDD, Generic sound and video). The card came with no drivers. I have since installed Ubuntu 9.10, and up to a point everything is fine and looks great. However when I connect an ethernet cable up to the PCI card (in the hope of connecting with the Internet), nothing happens. I am thinking that I need Ubuntu drivers for the PCI card ? or does Ubuntu 9.10 come with drivers and I need to go into the 'engine room' to sort it all out ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cheapest, Most Compatible Ethernet Card?

Jul 2, 2010

I've had way too many problems with my network card under linux and I'm looking to buy a new one because the money is worth the lack of headaches. My project: I'm breathing new life into my old, old pentium 4 computer by running Kubuntu Server on it and using it as a little samba filedump.

So I don't want to spend a lot on an ethernet card -- this computer is no prize. I just want the cheapest, most out-of-the-box-compatible-with-no-configuration card I can buy.

I started on Newegg (sorted by price: [URL]....CE&PageSize=20 ), and I've heard that cards based on the RealTek 8129/8139 chip may be compatible/cheap but I can't seem to find out ahead of time what chip the cards are based on.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ethernet Card Not Working In 10.04 Server

Jul 18, 2010

I've set up 10.04 Server so that I could install directly to a command line, due to the fact that Desktop was crashing during the install every time. The installation goes fine, except for the networking portion. DHCP fails every time I try it. So I set up a static IP as an alternative. Once installation completes, none of the network-oriented tools (ping, telnet) work. I've tried pinging my router and I get 'Destination Host Unknown'. This is true if I change to a DHCP oriented setup as well.

The router sees that the machine is there, as indicated by the slowly blinking connection light meaning that it's hooked up to *something* but there's no activity. Also, networking did work within Windows before I nuked it, so I know it has the ability to operate correctly. I'm at a loss, mostly due to my own newness and ignorance of how to start tackling this within this environment.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Replacement Ethernet Card Not Working

May 9, 2011

The on-board NIC on my machine died this morning, so I've just gone out and bought a replacement PCI card. The card has been recognised by Karmic, but it's not working. /var/log/messages says:

May 9 11:21:58 ian-desktop kernel: [ 2.082324] r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded
May 9 11:21:58 ian-desktop kernel: [ 2.082334] r8169 0000:04:02.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18


how I install the appropriate driver (noting that I have to sneakernet files across via usb stick), or any other diagnostics I should try?

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Ubuntu :: Ethernet Card Not Working On Connecting LAN Cable

Jun 29, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 10.6.4 in my dell inspiron laptop but my ethernet card is not working when I connect my lan cable to it. But it is working well in windows vista. How to load drivers for it.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Configure Ethernet Card

Dec 10, 2010

I have installed linux on my system. I have connected two ethernet cards in the CPU. I have then connected one cord to one card from the modem. Its working fine. I have connected another cord from the second port to the switch and there by from switch to other systems. However the system is not detecting the second card. I am a newbie to linux and I don't know how to configure it.

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Hardware :: PCI / Ethernet Card Not Working

Aug 5, 2010

A friend gave me a version if Ubuntu called "Lubuntu" to run on an older laptop of mine. The laptop does not have wifi or an ehternet connection. However, While using windows I was still able to access the internet by using a PCI card which created a wired ethernet connection for the laptop. I was able to install Lubuntu on the laptop, but for some reason it is not recognizing, or even noticing, the PCI card. What should I do to get internet working on this laptop again?

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Networking :: Multi Ip In One Ethernet Card?

Apr 24, 2010

can one ethernet card support multiple ip address? but i think it's very dangerous. if bad guy take many ip, other people can't get ip. "does one ethernet card take multiple real ip or multiple virtual ip(one real ip)?" if it takes multiple real ip, then how it works good?..

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General :: Ethernet Card Not Getting Detected?

Feb 22, 2011

I have installed fedora core 8 on my system. But i am unable to use LAN connection. here are the results of some of the commands which give error messages

[root@localhost ~]# lspci | grep -i ether
00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 10f5 (rev 03)
[root@localhost ~]# uname -a


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Red Hat :: Ethernet Card Not Working On 5.1 Install

Jun 10, 2010

I have installed red hat 5.1 on my dell inspiron 1525 laptop. It is not detecting any ethernet card. Which driver am I missing? So far I found this package to be installed 'kmod-sk98lin-PAE-' but it is showing me the dependencies problems..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure Second Ethernet Card For A Dhcp/dns Server?

Mar 2, 2010

i already have an eth0 configured to automatically get its info from dhcp.

but i wanna configure eth1 to be able to serve dhcp and dns. i havent configured either dns or dhcp server on the server box since i have not configured the serving interface.

so far my interfaces file is:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp


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Ubuntu Networking :: Check My Ethernet Card Supports Gigabit?

Jun 8, 2010

With what command i can check whether my Ethernet card supports gigabit speed Ethernet or not?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use The Ethernet/ Wireless Card On HP Mini 1000

Sep 24, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my MP Mini 1000 and I have run into some troubles.First off, my wireless card doesn't seem to work out of the box. I figured that I would just plug into my router via ethernet and run updates, but then I ran into my next problem.

Nothing happens when I plug in an ethernet cord. I have a desktop running Windows 7 and a jumpdrive, so I can use those to get the files I need, but I don't really know how to fix this issue.I believe my wireless card is a Broadcom 4312, but I am unsure what ethernet card I have. If possible, I would like to just get the ethernet working and then let the restricted drivers manager take care of the rest.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid Won't Detect Laptop Ethernet Card?

Nov 15, 2010

so, when i first got my laptop it came with vista and the ethernet worked fine, then when I decided to install Karmic about 9 months ago it still worked fine. After a while the update for lucid came out so I upgraded to that and then the ethernet started getting buggy. It would only work about half the time that i wanted it too and the other half of the time it would just stare at me and not move anywhere. So along with a couple other bugs I decided to format my harddrive and downgrade back to karmic and await the 10.10 release. unfortunatly my ethernet woes carried with me and they still would only show up on occasion. then about half way through my time with karmic round 2 it stopped altogether, and with the upgrade back to lucid it hasn't seemed to solve itself.

I ran through ifconfig -a, lspci and sudo ifup -a but they all tell me that the device doesn't exist.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Drivers For The Atheros AR8151 Ethernet Card?

Jul 17, 2011

have a toshiba satellite L745 running Lucid Lynx I need drivers for the Atheros AR8151 ethernet card. Every post I have read on installing the driver give links to Atheros but they are all broken. Does anybody know where I can download driver?

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Ubuntu Networking :: On-board Ethernet Port Not Detected - Have To Use PCI Card?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm running an ubuntu maverick server, and I'm having a slight problem with networking. I've only got one ethernet line running into my room, and I've got loads of computers. The server has 2 ethernet ports, one integrated into the motherboard, one on a PCI card that I took from my old server. The on board ethernet never worked on my old server- but I only tried it out post-install, it was hooked up to the card during install (For the record, networking on linux has *never* worked for me if I installed then plugged in the networking stuff after the fact). So I just used the card instead. Transferred the hard drive into a new machine, and lo and behold, it would only work after I transferred in the card from the old one. What I wanted to set up is a basic NAT system, where the network connection is routed through from my server to my main desktop- but when I run ifconfig, my card is not detected, just lo and eth0. How can I fix this?

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Debian Installation :: No Ethernet Card Detected

Jul 28, 2015

I am installing Linux for the first time right now and I am facing a bit of an issue when it comes to network hardware driver installation. The NIC on my motherboard is a Marvel 88E1111 (computer is very old). During the installation of Debian, I got to a menu which read "No Ethernet card detected. If you know the name of the driver needed by your Ethernet card you can select it from the list", then provides me with said list of driver names.

However, the only driver I could find that came close the NIC I am using was one called just "Marvel", and selecting actually didn't do anything (screen flashes blue and returns me to the same menu). So I continued by selecting the "none of the above" option, and now the new menu reads: "A driver for your hardware is not available. You may need to load drivers from removable media (...)". So I thought I should google for the drivers and see what I can find. The official site of the company that made my NIC doesn't even list my model in their drivers' list (to be expected since it is so old).

Then I found this: URL.., but I was expecting more of a download than the source code itself.

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