Ubuntu :: Dynamic Multi Display Management?

Jan 3, 2010

i would like to know if there is anything like this out there or in development and if not i think there should be. i feel that one of the areas that ubuntu still lacks majorly is when it comes to handling multi display.most people these days are using notebooks and are moving around a lot, and if your like me working as a software dev you need to be able to work from home running a different external display next to your internal, then when you get to work you need to maybe run two external displays or maybe a totally different display next to your internal, sometimes you'll need to connect to a projector in a meeting and do a demo.

At the moment, there is no easy way to do this unless you have a half an hour everytime to configure your displays manually,which goes without saying that its not quite what anybody is looking for.i'm looking for something that works similar to OSX's display manager.where you plug in a screen and poof, its there. and then mayb you can configure what your system should do when that specific monitor is plugged in and it will remember that configuration. so for instance you have a internal 15" with a res of 1440x960 then you want to plug in your 1080p 24", so boom it picks it up but its not configured yet.so it jus mirrors by default, then you decide ok, when this screen is pluggd in, i want it to extend my desktop onto it, and make it the primary monitor. ok cool so its set,so now when you plug it out, your system detects that your display setup has changed, then does a recheck of your active displays, and sets up the appropriate configuration, in this case only the internal is available so it will just go back to the internal, setting it back as the primary and moving all the windows that was on the external back to the internal.i think this would be a invaluable feature for a mobile professional.

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Hardware :: ATI Multi Card Multi Display Xinerama Composite

Jun 24, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon HD 3300 on-board video chipset, and an ATI Radeon HD 4350 PCI card. What I want is to have both displays available from one mouse/keyboard. I want to play media on one and have the other as my main desktop.The problem is that with Xinerama enabled, KDE desktop effects do not work (KDE says XComposite and XDamage are not available, even though I explicitly enabled them as extensions in the xorg.conf file), and performance is quite bad. Without Xinerama enabled, performance is great, desktop effects work great, but there's a lot of trouble with full-screen video, and the KWin window manager does not apply in the second display (although I can run a second instance of KWin on :0.1).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multi-partition 10.04 Management?

Aug 12, 2010

I have 2 partitions, 1 for OS and 1 for data. The OS 1 is going to be imaged with every Ubuntu OS update so that this image can be taken from the testing server to the live server. However, the data must stay on the live server, so the imaging it will not erase the data. Therefore, I divided the live server into 2 partitions: OS and data.

I want to be able to save all of my customizations and data on the live server to the data partition. This includes (but is definitely not limited to) MySQL databases, Apache configurations, my /var/www/ folder, etc. How would I go about doing this? As in how do I set MySQL/Apache/etc. to save their configuration files on the data partition? Or is there a totally better way to achieve what I want?

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Ubuntu :: Vmware Workstation On 11.04 Multi Display

May 20, 2011

I'm having an issue with Vmvware workstation on Ubuntu 11.04. Well, I had many issues, but most of them have workarounds. I can't find any info on this issue. When I have multiple displays enabled (nvidia prop) and launch workstation 7.1.4, my second monitor will become disabled. The unity menu will also stretch out and basically the computer becomes unusable. I have to restart.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Monitors Multi-Display Not Working Well?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to get 4 monitors working in Ubuntu 11.04 the way I would like to. I have two Radeon video cards with two monitors connected to each. With proprietary ATI drivers and the Catalyst Control Center I'm able to see all the monitors and Have Multi-Display setups, but they're separated for each video card. I can move items to and from Monitor 1 to Monitor 2, and Monitor 3 to Monitor 4. I'm not able to move windows from 2 to 3 or 4. The two separate display setups have their own set of workspaces too. I've tried enabling xinerama, but when I log back in after a restart the screen is just black and I'm forced to reboot manually. The two separate displays wouldn't be that much of a problem except that my keyboard doesn't seem to work on any application opened on monitors 3 and 4 after I've clicked on something in Monitor 1 or 2.

Below is one of the configs I've been messing around with:

Section "ServerLayout"
#Screen "amdcccle-Screen[2]-0" 3840 0
#Screen "amdcccle-Screen[1]-1"
Identifier "Layout0"


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Ubuntu :: Power Management / Display Sleeps Too Quickly?

Jul 21, 2010

I am having a problem watching videos and such in 10.04 LTS, In power management I have display set to sleep in 1 hr but it is going to sleep every 10 minuets and prompting for my password everytime I make a mouse or keyboard movement. Makes it kind of difficult to watch a video.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Disable Display Power Management?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to disable display power management.

I tried to achieve this by disabling 'Enable display power management' checkbox in the 'Configure Desktop -> Display -> Power Control' KDE configuration dialog. That didn`t help and display still goes into standby mode after some period of inactivity. Also, I tried to disable dpms functionality by calling 'xset -dpms'. That didn`t help too. Note that 'xset dpms force standby'

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General :: OpenSUSE 11.1 X86_64 Can't Turn Off Display Power Management

Jul 31, 2009

I've got a rather annoying problem with OpenSUSE 11.1 x86_64, I can't turn off the display power management! I've tried from the KDE 3 and 4 settings as well as GNOME, and finally YaST2. There's nothing in monitor's controls (the buttons on the monitor itself). The actual GUI controls in KDE/GNOME/YaST2 work (as opposed to being grayed out or disabled) and the system doesn't complain when I hit apply/OK, but every time I disable display power management, I wait about 15 minutes and sure enough, the screen blanks. I've checked and made sure the screen saver is disabled, I've looked for a setting to change in the YaST2 sysconfig editor and the kernel settings app, but can't seem to find anything. The only other thing I can think of is to try the acpi=off kernel boot option. I'd rather not resort to that. Anyone know if there is some super secret hidden setting somewhere that might be overriding everything else? Could this be some sort of ACPI incompatibility issue?

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General :: Restricting Dynamic Ipaddress By Based On Dynamic DNS Host Names?

Dec 12, 2009

I want to restrict the Visitors to my Webserver whom i want to give access But the persons whom i want to give access. have Dynamic IP. I want to use DynDNS and update IP address of person. Based on the Hostname Pointing to Dynamic address of person.

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OpenSUSE :: Disabling Screen Lock / Enable Display Power Management?

Sep 14, 2009

I am a brand new user coming from the MS environment. My impression of openSUSE is that it is like moving into a new house that is well built but the rooms are full of half-constructed self-assembly furniture and appliances without any specific instructions. Nor is it clear which does what and whether all are needed or not. There is a town hall down the road where fellow homeowners gather to discuss what each has managed to deduce about putting their own furniture together. The town hall has a sort of library where thousands of pieces of paper with instructions are stored in an ad-hoc filing system

My latest problem is that I have created a screensaver via the "Configure Desktop" application and set "Enable display power management" and set some timeouts.However, I seem to be asked for a password to unlock the screen when I come back to my computer. I have spent 2 hours trying to find the place where I can disable screen password locking but to no avail. I am perplexed and frustrated at how such an obvious function is so ****ed hard to configure. This is the impression I am getting of Linux in general - it is novice user-hostile and badly organised.

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Ubuntu :: Multi Pointer Instead Of Multi Touch?

Sep 17, 2010

Now that Ubuntu 10.04 has multi-touch capabilities built-in, if I do not have a multi-touch screen or surface device, can I get 2 USB mice and get 2 pointers on the screen? One for the right hand and one for the left hand as I am ambidextrous, and would find it very convenient to have 2 mice.

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Debian :: Using VNC In A Multi-user / Multi-system Network

Mar 21, 2011

Anyone successfully using VNC client on a Mac to control a Debian server?I have the vncserver setup on the Debian machine properly. But I'm having problems connecting to it from both a PowerMac running Tiger and a MacBookPro running leopard.I can connect no problem from a machine running Slack12.2, have not setup port forwarding on my router to connect remotely yet.My Debian machine is running the latest stable release of squeeze with KDE4.I originally tried this with RealVNC Enterprise for OSX but I'm not gonna buy it so I need another alternative after the 30 day trial ends as they have no free version for OSX.
The situation is that I do freelance graphic design on the PowerMac with Cinema4D and Photoshop so I spend most of my time on that machine which is located in my home studio in my attic. Aside from the MacBook and a Dell desktop(family machine)all my other machines and network hardware are in the basement. So to go from the attic to the basement everytime I need to do something on another machine is not practical, and the only other machine I need to access on a regular basis is the Debian box in the basement, this makes the most sense.

I also have a 14 year old living in the house and he's fascinated by all this and will meddle in anything he gets the chance to so all the Linux machines and network hardware need to be behind lock and key.

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CentOS 5 :: Xen VM - Multi Core CPU VS Multi CPUs?

Sep 12, 2011

Im running 64bit centos 5.6 and using virt-manager.On one of my guest OS's, Windows 7, The max Physical CPUs is 2, you can have unlimited CPU Cores however. (like my machine i use for work has 1, 4 core processor).The issue im having is xen only allows you to set the vcpu arguemnet in your xen config file. How can i set it so that 1 CPU has several Cores just as windows would recognize this machine if i were installing directly to the hardware vs via a VM.Ive searched for 2 days staright trying to address this issue, very little progress, Does anyone know where a XEN support forum is? all i get is the citrix xen support forums.

here is the best info i have found on this, but i dont know how to change this for my CPU to work, when i enter this in my xen config it essentially ignores it and just takes the value of vcpu= so windows shows 2 CPUs each with ONLY one core. Id like 1 or 2 CPUS showing Several cores.The physical Hardware is 2x Xeon 5300 Quad Core CPUs.

> # Expose to the guest multi-core cpu instead of multiple processors
> # Example for intel, expose a 8-core processor :
> #cpuid=['1:edx=xxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,[code]........

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Ubuntu :: Dynamic Ip On Server?

Feb 3, 2010

I've got Apache installed so I can learn perl and php, and to show off, of course. I just realized last night that my IP isn't what it was three months ago.does anyone here have any experience with a dynamic IP program (like DynIP back in the day.) .. I've seen a few options, but I was hoping someone would have some experience.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Dynamic IP

Mar 27, 2010

Is there any way to change Dynamic IP on Linux ? as smeagol271006 mentioned in his thread , we have to disable avahi daemon to get this above code to work properly. dhcpcd trick worked like a charm for me but i have 2 major problem.

problem 1. I always get the same dynamic ip. I need to change dhcpcd -r IP by hand to get a new dyn IP.

problem 2. since i disabled avahi and network manager , i can no longer use DHCP feature . I have no choice but to enter dhcpcd code snippet manually to assign a dynamic IP for every system restart. Is there any clean way to get a new dynamic IP without using dhcpcd ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Create A Dynamic DNS

Jun 17, 2010

I was told that it was possible to setup a dynamic dns server on linux. How would you do it?

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General :: Installing Ubuntu On A Dynamic Disk?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron N5010 laptop that came with Windows 7 installed and a dynamic disk. I want to install Ubuntu but I have the following constraints:

I don't want to lose any data. I don't want to lose my current Windows installation. If I tried to make a system image it will be very large (about 40GB)

What are the available options?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup Ssh With Dynamic DNS - But Can't Seem To Get It To Work

May 19, 2010

I've read some guides on how to setup ssh with dynamic DNS, but can't seem to get it to work. My Linksys router is currently set to forward port 22, so I don't know why SSH still gives:

ssh admin@xxx.hopto.org ssh: connect to host xxx.hopto.org port 22: Connection refused In particular, I also have openssh-server running on the target machine. Given that I have port forwarding enabled, why would this be happening? If I try to login directly to the IP, I get the same refusal.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Dynamic IP Address From Router ?

Jul 15, 2010

I need to obtain daily dynamic IP address from my router for remote user. In order to get into the router page, I need to login to it with ID and password.

Can I tell the server to do this every time it started up to login to router and extract the ip address and send out via email?

The router can only access through web interface and below is what I copied from browser.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Dynamic Load Balancing?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm folding and I need it to only run on 6 cores instead of 8, and I have it set to do that but Ubuntu decides to bounce the load around the 2 extra cores as well, hurting my performance. Is there a way to disable it or set it to work only on 6 specific cores?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Checking If Current IP If Has A Dynamic Dns?

Dec 27, 2010

I was wondering if its possible to see if my ip has been registered under a dynamic dns name? Reverse DNS does not resolve.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To A Dynamic WEP WiFi Network?

Apr 15, 2011

I am having a bit of a problem connecting to a dynamic WEP WiFi network.

Apr 15 11:39:31 MyComputer NetworkManager[943]: <info> Activation (wlan0/wireless): access point 'MyUniversityWifiSSID' has security, but secrets are required.
Apr 15 11:39:31 MyComputer wpa_supplicant[1002]: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys


I have googeled that specific error about the WEP line, and it *was* a bug at one time, but according to the bug tracker, it has been fixed. Not so, me thinks.

So, does the specific error above look familiar and does anybody know of a way to fix it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 802.1x Dynamic WEP Not Working In Kubuntu

Apr 25, 2011

My university uses 802.1x Dynamic WEP, with PEAP, MSCHAPv2, and no CA certificate. Our IT department actually provides instructions for Ubuntu, and they work, but I can't get it to work in Kubuntu. Here's the instructions using the Gnome Network Manager applet:

- Change the LEAP setting to Dynamic WEP (802.1x).
- Change the Authentication setting from TLS to Protected EAP (PEAP).
- Leave the Anonymous Identity option blank.
- Leave the CA certificate setting to None.
- Change the PEAP version to version 0 if running 8.10, or Automatic if running 9.04+.
- Leave the inner authentication setting to MSCHAPv2.
- Enter your username.
- Enter your password.
- Select OK. A warning message will appear about having no certificate; click Ignore.
- Click Connect.

I'm using Kubuntu 10.10. All the same settings are there for the KDE plasma network manager applet, but the connection always fails immediately. How do I go about debugging this? Is there a way to test this out from the command line? (WiFi in general works fine, on regular WEP and WPA secured networks; just having trouble with this one).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Access With Dynamic IP?

Jun 28, 2011

I am looking for a way to be able to access my PC from a remote place. The problem is that I have a dynamic IP. I have registered at dyndns and have found settings in the router to 'Activate Dynamic DNS' and then you supply your dyndns address, password and tell it to update the WAN ip address automatically. This works, however only internally and only to the router as opposed to my PC I am not interestes in accessing the router to configure that remotely, only accessing my own PC.

Is this something I can accomplish with:
A ZyXEL P-660R-D1 router
A dynamic WAN IP address
A PC connected to the router
A static IP address for my PC

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Ubuntu :: How To Build Dynamic Grub On Usb-drive

Jun 28, 2011

I would like to setup GRUB on a USB where it automatically detects the available OS installations on the machine that it is plugged into.This could be useful if you messed up your default GRUB menu on a computer and would like to boot into the machine w/out booting Live-OS. Or if you have multiple Live-OS installations on a USB-Drive and would like to add/remove different installations w/out needing to update grub manually.

I know that Grub2 has a OS-prober feature that looks for other installations on the hard-drive, but will that work in either of the scenarios listed above?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Ez-ipudate For Dynamic Ip Web Hosting?

Sep 1, 2011

trying to use this program [URL].. to work with my dynamic ip address so i can host a small website on my ubuntu 11.04 machine with [URL].. following is the install instructions and after that is the results of the first two commands: './configure' and then 'make' which results in the error at the bottom. im not sure what this means or how to fix it. any suggestions? the products website has no info.

The simplest way to compile this package is: 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute `configure' itself.


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Ubuntu :: HD4870 Dual Display - Cannot Seem To Swap My Primary Display

Jan 8, 2010

Hi I am new to ubuntu and am having major problems setting my displays up. my setup is a hd TV to the Left of my pc monitor, i have managed to configure catalyst to let me have a main display with the second display being an extension of the first, the problem is i cannot seem to swap my primary display, at the minute my HDTV has all the taskbars and everything on it while my pc monitor is just a blank background, i would like it so i could start a film playing for my children, then drag it across to the HDTV while i can still use my pc in the background.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Create Ratings Database For MPD Dynamic?

Feb 1, 2010

Does anyone know how the ratings database for mpd-dynamic is meant to look and/or if there's a program to create the database automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Server Static IP Setup But Still Giving Dynamic IP's

Mar 21, 2010

I have setup like instructed in online tutorials.

Here is a copy of my interfaces file:



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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Dynamic Ip Addresses For Multiple Interfaces?

May 6, 2010

I have 4 Ethernet Interfaces. I need Dynamic IP-Addresses for 2 Interfaces. Can anybody help me how can i achieve that

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