Ubuntu :: User Management On A Couple Machines (uid And Gid)?

Jan 29, 2010

In a small network (with <5 PCs) what is the best way to manage users and groups? When I create a new user, Ubuntu automatically assigned a UID unless I specify otherwise. If I were to mount shared drives between PCs (or between a client machine and a server) I'm wondering how it handles different UIDs/GIDs associated with files (usernames almost always match across system but UIDs/GIDs do not)? Or is the best solution to just assign matching UID and GID on every machine when they are created? Or is this just magically handled via the matching usernames? I know there are heavier options but this has come up a number of times in small setups 2-5 machines at most.

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Ubuntu :: Software To Backup Couple Of Machines To NAS?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm looking for advice on a good backup solution. I have a couple Ubuntu machines running at home, and I'd like them to backup to a NAS, which supports CIFS and NFS. Rsync might work, but I don't want to have to write a script myself, or figure out how to accomplish a staggered history of backups. The default "simple backup" sbackup doesn't work for me. I've not been able to unroll those gigantic .tgz files it makes. The restore GUI doesn't seem to work at all; it claims it can't find any backups.

My confidence is shot. I tried Back in Time. I set the GUI control panel to backup every day. It didn't back up every day. Maybe I'm getting it wrong. But, my confidence is shot. I looked at Amanda and Bacula. Both seem to require that your backup server run special software; I don't want to hack into my NAS to do that. Both also seem to require 10 hours of study to figure out just how to install them.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Patch Management - Deploy The Patches To Windows Machines

Jan 26, 2010

Does linux have any patch managment software/solution which can distribute the patches to linux and windows clients OR is it possible that we can deploy the patches from linux to windows machines

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Security :: Changing Home Directory Permission In User Management After User Created In Suse(KDE)?

Feb 2, 2011

created a user but i forgot to change the home directory permission.so after user created when i go to the user and group mangement i cant see that permission filed related to the home permission directory.my purpose is to stop accessing other user to my home directory,how it can be possible??

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Debian :: Visudo - Add A User To The Sudoers In Vps Host And Edit A Couple Of Files?

May 2, 2011

I need to add a user to the sudoers in my vps host and edit a couple of files and I just cannot make sense of visudo, vi or nano. The tutorials I find on the net just take too long to study and they are never complete, can someone explain what I need to do? I am running Debian 506.

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General :: User Management Possible In Webmin ?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm was wondering if there is such a feature in webmin (or perhaps any other webgui) that would solve the following problem:

I need a few people to disable/enable users in a specific group, any only in that group.

Ex: Employee A logs in to webmin to enable an user account for employee B that is a member of the group "disabled by default".

Employee A are not able to disable/enable any accounts outside the "disabled by default"-group.

Would that be possible in webmin or any other webgui?

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Server :: User Management Web Tool For Red Hat / Use Ssh - Command Line?

Jun 7, 2009

Just a quick question, is there a system user management app that could be accessed via a website for red hat (or really any distro)? Something kinda like phpMyAdmin, but can do useradd, userdel, groupadd, etc. For remote admins who don't know how to use ssh or the command line.

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Programming :: BASH - Create User And Password On Multiple Machines

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to write a script that will prompt the user for a username/password, then create that user/password in the right groups on all my machines. I know this is kind of a long way around to avoid a NIS server, but I like making my life more difficult.

This is what I have so far:


the script has 2 problems: The "if" functions return an error and do not compare the strings successfully. whatever password is entered does get applied properly and the user is unable to login

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Ubuntu Servers :: Replacing Home Network - Central User Management Setup?

Jul 22, 2010

I am replacing a home network - Windows Server 2003 and 5 PCs (XP Pro) with UBUNTU 10.4 LTS Server and client versions. I am keeping a couple of the PCs with dual boot until I can migrate everything over (Having some issues with iTunes, Family Tree Maker, Media serving, DVD decrypt and a couple of others, but that is for another post). It was great fun getting the server up and running using only shell commands. Took me ages just to get a folder shared! Migrating the data over from NTFS to ext3 was also fun given the limited space on the partitions.

I really only want to use the server for communal network type things ... central user account maintenance, shared folders for music, video etc and data backup. I don't need it to be performing server functions on the Internet e.g. web server etc although that may come later. How I set up central user management? All the PCs are currently setup with local user ids, and it is a bit of a pain to go round each PC every time I change something.

The server is not always up, so I need to be able to log into the local PC without it being active. I was using Active Directory on Server 2003, but I don't need anything that complex really ... just 3 or 4 users to manage. I have been looking at the setup tutorial at [URL] but am not sure how relevant a lot of it is. I have SSH setup so I can login remotely, NFS is working to share the folders, but that is about all I have done so far.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Modern Central User Management - Automount A Secure NFS Share Somewhere In The /home Directory

Mar 14, 2010

I've setup Kerberos and OpenLDAP servers (9.10) similar to the official documentation (and other sites that fill in the "gaps"). However, when you start to get in to some of the details, there seem to be many options - and I guess I'm looking for what could be the defacto standard. I'd like to allow Ubuntu clients to have a sso capability, with the ability for local caching of passwords if not connected to the network (such as a laptop user away from the office, prior to a VPN). I'd like to automount a secure NFS share somewhere in the /home directory. If the user logs in to a computer they've not logged in to before (if they're authorized), it would be nice if a skeleton /home directory could be setup there automatically I'm guessing that it is not desirable to use a shared /home NFS - as if you're off the network this would be problematic - as well as multiple computers sharing the same /home. There are some benefits to a shared /home (SSH certs, etc.), so maybe there is a hybrid approach out there.

I've read that it's not necessarily good practice to have OpenLDAP to do the authentication (leave this to Kerberos), but it's fine for authorization (such as ACLs for logins to certain computers). It's also good practice to use TLS with OpenLDAP (which requires public certs on all the clients) and to not allow anonymous read to the directory. I would guess that a computer host keytab could be refreshed to bind to the OpenLDAP server via GSSAPI / SASL to allow a non-anonymous read, and then determine if, say, the user was a member of a group allowed to log in. Kerberos would then pick up and authenticate the user and then proceed to the login. Off the network here, I'm not sure. I found this document, but it's self declared missing items: [URL]

I'll stop the rambling, but I cannot be the only one who would like to setup a relatively standard and secure server based network authentication and authorization back-end. Is there any _complete_ documentation on the best practices and how to implement?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Get NIS Settings Back Into YaST "User And Group Management"?

Jan 18, 2011

After a disastrous foray into LDAP I restored NIS on a very simple network run by a very simple operator. Everything now works except for YaST on the NIS master. I can't manage NIS users in YaST any more. The option 'show NIS users' is now absent from the 'filter' button up in YaST "User and Group Management" So, after following the YaST route to LDAP there seems no way back...

These are OpenSUSE 11.3 boxes and the slave NIS server can't [obviously enough] delete expired NIS users on the master, although it sees them fine. Disabling or changing NIS server or client on the Master simply restores the 'wrong' settings - nothing is erased or cleaned. How do I clean up NIS controls so YaST sees it properly? or What do I need to do to restore NIS group & user control to YaST?

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Ubuntu :: Cvs How Read A Couple On The Web?

Oct 17, 2010

I've installed the latest cvs for ubuntu 10/04 and read a couple of how to on the web. I have environment set for CVSROOT, EDIT and CVSEDIT. It made me a ~/cvs/CVSROOT and I ran" cvs import mon Ian_C START" in my ~/cstuff directory and that has created ~/cvs/mon with my main.c file. These tutorials do not tell me which main.c file I should edit or how to edit. Should I edit ~/cvs/mon/main.c or ~/cstuff/main.c, should I just gedit it then do a few cvs commands to generate the diffs or whatever?

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Ubuntu :: Run A Couple Of Games Through Wine?

Oct 18, 2010

i recently decided to try and run a couple of games through wine, however trying to install two of them through wine, after putting in the second cd in the installer, the system will not recognise/mount the cd at all in the filesystem. it will instantly recognise the cd after i quit the installer for both of the games, so i guess that running the wine setup is interfering with ubuntu's ability to read or mount a cd. since it has happened on two separate occasions and has worked on windows, there must be something happening on my system that is preventing it. so my question is has anybody else experienced this or think that they know what might be causing the problems?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Freeze After Couple Of Minutes

Aug 26, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a AMD processor with a nvidia graphic card in dual boot with windows xp. First the live-cd was already freezing after a couple of minutes so I had to install Ubuntu with the alternate cd. Now it freezes whatever I do after 2 or 3 minutes. I had exactly the same problem with the 6.04 version but I had only to remove powernowd from /etc/init.d/ to make it perfectly working. But unfortunately this file seems not to be there in this version.

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Ubuntu :: Missing A Couple Of Menu Items?

Nov 30, 2010

Not sure what precipitated this but Administration and Preferences are missing from the System menu. how to get them back? I have to go through the Gnome menu to get to System, not sure how it got removed from the panel.

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Ubuntu :: Fan Stops Running After A Couple Hours?

Apr 17, 2011

I am unsure if this is a hardware problem or a linux problem. My machine is only 3 months old so it is not the fan. I didn't have problems until recently, and after the latest kernel update it got worse - having to restart more frequently.

I do not experience the fan turning off in windows. I use thinkfan when I have to but it isn't a very good program for an every day basis. The fact I can force start the fan with thinkfan when it turns off leads me to believe it is a kernel issue.

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Ubuntu :: Couple Of Bugs Since Upgrading To Natty / What To Do?

May 30, 2011

First of all I'd like to say me and my family and friends who ive converted to Ubuntu users have had trouble with natty from the start (needing to mount the drive manually from the terminal after the upgrade being one of the problems) but there are two problems I was curious if anyone else had and fixed. The first problem is an app called "DeVeDe" which is used to convert video files into isos, it appears to work fine until the end when it errors and says I may be out of disk space. My work around is to take the MPG file it converted (which didn't seem to be affected by the error) and convert it using bombono into the ISO. Bombono gives me a similar error if I try to use it from the beginning, so devede does the first half without retiring and bombono does the second half, both program's world perfectly before upgrading to natty and I've tried changing settings and reinistalling but nothing helps. My second problem is with my nvidia drivers, they seem to work fine when I'm using my monitor but when I try to use my 47" LED vision as a monitor it says its detecting it as a CRT and only lets m do 1024x768 as my Max resolution. I know some people will say I should be posting in recede and nvidias forums but thee bugs aren't there fault, as both things world perfect before I upgraded to natty

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Unresponsive To Network Requests Every Couple Days?

Jan 7, 2010

I upgraded to Mythbuntu 9.10 from 8.10 and things went fairly well. No major problems during the upgrade. The system is just a mythbackend server. The only things that access it are for myth and for the smb mounts for mythtv. Every couple days, the system stops responding to network traffic. No myth connection, no smb, no pings even. All I have to do is wiggle the mouse on the system and everything comes back up instantly. I noticed that after it comes back up, the time is off by hours.

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Ubuntu :: Burn Across A Couple Of DVD's Is There Any Software That Will Perform Job Automatically

Jan 19, 2010

I thought I would pick your brains I have a large folder (8GB), that I wish to burn across a couple of DVD's is there any software that will perform this job automatically for me ? Braserro does not seem to be up to the job

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loss Of Wireless After A Couple Of Hours

Mar 8, 2010

I have a hp dv3 laptop which dual boots Win7 and Ubuntu 9.1 64 bit. I have no issues with my wireless adapter in Win7, but I lose connection after a couple of hours in Ubuntu. When connection is lost it is not possible to view any wireless signals, the adapter is basically turned off. The only way to restore the connection is to reboot, then Ubuntu will again automatically connect to my WP2 encrypted router. My wireless adapter is a AR928X made by Atheros.

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Ubuntu Servers :: TimeMachine Failed Since A Couple Of Days?

Jul 29, 2010

My macbook is backed up using timemachine on a samba drive. I used this hack for months [URL]his tuto is based on Netatalk, but works perfectly with Samba (or used to), as described in many others blogs.A couple of days ago, I had a strange message from timemachine, like the backup should be reconstructed to improve the security. The sparsebundle has been deleted, and timemachine try to create a new one now. This step failsI tried to create manually a new sparsebundle, using the tuto. It does not work.I have a backup of the sparsebundle ... I can navigate into it ("enter timemachine"), but I cannot backup anymore.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Shutdowns After Idle For A Couple Of Minutes?

Oct 12, 2010

I've Ubuntu Server 10.04 and am just using the terminal, no GUI like Gnome. So far it's working pretty great except for one big thing.

Whenever I go to sleep and there's no activity on my servers (it's not a big site so active users drop to 0 during the night), the server kind of disconnects. The only thing that can bring the site back online is to restart the whole server. I've tried disabling powersaving by using setterm but that changes nothing. Even if I wake up the server by pressing any key or so the site wont go back online!

I've tried just restarting both Apache and MySQL (I'm using LAMP-server btw) but not even that works. But as soon as I turn the power off and on at the server, everythings work like normal for a couple of minutes of inactivity (~5-15 minutes I'd guess) and then it's down again unless someone logs in to the site and is active.

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Ubuntu :: Boot In Windows XP To Run A Couple Of Apps That Don't Run In Wine?

Feb 26, 2011

I got tired of having to boot in Windows XP to run a couple of apps that don't run in Wine. I've heard a bout a virtual machine, virtualbox and all of that. Sorry, I need a crash course. What do I need to download/install? Do I need a WXP live CD or something like that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Disconnects Every Couple Of Seconds?

Jun 7, 2010

Basically upon logging network manager will connect to my network, and most of the time it will only last 20 seconds or so before it disconnects and tries to reconnects, this tends to go on for quite a while. Logging off and logging on over and over worked once, for this post I opened pages between the 15 seconds that i was connected and after 20 minutes it has remained connected (every time it stays connected for longer than 5 minutes it will never disconnect again) I followed the HOWTO thread so forgive me if most of this information is useless

1 ) Machine Brand and Model (Laptop): Asus 52jr is the model number

2 ) Wireless Brand, Model and Wireless Chipset:

03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)is what I found from running lspci

3 ) check interface:


wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 1c:4b:d6:5c:61:8b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::1e4b:d6ff:fe5c:618b/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Servers :: Couple Of Samba Shares Not Accessible From Windows?

Jan 28, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and have 5 shares that I have setup for Samba (assume names of share1, ..., share5). I find that shares(2,3,4) are accessible from my MS Windows system, but the share1 and share5 are listed but Windows gives an error accessing them that I may not have permissions.I have reviewed the sharesve the same owner, group, and permissions.Is this a known Samba bug or configuration issue? I have gone through the smb.conf file multiple times as well as examining the directories and do not see what the issue might be.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cache The Couple Of Site Because Of Our Country Have Bandwidth?

Mar 25, 2011

I used the Ubuntu server 10.10 for cache and proxy purpose. I install squid 2.7 stable 9. My problem is to cache the some url by force. eg . [URL]...I search the clues by using google. but I only found how to block the url. so I come here and request the advice. I want to cache the couple of site because of our country have bandwidth problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Logged In A Couple Of Times And Now Have A Blank Desktop?

May 7, 2011

I successfully upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04.Logged in a couple of times and now have a blank desktop...No startbar or sidebar. I am able to press "ctrl+alt+del" and then get the shutdown menu but that is it.

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Hardware :: Display Goes Black After A Couple Of Seconds?

Oct 4, 2010

I had my system running fine on Debian for about a month and a half. Then tonight the display suddenly went black. The system was still running, but my screen was black (though the monitor didn't indicate that it had lost signal). I restarted the computer; it booted through the BIOS and showed me my GRUB menu, but then the display went black again. Shorting the jumper pins to clear CMOS data didn't help; in fact, that made the display go black even sooner. Now, I see my motherboard's BIOS splash screen for a couple of seconds, and the display goes black. I know the system is still booting okay, because I hear the usually noises from the internal speaker. But I now have no visual output.

Could this be an issue with the motherboard or the video card? The board doesn't have onboard video, or else I'd try that. And I don't have any spare boards, video cards, or monitors available to me here. I did try using a D-sub cable instead of DVI-D (my monitor and video card support both), but that was no better. What can I do to try to fix this problem?

Motherboard: MSI 870A-G54
CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 250 (at 3.0 GHz, not overclocked)
Video card: Sapphire 100252HDMI Radeon HD 4550
Monitor: Asus VW195T

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General :: Get The Physical Memory Used By A Couple Of Processes?

Sep 3, 2010

I am doing a test to get the memory used by apache`s apache2 processes. I used a script to get VmSize and VmRss from /proc/pid/status, and loop through that to get the sum of VmSize and VmRss of all the apache2 processes.

I found the VmSize (about 4GB) and VmRss (about 3.4GB) are much larger than the physical memory (1GB) when apache server was saturated. It was said because of the multi-counted libiraries size used by many processes simultaneously. Then , how to get the physical memory used by apache2 processes? Or how to get a more reasonable memory data?

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General :: Server Seem To Crash Every Couple Of Hours?

Sep 28, 2010

This is Plesk linux server.I am using CentOS release 5.5 (Final) OS. Server seem to crash every couple of hours. Perhaps apache has memory leak?

Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: Call Trace:
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] out_of_memory+0x8e/0x2f5
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] __alloc_pages+0x245/0x2ce
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] __do_page_cache_readahead+0x95/0x1d9
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x5b/0x66


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