Ubuntu :: Noticeable Sluggishness In Miro - Slowed To Crawl
Sep 1, 2011
Has anyone else who uses Miro noticed a very noticeable sluggishness to it lately? It's been a bit since I've used it, but opened it up today, and it's just performing at a crawl, not to mention sucking up a goodly amount of CPU cycles (process "miro.real"). I've tried the Repo version 3.5.x as well as the PPA version 4.0.3, both are just as slow and as choppy as it can be in 11.04. Any thoughts, or anyone just want to share my misery? It loves company...
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Oct 5, 2010
I am a newbie to Linux, and so just installed Ubuntu.. for the first week all was fantastic, but now, everything has slowed down. It seems to run fine for a few minutes and then everything slows down. I try and drag a window or open a menu, type, anything, and it takes forever! Also the internet seems to stop working on a regular basis. I have checked processes to see if there was anything happening and one of the processors was sitting at 100%, but no actual processes in the list seemed to be using any processing power at all!
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May 3, 2010
Been having a bit of sluggishness and slow response with my browser since installing 10.04... flash was a bit choppy etc. I upgraded my flash plugin to the 64bit one - restarted and no more browser issues. still having a graphic driver issue, but i can live with it for the next few weeks. Here is the link i used to upgrade my flash plugin to the 64bit version.[URL]..
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May 8, 2011
Does anyone here has any experience with the proprietary compilers? OpenWatcom, Intel and Pathscale? Does the performance gain is noticeable regarding the gcc...?In number crunching applications, i may say that ifort/ icc/ mkl yeld faster binaries than gcc.has anyone here already tinkered with OpenWatcom/PathScale...?
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm running Fedora Core 12 and XFCE on a Pentium 4 with 2 Gb of RAM. It is useable, but not fast. The video is some crumy on-board stuff in an old IBM Netvista pc. I wonder if adding a nicer nVidia based accelerator will make a noticeable different in performance.
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Mar 2, 2010
I upgraded several months ago from 8.04 to 9.10 and found my system slowed considerably.I thought I'd get used to it, but it just seems to really drag. I'd like some suggestions on how to downgrade or alternatively speed up the system (are there items I can "turn off" that can bring back the speediness of 8.04?).I'm considering wiping and re-installing, but getting my system back the way I want it is keeping me from doing that.
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Feb 19, 2011
I upgraded laptop from 10.04 to 10.10. Now the machine seems to have slowed down. How do I fix this one?
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Aug 4, 2010
I started unarchiving a RAR file that this several gigabytes big. The computer is now going really slow, it's almost frozen. Sometimes I can move the mouse a little, but that's it. The unarchiving process seems to have halted, so now all I can do is restart the system. I don't think I can unarchive this file in Linux.
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May 16, 2010
While I have Transmission running, whether it be up/downloading or just open with one thing unpaused and no activity, all other computer functions that need internet access are unusable. Transmission says my port is closed in its preferences.
1. How do I find and open port?
2. Will finding an open port solve the problem of all things internet not working while Transmission is?
3. Do I need to create a static ip in order to forward a port through my router?
4. Will creating a static ip and forwarding that port solve my problem of only being able to use the internet while Transmission is on?
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Jun 16, 2010
I have been having come problem, my surfing speed has gone to zero. I can download at full speed but surfing is crawl speed or just timing out. I am pretty sure it's because firefox is clogged, I just want to know is there a way to clear the clog w/o losing my settings? I fixed this before by making a new user, but I don't want to loose all my saved form's and bookmarks.
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May 2, 2011
I have a linux server that has seemingly random network slow downs. This server is mainly my dvr. I'm starting to think it's a hardware problem, but that's just a gut feeling. I don't really know how to determine if it isn't.
Slow summary:SSH, HTTP, VNC incoming traffic are all affected
Outgoing traffic seems ok. I haven't tested this as much.
Rebooting mostly helps.
Stopping/starting network doesn't help
Load average is below 1.0
Updated Kernel with no change
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Apr 12, 2009
I was using Compaq nx6310 Laptop with Centos 5.2 for some time and I ran into no problems. However every software installed on my Laptop incredibly slowed down after update to 5.3, It took me 8 mins to open firefox, log into and post to this forum. I don't know if related but I have strange values in system monitor, and the cpu usage is 60% to 80% most of the time even if there is no software running in the foreground.
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Jul 24, 2009
Everything seems to be fine and everything boots up in fedora 11 still; However, the recent updates to my system really hangs my boot time up and it takes a while for it to boot strangely... don't know what exactly could be going on really, but it's doing this for the current and previous kernel of F11. I'm on Fedora 11 32bit x86. My log file: [URL]
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Sep 6, 2010
I have a number of computers working just fine on my wireless network so I don't believe it is a router issue. I am running 10.04 on a dell gx280. I plug in the WUSB54g and ubuntu sees it and it connects to the internet just as it should. I can surf the internet thruough different browsers, and although a little sluggish, it works just fine. The problem is when I download a file. It starts out working as it should but continues to slow down to a crawl. Update manager had a 54MB update, it started out downloading, but then said it would take 2 hours so I just cancelled. I have several WUSB54g's and they all have the same issue. I changed to a different type of adapter, and the update manager only took a couple of minutes.
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Jun 10, 2009
I am trying to install F11 on an IBM Netvista 8307. Everything works fine until I set the root password. When I click next, the installation just hangs. The DVD checks out as not having any errors. Not sure what to do. The installation was not locking up, it just took a long time to go to the next page.
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Aug 2, 2010
Each time I boot my opensuse 11.2 system one of the very first things that happens is that the system seems to test how fast it can handle my HDD, an older EIDE drive with the wide ribbon cable. This takes about a minute, one test each 15 secs or so until it gets down to about 33 speed and then the boot proceeds as normal.
I guess this is just the normal testing by the more advanced sata procedures in the kernel (2.6.34). If I were only booting this machine once every 6 months it would not be an issue, but I do so at least once a day. Is there any way to indicate to the system the speed of the connection so that it does not have to do the test, or close the gap a bit so that it finds the answer more quickly?
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Jun 5, 2011
I noticed that sometimes my Linux server will randomly start to lag really badly, to the point where even a http request takes forever. It is an Intel Core2Quad with 8GB of ram running FC9. This is my "Everything" server so it does file, email, DNS, web (for local stuff only), VMs and so on. There are about 5-6 VMs running on it at any given time. I manage it through a VNC session and have some SSH consoles within that session. This way if I reboot my PC I don't lose all my SSH consoles. If I need to SSH to any server I do it from there. I treat it kinda like a terminal server to some extent.
When this slowdown happens, top is not really useful because I also do F@H so that will always be to the top, but it's low priority. The VMs are also always near the top. This does not change whether it's slow or not, so when it's slow, I have nothing to go by on how to troubleshoot. The load does seem to skyrocket though. Right now it's doing the slowdown thing and it's at 8.09. Normally it's at around 3 which imo is good as it it's under 4. I have 4 cores so anything more than 4 means it's queuing. At least that's how I understand it. This is the output of top:
[root@borg ~]#
[root@borg ~]#
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Mar 25, 2011
I'm looking for software that will help me transcribe music from MP3 files. I'd like to be able to select a portion of the song, and then have the software play it back to me at a selectable slower speed while correcting the pitch.
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Mar 29, 2011
How do you instruct wget to recursively crawl a website and only download certain types of images? I tried using this to crawl a site and only download Jpeg images:
wget --no-parent --wait=10 --limit-rate=100K --recursive --accept=jpg,jpeg --no-directories http://somedomain/images/page1.html
However, even though page1.html contains hundreds of links to subpages, which themselves have direct links to images, wget reports things like "Removing subpage13.html since it should be rejected", and never downloads any images, since none are directly linked to from the starting page.I'm assuming this is because my --accept is being used to both direct the crawl and filter content to download, whereas I want it used only to direct the download of content. How can I make wget crawl all links, but only download files with certain extensions like *.jpeg?
EDIT: Also, some pages are dynamic, and are generated via a CGI script (e.g. img.cgi?fo9s0f989wefw90e). Even if I add cgi to my accept list (e.g. --accept=jpg,jpeg,html,cgi) these still always get rejected. Is there a way around this?
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Jul 19, 2010
I need to transfer 330G of data from a hard drive in my workstation to my NAS device. The entire network is gigabit and being run with new HP procurve switches. All machines have static IP addresses. The NAS is a Buffalo Terastation PRO which has the latest firmware, is set to jumbo frames, and has just been upgraded with 4 brand new 500G drives giving us a 1.4TB raid 5 setup. My workstation is a dual Quad core xeon box running on an Intel S5000XVN board with 8G of ram. My OS is Ubuntu 10.04 x64 running on a pair of Intel X25 SSDs in a raid mirror. The data drive is a 500G SATA drive connected to my onboard controller. The file system on the SATA drive is XFS. This problem was ongoing before I got my new workstation, before we had the GB switches, and before the NAS got new drives. When I transfer a small file or folder (less than 500M) it reaches speeds of 10-11 MB/sec. When I transfer a file or folder larger than that the speed slows to a crawl (less than 2MB/sec). It has always been this way with this NAS. Changing to jumbo frames speeds up the small transfers but makes little difference in the big ones. I verified with HP that the switches are jumbo frame capable.
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Jan 4, 2010
I'd like to be able to seed the Ubuntu iso, and I've been using Miro to get files, but I don't know how to share Ubuntu with the world
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Jan 10, 2011
I was just curious for the ATI users out there that are running KDE on Fedora 14 have any of you experienced any performance issues? My systems desktop slows to a crawl when Kwin's compositing is enabled, however in KDE 4.4 there were no issues at all. My desktop I built is a rather modest build just for development nothing too High end on the machine, however KDE and it's effects surely should run. I also use xfce so I switched to that and gave up on KDE 4.5
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Apr 24, 2010
I'm running Slackware 13 with a custom kernel based off of I tend to leave my system on 24/7, as well as my web browser. Originally it was Firefox and now it is Google's Chrome. Usually about a day of leaving the web browser open my HD activity spikes so high that I can barely do anything on the system until I kill the web browser. This has been happening with both Firefox AND Chrome! As soon as the browser processes are killed, the system returns back to normal.
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Mar 13, 2010
I installed MIRO with apt-get and it installed just great. But where is it? No launcher anywhere on the system. I can find files belonging to MIRO all over the file system but how/what/where? how to launch MIRO now it's installed?
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Jul 17, 2010
I'm using Lucid. I installed gourmet, a gnome recipe program using Ubuntu Software Center. Everything appeared to go smoothly. Then I tried to use miro and discovered it was gone. So I reinstalled, then discovered gourmet was gone. OK, there's the problem, so I went to Synaptic to confirm. Tried to reinstall gourmet and was told it would remove miro. So, any fix for this? I'd like to use both programs.
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Feb 13, 2009
Miro 2.0 (a great podcasting application) was released few days ago. On the website they say that the packaging of Miro for OpenSUSE is maintained by Packman. But unfortunately Packman only provide Miro 1.2.8 and only for OpenSUSE 11.0. Is there a way to get Miro 2.0 for OpenSUSE 11.1?
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Jun 1, 2010
I have XFCE and xorg-server-1.7.7 in slackware64-13.0. I have my keyboard set up in xorg.conf. X ignores that and takes info from hal. So I have a US keyboard, when I have a UK/IE keyboard actually. When I added openoffice, i found I was getting double letters am getting double letters all over the place, and the cursor blink has slowed too near zero. So when I want to remove them again, the mouse will not land the cursor in the middle of a word to delete the extras. An average of 3 double letters are happening each line. Mouse sometimes works to remove them, usually not. I have set 'repeat delay' at maximum, 'repeat speed' & 'blink delay' at minimum. No effect. Disabled key repeat - still happens.
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May 29, 2011
When trying to make a video fullscreen in miro, i get this crash report:
App: Miro
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Sep 28, 2010
When I try to open any folder from either Gnome-Do or Docky it launches Miro after about 5 seconds.
I can open any folder from the terminal though.
how these lines got crossed? or how to uncross them?
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Dec 6, 2010
I currently have Miro set to "Automatically run Miro when I log in". However, I find it irritating to have to right-click on Miro's task-bar icon, and press "hide" every time I log in. Essentially, I want Miro to start every time I log in, so it can start downloading feeds right away, but I want it hidden on login.
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