General :: Software To Play MP3s Slowed Down With Pitch Correction
Mar 25, 2011
I'm looking for software that will help me transcribe music from MP3 files. I'd like to be able to select a portion of the song, and then have the software play it back to me at a selectable slower speed while correcting the pitch.
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Jun 6, 2010
I've Finally got round to retiring my old laptop which was serving as an XP based music player in the garage while I was working on the cars. Now I have the spare system I've been trying to give it new life with a stripped down OS with the intent of using it to play DVDs. I first tried cutting down the version of XP on it, however that failed, I then tried using ubuntu 10.04 but that was too slow and didn't recognise the peripherals.Then thought I'd give android a go as I had a disk of it literally lying round, but that wouldn't recognise the screen. Finally I've got fluxbuntu installed and it's really nice, now I just need some help trying to get it to do what I need it to.I'm going to have a go now at installing the MP3 and DVD decryption, wish me luck cause I'm a fat lazy windows user and not used to all this typing.Any other tips, hints or advice will be gratefully received.Yes I know I'm probably being overambitious trying to get this to play a DVD but if it doesn't work it gets down graded to MP3 player.
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Nov 12, 2010
I upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to a basic Debian Squeeze system today, and then added xfce4 on top, using only the packages I wanted. I've installed DeaDBeeF 0.4.2 for audio, but can't get it to play mp3 files. It plays musepack, wav and flac but it won't even add mp3s to the playlist. In the add files dialog, "supported sound formats" is selected as the filter, and mp3 files cannot be seen until I filter to "other files (*)".I've installed ffmpeg and mp3s play perfectly in smplayer and mplayer.
Is there something else I need to install to get DeaDBeeF to recognise mp3s, or how could I diagnose this problem? I've searched everywhere but had no luck.
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Jan 19, 2011
My rhythmbox does not play mp3s. It says it needs codecs. not able to find any codecs for mp3s.
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Dec 21, 2009
I install OpenSuse 11.2 +Non oss addon but I can't play anything such MP3s or videos and I can't config Pulse Audio to setup 5.1 channel on creative audigy value. what can I do?
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Jul 18, 2011
I've installed Opensuse 11.4 and even have the multiboot working (at last) and firefox running at more than a snails pace, but this latest problem is really stumping me. I suspect it might be a little more fundamental than just amarok and mp3's but that's where I see it.
So, when I run amarok it asks if I would like to install MP3 support So I click on affermative and, since I added the neccessary repositories, it starts merrily into updating. Then after a few files it his this one:
98MB. It downloads all the way to 99% and then the transfer rate drops from the 120KB/s I expect to 8B/s for a minute or so nad then it just restarts from 0%. It will do this a few times before offering the opportunity to skip. I did skip and it did a few more files successfully then hung up in the same way. It seems like any file larger than 1MB will not download.
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Mar 26, 2010
I am using a Dell and Amaork won't play mp3s or anything for that matter. Using v 2.2.0 - Mplayer and others play fine.
Do you know of a like media player other than Rythembox or Banshee?
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Apr 26, 2011
For some reason, I seem to be getting audio glitches or hick ups when I play my mp3s on Ubuntu 10.10. Everything else works fine. Would this be a hardware or software issue?
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Aug 8, 2010
where do I find the necessary repositories and codecs to play mp3s and videos?
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Nov 19, 2010
I recently installed ubuntu and installed amarok and tuxguitar, both of them have no sound. Amarock just skips all the mp3s i want to play, and tuxguitar just plays without any sound, no error message or anything. I ran these both ot of the applications menu, not terminal (I dont know how to run them out of terminal).
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Oct 20, 2010
My laptop's clock (Acer Extensa 5220) seems to be slow. I've corrected it 5 minutes forward last week and now have just corrected minute forward again. Is there a program [apart from time servers] to correct clock properly, for example, by shifting it a bit every hour? Is there already a program to put it to crontab or I should hack up a script? Or I should check more things?
I have found that HW clock is right, but system time is slow: about a second each 2.1 hours.
root@vi-notebook:~# dmesg | egrep 'clock|unstable'
[ 0.103785] Switching to clocksource tsc
[ 0.265274] Marking TSC unstable due to TSC halts in idle
[ 0.265514] Switching to clocksource acpi_pm
[ 1.321408] rtc_cmos 00:09: setting system clock to 2010-10-30 00:10:48 UTC (1288397448)
Is placing "hwlock --hctosys" to crontab a right thing?
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Aug 18, 2010
Recently, when we updated our OS, we got a new tcsh feature enabled by default. Whenever I type a command that tcsh doesn't recognize, I get an annoying spelling correction like:
% cats
CORRECT>cast (y|n|e|a)?
I want to disable this feature and allow misspellings to error out like:
% cats
cats: Command not found.
Is my enter key somehow getting re-bound? What could be causing this?
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Jan 19, 2010
I've noticed that on a regular basis I see facebook statuses complaining about viruses (e.g. "sorry I haven't been on in a few days... my comp got socked by a virus and I had to reinstall everything")
Lately I've taken to commenting on these with a link to Ubuntu with a short testimonial about how I've been using Ubuntu exclusively for years and have not had any virus problems since (nor have I installed any anti-virus software).
On the flipside, I know that Ubuntu is not the savior to all computer problems, and that it has its own issues, but I just want to let people know that there is a choice out there, and they can choose if they would rather deal with Windows' issues or Ubuntu's issues. For many users, Ubuntu would make a lot of sense.
But I rarely get any response to these comments, and I wonder if I should stop bothering. Do you think this does any good? Maybe it just aggravates people? Maybe they have no idea what I'm talking about and the link I post makes no sense to them?
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Mar 18, 2010
I've installed amarok from epel, however the xine-lib in epel does not support MP3 playback. The one in RPMForge does, and I found several instructions that one needs to add both the epel- and rpmforge-repositories to make it work. However when I add both installation failes due to unresolved dependencies. Apparantly epel's amarok does not support rpmforge's xine-lib anymore and insists on installing its own xine-lib
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Aug 31, 2010
is there a tool for this? (preferably similar to xfce display settings with sliders)
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May 3, 2010
Does somebody know how to disable (in RedHat) terminal auto correction functionality
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Mar 27, 2010
an app that can slow down music or video without loosing pitch and also loop, i.e. in order to learn playing music etc ? In windoz there is for instance movie magician that I use, however, I really want to switch from windoz to suse
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Aug 23, 2010
I noticed that, when choosing different notes, LMMS not only changes the pitch of the instrument, but also the speed. So, if an instrument makes a sound that lasts about 5 seconds, a really low note can make it last about 10 seconds, and a really high note can last about 1 second. Is there a way to configure how LMMS handles sounds so that it changes their pitch, without changing their speed?
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Apr 11, 2011
I installed audacity but it doesn't import mp3's. I even reinstalled the version from the packman repository but still no mp3 support. Tried to update it, can't figure out how to get it to play mp3's.
I am just looking for a media player I can open mp3's in, change the pitch and then export again.
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Jan 27, 2010
I only upgraded to 9.10 about a week ago and ever since ive had nothing but sound issues i havent ever had any sound issues before. going back to 5.10 or so. ive used 9.04 since it came out without issues also and that definately used pulseaudio now since 9.10 ive had a multitude of weird audio issues rhythmbox and audacious2 both had an issue where audio id be playing would randomly go flat for a small while, and timing would get a bit off (i call it warbling) mplayer doesnt work well with ANY sound output anymore, seeking exponentially takes longer to restart when using pulse, sdl runs like pure snot now with sdls alsa and pulse libs for audio, its choppy and staticy then wine games are also having issues, using alsa OR pulse( with wine-pulse patch) it sounds like pure crap, its extremely choppy and staticy basically almost all the sound on the whole system has issues most of all games and video.
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May 8, 2010
So right after I installed 10.04 there seems to be some short of mouse/joystick mess. What I mean is that 2 types of joysticks (Saitek x52 and CH Products Yoke) seems to control the mouse as well! So when I pitch/roll the joysticks the mouse cursor also moves. When I move the middle lever of the CH products yoke, the mouse also moves horizontally. Also it is almost impossible to work with the scroll bars of windows as joysticks interacts with them via the cursor and issues botton clikcs scrolling the bars to the end! This looks to be a new issue on 10.04 as 9.10 had no such issue.
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Apr 12, 2009
I was using Compaq nx6310 Laptop with Centos 5.2 for some time and I ran into no problems. However every software installed on my Laptop incredibly slowed down after update to 5.3, It took me 8 mins to open firefox, log into and post to this forum. I don't know if related but I have strange values in system monitor, and the cpu usage is 60% to 80% most of the time even if there is no software running in the foreground.
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Jul 24, 2009
Everything seems to be fine and everything boots up in fedora 11 still; However, the recent updates to my system really hangs my boot time up and it takes a while for it to boot strangely... don't know what exactly could be going on really, but it's doing this for the current and previous kernel of F11. I'm on Fedora 11 32bit x86. My log file: [URL]
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Mar 2, 2010
I upgraded several months ago from 8.04 to 9.10 and found my system slowed considerably.I thought I'd get used to it, but it just seems to really drag. I'd like some suggestions on how to downgrade or alternatively speed up the system (are there items I can "turn off" that can bring back the speediness of 8.04?).I'm considering wiping and re-installing, but getting my system back the way I want it is keeping me from doing that.
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Feb 19, 2011
I upgraded laptop from 10.04 to 10.10. Now the machine seems to have slowed down. How do I fix this one?
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Jun 10, 2009
I am trying to install F11 on an IBM Netvista 8307. Everything works fine until I set the root password. When I click next, the installation just hangs. The DVD checks out as not having any errors. Not sure what to do. The installation was not locking up, it just took a long time to go to the next page.
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Aug 2, 2010
Each time I boot my opensuse 11.2 system one of the very first things that happens is that the system seems to test how fast it can handle my HDD, an older EIDE drive with the wide ribbon cable. This takes about a minute, one test each 15 secs or so until it gets down to about 33 speed and then the boot proceeds as normal.
I guess this is just the normal testing by the more advanced sata procedures in the kernel (2.6.34). If I were only booting this machine once every 6 months it would not be an issue, but I do so at least once a day. Is there any way to indicate to the system the speed of the connection so that it does not have to do the test, or close the gap a bit so that it finds the answer more quickly?
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May 16, 2010
While I have Transmission running, whether it be up/downloading or just open with one thing unpaused and no activity, all other computer functions that need internet access are unusable. Transmission says my port is closed in its preferences.
1. How do I find and open port?
2. Will finding an open port solve the problem of all things internet not working while Transmission is?
3. Do I need to create a static ip in order to forward a port through my router?
4. Will creating a static ip and forwarding that port solve my problem of only being able to use the internet while Transmission is on?
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Oct 5, 2010
I am a newbie to Linux, and so just installed Ubuntu.. for the first week all was fantastic, but now, everything has slowed down. It seems to run fine for a few minutes and then everything slows down. I try and drag a window or open a menu, type, anything, and it takes forever! Also the internet seems to stop working on a regular basis. I have checked processes to see if there was anything happening and one of the processors was sitting at 100%, but no actual processes in the list seemed to be using any processing power at all!
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Sep 1, 2011
Has anyone else who uses Miro noticed a very noticeable sluggishness to it lately? It's been a bit since I've used it, but opened it up today, and it's just performing at a crawl, not to mention sucking up a goodly amount of CPU cycles (process "miro.real"). I've tried the Repo version 3.5.x as well as the PPA version 4.0.3, both are just as slow and as choppy as it can be in 11.04. Any thoughts, or anyone just want to share my misery? It loves company...
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