Ubuntu :: No Access To Home - All Profile Settings Disappeared After Password Change

Aug 9, 2011

after a period of 3 months I had to change my ubuntu account password on my workstation.

Immediately after the change it seemed to work fine, but when I rebooted all the icons on the desktop, my personal data and themes account settings were gone.

I got an error that there was a problem with a file in my home directory. (I think .ICAccount or s.th like that) I don't remember the correct name, because I bypassed it using chmod 755 on my home directory.

No I dont get any error message but the files in my home folder and all settings are still gone.

There is a README.txt in my home folder:



From the graphical desktop, click on: "Access Your Private Data"

From the command line, run: ecryptfs-mount-private

I can mount it by using the command but that doesn't fix the settings problem and the data that was previously stored on my Desktop doesn't apper. I also dont want to have an encrypted home directory. I didn't use that before. I'm using the whole disk LVM encryption that I applied using the alternate installation cd.

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Ubuntu :: Change Settings So Log In Without Password?

Dec 31, 2010

when I installed 10.10 I chose ask for password on login but I want to now just be on when I turn on the computer without asking for a password. how can I do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cant Access BIOS When Trying To Change Settings To Load Through USB

Jun 7, 2010

Im trying to test out Ubuntu while running Windows currently, once i got the ISO image installed into my USB device by following the steps on the Ubunto site, i rebooted my PC and tried to get into BIOS to change the setting to boot through the USB device.

but i was unable to open BIOS.

this is all i saw in the bottom right side of my screen as far as commands to open some thing before my PC would boot through my Cdrive and load Windows.

L> BIOS Setup/Q-flash

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Ubuntu :: Where Konsole Profile Settings Stored?

Feb 5, 2010

I've been using the KDE version of Jaunty Jackalope since it came out last spring, installing it on several different machines. Each time, I make a series of changes to the profile settings in konsole to make it look and act the way I like. Recently, I've installed JJ on yet another machine and I find myself reluctant to tackle the tedious job of changing those profile setting, one by one, yet again.

It occurs to me that the settings are probably kept in a file someplace, and that I might be able simply to copy that file from a machine on which I have the settings already in place, and paste it onto the new machine. I've tried making a minor change in the profile, then looking for a file that's time-stamped at that moment, but I haven't found anything in the places I've looked.

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Debian Hardware :: HDMI Profile Messes Up Sound Settings

Oct 20, 2014

Here is some info about my system:

System: Host: notosh Kernel: 3.16-2-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: KDE 4.14.1
Distro: Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid
Machine: System: TOSHIBA product: Satellite C75D-B v: PSCLEU-003002
Mobo: TOSHIBA model: Portable PC v: MP Bios: Insyde v: 1.10 date: 04/30/2014
CPU: Quad core AMD A6-6310 APU with AMD Radeon R4 Graphics (-MCP-) cache: 8192 KB
Clock Speeds: 1: 1000 MHz 2: 1000 MHz 3: 1000 MHz 4: 1000 MHz

[Code] .....

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OpenSUSE :: Powersaving Too Agressive \ Editing Energy Profile Settings Doesn't Help Either?

Aug 9, 2010

Powersaving on my desktop is way to agressive, it behaves like a notebook. The monitor switches off after just 4 minutes.Disabling PowerDevill makes no difference. Editing energy profile settings doesn't help either.Is there another way to force these settings?

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General :: Create A Profile Settings And Network Drive Can Be Mapped Automatically When User Login?

Mar 26, 2010

create a profile settings and network drive can be mapped automatically when user login to the (like Domain and active user profile on windows environment) Ubuntu systems?

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Fedora :: Root Profile Password Does Not Work

Sep 21, 2009

I can do su - and then type in my root password and then change users, but if I try to log in to the root profile, the same password doesn't work. What can I do to reset the root profile password?

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General :: Encrypt And Decrypt Password In Profile?

Jul 27, 2011

How do i encrypt & decrypt password in a file for security reason ? is there any shell scripts available to do the same?

OS : aix 5.3

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Ubuntu :: Change File Permission Settings To Force All Documents To Inherit Parent Document Settings?

Aug 21, 2011

i have a computer with 3 users on it, and a folder using samba that everyone on the network has access to. Lets say that, the folder is stored in /etc/sharedfolder. What happens is, when user1 puts a folder in it, then logs off, user 2 attempts to modify it and fails, because permission is set to 755, and they are not in the same group. (even if they were, it should still need to be 775) Anyway, my current solution is, every 5 minutes a crontab changes permission like so: chmod 777 -R /etc/sharedfiles && chown useradmin:superadmin -R /etc/sharedfiles Which works, but seeing as there is getting close to a gig in there, this is a bad solution, as it eats up the computers resources. Solutions that i think might work:

1) create a script that only changes permissions that need be changed.
2) change file permission settings to force all documents to inherit parent document settings

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Ubuntu :: Everything In Home Folder Disappeared?

Jul 29, 2010

I installed Ubuntu yesterday, ran into quite a few problems but I managed to fix all of the bigger ones, and so far I LOVE Ubuntu. Way better than Mac or Windows IMO. However there's also a few smaller problems I'd like to take care of, and I decided to start a separate thread for each one. So I don't know what happened, but everything in my home folder disappeared. So, I recreated the folders with the respective names. However, they just don't function the same. The icons look different, they don't register the same way ex: Cairo-dock's shortcuts... the links don't work, they don't show up under Places, and they show up on my desktop. I can't delete them from desktop either because they will simply disappear from the folder as well, which isn't like the real folders. So my question is how do I get those folders back and get them to look and function the same?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Password But When Type In The New Password Get This "The Password Is Longer Than 8 Characters?

Jan 8, 2010

hello i am trying to change my password, but when i type in the new password i get this:"The password is longer than 8 characters. On some systems, this can cause problems. You can truncate the password to 8 characters, or leave it as it is."my question is what kind of problem could i get and how can i change so i have to log in every time i start the computer?

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE4 Personal Settings Disappeared?

Mar 8, 2010

after fresh install of Opensuse 11.2 and online update, the window decoration settings disappeared from my "configure desktop" appletNow I'm doomed to some default window decorations.

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Ubuntu :: Change OS Version In Profile?

Mar 5, 2010

How do I change the OS version in my profile. I have gone from 8.04 to 9.04 (so far).

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Ubuntu :: Change Used Version In Profile?

Sep 29, 2010

When I write a reply in the forum the information on the left says that I am using "Jaunty Jackalope". However, I am on Maverick development release.


Join Date: Nov 2005
Beans: 239
Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (testing)

How can I change this information. Seems not to be in the profile.

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Ubuntu :: Add A Custom Script To Execute When Logging And Shutting Down In Into A User Profile Like /home/test Or /root?

Oct 27, 2010

I am afraid to ask with so many things changing around in each new release.Where would one add a custom script to execute when logging and shutting down in into a user profile like /home/test or /root ?would this be rc.local?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change H.264 Video Profile?

Jul 22, 2010

How would I go about changing the video profile on a h.264 video from 5.0 to 4.1? I need it for Xbox 360 compatibility. Can't seem to find anything on it.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Change Profile Photo In Empathy?

Oct 10, 2010

I can't seem to change my profile photo in Empathy.I'm not messing with my Facebook or MySpace profile photo, just my MSN Messenger profile photo.Now, I can click on the photo space, and choose my image, and it shows that it has been changed, but as soon as I close the window or switch to a different profile,it goes back to default

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Software :: Seeking Change To "keyring" Password And Access

Apr 5, 2010

I was doing something -- new network config, I think -- and got a dialog box asking for "Keyring Access" credentials. In a memory lapse, I entered the root password instead of the current user password. Now I have this login and password messy dance to go through very often. On accounts where I have not made this mistake, it seems that the keyring gets is details from the current login session and I don't get frequent nagging for keyring access credentials.

How do I un-set or reset the Keyring Access details so that I can use the correct password [aka, "current user"] instead of the root password?

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Security :: Getting Access Denied When "user Must Change Password At Next Logon" Is Checked?

Mar 1, 2011

I have got a RHEL 5.6 server configured to authenticate via a Windows 2008 domain controller via LDAPS.Everything is working fine, except from the following: When I create a new user in Active directory and check the option "user must change password at next logon", the new user cannot logon and gets an "access denied" message. In /var/log/secure, I find the following:

Mar 1 14:43:21 cpssvn10 sshd[5363]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=testuser2
Mar 1 14:43:21 cpssvn10 sshd[5363]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "CN=CPSS Testuser 2,OU=IBM,DC=cpss,DC=smarterplatform,DC=com" (Invalid credentials)
Mar 1 14:43:23 cpssvn10 sshd[5363]: Failed password for testuser2 from port 4583 ssh2

As soon as I uncheck the "user must change ..." option, the user can log on without problems. Also password change via the passwd command works.

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Ubuntu :: No Sidebar After Change The Profile From Unity To Default

Jun 3, 2011

As i played with compiz configuration, just for fun i changed the profile from unity to default. Then i cant see sidebar and search and all. only i can see in the desktop is my wallpaper!! How can i restore back?

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General :: Change Language Based On Profile?

Aug 21, 2010

Using Fedora 13, I need to specify the language and keyboard on a per user basis. I am familiar with the necessary changes if editing system-wide /etc/sysconfig/i18n just not sure where the custom settings need to be based on user.

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Icons Don't Update When Change The Home Directory

Sep 22, 2010

I have a dual-boot macbook with an OS X partition and an ubuntu partition. When I first installed ubuntu, I changed my home folder to my OS X home directory to synchronize all my files from both. My home directory is now /media/sda2/Users/username/. In a regular home folder, the icons for Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, etc. are different (not just with emblems, but actually different icons). But when I changed my home folder, these subfolders' icons stayed the same as regular folder icons and I can't figure out a way to change that default setting. I know how to change the icons for each folder manually, but these changes don't appear everywhere (i.e. nautilus, places, etc). Furthermore, every time I change my icon theme, I would have to manually reassign icons for these folders. Is there a way to globally change the folder icons for these folders?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Admin Profile Can Access Websites While Standard User Cannot

Apr 20, 2011

First off, since this seems like a networking issue I put it here, but if it should be somewhere else, the powers that be should definitely move it over.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 on Dell Presario M2000 I have made sure that all updates have been done.

As the subject states, the admin account (mine which I'm posting to the forum with right now) can access the internet and see webpages. The user account on this laptop (my underaged sister who my parents don't want full access to the computer) will not access any webpages, it just continually looks like its loading.

I have made sure the wireless card drivers are installed and activated.

Also, I ran iwconfig and ifconfig and here are their results

p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Results of iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"myqwest4137"


These were both run from the user account. At this point it looks like its connecting to the internet through the wireless card as I was also able to run the update manager through the user account and have it download the updates (after putting in my admin password of course).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Change BIOS Settings Due To Which Can"t Change Boot Preference?

Mar 24, 2011

I currently have a Windows XP OS which i want to dual-boot with Ubuntu Linux 10.10 . I put the disk in the drive and chose the option to install Linux through Windows. But it hangs in the middle. I am also unable to change my BIOS settings due to which i can"t change my boot preference. My first Boot is the HDD. I want to change it to CD-ROM. Any suggestion? I also have another PC where i can boot through the CD...I tried installing there by booting from the CD but i get this error message after seeing the purple Linux screen with the loading dots. "(Process:286):Glib warning**:getpwuid:failed due to unknown user id (0)

P.S.- I am not able to see any options while the boot is going on

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stop Client Access To All Windows AD Domain Users Profile?

Feb 27, 2010

I am using Unbunto desktop and installed "likewise open" so that my linux client can access windows active directory(join the domain). On server side i have windows 2003 server. On windows 2003 server in active directory i have assigned each user a disk space. I have sucessfully joined linux (ubunto) box to the active directory domain but my linux box has access ($ it can use) to all other user diskpace ( they can browse other users) and when i joined windows xp client with the same server it works properly( xp client cant access or use other diskpace)

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OpenSUSE Network :: Access Windows User Profile In AD Env From Client?

Feb 23, 2010

I have already windows 2003 server with active directory, with 200 + user accounts and each user has allocated a specific disk quota. Now i want to install suse on client side so that it can do all same things as windows clients does(active directory login and disk quota). I have downloaded 11.2 suse linux and installed all samba required pakages and also joined the windows domain (2003 server). how can i access my user space located on win 2003 server from my linux client machine.

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General :: Disk Space Lost In Home On Ext3 (roughly 66% Disappeared)

Mar 24, 2011

I have suddenly lost a lot of free on my new Fedora 14 install.

To keep the story short, here's what disk usage looks like on my home: image

As you can see, home takes 100% but only 34% are actually occupied.

When entered as a root du | sort -nr > out.txt

28141892./VirtualBox VMs
21462488./VirtualBox VMs/Win7
5244308./VirtualBox VMs/WinXP


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Ubuntu :: Samba Roaming Profile Network "/home" Folder

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to setup a Ubuntu workstation in a corporate environment, right now just as a proof of concept but hopefully soon I will do the real thing. The problem is trying to establish a Linux equivalent of a roaming profile. The user logs into the Ubuntu Machine using their Windows Active Directory Credentials. (A big victory) Then I would like the client to mount their /home folder off of a Windows 2008 Small Business Server. So far I can make Ubuntu mount everyone's /home folders but I would like to narrow it down to only mount the specific user who has logged in and with proper permissions.

Mount the proper /home folder from the server with that users permissions so they are the owner, have full access etc. Only Mount the current users folder. Or any logged on etc. (I just don't want to mount every folder for every user that exists in Active Directory) Do it automagically.

I login as "dirtandgas est" (dirtandgas is our test domain) and here is the line from the FSTAB that's used to mount the directory.

//server/redirectedfolders /home/DIRTANDGAS cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode0777,dir_mode0777,rw,uid=892863608 0 0
Now I know if I changed that to the following, it would only mount the one directory, but I don't want to have to maintain the FSTAB on each computer for each user. (the point of using active directory)


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Ubuntu :: Edit Profile.ini To Lead To Windows Profile

Dec 21, 2010

I've already gotten into the .mozilla folder and found the profiles.ini file. My windows XP system has it's Documents and Settings folder on a seperate drive (D:Documents and settings) And I've located the profile (application datamozillafirefoxprofiles) Now all I need to do is put the path into the profiles.ini file in the .mozilla folder in Ubuntu. The problem is I don't know exactly how to format it.

In windows the path is:

How would I translate this into something ubuntu "follows?" I already have the profile name changed as well.

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