Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Change Profile Photo In Empathy?
Oct 10, 2010
I can't seem to change my profile photo in Empathy.I'm not messing with my Facebook or MySpace profile photo, just my MSN Messenger profile photo.Now, I can click on the photo space, and choose my image, and it shows that it has been changed, but as soon as I close the window or switch to a different profile,it goes back to default
i want to backup my account settings (icq, jabber etc.) for empathy in Ubuntu 10.10, but i couldn't find the location. It's not in ~/.gnome2 or in ~/.gconf/apps/..
I am trying to change my default photo manager from F-Spot to Shotwell, but I cannot find a photo option in "Preferred Applications" The frustrating part is having F-Spot open every time I plug in my camera.
How would I go about changing the video profile on a h.264 video from 5.0 to 4.1? I need it for Xbox 360 compatibility. Can't seem to find anything on it.
As i played with compiz configuration, just for fun i changed the profile from unity to default. Then i cant see sidebar and search and all. only i can see in the desktop is my wallpaper!! How can i restore back?
Using Fedora 13, I need to specify the language and keyboard on a per user basis. I am familiar with the necessary changes if editing system-wide /etc/sysconfig/i18n just not sure where the custom settings need to be based on user.
Does anyone know of a hidden option that will allow you to change the resolution / bitrate of a webcam in empathy.I am using empathy with google talk to do video chat. I have two webcams, one pc seems to be sending out at about 20k/s the other at 80k/s, which is the limit of my broadband. The one that is sending out at 80k/s has a newer webcam capable of higher resolutions. The problem is that since it is maxing out my broadband the picture and audio and very bad quality.
after a period of 3 months I had to change my ubuntu account password on my workstation.
Immediately after the change it seemed to work fine, but when I rebooted all the icons on the desktop, my personal data and themes account settings were gone.
I got an error that there was a problem with a file in my home directory. (I think .ICAccount or s.th like that) I don't remember the correct name, because I bypassed it using chmod 755 on my home directory.
No I dont get any error message but the files in my home folder and all settings are still gone.
There is a README.txt in my home folder:
From the graphical desktop, click on: "Access Your Private Data" or
From the command line, run: ecryptfs-mount-private
I can mount it by using the command but that doesn't fix the settings problem and the data that was previously stored on my Desktop doesn't apper. I also dont want to have an encrypted home directory. I didn't use that before. I'm using the whole disk LVM encryption that I applied using the alternate installation cd.
The default chat client in Ubuntu 10.04, Empathy, doesn't seem to have any affect in what my actual gmail status displays - I can change the status to be available, busy, or away, and change the custom message to be absolutely anything, but when I log into my Gmail account the status isn't changed whatsoever like it would have it I was using Google Talk in Windows. Also, in the notifications area in the top right, the "Me Menu's" available and busy icons don't have any affect either. If I click the available, busy, or away icon in Empathy or the Me Menu, the respective other will change to be the same, so something's happening, but not on my Gmail account.
I installed Ubuntu today and I have to say it's awesome, shortly after trying it I decided to remove XP, I had some problems I could solve myself but right now my "biggest" one is that I can't uninstall empathy, it may sound stupid but I totally need to take it out, I installed Pidgin and it works like a charm btw: I removed empathy from the ub soft center but it didn't change anything
I had a lot of questions but I resolved all of them in the middle of this post (= I have another question but it isn't as important, does anyone know how to set up the cube? I'm sure I'll end up turning it off but I want to try it
I've already gotten into the .mozilla folder and found the profiles.ini file. My windows XP system has it's Documents and Settings folder on a seperate drive (D:Documents and settings) And I've located the profile (application datamozillafirefoxprofiles) Now all I need to do is put the path into the profiles.ini file in the .mozilla folder in Ubuntu. The problem is I don't know exactly how to format it.
In windows the path is:
How would I translate this into something ubuntu "follows?" I already have the profile name changed as well.
Simple question really. Can anyone recommend some decent photo printing software. I have tried Gnome Photo Printer and PhotoPrint. Photoprint would be perfect, but for some reason doesn't like my printer. Gnome Photo Printer doesn't give me the control I need over layout, or resolution, paper type, etc. Shotwell and Gthumb don't seem to have the facility to print multiple photos in one go on a single sheet. So I am kind of stuck.
On the best photo tools. I love GIMP for photo editing, but I'm looking for alternatives to the default viewer and manager (currently Shotwell) for downloading images off my camera and organizing them.
I'm using 10.10. The FSpot and Shotwell programs that came with 10.10 don't seem to have any good controls for adjusting slide show display of photos. Could anyone recommend a good photo slide show display program that allows one to adjust pan, display time, smooth transitions, etc.
I'm running Google Chrome ( on Ubuntu 9.10 and the photo uploader on Facebook always only produces a grey box. Is this a problem with Java or just a standard issue with Ubuntu?
I'm looking for a screensaver application which will show random photos from my collection, but rather than just changing between images, I'd like something which shows them in a cool way, for example, on my brother's Mac, the screensaver displays photos, but as if they're being dropped onto a surface, i.e. not always with the same orientation.
In F-Spot there's this nice function that shows a slideshow of all your photos as a screensaver. Since I've abandoned F-Spot in favor of Digikam URL...I was wondering if there is a way to do something similar in Digikam.
I'm unsure as to whether this is an Ubuntu problem or a Firefox problem, but here's what's going on. Whenever I attempt to upload a photo on a website (such as Facebook or Funnyjunk.com), Firefox crashes. The microsecond I click "upload", it's gone.When I restart Firefox, I have the option of restoring my previous session, as normally happens after a FF crash.Is this a documented bug? I don't recall it ever happening on Windows, and I can't seem to find anything about it.
I am a beginner with Ubuntu and I have limited knowledge with computers. I want to be able to professionally edit photos and film to create videos. Can you please let me know what programs would be good to download?
I have a 3TB home server storing all my files and a mix of XP, Vista & Ubuntu clients on a Gigabit network. When I access a folder with JPEG photos on the XP or Vista machines and I have them set to display thumbnails that is exactly what I get. The thumbnails load nice and fast. When I access the same folders on the Ubuntu machines with "icon view" it only displays a black icon that says "JPG" but if I copy that folder over to a local drive on the Ubuntu machines then the thumbs display just fine. Does anyone have any idea how to change this on the Ubuntu machines so they load thumbnails for networked photos as well?
I have been using a Canon program in XP for downloading pictures from digital cameras (Canon & other).This program puts all the pictures in daily-dated folders, 2010-08-23, 2010-08-24 etc.These dates are creation dates, not download dates.I have several thousand pictures filed like that & I like it.
I am trying to shift my photo activity from XP to Ubuntu, so am experimenting with download managers, but have not found anything yet which produces tha same result as the Canon program or anything as good.
The default program seems to be F-Spot (for how long?) & that creates day-number folders (23) inside month-number folders (08) inside year-number folders (2010). Not sure whether these are creation dates or download dates.
gThumb puts everything into a folder labelled, say 2010-08-23--21.46.19 that being the time, to the second, of the download. It also renumbered all the pictures from 00001.jpg which I don't want!DigiKam put my fresh download into an existing folder I had created last year. Can any of these applications be persuaded to download pictures to folders with a year-month-day label, based on creation date?
I have been organizing some of my photos and as a KDE user I have installed Digikam. The installation works fine, but when I load Digikam it does not show all of the photo albums in /home/darren/pictures and those albums that it does list have no photos in them. Also my requirements are fairly limited I use GIMP to do any editing. But need to be able upload to Picasa.
Maybe I don't pay enough attention. I just know that whenever I've wanted to resize an image or email it, I've been able to do it pretty quickly. It was usually a two step process of resizing with an editor and then sending from a menu. Today, though, I went into the shiny new Shotwell and there appears to be no way to resize; or email.
OK. Went back into F-Spot. Surely there's an easy way to resize and/or email from there. Nope. Are we missing an easy way to do this or am I missing something? I love Gimp but do I have to use that to resize an image? Seems like overkill. Ostensibly, there should be a one stop process - either from an app or from Nautilus - send image and a quick dialog to ask what size and GO!