Ubuntu Networking :: Admin Profile Can Access Websites While Standard User Cannot

Apr 20, 2011

First off, since this seems like a networking issue I put it here, but if it should be somewhere else, the powers that be should definitely move it over.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 on Dell Presario M2000 I have made sure that all updates have been done.

As the subject states, the admin account (mine which I'm posting to the forum with right now) can access the internet and see webpages. The user account on this laptop (my underaged sister who my parents don't want full access to the computer) will not access any webpages, it just continually looks like its loading.

I have made sure the wireless card drivers are installed and activated.

Also, I ran iwconfig and ifconfig and here are their results

p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Results of iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"myqwest4137"


These were both run from the user account. At this point it looks like its connecting to the internet through the wireless card as I was also able to run the update manager through the user account and have it download the updates (after putting in my admin password of course).

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Ubuntu :: No SUDO Access When Admin User Created Through Kubuntu User Manager?

Jan 6, 2010

Original HOWTO can be found at: [URL]... So the other day I was in IRC and someone had brought up a problem where they created a new Administrative user, but didnt have rights to use sudo. Looked into the problem a little bit to figure out what was wrong, and it turns out that when you create a new user through the user manager (in kubuntu, anyways. Havent tested in Gnome.) the user gets added to the adm group, however, a quick look at the sudoers file shows that its looking for users in the admin group to allow the use of sudo. So, to solve the problem we do the following: If youre on the new admin user (which Im assuming you are) use the following commands:

su [insert username of old account without brackets]
sudo usermod -G admin [username of new admin account without brackets]

Then simply logout, and then log back in (not always necessary, but the easiest way to flush the permissions.)

su [insert username of old account without brackets]
Means were going to Switch User to the old admin account
sudo usermod -G admin [username of new admin account without brackets]
This simply adds the admin group to the secondary group list for the new user
Pretty self explanatory

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OpenSUSE Network :: Access Windows User Profile In AD Env From Client?

Feb 23, 2010

I have already windows 2003 server with active directory, with 200 + user accounts and each user has allocated a specific disk quota. Now i want to install suse on client side so that it can do all same things as windows clients does(active directory login and disk quota). I have downloaded 11.2 suse linux and installed all samba required pakages and also joined the windows domain (2003 server). how can i access my user space located on win 2003 server from my linux client machine.

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Software :: Access Denied : User Admin Is Not Allowed To Use The Webmin Configuration Module?

Apr 14, 2010

I keep receiving the error message in the title above whenry to enterebmin.abc.com/webmin. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10. Other errors I'll receive are "You do not have access to any Webmin modules". Wondering if anyone knew what settings our permissions on files I could change to avoid these error

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Ubuntu :: Home Network - Media Drives Are Automatically Mounted To Allow Access If The Admin User Is Not Logged In?

Jul 9, 2010

This is the set up I have: PC downstairs by a tv, with 3TB of storage containing my media, connected to the tv too. HTPC upstairs by another tv and connected to it. A few laptops and other desktops around the house which are windows based

I want the downstairs pc to act as a file server and to run my torrent client, it is running Ubuntu desktop version and has xbmc installed too for use with the tv. The upstairs htpc has xbmc live on and will access the media from the file server. What I am looking to do is to be able to log into my ubuntu machine remotely from a laptop running windows so I can manage the files and add torrents for download etc, but for this to be a complete remote session, rather than taking control over what is already being shown on the downstairs pc, like VNC does in windows.

I have two user accounts set up on the main ubuntu machine, the admin account and a media user account which is set to go straight to xbmc after log in. Also how can I make sure that the media drives are automatically mounted to allow access if the admin user is not logged in?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba: Only Domain Admin Can Save Profile

Apr 4, 2011

I'm trying to replace a 2k3 server with openSUSE. So far I was able to get working DHCP, DNS, SQUID and SAMBA with LDAP backend.Samba works ok login users and creating home and profile folders but somehow only the Domain Admin (administrator) account will automatically save the profile. The administrator account belongs to the ntadmins group while the rest of the users belong to ntusers group.

When I change a common user from ntusers group to ntadmins the profile will save without problem. If I change it back to it's original group the profile will be read but not updated on log off.Folder permissions seems to be ok. The network share (\pdcprofiles.msprofile aka Z is being connected with no problem and all users can read and write from and to it.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access Some Websites

Aug 4, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 and everything is working ok except i can't connect to some websites such as facebook or hotmail. I tried doing the same on windows and everything is ok there. I've been searching through forum about this problem but nothing seems to help. Has anyone else had this kind of problem and managed to fix it?

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Networking :: Access My Websites From A Different Computer?

Apr 26, 2011

I have been studying LAMP for a while now and all my websites are on the localhost. But if i wanted to access my websites from a different computer, how do i access do that? LAMP ( client ( Do i need to setup the DNS servers as well in my home network for me to access my intranet (LAMP).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Access Via Web Brower Over Standard Ports?

Mar 24, 2010

connect to and be able to control a graphical ubuntu desktop from a standard web brower, over the standard port 80/443 - of course ideally 443 to have a secured connection. Does such a thing exist for this already? How would someone go about setting this up? I have a domain name and use dynDNS which works for certain tasks but I need another solution. Of course being behind a corporate firewall all the usual 'remote access' classification sites are blocked by bluecoat proxy and some cafes and wireless networks also block these sites

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access To Some Websites With New Router

Jun 21, 2010

recently I have bought a new wireless router and now I have problems connecting to some (secure) websites. I can't login to gmail and facebook while I am still able to connect to these sites using my old router. I have also tryed to connect to these sites using my new router on windows and it worked with no problem.It is really strange for me, although I don't know that much about networking. I am using Fedora 13 and a TP-Link (TD-W8901G) Wireless router and I have these problems using both wired, and wireless connections with this router.

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Networking :: Can't Access Websites From Internal Network

Aug 28, 2010

I am in the process of setting up my own Linux gateway/firewall using two nics eth0(external network) and eth1(internal network). The Linux gateway hands out ip addresses using dhcp3-server, and uses iptables to route the traffic correctly. Clients are able to connect and access the internet...everything is working great, HOWEVER I can't access my apache virtual hosts websites from the internal network? They work just fine if i access them from the outside world

I can type ip of the web server, and it shows the first virtual host listed in my /sites-enables/000-default folder. but i can't use any DNS entries. I don't have any internal DNS servers running. This doesn't makes sense, because if i replace the linux firewall/router with my normal linksys wrt54G router it works just fine.

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General :: Networking - Can't Access Select Websites (but Can On Windows)?

Nov 21, 2010

My internet connection used to be a direct LAN connection to my provider. Back then, everything would load fine on both Windows and Ubuntu (dual boot). However, a while ago they started needing me to dial using a username and password (over a PPPoE connection). But since then, I haven't been able to browse certain websites on Ubuntu, even though there have been no such issues on Windows. Some example websites are - Ovi's sign in page (although share.ovi.com loads fine, and nokia.com loads fine), Live Mail (works on Chrome(ium) and Opera but not on Firefox (both 3.6 and 4)) and other random websites.

Some of the websites that don't load show timeout messages on Chrome and for some websites, the browser will keep trying to load without an end (I've left it like that even for hours but not noticed anything different happen).

I have tried changing the DNS servers to the ones suggested in the comment. I have even tried booting from a Fedora LiveCD and then changing the DNS to those (and even to the ones of OpenDNS), but the exact same thing happens. Here's output of ipconfig on Windows: Opera error messages seem to be a little more informative and they have the following errors in turns:

Secure connection: fatal error (552)
Secure connection: fatal error (40)

Followed by: Opera was not able to connect to the server. The server may be using the unsupported SSL 2 protocol, which is not considered safe enough for secure communication. The site owner should upgrade to TLS 1.0 or newer. Does anyone know why this is happening and how it can be fixed?

Update: Just saw here [URL].. that someone else was having similar problem and solved it by putting a NetworkManager.conf file in /etc/NetworkManager. What needs to be in that file?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Recreate A User Profile / Home Dir For An Existing User A/c?

Feb 16, 2010

what is the correct way/procedure to re-create a user home directory. For instance, on a Mac/Windows machine, i would just rename the existing user profile [home dir], and then just log back in as the user - job done. On OpenSuse/Linux, it seems it does not work that way..?! When i try to rename my home folder to say me.old via root, and log back in as me, i get all kinds of errors. Opensuse does create a new home dir, but it appears not properly.

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General :: Login As Other User Using Shell Doesn't Load The Profile For That User?

Dec 11, 2009

I am using the sudo command to log on locally as another user by the following command:

sudo -u theotheruser -s
sudo -u theotheruser sh

As I see it, this initiates a new shell with the mentioned other user.However, this doesn't load that users profile from his home directory.Is there a way to automatically read the users profile when login in with selected command? I am mostely interested in getting a working prompt when logged in.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Restrict User "admin" To Login To The Server From A Specific IP Address?

Jun 9, 2009

i am using openssh 5.2-p1, i want to restrict user "admin" to login to the server from a specific IP address, for this purpose i have tried the following blocks in sshd_config file.Following is the part of the sshd_config file which i have modified

#The following commands will only allow specific IP to login to ssh.

#AllowUsers admin user1 user2


# override default of no subsystems.Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Match Group sftpgroup
ChrootDirectory /home
AllowTCPForwarding no[code].....

i want to restrict admin user to login to the server only from IP which can be done by using AllowUser line, but i dont want to use AllowUser line,

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Login - Error "no Profile For The User Can Be Found And It Couldnt Create Per-user Gnome Configuration Directory"

Aug 8, 2010

I have a network set up that has been working for around a year with no problems but has now developed a login problem. The system was set up with a main server with all users on it and another PC located elsewhere that people could log onto using there personal login and password that then gained access to the account on the main server. This remote PC has now got the problem. When you try to log onto an account it comes up with the message "your session has lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself this could mean there is a installation problem or that you are out of disk space."

Error message says that no profile for the user can be found and it couldnt create per-user gnome configuration directory. I can log on as root onto the remote PC as it is obviously a local account but all the account on the main server are not accessible. From the root account I can see that the connection to the server is OK and I can actually log into the accounts on the server using the failsafe session so the physical network is OK.

I never built or designed this set up and to be honest I normally work with windows so its all a bit strange to me. Both PC's run Centos 5. I have checked the messages log and there doesnt seem to be any indication of a problem. Just that it stopped connecting from the remote PC. The accounts are all active on the main server itself and have no problems being accessed.

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Ubuntu :: Can Use Same User Profile Between GNOME And KDE?

Jul 7, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu with GNOME for the past few years and I'm looking at possibly switching to the KDE-based Kubuntu. I know I can have both DE's on my system and even found a tutorial on the Psychocats site for setting it up, but I have a question for the KDE gurus here. Can I safely use the same user profile between both GNOME and KDE or should I set up a new user for working in KDE? I haven't seen anything saying I can't but I really don't want to hose my GNOME settings in case I end up not liking KDE enough to use it on a daily basis.

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Ubuntu :: 3 User Accounts 1 Admin?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm installing a new laptop for a friend of mine and he wants 3 user accounts, similair to how he runs his windows setup.

1, an admin account, we have called this account peacemaker.
2. his account
3. an account for his girlfriend.

The problem we have is that if we want to do anything from the terminal that requires elevated priviledges, sudo does not accept his password or that of peacemakers. we have done sudo -i -u peacemaker but it still doesn't accept either password, stating his account is not in the sudoers list.

I'm not a massive expert here, but research brought me to this page:[URL]... But that then just means his account has admin rights, which is what we were trying to avoid. We wanted a setup similair to windows where if you want to run someting with elevated privledges if pops up asking for the admin password. This works in the gui, but not in the terminal.

So in short, my question is, is there anyway of having the terminal accept peacemakers user rights from the his normal user account? If I add the account to the sudoers list like it suggests, does this again just give his account the prilvedges rather than saying supply me with the password for peacemaker.

this is probably not really needed and he can just have his account as the main user, but coming from a windows background, he would prefer the 3 user accounts model (2 normal users, 1 admin)

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Ubuntu :: No Sound - Affecting One User Profile?

Mar 20, 2010

I appear to be experiencing an annoying issue with my soundcard. As you can see from the images below, the soundcard is detected, but not when it comes to the "output". This is only affecting one user (my admin account is fine, as was a new user set up to test it).

I've looked at this page and have attempted reinstalling alsa, but to no success.

The results from aplay -l are:


**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC883 Analog [ALC883 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


"stevek" being the user that I'm having difficulty with. I suspect that I might need to recreate part of my user profile, but I'm not sure where start.

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove Certain Stuff On User Profile

Jul 25, 2011

Setting up a small network for a private school. have ubuntu on the systems, but wanting to make user profiles that anyone can access and have admin profile that only I can access. that part was easy, but am trying to find out how on the all user profile I can block certain things out like media players and etc. I figured out how to hide them in the task bar but anyone with a little tinkering could find them. Anyway to remove certain things completely on all user prof>? How to Remove.

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Ubuntu :: Set Gconf Values For Standard User From Root?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a script that runs lots and lots of root commands, copying files in /usr/...stuff like that, then i want to switch users back to the original user and run some gconf tweaks, I need to update a series of gconf values for a user after copying all the root files, but I noticed once your in root, any gconf values you change, change roots information, not the user who started the script useing sudo.

So i was wondering how you would run a script as root, then after your done with all the root commands, "un-root" to the current user who started the script and run the gconf edits:

I put together this so far. It a script that you run, it detects if it was started as root and if not it asks for root password and re-spawns its self exiting out the first instance, then the script runs, switches to the original user after all files are copyed over and starts to run the Military Time custom format update.

if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
sudo -K
sudo bash $0


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Fedora :: Add Permissions To Run Under A Standard User?

Mar 11, 2010

Been running 64 bit fedora for a few weeks now and all is dandy. I have been having problems using Wine & Winetricks to install extra components. Wine seems to crash when ever i try to run something as a standard user. Run as root and the problem doesnt happen. Do i need to add some permissions to run under a standard user? With Winetricks, when i go to install any componet, after extracting and installing all files i get:

'Executing early_wine regedit c:winetrickstmpoverride-dll.reg
regedit: File not found "c:winetrickstmpoverride-dll.reg" (2)
Note: command 'early_wine regedit c:winetrickstmpoverride-dll.reg' returned status 1. Aborting.'

Now i have searched everywhere for these .reg files that are not found, havent found anywhere that can tell me where to retrieve these files.

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Ubuntu :: Make An Existing User Admin?

Sep 2, 2010

how would i make an existing user on kubuntu 8.10 an administrator with root access?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load User Profile On Windows Side

Jan 5, 2011

i have a dual boot set up on my laptop using wubi, but now i can't log on to my windows side, it gives me an error message saying that it can't load the user profile. how do i fix this without using system restore?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Add Profile Of User To Samba PDC

Aug 26, 2010

I am just started to setting up a samba PDC at our office.MY problem is my xp client is logging in to server but not loading the profile.its booting with tmp profile and whatever the changes I do in that profile.its not updating that in the server. And my client.log file is showing following error. '/home/user4' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [user4] Error was Permission denied. I gave full right to /home/user4.But still its giving this error. User4 is given same password for linux and samba. How can I add a profile of user to smb pdc?

RHEL 5.0
Samba version is 3

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General :: Add A Role And Profile To New User?

Sep 3, 2010

How to add a new role and profile for new user by using the command "useradd" in linux.In solaris there is an options(useradd -R and useradd -P) for these actions, like this how to add role and profile for new user in linux.

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Ubuntu :: Admin Access To System?

Mar 2, 2010

While messing around with file permissions and ownership of /var/www/ i seem to have locked myself out of being able to administer users on my 9.10 system.

when I go to the user administration screen in the icon with the keys is grayed out. with the message "not authorized to make changes". My account seems to have lost admin access. But, I'm the only user on the system.

I presumed I somehow changed my group status from the root group to something else

but, sudo usermod -g root [my name] just returns "no changes made"

All I can do for now is run as the su from the terminal. Is it possible to log into gnome with a root account?

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Ubuntu Security :: Is There Way To Disallow Access To Other Websites?

May 4, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu x64 (dunno which version, but I don't think it matters) and I'm concerned about security with PHP.I remember using lighttpd and I had some mystic configuration and the secuirty was perfect for me - if one website gets hacked then the others are still safe (kinda).Now with apache2 if I enable safemode I'm still able to go outside web directory and actually I can go really far untill user/group matches.I tested the system with r57shell and I was able to mess up other websites.Is there a way to disallow access to other websites?

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Ubuntu Security :: Adding User To Admin Group

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to edit a "xl2tpd.conf" file but it always says I have no write permission tried to add my account to admin group but it says something about not able to lock on password try later.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Admin - User And Groups Not Working?

Jan 22, 2011

After finally getting Ubuntu 10.10 PPC up and working on my Mac Cube with low capability graphics, I noticed that when I try to run the "User and Groups" from the Administration menu, the program looks like it is starting but then never actually displays.. It shows up at the bottom of the running programs bar and then disappears. Well after having to completely re-install Ubuntu PPC 10.10 and installing all of the updates, User and group Administration still isn't working.. another app that would let me add my wife to my G4 Cube so she could use it?

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