Ubuntu :: Samba Roaming Profile Network "/home" Folder

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to setup a Ubuntu workstation in a corporate environment, right now just as a proof of concept but hopefully soon I will do the real thing. The problem is trying to establish a Linux equivalent of a roaming profile. The user logs into the Ubuntu Machine using their Windows Active Directory Credentials. (A big victory) Then I would like the client to mount their /home folder off of a Windows 2008 Small Business Server. So far I can make Ubuntu mount everyone's /home folders but I would like to narrow it down to only mount the specific user who has logged in and with proper permissions.

Mount the proper /home folder from the server with that users permissions so they are the owner, have full access etc. Only Mount the current users folder. Or any logged on etc. (I just don't want to mount every folder for every user that exists in Active Directory) Do it automagically.

I login as "dirtandgas est" (dirtandgas is our test domain) and here is the line from the FSTAB that's used to mount the directory.

//server/redirectedfolders /home/DIRTANDGAS cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode0777,dir_mode0777,rw,uid=892863608 0 0
Now I know if I changed that to the following, it would only mount the one directory, but I don't want to have to maintain the FSTAB on each computer for each user. (the point of using active directory)


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General :: Roaming Profile With Samba As Pdc And Windows As Client?

Jan 21, 2010

i m working on roaming profile where linux is the server & windows is the client... i m implementing it using samba as pdc my linux version is but my samba server is not working windows is not authenticating my domain name following is the copy of my smb.conf file


# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options (perhaps too
# many!) most of which are not shown in this example


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Programming :: Finding The Username Of A User Who Has Logged In (roaming Profile)

Mar 14, 2011

I want to be able to create a php webpage that will show the logged in users files and how full their home directory is (roaming profiles). The php side isn't a problem....the problem is how do i determine the username of the user who is logged into Linux not the webpage itself?

What i want is when the user opens this page, it knows who they are already. I have seen this done on an intranet at work (don't know what OS it is running on tho) where I login to the network, view the page and it says my name.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba: Only Domain Admin Can Save Profile

Apr 4, 2011

I'm trying to replace a 2k3 server with openSUSE. So far I was able to get working DHCP, DNS, SQUID and SAMBA with LDAP backend.Samba works ok login users and creating home and profile folders but somehow only the Domain Admin (administrator) account will automatically save the profile. The administrator account belongs to the ntadmins group while the rest of the users belong to ntusers group.

When I change a common user from ntusers group to ntadmins the profile will save without problem. If I change it back to it's original group the profile will be read but not updated on log off.Folder permissions seems to be ok. The network share (\pdcprofiles.msprofile aka Z is being connected with no problem and all users can read and write from and to it.

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Ubuntu :: Samba User's Home Folder Is Not Visible?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm having some trouble with the user's home folders in Samba, ubuntu clients.I have a Samba server (Ubuntu Server 9.10)nd a bunch of windows clients and ubuntu clients too.On windows clients, each usercan see his home folder without problems, and the other shared folders too of course.The problem appears in ubuntu (i'm using gnome desktop with nautilus and the plugin for I enter Places->Network->Windowsetwork->DOMAIN->SERVER I only see the public shared folders, but no the samba user's home folder.I tryied connecting to samba through Places->Connect to Server and entering the username (for previous auth just in case) but nothing happens...

If, in nautilus I write smb://server/username, once it asked me for my user and password (but I told the popup to keep the password forever so now it doesnt ask me anymore :S), but it keeps not showing the folder under SERVER, the only way to access it is through smb://server/username directly. Even username@server does not work.Mi auth type in the Samba server is "user", and the auth config at my ubuntu client is also userJust in case.. when I type smbclient -L //SERVER -U username, it shows me the home folder ok.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure Samba With Roaming Profiles

May 27, 2010

I want to create an extra Ubuntu Server for storing roaming profiles,

I got: One Win2k8 server as Domain controller. One Ubuntu 9.10 server who is a member of the domain using Samba. Winbind is working correctly.. I can at least connect to shares with user names of the AD. Anyway my client (WinXP) currently logs on to the AD and works from there. I want to configure it so that all accounts are going to use roaming profiles, but here it comes... I want to store the roaming profiles on the extra Ubuntu server.

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Debian Configuration :: Setup Roaming Profiles On Our Samba PDC?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm trying to setup roaming profiles on our Samba PDC. I've been at it all day, running into a lot of issues with access denied, and going around changing permissions hoping to fix it

The problem seems to have evolved over the day, getting worse. Right now it's an error message on logging in: Windows cannot locate the server copy of your roaming profile.....

DETAIL- The network name cannot be found. In addition, the user does not have access to any shares by default.

The server can be accessed manually and the user can connect to shares. The server can be pinged by the client. The client's user profiles do not get stored or retrieved on logout/in

current smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN ()
# Date: 2010/08/22 16:34:42
workgroup = ROSHNI.LOCAL


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Debian Configuration :: Samba - Get The Roaming Profiles Working

Sep 17, 2010

I've been at this for hours now and am still not getting it to work. I recently installed Squeeze on my home server, overwriting a Lenny installation. I've been able to add my NT domain accounts back in and pdbedit shows the expeted values - e.g.:

root@whenim64:/home/samba/profiles# pdbedit -Lv garydale
Unix username: garydale
NT username:
Account Flags: [U ]
User SID: S-1-5-21-832165970-4128531365-4003982369-1002
Primary Group SID: S-1-5-21-832165970-4128531365-4003982369-513
Full Name: Gary Dale

However, although I can log on, I can't get the roaming profiles working. I get the "windows cannot locate the server copy of your roaming profile" message. Since my Unix account names/numbers are the same and the profiles are in the previously working /home folder that didn't get touched, I can't see how it''s a permissions problem. Noneheless, I removed an old profile which should have let WIndows create a new one. It didn't. I still got the same error. I did have to reinstate the groupmaps (don't know why the samba install doesn't do this) but they seem OK.


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Fedora :: 11 - Xp Roaming Profiles With Samba Pdc No Longer Works After Upgrade

Jun 17, 2009

I was successfully using samba + fedora directory server in fedora 10 as a primary domain controller for my home network (achieved mostly by following barry905's instructions here: [url].

After upgrading to fedora 11, some of the pdc functionality no longer worked.

For example, when i ran 'pdbedit -Lv', i got:


I was able to fix this by adding to the [global] section in /etc/samba/smb.conf:


I also found that i could no longer join an xp computer to the domain. i discovered that for some reason, the samba administrator password had been cleared. after running:


That was fixed.

The last problem, which i have still not fixed, is that roaming profiles no longer work. when i try to do a domain login as user 'htpc' from an xp machine, i get the following message in xp:


Here's an excerpt of my /etc/samba/smb.conf:


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General :: Hosting Windows Roaming Profiles On A Samba Share?

Sep 10, 2010

Everything works fine in doing this, however every time a user logs into the Windows Citrix Session the roaming profile created on the linux samba share creates their Windows Profile with a 755 perms. I understand that the default umask is (globally on my RHEL host is 022 ??) but in my smb.conf file the definition that is defined for the directory is set to a create mask of 0700. What is going on?

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Server Not Shown In System Administration / Give Permission To Access Home Folder?

Jul 1, 2010

I installed samba server in my external HDD. But it is not shown in system ----> Administration. Is there any problem. Then How to give permission to access home folder.

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Server :: Roaming Profiles Not Working On For Opensuse 11.3 Samba Domain On Xp Clients?

Aug 26, 2010

On all of my xp clients no matter what the username is is I am continously getting the error saying that the profile cannot be found. I just built this domain recently and since day 1 the roaming profiles have not worked.

here is my smb.conf:

# Primary Domain Controller smb.conf
# Global parameters
unix charset = utf8


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Server :: Samba PDC Without Roaming Profiles - Vista Login Doesn't Run Script

Jun 23, 2009

Im trying to set up a samba PDC and login to it from Vista, and everything is fine except that the login script is not getting run at all. I dont want roaming profiles, I just want a script to map the samba users drive and a couple of other network shares. Pasting smb.conf at end of post. The logon script is in the netlogon directory and Im pretty sure all the permissions are ok. /home/samba/netlogon/logon.cmd This is a windows file.Vista logs in ok as the domain user, just no script!


; General server settings
netbios name = TILVERTON
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)


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Ubuntu :: Get Samba Work With No Password On Home Network?

Mar 20, 2010

Iam trying to get samba work with no password on my home network. I want to have Writeble permissions for creating files and folders and sub folders in the shared folder with no password needed.

I have this set up

# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the


I can access the /home/seb/ directory but cant write in it. And with the same permissions for the down directory I cant even access the folder from the other pc it only says "Could not display "smb://laptop/down".The file is of an unknown type"

And finally how can I clean up the smb.conf so it is readable?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Samba - Connect To Home Network With 12

Feb 7, 2010

I'm looking for an easy guide to connect to my home network with Fedora 12. So far I did what I thought was pretty straight forward but I'm not seeing any computers. Here is what I've done

yum install samba
system settings -> advanced -> samba

I set up my two paths that I wanted to be shared when I go to network in Dolphin I'm seeing Network, Network Services and Samba Shares If I click on Network nothing shows, same with Network services, samba shares shows nothing and the bottom reads "unable to find any workgroups on your local network. This might be caused by an enabled firewall"

There are two workgroups which my Ubuntu machine shows fine, workgroup and mshome, I can connect to my roomates and my girlfriends computer no problem within Ubuntu (they are running XP, Vista and Ubuntu).

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Disappear When Connected To Network

May 28, 2010

I recently upgraded to ubuntu10.04 LTS via update manager. Previous version was 10.04 beta. After upgrading I am facing very strange problem.

1) If I start my laptop with network connection then all the folder under /home get disappear. When I do ls -l /home it says no folder found. As all the folder under home is disappearing it is giving so many errors when I login and as a result of this I am not able to start the gnome UI.
I tried to mkdir under home and it says cannot create directory.
I tried with root login but same error.

2) But it if I start my laptop without any network connection then I am able to see all the folders under /home and able to login successfully without any error.
I tried to mkdir under home and it was successfully.

3) I also tried this option, first start the laptop without any network connection and login successfully ( Able to see all folder under /home) but as soon as I plug the network cable and once it is connected all folder under /home disappear and system starts failing.

How to recover that user as I am having that user since ubuntu8.04 and lots of data and customization is there. My previous 10.04 beta version was working perfectly.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Share A Folder On Samba Network?

Jul 12, 2011

In this post I will give a quick solution for a possible problem with sharing a folder in Fedora 15.I had to spend some time for research and frustration so, hopefully this post will save you from both. If you have Samba installed and configured to share certain folders on your Fedora machine for a Windows network but, they can't be accessed then following might solve the problem:

1. Go to Applications, Other and run FIREWALL

a). go to TRUSTED SERVICES and check SAMBA and SAMBA CLIENT that are located in the list of services
b). click APPLY
c). click APPLY


If your Samba is configured correctly, your shared folder should be available on your Windows network.A little hint: if you don't want other users to use passwords for accessing your shared folder, select SHARE as an Authentication Mode in Samba GUI Configuration Tool, Preferences, Server Settings, Security

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OpenSUSE Network :: Viruses Detected In Home Folder?

Jun 16, 2010

I just ran a scan of my home folder with avast for linux and it detected multiple instances of 'WMA:Wimad [Drp] . Im pretty sure this is a window based virus so opensuse 11.2 should be actually infected right?

On a small side note is there any point in running a antivirus program on opensuse-do linux viruses exist in the wild? I recently read this Think Linux is free from malware? Think again; it's been hacked. - Computerworld Blogs and this Linux infection proves Windows malware monopoly is over; Gentoo ships backdoor? [updated] | ZDNet

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Red Hat :: Mounting Network Drive Under A User's Home Folder, Possible?

Apr 25, 2011

This is the command I tried using:Code:mount -t cifs //NAS1/reports /home/user/public_html/reports -o rw,umask=0338,uid=587,gid=584,username=admin,password=passwordIt looks like the user can't access the files on the NAS drive. Is there any way to do this?

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Shows Up Is Router And Home Network

Aug 4, 2011

Linux and have a western digital server (my book world edition) I can access it with Ubuntu 11.04, just by downloading Samba and then by clicking on network and the server shows up, but with Fedora 15, after I have installed Samba, I click on network and all that shows up is my router?

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Networking :: Samba Config - Cannot Access Share On Home Network

Sep 1, 2010

I've used Samba for several years and when it works it's great. Unfortunately from time to time it seems to get messed up and either all the 7 machines on my home network can't be seen or I can't access the shares on some. I have 2 Windows XP computers 4 Kubuntu and one Linux Mint KDE, all the latest versions. I'd rather not plough through all the documentation for Samba, but would really like a "model" smb.conf with a few comments about parts that might have legitimate variants. I have researched this with Google searches many times but have failed to find the information I need in concise form.

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OpenSUSE Network :: User's Home Directory Saved In Samba Server Not Locally

Mar 27, 2011

Continuing with my assigned task of migrating the company's PCs to GNU/Linux (openSUSE as server for GNU/Linux clients) I managed to set up a DC with roaming profiles for the few remaining Windows users, user validation and login for the openSUSE boxes and a few network shares with different rights. I know there are no roaming profiles for GNU/Linux and I can live with that but I would like to specify wich users/groups would have their home directories saved locally (notebook users) and which will save them on the Samba server.

By default home directories are saved locally but somehow Samba creates a minimal home directory for each user under /home in the Samba server. How can I tell the client box to use that directory? and how can I set up the few notebook users to save it on their disks? Maybe using the options under Yast > Security... > Users and groups management > Users (LDAP Users filter) > and then select the user and use the "Manage Samba account parameters" plug-in for specifying the different paths cant achieve this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: "Roaming" Home Directories - Makes Login And Logout Extremely Slow

Nov 20, 2010

I have several Ubuntu installs, including one on a flash drive. I also have a server. I want to sync my home directories from all my client installs onto my server. What I want is really a combination of two things: Unison, which enables me to work without a network connection. An SFTP filesystem so that changes are immediatly sent to the server, not JUST at login and logout, which makes login and logout extremely slow. Is there any combination I could use? Could I make unison sync extremely frequently?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Add Profile Of User To Samba PDC

Aug 26, 2010

I am just started to setting up a samba PDC at our office.MY problem is my xp client is logging in to server but not loading the profile.its booting with tmp profile and whatever the changes I do in that profile.its not updating that in the server. And my client.log file is showing following error. '/home/user4' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [user4] Error was Permission denied. I gave full right to /home/user4.But still its giving this error. User4 is given same password for linux and samba. How can I add a profile of user to smb pdc?

RHEL 5.0
Samba version is 3

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Ubuntu :: Home Network With Samba - "failed To Mount"

Mar 17, 2011

I am using lucid lynx, it is my only OS. I have a home network using samba with another machine using Windows 7 (I know, it is my wife and she is not ready to change to Linux yet) I just built her machine and went from Windows XP to Windows 7. The network was working great for over a year, then with the new OS I cannot get Windows to share. I can go from the windows to the Linux fine, but when I go from Linux to Windows, I see the machine and the folders that I have shared, when I click on one it says "failed to mount", if I physically mount it it ask for a password, (I have it set up to connect without a password) I set up myself as a user and try to use my log-in password, the window pops back up asking for the password. I tried my wife's password, no joy. Windows 7 is a weird OS it wants to tell you what you should do and then does it for you. I won't let you do what you want, it does what it wants.

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Ubuntu :: No Access To Home - All Profile Settings Disappeared After Password Change

Aug 9, 2011

after a period of 3 months I had to change my ubuntu account password on my workstation.

Immediately after the change it seemed to work fine, but when I rebooted all the icons on the desktop, my personal data and themes account settings were gone.

I got an error that there was a problem with a file in my home directory. (I think .ICAccount or s.th like that) I don't remember the correct name, because I bypassed it using chmod 755 on my home directory.

No I dont get any error message but the files in my home folder and all settings are still gone.

There is a README.txt in my home folder:



From the graphical desktop, click on: "Access Your Private Data"

From the command line, run: ecryptfs-mount-private

I can mount it by using the command but that doesn't fix the settings problem and the data that was previously stored on my Desktop doesn't apper. I also dont want to have an encrypted home directory. I didn't use that before. I'm using the whole disk LVM encryption that I applied using the alternate installation cd.

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Icons Don't Update When Change The Home Directory

Sep 22, 2010

I have a dual-boot macbook with an OS X partition and an ubuntu partition. When I first installed ubuntu, I changed my home folder to my OS X home directory to synchronize all my files from both. My home directory is now /media/sda2/Users/username/. In a regular home folder, the icons for Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, etc. are different (not just with emblems, but actually different icons). But when I changed my home folder, these subfolders' icons stayed the same as regular folder icons and I can't figure out a way to change that default setting. I know how to change the icons for each folder manually, but these changes don't appear everywhere (i.e. nautilus, places, etc). Furthermore, every time I change my icon theme, I would have to manually reassign icons for these folders. Is there a way to globally change the folder icons for these folders?

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Networking :: Samba PDC - Client Machine Create New Profile When Server Down

Dec 14, 2010

I have set samba domain. I am able to add win 7 and xp clients. All r working fine. But I have a doubt. If I shutdown the samba pdc server, I should be able to login the client machine with the same profile (which I had, when the samba pdc server was up). Now , if I shutdown the sambapdc, I am able to login the client machine, but new profile is being created. How to avoid this.

How to say to samba that the client machine should load the same profile which was created when the server was up and running. I do not want the client machines to create new a profile when the server is down bcoz in windows domain, when the windows domain is shutdown, the client machines are able to login with the same profile (the profile which was created when the domain was up). I wish to have same thing in samba pdc also.

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Server :: Samba As Domain Controller Wrong Language Of Profile?

Jun 10, 2010

Im running a Samba server as a PDC

Every thing works fine When I log in it creates a folder on the server for the user. when the user logs out, it is copying the user data to the server, for example folders like Documents,Favorites and so on.

My problem is,Im using a Dutch version of Windows 7 but the folders sync are English

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