Ubuntu Networking :: IPhone Tether And Network Manager - Doesn't Connect

Apr 2, 2011

This is on Lucid, using a Dell Mini. I installed the required packages for a USB tether to my iPhone. Network Manager recognized it immediately as wwan0, but it doesn't connect. Also, it never asks me for the password to connect to the Personal Hotspot (as it does when I can connect from Windows).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Latest Kernel Update Killed IPhone Tether?

Nov 23, 2010

I recently updated my kernel and now can no longer tether my iphone to my openSUSE11.3(x64) laptop. Before the update I could tether.Same machine dual boots to Win7-64bit and can tether just fine.I re-installed the libimobile packages, but my linux no longer recognizes the iphone as a network device.t DOES pop-up some boxes asking if I want to play the media, or view the photos on the iPhone - so that part is working

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get The IPhone To Tether With Bluetooth?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a 9.10 installed on my USB stick drive and I am trying to get my iPhone to tether with bluetooth. I followed a guide, (installed blueman, connected to phone, enabled tethering, set to trust device and provide network access). The computer connects to the network and says it is successful, and the iPhone has the blue flashing banner saying it is now tethering, but firefox doesn't connect to the internet.

Is there a way to force it to use the new tethered connection?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Doesn't Seem To Be Able To Use Modem To Connect To Internet

Feb 9, 2010

I have installed WvDial (apparently) but it has no icon or launcher to start it by default, how do i get it to run? I also need basic set up how to. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) and network manager doesn't seem to be able to use my modem to connect to the internet (set up wizard works, appears connected, but then I get page not found error). Hence I wish to use WvDial to try to connect instead.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10: Can't Tether IPhone

Oct 12, 2010

I have upgraded to 10.10 and have lost all ability to tether my iPhone via USB or Bluetooth on my Gateway LT24 series Netbook. I'm using an ASUS Bluetooth USB dongle. Here is the output I get to see the status of my connection:

markvv@netbook:~$ dmesg | tail -n10
[ 48.239050] cfg80211: Regulatory domain: 98
[ 48.239056] (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)


In Blueman, I have my Bluetooth setup as a Network Access Point, dnsmasq enabled. PAN and DUN support are set to NetworkManager. I cannot change these to Blueman (not sure if I should be able to).

I really need my tethering feature to work. Or, should I revert back to 10.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Tether - Does Not Seem To Connect To CDMA HTC Hero Phone

Jan 25, 2010

just finished installing Ubuntu to my dell mini 10v netbook. I really like it so far but I have hit a problem that may be a potential deal breaker. I have a CDMA HTC Hero phone that I have rooted. I installed the "wireless tether for root users" app on my phone and use it ALL the time to go online on my netbook through my phone on windows. However Ubuntu 9.10 does not seem to connect to my phone running this app. It sees the SSID, and i tell it to connect, and then I just get that circle thing for a couple of minutes then it gives up and connects to my main router if its in range.

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Ubuntu :: IPhone With 10.04 - Doesn't Seem To Be Detecting When Connect

Apr 20, 2011

I'm having some trouble using my iPhone 3Gs with Ubuntu--specifically, Ubuntu doesn't seem to be detecting when I connect the phone at all. I don't have a password on the phone, so that shouldn't be causing the problem, and a friend of mine who also uses Ubuntu (same version) has been able to connect my phone to his computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Will Not Auto-connect To New Network After Resume?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently fixed an annoying problem and I thought it would be nice to share my solution here. The problem was that after a cycle of suspend/resume, Network Manager would only auto-connect to the same network as it was previously connected to. So, for example, if I suspended my laptop at home, and then I went to school and resumed it, it would try to connect to the home network, and then just give up. It would not connect to the school network unless I explicitly told it to.irst, I'll describe the fix. If you're having this problem, you can this. Copy the following:

case "$1" in


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Ubuntu Networking :: Sudo Iwlist Scan Works But Cannot Connect To Network Using Network Manager

Jun 14, 2010

I have used ubuntu in the past but had a lot of hardware issues with it and unfortunately moved back to windows (( BUT i have tried Ubuntu again and all seems to work great except wifi My wifi connection is sort of working because when i run SUDO IWLIST SCAN it does pull up all available networks. But in the network manager icon on the panel i left click but i see no networks and can't connect to anything. I WOULD LOVE TO keep Ubuntu and use it permanently but I must get wifi working or else this won't be possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-manager And Wicd Can See But Not Connect To Network

Jul 10, 2010

I recently put Linux on a Thinkpad T40 I got. The wireless card works out of the box--I can see nearby networks. However, I can't connect to mine. network-manager would try (spin spin spin), fail, ask for the password, and then go back to the beginning and repeat indefinitely. This happened to me on a different computer, and on that one all I had to do was use wicd instead of network-manager. So I installed wicd, but it's not working either--it hangs at "Obtaining IP address".

I've found many, many threads with people who had the same problem, but none of their fixed worked for me.

I also tried to get wifi going manually, using this guide, but that didn't work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Running Only It Doesn't Now?

Apr 22, 2010

I had network manager running on my netbook karma install, but when I installed VNC as another display, logged into that other display and accidentally clicked on not to run network manager on startup cause there is already one running, it screwed up the network manager auto startup on my normal netbook display.I tried adding it back into auto start in settings but that has not worked.As always, thanks for any help you can give me getting this to auto start again on login, without deleting my kde cache(cos it is setup the way I want it).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager (Disconnected) Cannot Connect To VPN

Mar 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Karmic Server with Xfce desktop, the problem is the network manager, it says it is disconnected, even though I am connected to my network and getting an internet connection. It wouldn't normally bother me, but I'm trying to setup a VPN using the network-manager-openvpn plugin. I put in the required details for the VPN connection, but as soon as I tick the "apply to all users" box, the information is lost. The information will remain if I don't tick that box, but it will not connect. when I try to select the VPN connection I just setup, nothing happens.

I've tried the exact same configuration on another desktop, running Ubuntu Karmic with Gnome desktop, the network manager works fine, my ethernet connection is showing as connected, and I can connect to the VPN no problem, the problem lies with the network manager in Xfce. Is there anyway I can get it to show as connected? it wont allow me to connect to the VPN otherwise, it's silly, because that adapter has a full working network connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WICD Will Not Connect Without Network-manager?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm trying to use wicd instead of network manager because I want a "no fuss" way to use wireless on wmii. However, wicd will not find any networks unless network-manager has been run and has connected to a network since startup. If it hasn't connected to a wireless network, the wicd will find no networks, and iwlist won't provide a list of networks either.

This seems to mean that network-manager is doing something to the interface when it connects that needs to be done to make it usable, but I'm not sure what it is or how exactly to find out. I do know that the interface (eth2) will not appear in ifconfig if network manager hasn't connected, which I assume means that it hasn't been brought up. ifconfig eth2 up makes it show up, but I still can't connect with wicd. What can I do?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, generic 2.6.32-22 kernel, MacBook 5,5 using the Broadcom STA driver. (more details below)

description: Wireless interface
product: BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller
vendor: Broadcom Corporation
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0
logical name: eth2
version: 01
serial: 00:25:00:4b:df:4c


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Wifi Using Any Network Manager

Dec 26, 2010

i was fed up after i can't connect to wifi using ubuntu. the problem happened after my router is being replaced to a new one because the old one got struck by lightning. good thing i dual-boot my laptop so i can access the internet using Windows 7 now.

i use the default network manager to connect to wifi before, but it all seem to be failed after the replacement of router. i also used Wicd but it failed to connect either. it says in the notification "disconnected: bad password" but the password was right. my wifi used WEP password with open authentication.

i even remove the WEP password and try to connect, but it failed. all i can do is to boot in windows 7 and surf internet there. what could cause this problem? is it the router, the telephone line? i can set the router settings if i want, but i don't know what causes the problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To A Pptp VPN With Network Manager?

Mar 24, 2010

I followed (or at least tried to follow) tutorials on doing this. I installed network-manager-pptp and tried to configure network manager to connect to a VPN. In the settings when I select MPPE with 128-bit encryption, after I've selected it and applied it, I check the settings and it's invariably unchecked. I tried using KVpnc after getting frustrated with network manager, and I can't seem to get that working either. I've been trying to search for info on this, and I can't seem to find anything on why I can't select MPPE with 128-bit encryption. That seems like it might be why I'm unable to connect to the VPN?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Tries To Connect To Out-of-range Networks

Jul 2, 2010

I have a problem with network manager. I use Ubuntu 10.04 on a Dell Latitude D530. I used to have the same problem with Ubuntu 9.10 before I upgraded. I typically connect to two wireless networks: HOME and WORK. Both networks are set to automatic connection mode. I am at work, I connect to the network WORK. At the end of the day, I just close the lid and go home. At home, I open the lid and have the following problem: network manager still displays the network WORK whereas it is clearly out-of-range and it automatically tries to connect to it. It does so until network manager asks if the password is correct.

If I want to connect to HOME, I have to tell network manager to do so. Then, I receive a notification that I am disconnected to WORK. Next morning, I go to work, and I have the same problem, network manager tries to automatically connect to HOME. What I would expect from network manager: when I am at home, NM automatically connects to HOME and does not display WORK, when I am at work, NM automatically connects to WORK and does not display HOME.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gnome Network Manager , Vpn Connect Automatically?

Sep 15, 2010

I have ticked the box Connect Automatically in the OpenVPN setup I configured in the gnome network manager but it doesn't connect on startup. It connects perfectly ok if I manually select the VPN but i'd like it work immediately on launch.

I have autologin on Ubuntu but since there is no VPN password to decrypt I don't see why it should be a problem.

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Fedora Networking :: 3G Dongle Doesn't Appear In Network Manager?

Jan 20, 2009

I have run Fedora 9 and 10 on my Dell Inspiron 640m for about 6 months now and generally experience very few issues with it. Specifically I've been running Fedora 10 KDE 64bit since it was launched. Up until I had to reload it a couple of weeks ago my Vodafone Huawei E172 3G dongle worked perfectly with Network Manager. Since the reload the dongle is detected by the OS (lsusb lists it correctly, etc) but nothing I do will make it appear in Network Manager.

I've tried manually configuring a GSM connection then plugging it in, but no joy. I've also tried using it in my Acer Aspire One which runs Fedora 10 XFCE and it work, but when I try it in another Dell Laptop running Fedora 10 KDE 64 bit it doesn't. I'm assuming that a recent update must have caused some issue as it has definitely worked in both Dell laptops in the past. As mentioned I've reloaded recently but the other laptop hasn't been.

I'm unsure where to go from here. I haven't been able to get Vodafone's beta drivers working under F10 (although I did under F9) and can't find any posts on this issue. The version of Network Manager that I'm running is NetworkManager-0.7.0-1.git20090102.fc10.src.rpm, which was released shortly before I reloaded. Chances are I just didn't try my dongle between the update coming out and the reload, so didn't notice the problem before hand.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Icon Doesn't Show Wireless APs?

Feb 10, 2010

I deleted all APs in my Wireless Section of network manager. After that, the whole network manager icon disappeared. I added the icon back on the panel, but I don't think its the right one. It doesn't do the two green cicles thing when I connect my ethernet wire in. It also doesn't show any wireless AP when I left click on the icon. It doesn't even have an X mark on the bottom left of the icon when no network is detected

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Doesn't Show Up In Notification Area

Jun 8, 2010

im just getting the hang of ubuntu 9.10, and then all of a sudden 10.04 comes over and screws everything up with the upgrade. i did the upgrade, and now the network manager wont show up in notification areas. any clue as to why? help is greatly appreciated. also, my machine does register that the drivers for wireless card is installed, and when i run lshw -c net command with sudo priveleges, it says it can detect networks, so im confused as hell.

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Doesn't Mount Correctly - Network Manager And Upstart

Sep 25, 2010

I have the following problem: There are three NFS mounts in /etc/fstab, which are automatically mounted. The network connection runs over NetworkManager. Since NWM brings up the network asynchronously, NFS doesn't mount correctly on the first try, but is loaded soon enough since mount automatically retries until it works.

I can live with the fact that I have an error in my boot messages, since everything is up in time for the user. But, I need a (selfmade) upstart script which depends on the NFS mount being up. Even using "remote-filesystems" as the trigger doesn't help, because the trigger is apparently sent after the first failed try (I checked with cat /proc/mounts in my script, the nfs mounts are clearly not up.) Can I somehow force the remote mounts to wait until NWM is up, or make the NFS mount emit an event when the mounts really get mounted?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Doesn't Recognize Nas0 Interface?

Dec 23, 2010

Network manager doesn't recognize nas0 interface and i have problems with using Gwibber, Evolution mail,Empathy, etc Is there any way to add nas0 in Network manager?? I know the solution to remove Network manager, but i need Network manager because i'm often using wireless (as second internet connection).

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Connect Network Manager Usb Modem?

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to connect my Asus EEEPC to an option icon 431 usb modem.

I have successfully installed the HSO driver however am unable to connect through network manager. I have successfully connected through Rhel Beta 2, Fedora 13 and Ubuntu 9+, however, desperrately want to be able to use centos 5..5

Here's some info up front code...

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Networking :: Network Manager - Unable To Connect Automatically In A Ubuntu System

Apr 13, 2011

I have a 5720 Mini PCIE broadband modem card and though it works, it won't connect automatically in a Ubuntu system. Network Manager says it is enabled when I right click on the icon, but when I do a left click it says it is disabled. I have to right click and disable and then enable before my Verizon connection will work.

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Fedora Networking :: Use Network Manager To Connect To A Pptp Vpn Connection?

Feb 25, 2010

I have updated the system this morning and the vpn stopped working!It gives me an error: invalid secrets.I use network manager to connect to a pptp vpn connection, I use fedora 12.Does anyone know the problem?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: OpenVPN Network Manager PPTP Connect

Sep 15, 2010

I successfully installed openvpn and networkmanager openvpn plugin. Then I successfully added a PPTP vpn connection by networkmanager vpn tab which name is "vpn1". But now I don't know how to connect to this PPTP vpn connection. I tried bellow command but no luck.
openvpn --config vpn1.config

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Doesn't Connect To Wired Network

Jan 9, 2011

I just finished installing Ubuntu 10.10 64bit. During installation Ubuntu was connected to the network and was downloading updates. After rebooting though, it cannot connect to the network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 - In Network Manager Can View Wifi Networks Fine But Cannot Connect

Apr 28, 2011

I have been an Ubuntu user for a year or so. My level is still ultra n00b but I am trying. Whenever I update Ubuntu there is always a WiFi problem, always. So now I am having problems getting wifi to work in 10.10. In Network Manager I can view wifi networks fine but I cannot connect. I tried with wicd also but I got as far as "getting ip" and then it would hang up.





I am not sure what driver I am using as I don't know how to exactly ID my driver. I know there is a way to ID the driver using airodump-ng but I have yet to find it.
I have a feeling this is a driver issue as one time I was able to establish a connection that then dropped a few minutes later. I have a feeling I should be disabling/removing the current driver and replacing it with ipw3945 or possibly a driver ndiswrapped? The problem is I cannot figure out how to remove the current driver.

I was going to switch back to 9.04 but I thought I would try to manually figure this one out instead of taking the easy way.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Doesn't Detect WiFi Card?

Dec 22, 2009

I just installed x64 Fedora, and as the title says, NM fails to detect my WiFi card. It's an Encore ENLWI-N with a RaLink RT2800 chipset. The card does show up when I run lspci, although iwconfig yields nothing.Not sure if this helps, but when Ias running Karmic Koala, Ubuntu detected the card immediately and required no configuration

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stick On Network Manager 0.8 Doesn't Work - Restore Karmic's Version?

Feb 26, 2010

I added a repo from launchpad to install latest Network Manager and then installed it (version 0.8). Then I decided to rollback to Karmic's version (since 0.8 doesn't work) but failed: I removed the repo from sources.list

Then apt-get udpate
Then apt-get clean
Then apt-get install network-manager...

But still 0.8 version is downloaded and installed! How can I restore Karmic's version?

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