Ubuntu Networking :: Tor "off" In Browser, And It Seems To Be Firing Off All Kinds Of Noise?

Mar 21, 2010

I installed tor and updated it. Works fine in my Firefox with Tor Button.I fired up wireshark today to play with it, and noticed that even with Tor "off" in my browser, and the computer idle, tor seems to be firing off all kinds of noise. Something called the 'etlservicemgr' seems to be sending a lot of traffic. I also see a lot of "Continuation or non-HTTP traffic" to a tor-relay site.

Could someone help explain what's going on, and what this etlservicemngr is? I have tried researching what etlservicemgr is, but I can find barely anything, other than it operates on port 9001.

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Programming :: Firing Some Shell Command Like Ls - Mkdir Dir-name Via Kernel Module

Jun 10, 2010

How can we fire a shell command like ls,./a.out automatically in kernel space via a kernel module ? i.e. replacement of system() function of user space into kernel space.We need to develop a kernel module which can fire some shell command let say "firefox [url]" automatically to open google automatically from module.

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Debian Multimedia :: Images Of All Kinds Missing

Oct 31, 2015

I have a problem with my Debian 8 installation. This morning I was playing around with libvirt and virt-manager while I was routinely installing updates using apt-get. While doing that, my system crashed (probably because of the running Win8 VM). After resetting (in hardware), I got access to the emergency console where I tried executing "dpkg --configure -a" which worked.

After restarting, I first noticed that the login screen background (just the normal Jessie one on LXDM) was missing and the screen was black instead. After logging in, I saw that nearly every image/icon/whatever is missing. For example:

- the icons in lxpanel (I use LXDE)
- the copy and paste icons nearly everywhere
- the New Tab icon in Firefox
- many more icons
- the desktop and login background

A few images are still there:
- interestingly, the lxpanel icons are replaced by "icon missing" icons which still work
- most icons in Firefox except for New Tab
- all images of LibreOffices (so this problem might be Gtk+ only)

Some programs don't work (obviously because they can't load their menu icons and don't a fallback). An example for this would be Inkscape. It crashes at start:

Code: Select all(inkscape:2513): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon 'document-open' for stock: Format der Bilddatei unbekannt
(inkscape:2513): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon 'document-open' for stock: Format der Bilddatei unbekannt
(inkscape:2513): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon 'document-open' for stock: Format der Bilddatei unbekannt

[Code] .....

Note: I use a German system. "Format der Bilddatei unbekannt" means something like "Format of image file is unknown", "Bildtyp 'xpm' wird nicht unterstützt" means "xpm image type is not supported".

Concerning the desktop background, I looked at /etc/alternatives/desktop-background and found a correct SVG image which was the one I had before.

How I could restore these images?

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General :: What Kinds Of Files Are Stored In The Directories

Mar 12, 2010

3.State what kinds of files are stored in the following directories. Give any ONE file that can be found in these directories.

a. /etc/
b. /proc/
c. /sbin/

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Slackware :: Use One Of Machines For All Kinds Of Audio Applications?

Jan 2, 2010

I'd like to use one of my machines for all kinds of audio applications, including home recording (MIDI and analog). Now I am looking for a suitable audio/recording interface. I've searched the web, but didn't find a lot of current information. Most of what I found is outdated.

RME Hammerfall seems to be brilliant, but exceeds my budget. MAudio 2496 seems to be excellent in quality, but a bit limited in connectivity. ESI Juli@ appears to be even better, but the parts exposed to the outside of the computer case don't seem to be overly robust..And that seem already to be all PCI devices supported by ALSA for my purpose! (MAudio Audiophile 192, e. g., is reported not to work that well).

Now I thought, I could avoid all this hassle by choosing a USB device. However, situation seems to be even worse. Terratec DMX 6Fire USB is not supported, at all, MAudio Fast Track Pro is limited to USB 1.1 and 48kHz (I want 96 kHz, at least!) only and requires a patch for 24 Bits. And so on...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Meaning Of Iwlist Quality/(signal|noise) Level?

Jan 10, 2010

What does the Quality, Signal Level and Noise Level actually mean? Which should I be looking for when looking for good APs?Is Quality the same as RXQ in airodump?

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Security :: Advanced Firewall And Testing - Block Certain Kinds Of Attacks?

Dec 14, 2010

I launched my website. At the moment the site has an firewall (iptables) enabled with very simple rules. All incoming traffic is blocked, except for the ports http and ssh. Everything is working perfect, but I want also to be able to block certain kinds of attacks. There are some really good examples on the internet, but I don't now if they contain all kinds of attacks which are relevant to my situation. To be clear, I only server web content through port 80 and use ssh to remote login.

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Networking :: Browser "waiting For ..." Stalling / Browser Seems To Stall For A Long Time?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm surfing along just fine when I select some link in my browser.The status line reports "... waiting for ..." and the browser seems to stall for a long time (minutes). Often, but not every time, I can select the STOP toolbar icon and reload the page. This time things work normally.

I have a similar but different malfunction running Evolution email connected to my hosted IMAP server. I select a message and see "... formatting ..." and then Evolution seems to stall for a long time (minutes). Rarely the stop-reload actions help reading email. Instead,all Evolution windows go dark grey and the entire desktop stalls.[Analysis -- It has the feel of a "network" issue provoking issues within Evolution itself rather than an Evolution-only malfunction.]

Watching the running system with 'htop' and similar, I do not see where some other application or service is sucking all of the available CPU time or such. [Analysis -- It has the feel that either the browser message or the email message were sent into limbo without reaching their intended destination. Stop-reload sends the bits to the right places and so I get results.]

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Ubuntu :: Which Is The Default File Browser (NOT Web Browser) Of 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

Apr 18, 2011

Which is the default file browser(NOT web browser) of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat?Nautilus?Are there any others for Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: RDP Through Web Browser?

Jun 2, 2010

Is it possible to remotely access my Ubuntu PC through a web browser (preferably Internet Explorer)? I am currently using TSWeb through Internet Explorer at work to access my Windows PC at home. This is my only option as IS will not allow software installation on any PC's and Windows RDP is not available.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rockmelt Browser On 10.10?

Nov 22, 2010

I have installed wine correctly but I want the Rockmelt browser on my ubuntu 10.10 but it will need internet access

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Ubuntu :: CPUs At 100% - Therefore Excess Fan Noise

Feb 20, 2011

My setup:
HP XW8200
2x 3600MHz Xeon CPUs
Quadro FX3800 PCIe graphics
Dual boot Ubuntu 10.10 32bit (primary use) and XP (gaming use only)

The issue I have is that the CPUs seem to run at 100% constantly in Ubuntu meaning that the CPU fans are constantly at high. This makes the machine sound like a wind tunnel!

It is nice and quiet in XP.

I installed GKrellM monitor which is what is telling me about the 100% CPU useage.

Would using the 64bit Ubuntu make any difference? (dont really want to reinstall tbh)

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Ubuntu :: Reduce Laptop Fan Noise?

Oct 19, 2010

I have an install of Mint 9, and the fan runs a lot less then it did in Vista, but it still is way to loud because it's not very warm at all. I was wondering if there is a tool for Ubuntu/Mint that you could adjust this issue. It would be nice if it was a gui tool, but anything will do, because it's really bugging me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Browser(s) Not Working Properly?

Mar 20, 2010

Alright I just installed Linux as the only and got it all set up but now I have a problem with firefox or actually any browser. As far as I understand my internet works fine, I was able to download updates from the software center and various programs too. My problem is that when I try to go to any other website than google the browser just freezes up. The bar in the left bottom corner just says "Waiting for <site name>" Strangely google and google mail works. Ive tried going through all of the network settings but I am at a loss now

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Ubuntu Networking :: Choose Gateway Before Using Web Browser?

Jun 19, 2010

This Ubuntu desktop has 3 network interfaces:LAN eth0: ip address gateway tun1: ip address gateway tun2: ip address gateway Chrome or Firefox, by default the gateway is used.How do I change this such that:I can manually choose the or or gateway.From the command line.Before running Firefox/Chrome.Without re-configuring any network interfaces.So that ONLY Firefox and Chrome browsers are affected

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Ubuntu Networking :: Host File Changes Not Reflected In Web Browser

Jan 8, 2010

I've found that changes configured in my hosts file are not being reflected in my web browsers, but it is in the shell. For example... If I put the following in my /etc/hosts file

Code: 123.456.789.000 server server.dom.com I get a successful response from running ping in the shell


I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. I have to make regular changes to my hosts file to test services, so this is quite a pain.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Individual Internet Channel For Browser

May 18, 2010

What is the quickest and the most elegant way to implement the following scheme:On my computer I have two browsers and two internet channels:

1. Ethernet cable internet
2. USB 3g modem/.

When I execute the first browser it uses only the cable internet and the second one uses the USB modem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Browser Sits On Looking Up (Website Address)

Oct 3, 2010

The issue I'm having is that browsers in Ubuntu 10.04 stall at the part of the process for loading web pages that is noted by the "Looking Up (website address)...". The page eventually continues to load, but it takes a long time. This problem effects all browsers on the machine (tried Firefox and Chromium). It is not a problem with the connection, because a Windows 7 laptop and even the Windows XP partition on the Ubuntu machine function as they should.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Downloading Cuts Off My Browser / Sort It?

Oct 4, 2010

When I start to download large files and try to use firefox the "Server Not Found" error appears. I'm seriously new to Linux so I don't want to be discouraged on being a fan of Ubuntu Linux.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Login To Wireless Network Through Browser

Jan 25, 2011

I recently moved into a new apartment complex and the building's internet requires a browser login (the wireless network itself isn't secured). If I boot into Windows 7, I can reach the prompt for username/password after instructing the browser to proceed past an invalid certificate.

However, when I start either Firefox or Chrome in 10.10 NBR, I can't reach either the warning about the invalid certificate or the prompt. Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated as it'd be nice to get my netbook up and running after the move.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Web Browser And Two Interfaces How To Manually Choose

May 30, 2011

I have wired connection Ethernet (eth0) and 3G connection GSM (ttyUSB0). Firefox uses eth0, but sometimes, I want Firefox to use ttyUSB0. How could I do that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 25% Slower Than Win7 - Browser Firefox

Jun 17, 2011

Just installed the latest 11.04 64bit ubuntu, using std cd install alongside windows7, ticking the "add all extras" option, to ensure I got all the latest drivers etc.. The pc is brand new

Acer emachines E644 - AMD 2 Core C-50
3Gb DDR3 mem
500 Gb hard drive

Pre-installed: 64bit Win 7 home premium I've literally changed nothing in win7 other than using wubi to install ubuntu 1st time around (ubuntu appears as a win program - and was un-installed as such). Note: It is too late to now check, but......... under wubi/win7 I had no sense that the browser firefox was running slow - i didn't do a speedtest.net cos of other priorities (and it seemed fine). On advice, I started again (new partitions etc). The Problem: Ubuntu is now 25% slower (broadband) than Win7! Actually, it feels worse than that - more like it was on my previous lap top that had 512Mb ram running xp. Here are the results after switching os's a couple of times.


Firefox managed one spurious result of 5.89, but the graph (on the speedtest display) was absolutely all over the shop (like it's overall results). Compare that to iExplorer - total stability, and in fact, more like 30% faster + a much better ping. Anyway, I guess you know all this, I've seen that plenty of others have noticed this speed drop in the past, so:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Application Except Web Browser Not Connecting To Internet

Jul 15, 2011

All of a sudden, none of the applications are able to connect to the internet, except the web browser. I use Google Chrome and sometimes Mozilla firefox.

There is a network proxy and I did apply the network proxy setting system wide.

Applications like Dropbox, Messenger etc stopped connecting to internet which were working very well until yesterday.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Ping Server But Is Still Accessible From Browser?

Jul 22, 2011

It resides at There are numerous domain names on this ip [URL]s Those are a few of them. Now if you try to ping it does not respond, if you ping "www.barrierfree.us" it says pinging but it also does not respond. BUT if you point your browser to one of the above domain names it will work, but it is quite slow.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: All Sound Is Noise - After Some Update ?

Jan 31, 2010

Since about a few weeks, I have a problem with the sound on my Ubuntu Jaunty 64-bit. From any application it would simply provide noise instead of the real sound. The motherboard is working fine and providing sound under Vista. Initially, I then managed to change the settings in System-> Sound from Auto to one of the options, which provided for a decent test result. Now this is not working anymore either ... so I only get noise out of my speakers.

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Ubuntu :: Can Keep My Hard Drive Off To Reduce Noise

Aug 26, 2010

Is it possible to keep the hard drive off most of the time, so that the laptop runs silently? (The fan has been taken care of already. Are there any other noise sources?)

I have no practical knowledge about this, but in theory it should be possible to cache frequently used files in RAM and to store disk writes on a flash drive...? UnionFS?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound & Screen Noise?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu and have been for a while now without issue. However today (actually now yesterday) i made the giant mistake of upgrading my on board HD3150 graphics to a PCIe HD5570 since then my whole life has fallen to bits.

First i noticed some visual noise on the screen. Concluding this was due to incorrect or out of date drivers i attempted to update them from the Hardware Drivers section. This gave the error:

SystemError: installArchives() failed

Activating from the command line using jockey gave the same error.

Deciding a reboot might be needed i did so. On power up all ubuntu and recovery modes produced an unskinned GUI with no desktop icons that responded to no mouse or keyboard input.

I was forced to reinstall the operating system.

On reinstalling and losing everything i had installed previously (it's going to take many days to get that all back and working again!), i still have the screen noise, have still been getting the same errors on attempting to activate the drivers, except now i also get this:

the installation of this driver failed.

Please have a look at the log file for details.: /var/log/jockey.log

2010-09-22 01:40:58,589 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xa332aec> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v045Ep00E1d0007dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip02')
2010-09-22 01:40:58,589 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xa332aec> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v046Dp0804d0009dcEFdsc02dp01ic0Eisc01ip00')


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Filter Static / Noise Out Of An Mp3?

Feb 5, 2011

Is there a way to filter static or noise out of an mp3? I have avidemux and audacity but I'm not sure how to go about it, or if its actually possible.

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Ubuntu :: Fix Clicking Noise After HP Splash Screen?

Feb 27, 2011

How do I fix the clicking noise after the HP splash screen?

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Ubuntu :: Hard Drive Scratch Noise?

Apr 1, 2011

I am dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. When I am on Windows 7, I have no noise from the hard drive. When I use Ubuntu, every now and then I hear a short scratch noise from the hard drive. It didn't start doing it until installing Ubuntu when I was setting up the partitions.

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