Ubuntu Networking :: Reloading Hostapd On AP Side Permits Wicd To Reconnect

Sep 21, 2010

I'm running WiFi AP (hostapd/nl80211) and STA (Wicd) in my home net. More or less all does work fine at last. The only problem I have - STA reconnection works few times only (1-4 times), ending with unsuccessful authentification (and multiple AP probing in hostapd debug output before STA failing).Two contradictive facts take place:

1. Reloading hostapd on the AP side permits Wicd to reconnect, while STA rebooting(!) doesn't help.
2. Another STA - my son's Nokia mobile phone (don't know a model) - reconnects with this AP without problems (we have tried 10 times).

So, you see, first fact says something wrong with AP, while the second one says something wrong with STA. Or you can treat these facts in strictly opposite way Indeed WiFi under Linux is very fragile area yet. I have found plenty of close-to-be-similar reports as well as different resolving ways (but it is rare case).OK, few words about setup. Up to date Kubuntu Maverick testing with backports enabled on both sides. ASUS USB-N11 adapters are in use on both sides. It means RT2870 chip.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WICD Not Automatically Reconnect After Suspend Or Hibernate

Feb 22, 2010

I'm actually running Debian Lenny and using WICD. Sometimes when I wake the system up from standby it reconnects me to my wireless connection, but sometimes it wont. (Same thing for hibernate). On the times that it wont work it just hangs at obtaining IP address.

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Networking :: Can't Use Wicd-gtk Because Wicd Won't Work With Ad-hoc Networks

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying to use nm-applet with Arch/Openbox/tint2. I can't use wicd-gtk because wicd won't work with ad-hoc networks. I have tested nm-applet in Ubuntu/Openbox/tint2 and it works fine.

The error message is:
[esteeven@piccolo ~]$ nm-applet
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area


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Networking :: Changes On The Server Side Aren't Visible On The Client Side?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm using NFS and I have the following problem. After ~100 days, the client and server lose connection, but the client doesn't know about this, it gives no error. The problem is that the changes on the server side aren't visible on the client side.

The nfs options are: "noatime, nolock, hard, udp, notcp, nosuid, nodev, rsize=8192, wsize=8192, actimeo=60"

The kernel version is: built with 250 Hz. Is this an already corrected issue in a kernel version? Or are my options wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Natty Broke My Hostapd?

May 4, 2011

I use an Atheros AR922X wireless card in my router/access point and everything was working fine under maverick. Now when I try and start hostapd I get this:

root@puffin:~# hostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

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Ubuntu Networking :: 802.11n PCI Card With Hostapd And WPA2 Support?

Jan 24, 2011

I currently have an Atheros a5k 802.11g PCI card and I am looking to upgrade to 802.11n. Are there any cards that support the Atheros chipset (a9k) or something similar? I do have PCIe x16 available if I can go with that. Plus, I could go with an external USB 802.11n wireless adapter, but I'd rather prefer the internal card to save space. I don't mind any PCI/PCIe adapters taking up slots in my motherboard, although I might plan to upgrade to an ATX motherboard so I can have more slots available.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Run Hostapd Wireless Utility On Startup?

Mar 1, 2011

I run the following command on my terminal to start hostapd which sets up my router to behave like a wireless access point. $ ./hostapd -dd hostapd.conf The service starts successfully. But now i am trying to figure out a way to run this program automatically at start up so that my access point is permanently visible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Compile Drivers Or Hostapd From Source + Ath9k = No 11n

Nov 19, 2010

I've been running hostapd for a while in 11g mode with great success. Having upgraded the router machine to maverick today, I had a poke at getting hostapd working in 11n mode without too much fuss. From cursory reading of old forum posts, this appears to now be built in functionality without needing to compile drivers or hostapd from source - this is borne out by a few 11n-related lines in the default configuration file.

When adding those two lines to my config file, though, I get the same error message I did a few years ago when trying this out for the first time:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Hostapd - Failed To Set Interface WLAN0 To Master Mode

May 15, 2011

I try to set-up an Access point using ubuntu 11.04. I am using the minimal configuration file from [URL] together with a TP-Link TL-WN422G (Atheros chipset). I've installed the linux-backports-net-natty-generic drivers. But when trying to start hostapd I always get this output:

# hostapd -dd -K test.conf
Configuration file: test.conf
Failed to set interface wlan0 to master mode.
nl80211 driver initialization failed.
wlan0: Unable to setup interface.
ELOOP: remaining socket: sock=5 eloop_data=0x9b9440 user_data=(nil) handler=0x43d980
I have also disabled the network-manager for this device by adding this to /etc/network/interfaces:

iface wlan0 inet manual
cat test.conf:

lsusb says:

Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0cf3:1006 Atheros Communications, Inc. TP-Link TL-WN422G v2 802.11g [Atheros AR9271]
lsmo: .....

Linux magnet 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Fedora Networking :: Hostapd - Create A Bridge Between Wlan0 And Eth0

Feb 3, 2011

what i want to do is

client <--> wlan0 <--> computer <--> eth0 <--> internet

i have 2 network connections eth0 wired connected to internet wlan0 wireless (work fine) i have installed hostapd with madwifi and so on oki when i run hostapd the clients see the hot spot oki clients connect with wpa oki network manager run at demand not automatic (keep it for internet help) now i'm a bit lost what do i need is wlan0 give the client an ip (dhcp demand) create a bridge between wlan0 and eth0 steps to create a permanent bridge between wlan0 and eth0

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Fedora Networking :: Accesspoint With Hostapd And Bridge Can't Add Iface Wlan0

Feb 22, 2011

I have setup hostapd and a bridged setup with br0 bridging eth0 and wlan0. The setup works but unfortunately not on bootup. The reason is that the bridge can't add iface wlan0 because it is down for some reason at this time. When hostapd is running (after the network script) the interface is up and can be added to bridge via


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Fedora Networking :: 14 - Use Hostapd With Realtek RTL8191S USB WLAN Adapter

May 2, 2011

I've got Fedora 14 ( installed and i'm trying to use hostapd with my Realtek RTL8191S USB WLAN Adapter, but can't get it to work. The driver i'm using is : rtl8712_8188_8191_8192SU_usb_linux_v2.6.0006.20100 601.tar.gz


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Fedora Networking :: 12 + Hostapd + Ath9k Hang - Did Not Acknowledge Authentication Response?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a small intel Atom based computer that acts as a 'combo' firewall / router / server / 802.11 Access Point that services my end user needs. I'm using hostapd 0.7.0 and Fedora 12 x86_64. The system works fine on Fedora 11. I decided to upgrade to Fedora 12 last night, and completely broke my wireless. Note that configurations are _identical_ between the Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 installation. Though, I did recompile the hostapd binary under Fedora 12 libs, etc.

Anyway, Client #1 associates fine. Client #2 associates, and hostapd hangs. Strace'ing the process shows nothing... just.. dead. SIGTERM works, but hostapd is unable to 'unallocate' the wlan0 interface, which appears to be in a hung state, so I can't simply re-start hostapd. So, I have to remove wlan0 from my bridge, them rmmod ath9k, modprobe ath9k, re-add wlan0 into the bridge, restart hostapd.. But the second association consistently hangs it every time. Next, I went and downloaded the latest compat-wireless drivers as of this posting. Selected the ath9k driver, built the modules, replaced them in my /lib/modules tree, depmod'd, reboot, etc..

BIG difference. Now hostapd does not hang, and there appears to be better logging/debug than ever before. This made me happy. Unfortunately, there appears to be a new problem. Clients can now associate, but only for a split second. They are immediately disconnected, and the following message appears via hostapd's stdout logging: hostapd: wlan0: STA 00:21:5c:39:a3:99 IEEE 802.11: did not acknowledge authentication response

For every client that attempts connection. Note that I'm using WPA2-EAP-PEAP w/ MSCHAPv2. I've also, for kicks, just tried regular WPA2-PSK with similar results. I'm using a mixture of clients, Windows XP, Windows 7, Linux Ubuntu, Fedora, and others.


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Automatic Ppp Reconnect If Down

Mar 5, 2010

I didn't find a solution to making my 3G/GPRS "modem" reconnect automatically when the connection fails, so I made a solution of my own. It's very annoying when you're downloading a file overnight, only to find that the connection has failed 5 min after you went to sleep.Restarting the NetworkManager daemon makes it automatically connect to all configured interfaces, including 3G/GPRS, so I made a simple script to do that.First, we check if the modem is even connected. Replace Huawei with the brand you're using. Any unique word on the line in lsusb will do fine as well. Then we check if the connection is up, and if it is, we simply exit. Otherwise, the NM daemon is restarted, which causes the 3g/gprs to reconnect.

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Fedora :: Could Not Connect To Wicd's D-Bus Interface - Check The Wicd Log For Error Messages

Jul 1, 2010

I installed Wicd in my F13 but I got problems when starting it When I try to start it I got error message:

Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface - Check the wicd log for error messages.

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Fedora :: SELinux Blocking Wicd - Couldn't Connect To Dbus Interface And The Wicd Deamon Has Shut Down

Dec 17, 2010

I'v just installed wicd. I can't get it to sart, I get errors saying that wicd couldn't connect to it's dbus interface and the wicd deamon has shut down. Then there's a report from SELinux saying that it's preventing /usr/bin/python "write" access on /etc/dhcp/manager-settings.conf and that access is denied to wicd. I can get wicd to start if I su to root, but I'd like to not have to do that every time I boot. Is there a fix?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rt2500pci Fails To Reconnect?

Jan 29, 2010

wireless disconnects after a few hours, there is a 50/50 chance that the reconnect fails. if it fails i am asked for the wpa2 key, if i hit cancel and try to connect manually after 2 minutes it connects most times. if i enter the wpa2 key and hit connect i won't get any connection. reading the loglife of my router shows that my laptop connects and disconnects in a 7s rhythm. a restart solves this problem (is there a command to manually restart the network without the need to restart?

laptop: packard bell easynote w1000
ubuntu 9.10
lspci -v readout:
Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01)
Subsystem: RaLink Device 2560


probably related, after suspend or hibernation networking is disabled, enabling it via right-click does not work again after a restart everything works how it should.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Shuts Off And Cannot Reconnect?

Sep 21, 2010

I just started using Ubuntu at the advice of a friend. I am running it from a flash drive.I have a wired network that always works fine with Windows on this computer.After starting up Ubuntu it connected right up and I was able to use it. Then, out of the blue the machine shut off. Upon restart, I was unable to connect to the internet.I reinstalled Ubuntu to a different flash drive and it worked fine once again.I left the computer running while I went out for supper, returned and the computer was "asleep" and would not wake back up.I shut off the computer and restarted Ubuntu.No internet again. As always, it works fine in Windows.Also, BOTH times this has happened, the OS says I am connected to the internet, and I can turn the connection on and off, but it is not connected. This happens even if I reboot the computer. (I have a cable connection.)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Won't Reconnect After Dropping?

May 26, 2011

I'm having a problem with the wireless on my Asus EEEPC 1000HE using Ubuntu 110.04. Digging into the laptop forums, it says there is a problem with wireless on some models of the 1000HE, but it is not the same wireless device and my wireless problem doesn't seem as bad as listed, so I think it's a different problem. But my problem is that if wireless drops for any reason, it will not start working again unless I either reboot the computer or click the wireless icon in the systray, click disconnect so it stops flashing (like it's trying to reconnect) and then suspend my computer or log off and back on. And it only does the latter because I added a file located at /etc/pm/config.d/00sleep_module with the one line that reads SUSPEND_MODULES="rt2800pci" (my wireless driver) So that one line seems to cause wireless to get a fresh connection after suspending (or something. I'm not a very advanced LInux user). I've tried running the command "sudo/etc/init.d/networking restart", but that does nothing for me. I'm not sure what other command to try to see if can fix it.[URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Reconnect To Internet After Disconnecting

Aug 16, 2011

Here is my problem:

I can reconnect to internet after disconnecting (this happens every 3-4 hours) only if I manually poke out and in ethernet cable to network adapter or reboot ubuntu. Even restarting network-manager not helps. My provider provides internet over pppoe. I have "DSL-connection 1" item in network managers gui menu. And that item disappears after disconnection.

pppd runs with following arguments: lcp-echo-failure 3 lcp-echo-interval 20 So where can I change this parameters, where is that configuration file?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Internet Connection Disconnects / Reconnect

Apr 18, 2010

Recently I've installed Ubuntu 9.10. I have DSL connection so, I wrote all details needed. After trying to connect on it, it automatically disconnects and connect auth connection again. I have worked on 9.04 and older versions and used to work very good, also the internet connection, but not in 9.10.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WUSB100 V2 Adapter - Disconnects And Won't Reconnect

Nov 1, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.10, and I can't get my WUSB100 v2 Linksys adapter to work. I've tried what's in this thread: [URL] Entered lsmod |grep rt into Terminal and found out it runs on the rt2800 chipset, so I blacklisted everything necessary. It finds and connects to my network but after about 10 minutes it disconnects and won't reconnect.

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Networking :: Ubuntu Can't Reconnect To Gmail After ISP Restores Access / Fix It?

Dec 31, 2010

Lately, my ISP has started making all Google sites inaccessible for a short time every afternoon (last 3-4 days now). I suspect some kind of DNS poisoning... access always comes back later in the afternoon.

When access does come back, non-Linux machines can connect basically right away, but my Ubuntu machine (the primary one I use) seems to need a reboot, as if wrong DNS information gets stuck in the session and the reboot clears it so that the machine can get the correct IP address.

I have not installed nscd, and IIUC the OS should not be persisting DNS cache information without that package. Every reference I can find online to clearing the DNS cache seems to depend on this package.

The objective is just to get back in touch with my Gmail without having to reboot (since e.g. OSX doesn't require a reboot for the same). What should I do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Loses Connection Then Will Not Reconnect?

Mar 24, 2011

I am fairly new to linux. I have Ubuntu 10.10 on my Dell Inspiron E1705. While browsing my internet connection suddenly stops working. It says that I am still connected but the internet doesn't work. When I try to disconnect then reconnect it will not connect to the network. To get it to reconnect i have to turn of the wireless card, delete the connection then restart, turn the card back on and reconnect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 - Wireless Asks For Password But Cannot Reconnect

Apr 21, 2011

Running 10.10 on Hp dv2000. Approx once a day wireless asks for password authentication but cannot re-connect to wireless network. I verified connection, correct password and modem & router functionality but still will not re-connect. After re-boot problem is resolved for another day or two.

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Networking :: How To Make Ppp Reconnect On Disconnect

Nov 27, 2010

i use ppp to connect to a VPN, and i need it to auto reconnect when i looses connection. How do i make it work?I use Debian.

options.pptp settings:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Have To Restart To Reconnect Because It Shows No Networks In Manager

Nov 20, 2010

So i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my Hp dv9000 and all went well, then a few days after it asked if i wanted to update to 10.10 so i did and this is where things went kookie.

After i installed i noticed my wifi was all screwy. It would connect but kick me off after several mins of use. I installed WICD hoping that would fix the problem but it didnt. internet work for a few min and then just suddenly cuts out and i have to restart to reconnect because it shows no networks in the manager?

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Networking :: Wifi Won't Reconnect After Standby Or Hibernate

May 3, 2010

I am using WICD as my wireless network manager and it works connecting to a network for the first time. But when I resume my laptop from hibernate or standby, WICD will not reconnect to the network and gets stuck on obtaining an IP address. And if I try to change networks without hibernating I get the same problem. Also, I notice that the network name is stagnant. I connect to multiple wifi networks a day because of school. When I leave my "home" network and connect to my "school" network WICD still says "Homebtaining IP address" even thought it should say "schoolbtaining IP address." My thoughts are that it isn't releasing the network properly and when its trying to connect it can't because it still thinks it's connected. The only solution I have found is to restart my laptop every time I want to connect to a new network, or shut down every time I am done using my laptop, which is a major inconvenience.

Here is what I am using:

HP tx2000
Broadcom BCM4322
Ubuntu 10.04
WICD 1.7.0

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Networking :: Unable To Reconnect To Wireless AP Using The Same Settings?

Mar 3, 2010

Sometimes I am unable to reconnect to my wireless AP using the same settings that worked the previous day, and that has me stumped. I think it's due to me switching access points (using different authenticatin) since the last connection.

1) After I enter iwconfig/iwpriv commands to connect my wireless usb card (edimax) to my WPA2 network, what process performs the negotiation with the AP, and is there a way to see status debug messages from that process so that I can see if there was a successful negotiation? (so I can see if the password is correct, etc).

2) Is there a way to manually invoke that process to re-attempt to negotiate? Or must I assume that happens automatically with any iwconfig/iwpriv command?

3) Is there a simple command that will erase all iwconfig/iwpriv settings so that I can start over with my iwconfig/iwpriv commands?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mobile Broadband Connects / But Won't Reconnect After Dropped Signal

Nov 8, 2010

I'm running a ZTE MF112 HSUPA USB stick (3 broadband dongle) for wireless broadband using network-manager.I can connect fine to mobile broadband, but every now and then, the signal drops and the connection is disconnected. When I try to reconnect it goes straight to network disconnected. It looks like it's not even trying to connect.Then when I right click on network manager, disable mobile broadband, then enable it again, works fine until the next disconnect.The point is, why do I have to keep disabling / enabling it? Pulling the dongle out works too. But there should be a workaround.

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