Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Between Desktop And Server?

Jul 17, 2010

What I am trying to achieve is a similar system to how windows networks.I have a folder on my server (/var/www) and I would like to share it via NFS so that when the server is on a folder appears in the network folder of my desktop and I am able to add, edit and delete folders and files as my non-root user (ryan). So far I have managed to install the NFS server and client and configured /etc/exports as so


/var/www/ *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

I have then been able to mount the folder to my client using:



/home/server /etc/auto.server --ghost --timeout=60



This isn't what I want and I was still unable to add, edit or delete folders and files.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Drivers From Desktop To Server?

Aug 4, 2011

I have a server running Ubuntu Server (Natty), originally I ran Ubuntu Desktop (Natty) and that worked fine especially since it already had the drivers for my Netgear WG111v2 wireless dongle. The server does not have this feature, I was wondering if their is a repo somewhere that has all the drivers included with Ubuntu Desktop for Ubuntu Server?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Overwrite Desktop Version With Server?

Aug 15, 2010

I'd like to put my new Dell desktop (Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop) on my home network in place of an old PC running Windows XP and acting as host for the network and server for printers, etc. Is the Server version required for this, and if so, can it install easily over the Desktop version?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Intermittent Internet On 10.10 Server With Desktop

Dec 30, 2010

I have been running 10.10 server with no GUI for a few months without issue. I decided to install ubuntu desktop (GUI), because I want to turn it into a media server, and I'm finding that my Internet browsing fails intermittently. i.e. I can get [URL] sometimes and sometimes not. I have tried traceroute and found that I do not reach my local router on addresses that fail, and yet I get a full trace on addresses that are ok. Ping tests too.I remember from some time ago that the GUI may cause a network problem but I'm not sure.
By the way, other computers on the network can access this host through Samba so the NIC is working fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Different DHCP Behavior In Server Versus Desktop

Jan 20, 2010

I've noticed something strange in the behavior of how Ubuntu server obtains it's IP address versus Ubuntu desktop and other versions of linux and Windows. When Ubuntu desktop obtains an IP address from my router that address is retained from one bootup to the next, same behavior as Windows, SuSE, and pretty much any other OS. Ubuntu server on the other hand grabs a different IP address everytime it boots. At first I guessed it was a difference in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf so I replaced it with the dhclient.conf from Ubuntu desktop but no dice, it still grabs a new address every time.

In /etc/network/interfaces Ubuntu server defines the loopback interface and primary network interface, just as it should but Ubuntu desktop does not define the network interface, only the loopback interface. I'm guessing something else controls does this. Desktop appears to be storing previous IP lease information in /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases but server doesn't, /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases is always empty and there's no other files in /var/lib/dhcp3/.

Apparently something isn't writing old lease info there. Without setting a static IP address, how can Ubuntu server be configured to retain the same IP address between boots like Ubuntu desktop?I'm using Ubuntu server 8.04LTS, Ubuntu desktop 9.10 & 9.04, SuSE 11.0, Linux Mint, Windows XP, pfSense 1.2.2 as router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect Desktop To A Windows Based Server At Work ?

Feb 21, 2010

How to connect my newly installed ubuntu on my desktop at work to the company's server that is windows based. I have my user name and password given to me by my it office but they could not help me set up linux.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Headless GNOME VNC Server On Lucid Lynx Desktop ?

May 9, 2010

I had to do quite a lot of digging before I managed to work out how to do this. It turns out to be reasonably straight forward, and so here is my howto all in one place.

Objective: Connect to my Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx) Desktop machine (which does not have a screen or keyboard) using a remote desktop viewer and get my usual GNOME desktop interface. And have the desktop persist while I am not disconnected.

I have recently discovered one niggly issue with some of the keys being messed up. 'm' and 's' in particular? I am looking into it and will update this post when I have resolved it.

The following steps were performed on a freshly installed version of Ubuntu 10.04-desktop. Just for clarity:


Install a VNC server. There is a choice of servers I chose the "tight" one.


Setup your VNC password. This password isn't very important as my setup will only allow for connections via SSH, so 123456 is what I used. One can possibly disable it?


At this point or the first time you run 'vncserver' (I forgot to check) the all important and much discussed ~/.vnc/xstartup file is auto generated. This is the make or break place where you can either get GNOME over VNC or not. My xstartup which required NO changes was:


Give the VNC server a test, by running it from the command line.


Try connecting to the VNC server:


Ok if that all worked then great! It all did for me and my machine was fresh from the CD.

Now we setup the VNC server to run all the time. There are a variety of ways of doing this. Since this howto requires the use of a SSH shell one could quite easily run the vncserver (as we did above to test it) and then disown (haven't tested if this is actually required) commands the first time you connect. This would leave the VNC server running until you used the vncserver --kill command. This would be a suitable approach if you had many different users wanting to have VNC GNOME desktops.

For convenience in a single user setup we can get the VNC server to be started at boot time:


Make the contents of 'vncserver.user' (credits to some smart guy on some blog out there that I couldn't find again. and then I made a few improvements):


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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Server Stopped Working After Upgrade To 10.10

Oct 11, 2010

Well I guess the topic says it all. I've recently upgraded to Maverick from Lucid all went smoothly until i restarted and realized that the remote desktop server included stopped functioning all of a sudden. tried other vnc servers with no luck.

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Fedora Networking :: Setup A Remote Server On An Old Desktop?

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to set up a remote server on an old desktop that i have and i am running into problems. I have the packet installed but i can not get it to run. When ever I enter /sbin/service sshd start

I get Generating SSH1 RSA host key:[FAILED] and i can not for the life of me figure it out. Running fedora 12

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Fedora Networking :: VNC Server On Desktop 0 On 14 Stopped Working ?

Mar 9, 2011

For more than a year I was happily using my Fedora 11 remotely through VNC over ssh. I was using desktop 0 on port 5900 so people at the office can see what I am doing.

Yesterday I upgraded to Fedora 12, then 13 and then 14. I installed all updates of F14. All went well until I came to use this server from home as usual. The server was not responding.

I brought up /etc/X11/xorg.conf from a backup tape because I discovered that it is there that screen 0 is set and not in /etc/sysconfig/vncservers and rebooted. No success!

At the command lsof | grep LISTEN, I could not see a listener on port 5900

I activated screen 1 on port 5901 and I could log in OK and with lsof I could see listeners for ports 5901 and 6001 but I need screen 0!

During the day I tried many things including removing the vncserver packages with yum and re-installing them, removing the .vnc folder in the user home folder and starting from scratch. The server is still refusing connection!

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Networking :: VNC Server - GNOME Desktop Delivered Via VNC Got Frozen

Aug 22, 2010

I have followed the official instructions here to setup VNC service initially and was able to get it working.

However, during the course of setting up my BIND service, I have done the following:
1) Turned on SELinux
2) Used system-config-security to add the ports TCP:53 and UDP:53

When I tried to save the settings from 2) above, my GNOME desktop delivered via VNC got frozen.

Now when I tried to restart vncserver with "service vncserver restart", I see the following. I am also unable to connect via [url] anymore.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Put A Link On The Desktop That Points Directly To The Shared Folder On The Server?

Mar 25, 2011

I created a lab of 15 PCs connected to a server using samba. Everything works fine, but it's possible put a link on the desktop that points directly to the shared folder on the server?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Server Not Working After 11.04 Upgrade With Confirmation Enabled

May 4, 2011

I just remotely updated my uncle's Ubuntu 10.10 desktop to 11.04. My uncle has no computer skills, so it is very important that I troubleshoot his problems using VNC. After completing the 11.04 upgrade, I was not able to connect to him via VNC. After some fiddling around I was able to connect by turning off the confirmation option in the Security section. We are now using the password security option. The problem is that my uncle does not have any security against my peering eyes.

I tried reinstalling Vinagre, but that didn't help. Is it possible to get the confirmation option working again somehow?

Is there a download link for Vinagre 3.01 (deb)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Work Remote Desktop Via The Terminal Server Client On Wired Box Running 10.10?

Dec 3, 2010

I am at a loss. I can not access my work remote desktop via the terminal server client on my wired box running Ubuntu 10.10. My wireless laptop is able to connect right away once I established the VPN connection. The VPN connection is established on both boxes with no problems.

When I tried the Terminal Server Client on my wired boxed, it says it can not establish a connection. Yet my wireless box gets connected immediately!

I check the /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and the /etc/resolv.conf to see if there were any differences, but they are essentially the same. When I have the vpnc connection, they both recognize it and I am able to ping the IP address shown when I do a "ifconfig" on the terminal.

What can be the problem? Anything I need to configure on a wired computer versus a wireless one? What else can I check?

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Ubuntu :: Installed Desktop On Server To Get Boinc Manager Running Now Remove Desktop?

Apr 20, 2010

First problem:

apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

I have installed Ubuntu desktop on Ubuntu Server to get Boinc manager running. Now I want to remove Ubuntu-desktop.

Second Problem: /etc/init.d/xorg start : No such file or directory When the server boots i get a blinking cursor.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Dvd That Contains Server Desktop And Alternate Install Opptions - And All Four Main Desktop Environments (gnome - Kde - Xfce - Lxde) And Unity?

Aug 12, 2011

is it would be possible create a Ubuntu dvd that contains the ubuntu server desktop and alternate install opptions, as well as all four main desktop environments (gnome, kde, xfce, lxde) and unity. since much of the data is redundant between each version cd's it would probably all fit on one disk. then all that would be needed is two disks one for 32 bit and another for 64 bit. i really think that this could work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Remote Desktop Viewer To See The Desktop On A Windows XP Machine?

Nov 20, 2010

I have my main box, Ubuntu 10.04lts, and I am trying to use remote desktop viewer to see the desktop on a Windows XP machine. The machines are side by side The Ubuntu box is hardwired to my network router, and the XP machine is connected via wireless. Both get to the internet fine, and I can ping the Ubuntu box from the XP box. But, I cannot ping the XP box from the Ubuntu box, and Remote Desktop Viewer won't establish a connection to the VNC server I have running on the XP box.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect 10.04 Desktop System Wirelessly To Another Desktop

Jul 7, 2010

I am trying to connect an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop system wirelessly to another desktop that is directly connected to a cable modem via dlink wireless router and ethernet card. I have not been able to connect on the second system (Ubuntu) to the wireless router.

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Ubuntu :: Server Or Desktop Installation For Limited Server Use?

Aug 1, 2010

My present system consists of 4 computers all running Ubuntu (just upgraded to 10.04) and all have a Virtual windows installations to run applications for which there are no Linux substitutes. The "server" is a NAS that is merely a file repository. I want to replace the NAS with a new computer that acts as both a server and a local workstation. It would act as a repository for common files and would run a mail, calendar, contacts server for the LAN (no outside connections).What are the pros and cons of installing the server version of Ubuntu (or Kubuntu) then adding the appropriate desktop versus installing the desktop and adding some server functions?

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Ubuntu :: Server Vs Desktop For Home File Server

Dec 2, 2010

I have both windows (xp and win7) and mac (osx snow leopard) running on my network. I'd like to find a unified system that I could use as a file server. Mainly, I'd like to have it hold music and movies, maybe run some automated backups from a win 7 desktop. I'd also like it to be a print server. I'd like to run the most simple and lightest weight OS for the server os. However, I don't think I have the basic linux knowledge to run Ubuntu Server as it is terminal based. I have installed it on my machine but I feel like im running in circles. I have it installed and can SSH in with my laptop no problem. I feel like I may be better off installing Ubuntu Desktop and removing what I dont need. at htis time the server has only a 40gig hdd in it, i also have a 500gb hdd i'd be using for the files.

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Server :: Icons Not Showing In GNOME Desktop At REDHAT ES Server

May 4, 2011

Icons Not Showing in GNOME desktop at REDHAT ES Server.Also no right click on desktop .No Action.

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Server :: Remote-desktop Into A Windows Box That Happens Be Hooked Up To A Server?

Jan 21, 2011

I want to remote-desktop into a windows box that happens be hooked up to a linux server.The linux server uses a static IP. I've already enabled remote-desktop on the windows machine, but am wondering what I need to do server-side to make the server's ip forward to the windows machine. I know this can be done with iptables but I'm not sure how to work it.

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Server :: Gnome Desktop Harming Server Performance?

Feb 4, 2010

On my local apache web server I had installed gnome desktop, because I wanted it to use as a TV. But when I installed the gnome desktop, my requests for web pages became terribly slow (4-5 seconds!). When I deinstalled the gnome desktop, the request where fast again. But I still want to watch TV on my server, so I wander if people know why the gnome desktop harms the performance of the server?

PS. with gnome desktop, ping was <1 ms, samba server worked like charm, wget localhost was <1 ms, but for some reason, when tried to get a webpage from my webserver to a remote machine, it took seriously 4-5 seconds to load a page.

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Server :: Remote Desktop From Windows XP To CentOS Server?

Jun 15, 2010

How to setup my server to use it remotely from my Home from a WindowsXP PC.I want to access my CentOS server. Please help me installing GUI or Remote desktop on my server.I have installed FREENX client on my WIndows XP PC now what next to do. what configuration do i need to do.If you have any link to tutorial please let me know.

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Server :: Ubuntu Desktop Used As An IP-cam Server?

Dec 15, 2010

I have inherited (Volunteered) this system at work. We have 5 HP 5730 thin clients set up as camera views for production. Set up was done by an I.T. who is no longer with the company and left no documentation. how to view the thin clients from the server.We need to refresh our views after power bumps. I have spent quite a few hours looking at info online and have gained a lot of ground, but still have not found my answer. Oh, I am an electrician. We are in a pretty remote area and the company expects us to gain knowledge outside of our realm. Our I.T. people are out of Portland and don't want to be bothered with this O.S. and are going to switch it to Windows to better support us. I have now grown a fascination for the Ubuntu and will keep playing with it at work and at home.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Msi Desktop Do Wireless Networking

Jul 20, 2011

I just bought new components to build a new desktop .. it has a MSI A75MA-G55 motherboard but I can not find anyway to connect to a wireless network. I tried to google my problem and read all the manuals that came with my board but no were can I see if it has a wireless adapter build in or not.

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Networking :: Networking Config For Desktop/Laptop Through Router

Jan 6, 2011

My Desktop is wired through eth0 to my wireless router. The router is connected to the internet. the ipaddress leased to my desktop was done with dhcpcd. My laptop is connnected to the wireless router through the wifi card known as device eth1 and i used dhcpcd for that also. How can I network my laptop via wifi through the router to the Desktop?

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Networking :: Get Internet Access On Desktop Computer Through Networking?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm not really a newbee in Linux but I am a newbee in networking. I have both a Ubuntu laptop and a Gentoo desktop computer. I have just bought me the MBR1000 Cradlepoint router and it works great with my Verizon USB 760 modem plugged in it. I can now send and receive email on my Ubuntu laptop. I like it.My Gentoo desktop computer is just sitting there with no Internet access because my Verizon modem is no longer plugged into it but plugged into the router instead. Only my laptop now has Internet access. The laptop has an integrated wireless card built in the MB but my desktop has no such capability.

Is there a way (besides buying a wi-fi adapter) to get Internet access on my desktop computer through networking so that the router would give both computers Internet access at the same? My Gentoo desktop does have an ethernet adapter that perhaps I could useThe router has several LAN ports and one WAN port, both unused.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Access "Your Desktop Is Only Reachable Over The Local Network. Others Can Access Your Computer Using The Address Or Tabatha.local"

Feb 19, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10. In the Remote Desktop config dialog I get: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address or tabatha.local." I understand this means only the loopback ip address is available. All my other machines show their true local ip address (e.g., in this dialog. Thus I cannot log on to this desktop from other machines.

When I try to do a remote logon from another Ubuntu 9.10 box (or from an XP box using a VNC viewer), I get: "Connection to has been closed." What steps are needed to make this machine show its actual ip address? All file sharing between the various machines is working properly and all windows shares back and forth between XP and 'nix, and among the the vaious XP boxes and linux boxes are available as designed.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - How To Get GUI Desktop For Server

Aug 9, 2010

I have installed a Ubuntu server 10.04 in my virtualbox now I want a GUI desktop for my server I tried these two commands to get the desktop:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
But it is really slow so is there a way to do this from a Ubuntu CD. I already have a cd of both ubuntu 10.04 for desktop and also a cd of alternate Ubuntu 10.04.

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