Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Eth0 - Network - Won't Connect ?

May 2, 2010

Upgraded To Ubuntu 10.04 The Other Day. And when I first installed it everything worked great except for my sound card which I fixed. But there was no problem with connecting to my Router via an Ethernet cable. Then I updated the video card drivers, restarted my PC and it wouldn't connect. It would try over around 1-2 mins then tell me its disconnected. No green light activity on the router / network card either.

I've reinstalled fresh copies of Ubuntu a couple of times now, Hoping to get the default settings back. But nothing has worked since.

I looked around the net and found quite a few people had this problem on previous versions of Ubuntu but it would seem most of there fixes were for there Version, so it hasn't helped me.

Heres some info:


I've tried all the various things from dhclient to ifup/ifdown etc etc.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager In Lubuntu - Cannot Get Auto Eth0 To Connect To Send Out As A Share

Aug 19, 2010

If I made a distro from scratch it would have been Lubuntu, cept I'm sure my theming would have been horrible. Now Ive installed on a couple of my Laptops, and even had a few friends convert, and for the most part everything is hunkus doris, cept one small issue thats keeping me from slapping it on my trusty laptop. I'm lost as to what the problem could be. Ive tried just about all I can think of, but I use sprint mobile broadband to connect to the net and then use Network Manager to share this connection with the laptops and Palmtops around the house. I can get my sprint modem to connect thats not a big problem the problem is now I cannot get the Auto Eth0 to connect to send out as a share. It just refuses to connect. Now this is not a Lubuntu problem at all Im sure its somehow a Lxde problem, as Mint Lxde, PeppermintOS, and so on do the same thing, refusing to connect Auto Eth0 while Sprint is connected. Any Gnome based distro this works flawless, as does Xfce distros, so Im sure this is somehow something within Lxde. Im sure its down to just "missing" a file or some stupid overlooked thing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Eth0 Connected But No Network

Jul 21, 2011

I am using BSNL broadband ISP and I am able to get network on windows os but not on my ubuntu.( I have a dual boot). I see Auto eth0 connected from the notification but when i am pinging [URL]... it says unknown host.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-Manager Reverts Back To Auto Eth0

May 3, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 10.4. My problem is that Network Manager keeps defaulting back to Auto eth0. I have created a new wired connection and set my manual addresses. I have ticked the 'connect automatically' button. Every time I reboot or wake up it reverts back to Auto eth0.I did have wicd installed but this was not reconnecting after wake up (said it was connected but I couldn't ping etc), this is a pain also.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Messed Up /etc/network/interfaces - Original Auto Eth0 Setup Is Missing

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to setup my interfaces along side GNS3 for study purposes, and came across a ..... vid saying to try this (my current config)


I'm praying for some crappy syntax error, also in Network Connections... its now blank, the original auto eth0 setup is missing

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Will Not Auto-connect To New Network After Resume?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently fixed an annoying problem and I thought it would be nice to share my solution here. The problem was that after a cycle of suspend/resume, Network Manager would only auto-connect to the same network as it was previously connected to. So, for example, if I suspended my laptop at home, and then I went to school and resumed it, it would try to connect to the home network, and then just give up. It would not connect to the school network unless I explicitly told it to.irst, I'll describe the fix. If you're having this problem, you can this. Copy the following:

case "$1" in


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Won't Auto Connect?

Jan 28, 2011

I've been trying to get and old PCI wireless card to work on Ubuntu 10.04. The card is a Zonet 1602. It was not recognized automatically.

I have been able to get it to work using ndiswrapper except that when the computer is started it does not automatically connect to the network. I can click on the network icon and select my network from a list and it will connect, including properly authenticating the network key.

I have worked through a lot of information on the web but much of it seems to apply to earlier versions of Ubuntu and some if it does not match what I'm seeing in 10.04.

There is a built in Ethernet controller on the mother board but I have disabled it in the BIOS.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Doesn't Auto-connect At Startup

Jan 5, 2010

I have a Broadcom 4312 wireless chip. I have use the STA drivers that Ubuntu recommends. I can connect quite easily just by clicking on the icon, so this is more than a niggle than a problem.

My network isn't protected as we live in the middle of nowhere (quite literally) and network theft isn't a problem. We also run a self-catering cottage, and let guests have free access to our network anyway, so it is easier for guests to access our network without me having to give them all the key. When I did use wpa, it would start itself up with the laptop, so I kind of know that this might be the cause. Is there any way I can fix it without encrypting the network?

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - No Network Connection (Auto Eth0 Set To Never)

Dec 13, 2010

When I log onto my Ubuntu 9.04 boot I am disconnected from the internet, on my windows 7 boot It works just fine, I have attempted disabling networking, power cycling the modem and router, and re-enabling networking, no dice though. hovering over the connection icon tells me that there is no network connection.

Opening the edit connections window tells me that there a wired connection called Auto eth0 that is set to never, and that is all that I can find. I hunted for other forums on this and found a few but none with a successful resolution.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Set Auto Eth0 IP Address?

Apr 13, 2011

I want to set my desktop IP address to always be The NetworkManager connects to the network automatically and the IP address is assigned randomly. I can set up another connection in NetworkManager and always change over. But is there any way to make the default eth0 interface to be permanently set to a certain address (using NetworkManager, not ifup)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Eth0 Not Connecting 10.04?

May 2, 2011

I can't figure out why my ethernet isn't recognizing its connection. ifconfig returns the hardware address, route -n returns an empty table

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Auto Eth0 On One Lucid Box?

Jul 30, 2011

so I now have 4 Ubuntu Lucid LTS installations - terrific - but the alternative Ubuntu boot on this particular PC (all made from the same Live CD) does not have any eth0 configured, so I cannot reach even my router. I can look at the eth0 properties with "Network tools" and it has no IP or MAC. I have the network notification gremlin installed but it does not appear on the top panel. {"eth0" hardware works under Win XP, hence this post}.

I'm a novice at Ubuntu, and I am at a loss. I realise that networking is supposed to be automatic, no 'tool' should be needed, but what can I do when it has not configured?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Easytether + Auto Eth0 Not Working?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm using Easytether through my HTC Droid for interwebs running Ubuntu 10.04. However I also have a home network. However when I hardwire into the network via a D-Link router (Auto eth0) my internet no longer works. The same is true when I plug in my iPod. The Droid loses it's connection. What is the problem?

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Networking :: Ethernet Auto-connect / Auto-sense Doesn't Work

Feb 3, 2011

I have noticed that a common issue to several distros is the fact that the networking subsystem doesn't automatically detect the link if an ethernet connection is disconnected and then re-connected to the NIC after boot. If the ethernet cable is connected after the system is up and running, nothing happens - ethtool eth0 shows link detected: no, and you have to restart the network service to let the NIC know that there is in fact a link, and actually connect. I have a Fedora14 (KDE) box with a brand new Asus motherboard with embedded NIC. Everything works great except the auto-detect of a freshly connected ethernet connection if the link is down to begin with.

Am I missing a ethernet link sentinel utility or something, or is this just the way linux works? I have done plenty of research on plenty of posts, and it seems this is a common problem, with no solution other than manually or programatically restarting the network service in a script to detect the link after a disconnect.

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Networking :: Auto Start Eth0 In Fedora 14?

Jan 6, 2011

my eth0 connection is not automatically connected when fedora starts. I checked " activate device when windows starts" in network configuration. still it is not auto connecting and after connection the network icon is not changing to connected status although it is connected.

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Ubuntu :: Server Can't Find Eth0 - Connect To Network

Jun 9, 2011

I tried for two days to install ubuntu server to my computer from a cd. Whenever I tried burning to a CD-RW (using two programs at highest and lowest speeds), my cd always said it had corrupt files. So I setup a virtualbox harddisk that was setup tonuse my slave harddisk and installed ubuntu server in virtualbox successfully. Now when I boot my server, it won't connect to my network. Long story short, I have taken lo out of my interfaces and tried resetting my dhcp ip address by releasing and renewing it using dhclient. I have realized that eth0 doesn't exist (it shows up in windows). I think that all I need to do is add eth0 to ubuntu...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Pppoe - Stuck And Doesn't Connect To Eth0

Jun 30, 2010

i'm using opensuse 11.3 and can't connect to the internet, my eth0 interface (which would be my modem i suppose) is found and when i "activate" it with ifup eth0, it gets stuck waiting for data (says so in ifstatus). If i try with knetworkmanager it is also stuck and doesn't connect to eth0. If i try to make it connect at boot, it doesn't work either.

I think the problem might be that in windows xp my modem has a "limited connection" but i can connect with my pppoe password anyway, but opensuse won't let me connect until it finds eth0 is working correctly which it never will because of how the internet company configures the modems i think. I don't know with which command i could "force" the pppoe connection even without a good connection to the modem, maybe that would work. But on the other hand, with other distros i can connect just fine so i don't know really.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Eth0 To Connect

Jun 22, 2011

I have a 10.04 box connected to a router with DHCP and wireless. Lathough it can connect through the wifi, I can't get the connection working with the ethernet cable (which is the one I wanna use by default).


I may add that it's the default auto connection, but I've also tried to create one manually setting the right ip address, gateway, etc, and attributing the same ip on the router to the MAC address of the card. I've also tried to edit manually the interfaces file, with no effect, or no good one at least. This log comes from a moment when nothing has been changed from the original 10.04 installation.

And I have connected a laptop to this very same cable, and the connection worked straight away...

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Ubuntu Networking :: 7.10 - No IPv4 With Eth0 - Can't Connect To LAN

Apr 19, 2010

Current problem: fresh, clean install of Ubuntu 7.10 on known good hardware does not use/produce/get/have an IPv4 associated with eth0, so cannot connect to my home network for Internet access.

Background: Have been wanting to build and maintain a home file server for some time now. Have also been wanting some hands-on practice to help me progress from Noob to Intermediate, eventually advanced Linux Tech. (I have two decades of tech support experience, but only small fraction of that using command lines and almost zero Linux.)

Anyway, every time I download and attempt to burn a recent distro on my Vista Shuttle, I only end up making drink coasters and mini-frisbees. so I thought that I might have better luck if I used a Linux Workstation to download and burn a server distro.

That's where I an now. I took one of my fully functional WinXP systems offline, replaced the WXP HDD with an old 3.2 GB, dug out my 2008 edition Linux Bible, popped in the DVD that came with it, and installed Ubuntu 7.10.

Everything else seems to have progressed smoothly, but I cannot seem to get the onboard Via chipset ethernet controller to talk to the router. When I run "ifconfig" in Terminal, I see IPv6 info, but nothing for IPv4.

When I try to configure eth0, it doesn't matter whether I set it up for DHCP or static... nothing works.

Is there a command line tht I can use in Terminal to manually configure eth0 to use IPv4?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Eth0 Active But Can't Connect To Internet In 10.04?

Jul 16, 2010

i was using ubuntu 9.10 till recently when i decided to upgrade to ubuntu lucid 10.04. turns out the internet icon shows connected after fresh installation but when i try to use firefox , after an long wait it shows server not found. i did a research of my own and found that i am not able to ping even my router.using sudo dhclient eth0 doesn't recieve offers , but surprisingly when i tried dhclient eth0 in root shell with networking internet got configured very quickly and i can ping the router and any website.i forgot to mention i have a wired connection which i am trying to connect and the net is working fine with windows 7 on the same PC.

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Networking :: No IPv4 On Eth0 - No Connect To Router

Apr 20, 2010

I have tried clean installs of Knoppix v0.6, Xandros 2.0, and Ubuntu 7.1... same issue with all. I cannot seem to get eth0 (via chip on mobo) to get/have/use IPv4. ifconfig shows only IPv6. (I cannot paste any info because linux desktop is on different box.)

End result is that I cannot get the linux desktop to connect to my lan, either with dhcp or with static ip.

I have a belkin router configured as my gateway and nothing fancy with the setup. I have dhcp open for thru ...254 and at most there are only 4 systems in home connecting with dhcp at any time. all other systems have static addresses.

I have two decades of desktop and lan support under my belt, but relatively small amount of command line experience and almost no history with linux (unless you count a dozen unsuccessful attempts to burn linux distro install discs on this Vista desktop).

Therein lies the start of my prob. I need to build and manage a fileserver for my home, but cannot seem to get a working installer cd or dvd to burn from anything I download.

So I said to myself, "Self," I said, "you're a tech. Build a workstaion, use the DVD that came with your Linux Bible (2008 Ed.) to install one of the linux distros on it, then download a recent, stable server distro and burn it using the linux workstation."

Unfortunately, if I cant get an ipv4 connection to my home network, I cant get out to the Internet to download any newer ISO files.

So what am I missing or doing wrong? How do I tell linux to stop trying to use IPv6 and let me use IPv4?

BTW, eth0 works just fine if I install Windows on that PC, so I know its not bad HW. Could it be a driver issue? Or do I need to use some Terminal command to turn off IPv6 and reconfigure eth0 for IPv4?

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Networking :: Need To Connect Broadband Internet Through Eth0

May 24, 2011

I am having broadband connection, I need to connect broadband internet through eth0. Please give me some use full information for configuring this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect Using ETH0 And Then Seemingly Fails And Disconnects

Mar 29, 2010

A friend called me today and he explained to me that after his ubuntu install he was unable to connect to a wired Ethernet network. He says it trys to connect using ETH0 and then seemingly fails and disconnects. I have him run a if config and send me a pic. The very odd thing about it is He had a lot 5-8 INET6 address? The laptops is Acer extensa 4420

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To The Internet With Ppp0 While Eth0 Is Active

Jul 2, 2010

My machine has Ubuntu 10.4, installed a week ago. I'm connecting to the Internet with a Wireless 3G modem, the interface is named ppp0. Additionally, I have a network card that is connected to a home router, that's eth0. Everything works fine with eth0 disabled, all my apps can access the internet correctly. But, my issue is that when i enable eth0, i can't access the internet with any app.

So why do i need eth0 anyway? The thing is that i must share my internet connection with my sister, who is also connected to our home router. I planned to give her access by installing squid on this machine and configuring her browser to connect to squid. However, since none of my apps can connect to the internet while eth0 is active (whereas squid and all other apps work fine with eth0 disabled) I can't let her connect to squid while squid is working correctly.BTW selecting "use this connection only for resources on its network" under "routes..." of the ipv4 tab of "Auto Ethernet" made it a little better. Firefox and Xchat started to work with eth0 active. Squid still doesn't work though (althought it works just fine with eth0 disabled)

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Networking :: Multiple Ethernet - LAN - Cant Connect To Both The Eth0 And Eth1 At The Same Time

Dec 12, 2010

I have 2 LAN ports. one from the motherboard (on board) and the other from a lan card i bought a few days back. one is use for browsing the net, the other for a media player.

problem is i cant connect to both the eth0 and eth1 at the same time. i have to disconnect one of them to connect to the other. and this really gets irritating as it doesnt always work as flawlessly as it should. what am i doing wrong?

Output of "ifconfig":


I'm on ubuntu desktop 10.10 64 bit.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Why Etc/network/interfaces Does Not Contain Eth0

Jan 1, 2011

So far as my knowledge goes, /etc/network/interfaces is supposed to contain a list of all the available interfaces. But my /etc/network/interfaces looks like this,auto loiface lo inet loopbackBut I have a perfectly working eth0 connection. Why does not it appear here?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Connect VPN Only On Certain WLANs?

Apr 13, 2010

I have searched for an advanced network mangager, like the one available for Nokia's Maemo with no luck.

I want to automatic connect my x200 laptop to a VPN connection When I am home on my LAN (eth0) and when I am using certain Wireless networks.

I don't want to use my VNC connection everytime I connect to the internet, just on these networks, so I wont mark the checkbox in the vpn settings.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Auto Etho1

Sep 7, 2010

I just downloaded the lastest version of ubuntu to my compaq laptop. I then proceeded to plug in my ethernet cable to establish an internect connection. Under wired connection, it says auto etho1 but, the computer will not connect to it and I have no internet connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto-connect To Wifi

Nov 30, 2010

I just installed the XBMC from the XBMC live CD. I want to configure it in a way to auto-connect to internet. (my router is wpa-password protected.)

i know how to save the password and auto connect to internet from gnome GUI but not how to do it from command line. what should i install, change or configure in order to auto connect to internet? (using command line)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto-connect At Boot?

Jun 23, 2011

I am running 11.04 and have a netgear USB wireless NIC. When I am logged in I can connect to the wireless network through the USB adapter without any problems.I wish to use the machine as a part time home server and so have installed samba, LAMP etc however when I start the machine the NIC is not activated until I have logged in.

In the past I have done this but only ever over a wired ethernet connection, never wireless? Can some one please point me in the right direction?

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