Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recorditnow - Kubuntu Desktop Recording

Dec 2, 2010

I am having problems with recorditnow, I recorded a video playing in seamonkey but the resulting file is a series of stills and has no sound.

The original videos I am trying to get are conference recordings:[url]

I also tried downthemall firefox pluggin but it doen not see the videos, it only sees links to flashplayer install or something.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Sound In Kubuntu 10.04 - Default Device For Audio Recording Does Not Work

Jun 28, 2010

I have detected some problems when I try to record sound in my Kubuntu 10.04 system.

The problem is that the "default" device for audio recording does not work but I have to select another device to do so. I always selected the "default" device for audio recoding but currently I have to select hw:0,2 device.

Another odd thing is that different programs show me different device. For example, Audacity shows me that I have the following audio recording devices:

- HDA Intel: ALC888 Digital (hw:0,1)
- HDA Intel: ALC888 Analog (hw:0,2)
- spdif
- default

The only one that works is hw:0,2.

But arecord shows me (when I execute "arecord -L") the following:

Finally, in KDE system preferences for audio I get that I have 2 different audio devices for audio recording:

- HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog): it is said that it will try first x-phonon (CARD=0, DEV=0) and, if the latter does not work, it will try plughw (CARD=0, DEV=0)

- HDA Intel (ALC888 Digital): it is said that it will try first x-phonon (CARD=0, DEV=1) and, if the latter does not work, it will try plughw (CARD=0, DEV=1)

Where is the hw:0,2? and how can I set the alsa system to use hw:0,2 as the default device for audio recording?

All of that would not be a problem but I also have an ubuntu 9.04 installed on a virtual machine (by using virtualbox) and audio recording doesn't work there. I suppose that it is becase of the virtual sound card is using default devices for playing and recording audio.

I must say that audio playback works fine in both host and guest systems. It is just audio recording.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pixelated Playback On Desktop Recording?

Nov 24, 2010

I've been using RecordMyDesktop to do some simple videos (no fancy effects) and when I play them back, they are all jaggedy and pixelated and barely viewable.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Show Mouse Clicks In A Desktop Recording?

Dec 18, 2010

I can record my desktop for instructional aids but saying "And now click here" is not too cool and the user could miss the what-where. How do I have each mouse click play an audio sound or have a right click cause circular waves and a left click square waves around the mouse? Something graphic and/or audio. (My android tablet has the option of a click sound when a touch is recognized.)

I hope for something more obvious for the viewer. I don't use Compiz but would be willing to try it if that is the answer. Turning on Visual Effects (x) Extra does not do it. I didn't see anything in Assistive Technologies.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Desktop Start - Shows Terminal After Login And Cant Get My Desktop Back

Jul 4, 2010

Have recently tried to start ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop, but as I reboot my computer kubuntu only shows the terminal after the login and I cant get my desktop back.

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General :: Recording Desktop With Ffmpeg

Apr 28, 2011

Im using slackware 13.1 , and tried to record my desktop with recordmydesktop but the qualite was very bad, then i googled the subject little, and i found this commande with ffmpeg here is it:

And i have this output:

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Fedora :: High Quality Screen Casts - Desktop Recording ?

Mar 18, 2009

I've noticed that there are a lot of different programs out there to record your desktop (screencast), and it can be tricky to understand the differences between them, their limitations, and how to use them, so i made a video where i show how to choose between them, what their features are, how to USE them, and how to get the highest quality video from them.

You can find it here: High Quality Screen Casts, Desktop Recording, with Linux

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recording With A Mic And Audacity?

Feb 26, 2010

i can't record with my mic anymore. I went to do so in audacity and i only get the noise it hears through the headphones. I am recording a second vocal track. The first track is the music. I looked at the alsamixer and the mic was originally muted and i unmuted. Should line be muted when i am using the mic? I also tried to record with the mic in sound recorder but got nothing there either.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Scheduled TV Recording ?

Apr 3, 2010

I use Kaffeine to record live TV to disk for later playback. I've been putting up with Kaffeine's little foibles for the last little while, but tonight (for the second night in a row) I accidentally closed it and consequently it didn't record anything.

Is there any software I can use to construct a recording schedule which will then not be dependent on me remembering to leave a particular app running? I don't really need this in MPEG4 or anything. The PC stays on 24x7 - I just need it to launch a recording at the correct time.

I've avoided MythTV in all it's incarnations because I want the computer to still function as a normal PC most of the time, and from my admittedly brief trial of MythTV it took over the PC and wouldn't let me open a web browser or a mail client.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Watching TV While Its Recording?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a PVR-150 for recording TV shows.

I can record shows using this command:

cat /dev/video0 > /mnt/raid/show.mpg

I can watch the show.mpg file while its recoding using VLC, Xine, Mplayer... pretty much any video player.

This is nice because i can pause, rewind, and fast-forward live TV, just like all the commercial DVRs out there.

The problem with this method is returning to "Live TV" mode. When using a commercial DVR, when you are fast-forwarding and reach "Live TV", the player stops fast-forwarding and begins playing the live TV in real-time. When doing the same thing with Xine or VLC, the player simply stops when you reach the EOF.

Is there a player that mimics this? When it get close to the EOF, it switches from Fast-Forward to play?

I used to have MythTV, but it way too bloated for what I want to do.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Viewing/recording With New TV Tuner?

Apr 26, 2010

No progress viewing input yet in Linux. I installed MythTV, VLC, and no luck yet with vids or sound.I had video input with Windows Movie Maker, and Media Player Classic (3rd party), but no sound in either.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Listen To Vinyl When Recording?

Jun 9, 2010

i just got this usb turn table and when im in windows, i can listen to the vinyls when they are recording. i was just wondering if i could do the same when in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Recording Not Working?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm having problems getting my microphone to work on a new Kubuntu 10.10 install. I'm not sure what's wrong, but I can't make Skype calls (in which the other party hears me).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recording From Line In (x Fi Titanium)

Nov 30, 2010

I have the sound card creative X-Fi titanium, normally in windows 7 i used to record from an external pre-amplified microphone and just pass the sound trough line-in.. How can i do the same In ubuntu? By the way i tyred to install the creative drivers [URL] but I couldn't make it

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recording Without A Sound Card?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a Sony VAIO VGN-FW200 laptop and I wanted to use Audacity or some other application to record sound. However, since there is no sound card, the only option is to use the microphone to record. Is there any way to get a free virtual sound card, or record without using one (and without using the microphone

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Low Sound When Recording In Audacity?

Mar 21, 2011

When i want to record sound it record but the voice is very low.which means i need to turn up for full wolume on both headset and pc when i want to hear it, and it still is very low sound..I've tried.Re-installing audacity changing microphone plug microphones directly to pc instead of through headset.both the 'pink' and blue jacktick port (also with above options)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recording Internet Radio Using VLC

Aug 10, 2011

I am seemingly having a problem with the command "vlc://quit". I have an .sh file which accesses a streaming url. If I leave "vlc://quit" in the .sh file it executes immediately - i.e. supposedly goes through all the preceding commands but closes down (quits) before anything happens. If I take it out everything is fine ( vlc opens, finds, plays/records & stops). But, of course, I'm left with vlc still open.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Microphone Recording Playback Stretched

Feb 8, 2010

Installed Skype latest version on a Mythbuntu 9.10 pretty vanilla install. Tried testing the microphone with it, after getting into AlsaMixer and enabling the mic and such, I got it playing back something but it is like stretched out, so playback goes really slow and deep. what can I do that is more basic for testing the mic to remove Skype from the equation. Mythbuntu is really pared back, so I will likely have to install, I like to keep it to the minimum. What is the easiest way most people test a mic? Second, just in general, what could cause this to act this way. I don't see anything in the mixer that makes me think it is causing it

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound Recording Works On 10.04 Beta?

Apr 8, 2010

On Ubuntu lucid 10.04 Beta , I can see on Sound Preferences -->Input Tab , No input level sliding moving where input volume is 100% and device for sound input is Internal Audio Analog stereo. That's why I am unable to record on Sound Recorder. But the sound works where I can listen to music or video but not sound recording.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Support For Audio Recording Versus Mac

Apr 30, 2010

I have a question about audio recording. I've always wanted to set up a sort of personal studio. Not anything too professional, but I want to be able to make quality recordings without too many problems. All I'll probably end up using is a midi keyboard electric guitar and bass. But what I was wondering was, is it a better idea to get a Mac for something like that, or will Ubuntu support that just fine? I know there's great software available, and I've got used to using Jack. But I've read problems about real-time kernel support and xruns with Jack and Ardour, and I'm just wondering if that's something that will make using Ubuntu for this complicated.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Using Gtk-recordMyDesktop And Xvidcap For Recording Videos

Jun 3, 2010

I am going to cover these four problems in this thread.

1.)Using gtk-recordMyDesktop and xvidcap for recording videos
2.)Saving files in ogv format
3.)Converting ogv to avi or wmv or ?
4.)Uploading ogv video to .....

First, I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and have installed gtk-recordMyDesktop and it works great. Save a nice clear video with good sound. I can play it right from my system and also from my server but I can not upload it to ...... Maybe I should say I can't upload a good video to ...... It uploads OK but it is un-viewable. Just to make sure it wasn't a Ubuntu problem I tried uploading it from Windows 7. Same thing. The next thing I tried was to convert it to another file format and even before I uploaded it, it was un-viewable. (looked the same as when it was uploaded to .....). I tried the conversion in a Windows program called AVS and I also tried doing it with VLC in Ubuntu. VLC just give me a blank file after converting. I don't think the problem is with ..... but with the file itself. To be honest with you I believe the video is high quality but I don't see how I can put them on ...... Has anyone converted ogv files to another format which looks good and can be uploaded to .....? Has anyone uploaded a ogv file to ..... and have it look good? Does anyone know anything I can try to get a good viewable file up to ...... I tried recording a video with xvidcap and get a good video and it looks good on ..... but I can't get the sound to work with it. All I get is clicking in the video. File is in mpeg format.

Here is a youtub video to show you the un-viewable video.[URL]..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gtk-recordMyDesktop Not Recording System Sound?

Jun 14, 2010

I've been trying to make screencast, but I also want it to capture the sound coming from the computer; In other words, I do not mean the microphone. I tried changing the sound device from DEFAULT to pulse with no avail

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hard Drive Setups For A Recording PC ?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm new here, and am currently typing this on my new computer that I've been building from the ground up over the last month to be my dedicated Digital Audio Workstation. Ive been recording music for some time, and have been using Ardour for years, but this will be the first time I've built a computer SPECIFICALLY for the purpose of recording my music.

What I want to ask about, however, is hard drives. So far, the plan is, to have two terabyte drives, one with Ubuntu Studio and XP (yes, it's a dual-boot system) and another to store all my music files. That way, I can access the drive from both operating systems, and it should hopefully reduce lag because (in theory, anyways) OS and program files can be accessed from one disk while massive amounts of audio files can be accessed or written on the other disk simultaneously. It seemed like a good plan.

But then I started looking at high-rpm drive and wondering if i should be saving my data files on one of those, or possibly put my OS on a small solid-state drive (fast and quiet) and the audio files on a regular drive.

I currently have a Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm one terabyte drive, unpartitioned, with XP on it. As soon as i figure out my hard drive situation, I'll be installing my copy of Ubuntu. So, what do you guys suggest? And what are some of your setups? Alos, keep in mind, I would prefer to keep this under 150$, or at the very least no more than 200$.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Voice Recording And Processing At Same Time

Jun 25, 2010

I have a problem regarding speech recording and i couldn't find a way around it. I want to record voice while at the same time processing it. Let me explain some more, what i want to do is to keep on speaking and it should be recorded in a file which i can process at the same time. If somebody knows of any such program or way to do this(like some code in C which can auto direct the recorder to keep on recording and saving).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype Alternative For Call Recording

Aug 11, 2010

Right now in order to do some recording I use Skype and Skype Call Recorder, but Skype only does audio at 16Khz. Is there some other similar program that could be used that could also be recorded at a higher quality?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen Recording With Audio And Video

Aug 12, 2010

I want to do a screen capture with audio and video. I use Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit.I have now spend about half a day trying various tools, most of which seem to be half finished or abandoned. I have not found any usable docs for any of these.gtk-recordmydesktop and xvidcap will both capture video, but seem unable to capture audio from a microphone. The mic is connected and the sound preferences "input" tab shows the input level jumping up when I speak, so it must be working.

I tried the pulse audio device chooser app to make sure the mic is selected, but the choices for input are DEFAULT and "other", which shows a blank input with no choices.xvidcap multi-frame dialog has dev/dsp pre-selected as the input device, with no other options. It does not work.If I enable audio with gtk-recordmydesktop, it refuses to start and says it cannot open the sound card. There is no apparently no way to do this using the "advanced" dialog which has DEFAULT preselected as the audio input device and no other options. /dev/dsp also fails to start.I spent some time searching google and the forums here, to no avail. So should I give up trying to do this with Linux or is there some obscure method I only need to discover?I prefer xvidcap, since the ogg format output by recordmydesktop seems to be a write-only format.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recording TV Audio / Video With DVDs?

Oct 4, 2010

First up, let me say this post has almost nothing to do with Ubuntu, so you may ask: Then why am I here? I am here because I didn't know where else to turn.

My main problem here is that I would like to be able to record myself playing a video game on my TV, and be able to toss the file onto my computer to edit/upload. I've heard of 'Dazzle' those TV recorder things, but I'm looking for more of a home quickfix.

What I was thinking of doing was hooking up a DVD player to a tv. Then hooking up my wii to the DVD player, to the TV. This way the game would be displayed on channel three. If I were to do this, would I be able to put a blank DVD in the drive, and set it to record channel three? Since channel three will be my game, would it record the video game? I'm sure if it would, it wouldn't be the best quality.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Audio Recording With Sound Recorder?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm trying to record music playing on my computer with the sound recorder/audacity but there is nothing audible being recorded. I've installed PulseAudio Volume control and selected monitor of internal analog stereo. I can't figure out if I have an output/input incorrectly selected but maybe someone could take a look at the screenshots and provide feedback! I have a dell xps 8100

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Microphone Not Recording - Hear Myself Speak In Mic

Jun 21, 2011

I can hear myself speak in the mic but Ubuntu is not recording/capturing the sound. Actions Taken: I followed all the steps listed here for the Alsa update script. I've also tried changing my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config file with the following configurations one at a time.


My capture settings are 'on' in alsamixer as in they are in red with the words CAPTURE underneath it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recording Audio From Alsa Sound Card

Sep 26, 2010

I posted my question on Linx.com, but have not received an answer after 75 viewers to my question:
Ok my respected Linux genius. This is my project. First I have a Windows / Linux combo OS set-up!
In my windows, I use the latest realtex sound driver as this gives me complete control with recording output control and Microphone gain control. In the set-up, there is a stereo mixer component with is necessary to engage the direct sound recording from my sound card. To make this all come together, I use a sound recording software [ free sound recorder 9 ] and to convert the recording to a wma, wav, or meg, I use Roxio 10 to produce audio cd's to play on all CD Players.

The challenge for me in Linux is to create the same set-up with Linux applications to produce the same professional results.Presently, my kubuntu 10.04 has Alsa sound drivers, with a version of realtek incorporated. I have the Alsa mixer software as well as Audacity as the sound recorder program. But no matter what I do, audacity depends on the microphone to record, which makes the final recording pure crap. If I lower the microphone boost or gain in my Alsa mix, then Audacity can not record the ambient sound from the speaker output and it will only recognize mono and pulse as the sound method. With the pre mention set up, Who has a set up identical to what is offered to windows that will do exactly the same for Linux. I basically want to record directly from the sound card in my Linux, without depending on using my microphone and then a CD burning program to make the conversion to MPEG or the necessary file format for the burned CD to play in all CD players, not just on a PC) I am trying to stay away from command line language in the terminal. I really need a replacement for Audacity,cause Free Sound Recorder is made for Windows Platform......I need a Linux sound Guru for the answer.I am not doing this to pirate music....I have over 3,450 music track inside my Rhapsody subscription and I like to record music for personal listening on my portable CD player and at 0.99 per track charge to do this in Rhapsody, I might as well by a recording studio and hire the singing artist.Basically in short..I need to know if there is a setting I can engage in my Alsa Mixer panel that will allow me to record directly from my sound card without using my microphone as a default. When I mute the microphone in my Alsa control panel, my Audacity program will not record using the microphone, which I do not want to use anyway. I just want to record straight from my sound card, as this eliminates all hiss, distortion that is inherited with using a microphone.

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