Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mpg123 Hangs After A Few Seconds Playing

Jul 24, 2010

I try to play some music with my PlugComputer and I use an USB audio key. I have succefully installed linux-sound-base, alsa and mpg123. When I run mpg123 the sound loud during 5 seconds and stop. After the device is locked and nothing can be played without rebooting.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox: Accessing Disk Every Few Seconds While Playing?

May 18, 2010

I'm running Lucid and have an annoying problem with Rhythmbox: while playing, it constantly accesses the disk, every 2-3 seconds drrrrd drrrrd. Listening to some silent music is horrible - the output of the speakers is lower than the noise of the local disk.

Maybe relevant settings in Edit->Preferences:
Playback -> Network Buffer Size: 1024 kB
Music -> Watch my library for new files: off

Is there anything else one can change? It can't be that difficult to read a <10MB file into memory right from the start and not touch the disk drrrrd every few seconds?! P.S. I verified by turning off the speakers and start/stop playback - the noise there on playback and not if turned off. Reliably.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Hangs In When Playing Netradio :S?

May 15, 2010

When I try to play netradio in Rhythmbox it hangs. This only happens with Windows Media Streams, not with Ogg Streams, but as most internet radio is in Windows Media Streams this is a problem The link I am trying to play uses the mms protocol. When I try to play the link in Movie player it also just hangs, :S, but in VLC it works, but VLC is not a very handy music player.

I suspect that I would maybe need some GStreamer plugins but which? The link I try to play is this: mms://wmscr1.dr.dk/e04ch10m But I am not sure it will play outside Denmark, so you might not be able to this the link out yourself :S

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: After A Couple Of Hours Playing Music Or Sound In Movies Hangs?

Sep 9, 2010

this problem is quiet enoying, so i hope that somebody can help me tracking down this problem and find a solution. When i open vlc or exaile and queue a list of tracks, after playing some hours, the sound hangs and in the music player repeats the same 1 second audio part like a hickup, in video programs like vlc also the film freezes.

i have the latest libraries of gstreamer from packman installed and i also tried updating the pulseaudio libraries from multimedia repo. but the problem is still the same

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Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs For 60 Seconds?

Jun 17, 2010

I am looking to speed up my boot time; it is currently around the 2-2.5 minute mark from Grub to desktop (including about 15 seconds at the login screen while I type my password).

I have forced ureadahead to reprofile, and have rebooted a few times until the boot time is fairly stable/consistent.

No xorg errors and only one warning ((WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.)

However, dmesg reports the following:

[ 1.121369] Freeing unused kernel memory: 656k freed
[ 1.121926] Write protecting the kernel text: 4676k
[ 1.121977] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 1840k
[ 1.146159] udev: starting version 151


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Ubuntu :: System Hangs For 15-20 Seconds After Login

May 1, 2010

Just installed Lucid Lynx on my Desktop and after logging in I would get a 15-20 second pause before Gnome appeared. I found many many potential solutions for this problem on the Internet but none solved it. Finally figured out that it was due to the system seeing a floppy controller when I have no floppy drive. I was led to this conclusion by the following two lines in my syslog (System > Administration > Log FIle Viewer > Syslog).

May 1 18:27:04 Desk-Ubuntu kernel: [ 34.636665] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
May 1 18:27:16 Desk-Ubuntu kernel: [ 46.813441] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

Note the 12 second delay when it tries to read again.

So if you are getting the pause and seeing the same thing your system log then ...

Enter your BIOS and disable the floppy drive Use sudo and edit /etc/fstab commenting out the line with fd0 in it

Hope I can save someone else the headache of hunting through the Interwebs and finding 5 different solutions none of which worked. Learning as I go with Ubuntu so I didn't even know how to carry out most of the "solutions" which required more googling. I am migrating from FreeBSD due to application requirements

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Ubuntu :: Autologin Hangs At Shell For A Few Seconds?

Jan 20, 2011

I created a ubuntu distro that originated from ubuntu server and have an xserver installed with openbox and am having problems getting autologin working. I had slim installed and everything seemed to be working except as soon as the monitor went into sleep mode and I moved the mouse to get it back it just came up to the shell again. With that problem I decided to remove slim and go with NODM and that worked perfectly for what I wanted but I was messing around with a few other configuration stuff and when I rebooted everything was fine until after the splash when it would normally boot into X it would show the shell for a about 10 seconds before it would boot to X.

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OpenSUSE :: System Momentarily Hangs For A Few Seconds?

Nov 23, 2010

I had a problem where my system momentarily hanged for a few seconds. Sometimes when opened a window like Dolphin or when I made a window full screen, sometimes when clicking on the screen while watching a DVD or sometimes when I clicked on a button it just froze for a few seconds and responded.

I have fixed the problem by disabling "Processor Power Managament" in the Bios.

this happenend on my desktop computer. See specs in my signature

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Server Hangs For A Seconds?

May 20, 2010

I have Centos 5 Installation with following Linux ipmpls.mobilink.net.pk 2.6.18-8.el5xen #1 SMP Fri Jan 26 14:42:21 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux. I have Nagios running on it for monitoring switches. It also runs postfix to give email alerts in case of a switch is unreachable. The problem is that the server hangs for a minute and returns to normal operation. During this period if a switch is polled it cannot be reached and hence Nagios shows the Flapping state on the switches. I need to understand as to why the server hangs

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Debian Configuration :: Computer Hangs For 15 Seconds Before Continuing?

Aug 6, 2011

At boot time, my computer hangs for 15 seconds before continuing. This is the message that I receive:Starting the hotplug events dispatcher: udevderror binding udev control socket 1...(warning).Waiting 15 seconds and trying to continue anyway...(warning).

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Fedora :: Flash Objects In Firefox - Hangs For 30 Seconds Or So

Aug 12, 2010

I'm having a few problems with flash objects in Firefox. When I load a page with flash - ..... for example - the flash object is just a grey box and firefox hangs for 30 seconds or so. When firefox finally responds again all that's left of the flash object is a black box. Does anybody know what the problem is? And even better - what I can do to fix it!

For background info - flash was working fine in F12 before I updated to F13. Used the install DVD for F13 to perform the update. I'm running F13 64bit with KDE, Firefox is showing Shockwave Flash in the addons list. Originally installed the flash plugin using the instructions from mjm wired:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install nspluginwrapper.{i686,x86_64} alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i686
[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install flash-plugin I've tried removing those packages and reinstalling but no luck.

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OpenSUSE :: Nvidia Settings Hangs - Whole Desktop To Freeze For About 5-10 Seconds

Oct 28, 2010

Sometimes, running "nvidia-settings" will cause the whole desktop to freeze for about 5-10 seconds, spike the Xorg CPU usage up to 100%, until the settings appear where everything goes back to normal.

Running "nvidia-settings" from a terminal does not show any output and restarting X does not help. Any ideas how to figure out what is happening, any places to look for log files?

I am using an up-to-date openSUSE 11.3 (64-bit), KDE 4.5.2, an NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT and the proprietary NVIDIA driver 260.19.12, which I installed manually following the instructions from

SDB:NVIDIA the hard way - openSUSE

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgraded To 11.3, System Hangs Every 10 Seconds For Half A Second?

Jul 20, 2010

I upgraded from 11.2 to 11.3 and found that there was no 3d support with the "nouveau" driver for the nvidia card. Then I linked in the nvidia repo and installed the nvidia driver. After that I noticed I had 3d support but things were a bit choppy, regardless of compositing or other tasks running. It appears that every 10 seconds the CPU load shoots up (on all 4 cores) and during about half a second all other activity is postponed, including mouse clicks, window moves, animations etc. Using the system monitor watching the CPU load, I see a train of load peaks traveling from right to left, 10 second intervals. Also done a graph on "paged in pages", same pattern, peaks on 6500/s. 11.2 Never exhibited this kind of behavior. Since I haven't found any similar postings I thought that some leftover of 11.2 may be the cause of this and since I am not an expert I would welcome any suggestions on how to tackle this.ystem: quad core Q6600, 3Gb mem, GEforce 8600GT, etcFwiw the load peaks are doubled, meaning peaks at 0, 3, 10, 13, 20, 23 etc seconds

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General :: Rt2500 Working Fine For Some Seconds And Later Hangs The Machine

Mar 28, 2011

I have an old averatec machine (3200 series) Slackware 12.2 is working fine out of the box (13.1 is not even booting after installing, so i decided not to work in this direction) except for the wireless. the wireless is working some seconds after putting the interface up, later stops working, and if you mess around a little with the interface, the computer will hang (caps and num lock will flash and thats all) I tried diffferents kdrivers (right now i downloaded the latest linuxwireless and im using those drivers) same situation. was working fine with kernel 2.24 and old drivers (the iface wass called ra0, right now is wlan0) I know this is not much information, but i will try to get another pc to make a ssh and beeing able to get some traces.

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Software :: Used Mpg123 Command To Convert Mp3 To Wav Files?

Mar 2, 2010

Used mpg123 command to convert mp3 to wav files. It is been converted fine but the question is why the file size is get differed?

For an example, # mpg123 -w out.wav Fav.mp3 Here Fav.mp3 size is 1.2 M and out.wav file size is 16M

Is there any specific reason in it?

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Software :: Mpg123 Error, Related To Alsa Module?

Jan 30, 2010

When I try to play a .mp3 file with mpg123, e.g. with this command: mpg123 someCoolTune.mpg I get these error messages.

[module.c:110] error: Failed to open module alsa: file not found
[module.c:110] error: Failed to open module oss: file not found
[module.c:110] error: Failed to open module esd: file not found
[module.c:110] error: Failed to open module jack: file not found
[module.c:110] error: Failed to open module pulse: file not found
[module.c:110] error: Failed to open module nas: file not found


GUI audio players like Rhythmbox and Totem work just fine. I believe all of the audio on my computer depends on alsa. Another command that works just fine is aplay, aplay -q /usr/lib/openoffice/basis3.1/share/gallery/sounds/cow.wav

and aplay definitely uses alsa. My only other clue is, when I shut the machine down, one of the messages printed to the console during shutdown was something about /etc/default/timidity. Timidity is something that converts MIDI to WAV, and it may have nothing to do with my mpg123 problem. I am running Debian Lenny. How can I troubleshoot mpg123? Or would it be likely to help if I simply uninstall and reinstall mpg123? That might be easier than troubleshooting.

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Fedora Installation :: Mpg123 Installing Error - Obsoleted Package?

Mar 6, 2009

I made mpg123 rpm for x86_64 architecture but i'm not able to install it!I used the rpmbuild from RPM v. 4.6.0.i tried this

sudo yum localinstall mpg123-1.6.4-10.fc10.x86_64.rpm
and i got


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Mp3 Glitches On First Seconds Of Playback?

Aug 8, 2010

On almost each mp3 file I try to play, VLC will "lag" during the first seconds. There may be some screeching noise. It looks like vlc can't keep up with the bitrate, and it "skips" some bits.

This doesn't happen with totem (the default media player).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Display Would Sometimes Go Black For A Few Seconds

Oct 7, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a Toshiba Satellite about a month ago. It worked for about three hours. I installed Wine, and it still worked but the display would sometimes go black for a few seconds. Later that day I rebooted and that was it, no more Ubuntu. It goes through all of the process of booting but then the screen just goes black before I even get to the purple Ubuntu screen. I'm running this on a drive in an enclosure so I simply plugged the drive into another machine ( actually two other machines ), and it works perfectly. I have an old Vista drive that I put in the Toshiba and that works just fine, so it's not a pure hardware issue. Just to be sure I wiped the Ubuntu drive and re-installed, this time without installing wine. No Toshiba love. Just the black screen. I even made a flash drive with the loader and iso from the Ubuntu site. Same deal. It starts to boot from the flash and then just goes black where you would normally expect the purple Ubuntu screen. This thing is driving me nuts and I am at a point where I really need this machine working and will be faced with simply wiping the Ubuntu drive and installing Windows.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Shave Seconds Off Each Of My Mp3's In One Massive Folder?

Jul 6, 2010

I've ripped all my cd's in to MP3 using ripit, however, it seems as if ripit added 2 seconds to my mp3's, so how do I shave two seconds off each of my mp3's in one massive folder?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Card Dissapearing After Some Seconds?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a problem that I don't even understand. I have not used linux much, and I am trying to move my small bussines from ms to linux.I started with my first machine, and Ubuntu 10.4. I must say that everything started smoothly. zero problem. I have installed wine and make the tests for our bussiness program, and even printing was almost flawless (must make a small change somewhere because it start printing a little lower than windows and I have preformated receips)So.. it all started when I wanted to use skype. skype installed also without problem, and it seemed to start ok, I make the first call, and after a couple of seconds, no more mic or sound. I thought it was skype, but it seems not.

what I have, is a VT1708 VIA, Onboard sound card.I followed one of the guides in the forum, to see if all is installed and seems to work... and it is. it seems all fine. Even more, I installed the ALSA mixer, and when I enable the mic from there, it works.But, when I open the sound prefferences, the sound card appears in Hardware and Input, when I open it, but some seconds after, it dissapears. Still working from the ALSA thou.... In conclusion, I can not use skype or similar. and the sound dissapears from the system, even if I can use it form the ALSA mixer.... I can't change the other computers to linux unless I prove to the people here that everything is working 100%.... and belive me... today skype phone is a must... in the bussiness.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: VLC Stops After A Few Seconds?

May 17, 2011

Running openSUSE11.4 KDE I have this problem:

starting vlc gives only 3 seconds sounds, then quits. Message from system: linuxbox kernel: [ 786.386363] ALSA clock.c:233: current rate 0 is different from the runtime rate 44100 All other players like Smplayer

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Sound Stutters - Stops After A Few Seconds?

Mar 2, 2010

Playing videos in ....., etc, is not working. The sound will play for around 30 seconds and then stop. The video will keep playing. I have installed Opera and Google Chrome and the same thing happens in those browsers as well. I have the latest flash plugin installed.when I switch to another user account on the same computer, the video plays just fine, with sound, all the way through.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Launch Banshee It Crashes Within Seconds Of Opening?

Oct 24, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.10 NBR. Every time I launch banshee it crashes within seconds of opening. I tried nuking ~/.config/banshee-1 and the problem persists.Output from banshee --debug:

rdeshone@molly:~$ banshee --debug
** Running Mono with --debug **


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPod Touch 4G 4.2.1 Mounts / Then After 3 Seconds Disappears

Dec 29, 2010

This is what I do:

*connect my ipod
*it appears on nautilus
*as fast as possible i run "ideviceinfo" and it shows my device no problem
*then the ipod sounds as if it was disconnected and disappears from the computer
*when i try lsusb it shows an apple inc. device
*then i try to mount it using ifuse but it doesnt work, it asks me if me device is connected, and it is

I made another user, and tried connecting it and it was completely normal, it wouldn't dismount.It's like I had something not configured right or something, because one week ago it was working right

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: .mkv Not Playing In VLC?

Aug 22, 2010

I know that this has probably been around these forms, but still. I recently stumbled upon one .mkv file and I wasn't able to play it in Ubuntu. I'm still not able. Looking at the forums around I see that many folks are able to play .mkv files with ease just running VLC player. So I'm quite confused that I'm not able to. So far I haven't had any problems with neither audio, nor video files in Ubuntu. Anyway, here's what I use: VLC version 1.0.2

(I saw that some folks have been compiling VLC, incluiding specifically the .mkv support, but that was two years ago. Now VLC should support it out of the box...)

And I should have .mkv support in the version of VLC that I have:

$ vlc --list | grep Matroska
VLC media player 1.0.2 Goldeneye
mkv Matroska-Stream-Demuxer

When I try to open the .mkv vile in VLC nothing happens. No errors, nothing. And off course neither video, nor audio.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: CDs Not Playing?

Aug 27, 2010

I got a virus through thunderbird and had problems even after I removed it. Thus started over. Used CD to reload windows and then reloaded ubuntu using a CD. In ubuntu can not read CD. It doesn't show on desktop. Is there a program to download?

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Debian Multimedia :: Audacious / Audio Freezes For A Few Seconds

Mar 28, 2015

I have a very fresh and basic install of the weekly jessie build (this week). I've installed nvidia drivers, some non-free plugins, virtualbox, basic system tools, etc. The issue is while playing in audacious, the song will freeze for about 5 seconds. It's always around 5 seconds. Sometimes it's once or twice per song, sometimes I'll play 10 songs without it happening. BTW, all music is on a separate hard drive on an NTFS partition.

In audacious, I'm using the Winamp skin. I noticed when trying to play for the first time, it wouldn't play unless I changed the setting in audacious to use ALSA. That was the only way I could go to Settings and select my SPDIF digital output. But then doing that, other sounds no longer worked (in iceweasel). So I downloaded pavu, was able to select my onboard digital stereo output, set audacious back to pulse audio, and everything now works. Only issue is audacious is freezing every now and then... Is there a driver or module that I need to check for? Is there a way to get everything to use ALSA?

I once tried AV Linux for the low latency kernel but since it was based on Wheezy and I wasn't familiar with repos, everything was extremely outdated, so I migrated away. Should I need an LL kernel for 320kbps audio playback? I haven't sat and watched a full mkv yet, some of those have 1.5mpbs audio.

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Debian Multimedia :: Sound/Music Stops After 10 Seconds?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a fresh debian install on my computer, and I have this weird problem. When I play a song from rhythmbox, it works for 10 to 50 seconds, and then it stops making sound. When I type

alsa force-reload

It reloads alsa, and I can listen to a song again for approx 50 seconds. It is not depended of rhythmbox, because the same problem occures for amarock and banshee. I already installed the package libesd-alsa0 and put esd on, but the problem still occures. What is happening? I wanted to add 1 thing. And that is that I ahve 2 sound devices installed, both supporting alsa. 1 onboard, 1 pci card.

The strange thing is that only from the pci card, I can hear sound out of the speakers (after replugging the jack in the back off course ). But if, after an alsa force-reload, only the onboard sound card is detected, it does play the whole song, but does not output any sound.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing Two Sounds At Once?

Jan 7, 2010

So I don't use gnome, KDE, or XFCE, but I'm running Xubuntu. I'm constantly playing music via nvlc. While that music's still playing, I'd like to be able to hear a sound I run from the command line via

cvlc beep.mp3

I've tried on and off over the years messing with pulse, esd, etc. output options for vlc, but never figured out exactly how to do this. In Windows, having a batchfile play a .wav at the same time as an mp3 player is playing music "just works" I know there must be a "just works" solution for Linux.

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