Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx-kernel-source Refusing To Be Uninstalled

Jan 7, 2010

I have an HP tx2500 tablet pc running 9.04, which I was trying to configure the tablet for using the .fdi method on this page. After I redid the .fdi file, I rebooted, and it gave me a flashing screen, similar to the one i got when I tried to install 9.10.

I tried going into recovery mode and using xfix: bad idea. Then, I tried installing envy and reinstalling the drivers from there. That failed as well.

So now, when I try to manually remove the ati packages,(from command line in recovery mode) it doesn't let me, because of some problem with "fglrx-kernel-source" I can't configure, remove, or purge.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx Needs To Be Reinstalled After Every Kernel Upgrade

Feb 17, 2011

Every time the update-manager decides to upgrade the kernel my graphics driver is ****** up. I have had this problem in 10.04 and now in 10.10. Now I get dropped to the command prompt after an upgrade (I can also log in with fail-safe/low graphics mode). The problem is solved if I reinstall the package fglrx so nog big issue but it is rather annoying. What could be wrong? I am using ATI HD4770. I haven't tried open drivers yet.

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Ubuntu :: Replacing FGLRX With The Open Source ATI Drivers?

Apr 3, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon 4200 HD Mobility, with 256 MB of my RAM dedicated to it. I installed FGLRX, but the performance actually dropped compared to the open source drivers that come installed by default. I removed fglrx, and reinstalled the Radeon packages, but no avail.

Now, when I boot, I get the error, "unable to load module 'fglrx'," and my only option is to run Ubuntu in Safe Graphics Mode. This tells me that the computer is still trying to load FGLRX, and there's something that needs to be altered down at the boot level.

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Fedora :: Accidentally Uninstalled Kernel?

Oct 2, 2009

I was removing the latest two kernels installed because of some issues with compiz and stuffs. And I accidentally removed the only kernel left too. Now, grub has only one entry for Windows. I used "yum remove kernel-.....". Now, I'm stuck, I don't want to re-install the system. It FC11 using LVM. Is there any way I can install re-install the kernel only. What I'm thinking of is copying the kernel image from a live fc11 or installing via rpm on maintenance mode if its possible.

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Debian Hardware :: ATI R7 Graphics Card - Open Source Radeon Or Fglrx Catalyst?

Jul 11, 2014

I've set up this new PC, the graphic card I picked is the ATI R7 260X, pretty good card with lots of core processors, high clock and 2GB memory. I'm now currently using the 14.4 catalyst drive, it works actually alright, though, there are some mishaps with this driver:

First my hdmi screen had scale down, leaving black borders around, even though the catalyst control said the correct native resolution, this turned out to be a underscan that fglrx does and I've finally managed to fix it. Other caveat is that the screen simply won't suspend or turn off( via software), DPMS actually works, forcing it turns the screen blank for some seconds but something does not allow the screen to sleep.

Performance wise it seems pretty good though, everything is pretty smooth, being able to play games maxed out on resolution and ultra settings, though, I still haven't tested out that many games.

The open-source radeon on the other hand, well its open-source, fully xorg and linux compatible, which is a major plus point. It seem it has come a long way, supporting lot of features and providing better performance in some cases.

Before installing Catalyst I had issues with mesa and steam, steam would complain about not finding the 32bit libraries, this is however a steam runtime issue, maybe it could already be fixed.

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Ubuntu :: Fglrx 8.780 - Kernel 2.6.35-25 ?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a HP Pavillion dv5 laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon 4200 series. It always worked fine with Ubuntu for as long as I can remember. However, at one point, something happened and truly made a majestic mess of things. It might've been extra repos I enabled with Ubuntu Tweak - I do not know. But something made it so that my system would not boot any longer.

And when I say "won't boot", this is what I mean:

- Durning a normal bootup, any entries (except Windows) selected with GRUB (or BURG, not even sure which one I'm using anymore) will spawn the Ubuntu loading screen.

- then try to start X (or GDM) 5 times. The screen goes to dark, black and back to the Ubuntu loading screen. Then it just stays there until I spawn another TTY.

I have no idea what is happening or why. There are no errors in my logs, and I'm truly at a loss here.

I've linked three files: Xorg.0.log, the output of dmesg and the GDM log:

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Ubuntu :: Source Code Of The Krnel From The Kernel.org - Source Trees Organization

Apr 11, 2011

i am already a little bit familiar with linux and now i want to know better the linux OS. i have downloaded the source code of the krnel from the kernel.org and i dont understand the linux source trees organization, so can somebody do me a favor and give me a link to some internet page (or at least a book) that explains that?? i have searched in the internet with the tag:::linux source trees organization and i have not found nothing interesting

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Update Just Killed Fglrx

Jul 24, 2010

A kernel update just killed my ATI graphics driver.

Trying to install proprietary graphics driver fails and points at /var/log/jockey.log

This ends with


If I can't sort this out I'll have to try rebooting into the old kernel to get the graphics driver back. The dreadfully slow scrolling in the browser is starting.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Update Broke Fglrx 10.6/10.7 On 10.04

Nov 25, 2010

Posting from my Windows 7 system. Once again an Ubuntu kernel update has broken X. Once again I cannot get into Grub2, despite putting in the hacks to lengthen the time it listens. I don't need instructions on how to fix it from Live CD. I'm going to try Gentoo or something, anything, different. I need a Linux distro that can survive regular updates and boot to desktop reliably.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid - Official Kernel 2.6.35 And Fglrx

Feb 25, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I'd like to use the latest kernel from repositories (at the present moment it's 2.6.35-23), that's why I've installed backports.

These are packages:linux-image-generic-lts-backport-maverick linux-headers-generic-lts-backport-maverick

But DKMS failed to build modules for fglrx: I think it's caused by old version of fglrx.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Get And Install Newer Kernel Module For Fglrx?

Apr 30, 2011

Excerpt of Xorg.0.log output:


September 20 2010? Is there a newer kernel module for fglrx? How can I get and install it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel Upgrade To 2.6.32-23-generic-pae Breaks Fglrx

Jun 30, 2010

I have an ATI radeon HD 3400 series video card, and the open-source drivers make my computer run really hot. I tried installing FGLRX by using "Check For New Hardware Drivers", but it did not work, so I installed the ATI catalyst 10.5 package from AMD's website, and am using Xserver-xorg-core-1.7.6-2ubuntu7+backclear1 from k0ekk0ek's PPA so there is no lag when minimizing windows and such.

Everything was perfect until the 2.6.32-23 kernel update came along. I let it update, and rebooted, but the ATI driver no longer starts, even when I uninstall and reinstall it.

I am just using the 2.6.32-22 kernel for now, as the 2.6.32-23 kernel still runs hot without the ATI driver enabled. I would like to start using the new kernel at some point...

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Slackware :: FGLRX Driver And Compiling Kernel In 13.1

May 26, 2010

I am currently having an issue installing the FGLRX driver in slackware 13.1. I use a customer kernel due to buggy acpi on my toshiba laptop. The steps i took to compile my kernel are as followed. hu

make mrproper in /usr/src/linux directory
patch /usr/src/linux directory
copy kernel config from /boot directory
make menguconfig and load config
the make all
make modules install
i have also tried make install as well
then i mopy system.map the kernel file and config file into /boot directory
edit lilo
reboot ... everything works fine acpi works properly like before.. now the problem comes.. I try to install the fglrx drivers and i get the error message
kernel includes at /lib/modules/ do not match current kernel.
they are versioned as ""
instead of "".
you might need to adjust your symlinks:
- /usr/include
- /usr/src/linux
ERROR: I don't have make module
Am I doing something wrong setting up my kernel. Issue on my gentoo box I have.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: FGLRX/Kernel - Compilation Error ?

Oct 1, 2010

I've been reading about a temporary solution to the kernel/Fglrx issue caused by the last kernel update, but I haven't read about any permanent solution to this issue. Anyone know anything about a permanent solution (new kernel update?, new Fglrx driver?) to this compilation error?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Kernel Update And Fglrx Driver ?

Oct 29, 2010

I have an HP laptop running 11.3/KDE4.5.2, has integrated HD3200 ati graphics.

Yesterday, ATI version 10.10 fglrx driver was installed on the system, kernel was I use the "build rpm" option with the downloads from ATI. All seemed running well.

I had installed the automatic recompile script posted by please_try_again after moving to, so today's new update was a chance to see it in action.

After the update and reboot, the X server restarted so I have to assume the automatic recompile script ran, although I did not see any messaging (place to look?).

However, some things did not seem "quite right". fgl_glxgears ran, but seemed slow (only 70 or so fps) pm-suspend failed to sleep the machine, I see the error message "s2ram_do: Device or resource busy" in /var/log/pm-suspend.log, which I think (?) is fglrx related but not sure why I think that. I moved to a root terminal, init 3, removed the fglrx rpm with yast, deleted the fglrx rpm and rebuilt a new one with ati....run. I then installed the new rpm (with yast), ran aticonfig --initial, then rebooted.

Basically, I am at the same level as above, fglrx installed and running, but slow and pm-suspend still not working.

So now I wonder if there is a new problem with the -5 kernel update, something like the excitement a couple weeks back when we had to patch the driver (or the kernel symbols) just to get a compile.

Can i assume someone has been able to cleanly update to and get their fglrx running again?

An observation, which may or may not be related to my issues. The fglrx rpm installs a new /usr/lib64/dri/fglrx_dri.so, but in reviewing the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log, it never appears to load. Two other *dri*.so modules do load. There is no "dri" section in Xorg.conf; I seem to recall there being one a while back, but much seems to be changing there.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Build Fglrx Module In Kernel 2.6.36

Nov 7, 2010

That's it guys. I have successfully installed the proprietary ati drivers in past 6.34 and 6.35 kernels but not in latest .6.36. I'm wondering if this have something to do with compatibility or not.

Installation log shows me some errors I can't recognize:


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Debian :: Install Bigmem Kernel With Ati Catalyst FGLRX ?

Jan 14, 2011

I'm running Debian Squeeze/current fine with the default kernel & ATi's Catalyset drivers. I'm struggling to get the display drivers to work with the bigmem kernel as I've got 4GB ram on my machine so might as well try to enable it.

I can have my system work with the normal Squeeze kernel by installing the normal kernel headers & then FGLRX drivers, but after additionally installing the bigmem kernel & headers (linux-image-2.6-686-bigmem & linux-headers-2.6-686-bigmem) I cannot get the system to reach X after removing & then re-installing the video drivers.

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General :: Can't Install Fglrx On Debian Squeeze Kernel 2.6.35

Nov 11, 2010

I recently installed Debian Squeeze on Acer Aspire 5542 , it has a Ati Radeon HD 4200 graphics card

I want to install the fglrx drivers , I apt-get install fglrx-driver, fglrx-glx & fglrx-control , The packages & dependencies download fine but when apt tries to install them the fglrx-modules-dkms fails .

The Kernel is 2.6.35.

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Debian Configuration :: Fglrx Isn't Working With The Latest Liquorix Kernel

Nov 5, 2010

For quite a long time now, I haven't even needed to re-install video drivers most of the time. However, ever since version 2.6.36-0.dmz.4, they haven't been. I booted my system after installing that kernel, re-installed the video drivers, and when that didn't work, completely removed them and re-installed them, and it still didn't work. Well, I was told that the installation was successful but even after restarting it appeared that they weren't working. I installed 2.6.36-0.dmz.5 today and the same problem persists. I tried an older kernel version (2.6.36-4 something) and they worked fine.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Kernel 'source Code' And Kernel Itself

Jul 3, 2011

It sounds like he's making a difference between the kernel "source code" and the kernel itself(as in the downloaded file/ files) but the way he talks about both is the same.So then, if one had already "installed" the "kernel sources code," why would he need the "tarball with the newest Linux kernel?" He's already "installed" a kernel, right?

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Fedora Installation :: Errors For VirtualBox / Kernel Source For Kernel Cannot Be Found?

Apr 21, 2010

Trying to install virtualbox in F12 but fails when recompiling kernel module. Output of vbox-install log is:

Attempting to install using DKMS
removing old DKMS module vboxdrv version 3.1.6
Deleting module version: 3.1.6
completely from the DKMS tree.
Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/vboxdrv/3.1.6/source ->

DKMS: add Completed.

Error! Your kernel source for kernel cannot be found
/lib/modules/ or /lib/modules/

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General :: Tried To Install Bcmwl-kernel-source And Now Getting Kernel Panic

Jun 25, 2010

I am running an Hp Pavillion dv6000 with the Broadcom card that never seems to work for Linux. I recently talked with my friend who said he found a way to get it work.following his instructions I opened Synaptic and checked the package bmcwl-kernel-source to be installed.I went through the process of it all and it said it had install successfully. I restarted the computer and when I tried to enter my operating system I got this error "Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block(8,1)"
I have previous versions of Linux on my computer so I can still get in to those if need be but I don't know how to undo what I did or why it isn't working for that matter. Does anyone have any ideas as to why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?

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Software :: Error: Missing Kernel-devel And Kernel-source

Mar 11, 2010

I've been trying to install nvidia drivers yesterday, so I went to runlevel 3, ran the .bin installer and it came up with error: missing kernel-devel and kernel-source.

So I go yum install kernel-devel, it does, but it doesnt find anything like kernel-source.

How do I fix this issue? I have Fedora 12, and I ran drivers from:[URL]..

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Debian Installation :: Kernel Liquorix And Nvidia Driver / Error Doesn't Found The Kernel Source Tree?

Oct 1, 2010

I installed the latest kernel liquorix (2.6.35) but when i want to install the Nvidia driver downloaded on the Nvidia website (256.53), i have an error message because Nvidia doesn't found the kernel source tree.

I install linux-image-2.6.35-6.dmz.2-liquorix-686_2.6.35-16_i386.deb, linux-headers-2.6.35-6.dmz.2-liquorix-686_2.6.35-16_i386.deb and build-essential. I don't understand why the installation doesn't works.

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CentOS 5 :: Create A Custom Kernel Using Kernel Source?

Oct 31, 2009

I'm running CentOS 5.3 and would like to know what the "best" or "proper" method is to build a custom kernel using the generic kernel sources from kernel.org. Most of the references I've found talk about modifying the current CentOS kernel using the RPM way. I really want to have the latest kernel due to some important security issues that haven't been addressed in the current CentOS 5.3 kernel.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Get 1366x768 With Fglrx

May 7, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and using the fglrx driver from repo, but i can't get 1366x768 resolution. I generate xorg.conf with "sudo X -configure" and put in the Modeline that was copied from windows powerstrip, which works fine under windows with catalyst. and restart X, the lcd gets 1366x768 resolution as expected. but the "sudo X -configure" generated xorg.conf was using "radeon" driver, but blender won't work with it, etc... I want to use "fglrx" driver. So I change the Driver section from "radeon" to "fglrx" and restart X, it wont start now, telling me that out of range or something.

Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "radeon"
BusID "PCI:1:5:0"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx Freezing During Video?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm running 9.10 x64 version on an Athlon II x4 with 4 gigs of ram and an ATI Radeon HD 4770 card, using the fglrx driver. I'm also using Compiz.

However, I'm having a pretty major problem with video playback. Some time after starting playback, the entire system appears to freeze up. At least the video does, anyway. The audio continues to play, but the mouse is locked in place and the video frame doesn't move. I tried alt-prscr-k, but couldn't kill X. I tried ctrl-alt-f1 and f2 but again, no change. Ctrl-alt-delete had no response either. In the end, I've been having to use alt-prscr-REISUB to restart the machine.

This problem happens at unpredictable times. The other night, I watched about 1 and a half hours of DVD before it happened, and then after restarting I couldn't watch 10 seconds before freezing again. Just now, again, I started watching a video file, and the system locks up a few seconds in to the video, every time (and a different place every time).

I tried both the ati and radeonhd drivers as well, but I couldn't get the results I wanted with my 2-monitor display. I've only been able to get my monitors the way I want them using fglrx. But without being able to watch video, it's pointless anyway.

I'm lost for what to do... I've spend the last 24 hours installing and uninstalling and reinstalling the different ATI drivers over and over, only to come back to this problem. Is there something I'm missing completely?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx Turning Vlc Into A Snail?

May 28, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit version and everything worked fine so far except for the fglrx driver as it seems. I wasn't able to enable desktop effects and couldn't start games like openarena or nexuiz.

Therefore, I installed the fglrx driver from ATI's site and got everything working fine. Unfortunately it introduced a problem with vlc and the window manager in general. If I go into fullscreen in vlc it takes at least 2 seconds until the screen reacts. Also, if I tab through windows there is at least a second delay which is all very very annoying. I removed the driver again and re-installed fglrx from the repos. I now have two entries for the Catalyst Control Center (normal + administrative) under System->Prefrences which is annoying but not the reason for this thread.

The main problem remains the delay with window tabbing (with desktop effects disabled) and vlc going into fullscreen (this also applies for ..... videos which also lag in fullscreen mode).

The card is a Radeon HD 4830, processor is an AMD Phenom II X4 810.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sh: Can't Open ./fglrx-uninstall.sh?

Jun 3, 2010

Trying to update ATI drivers to Catalyst 10.5The very first step to uninstall the previous driver version does not work.

andrew@andrew-desktop:~$ cd /usr/share/ati/
andrew@andrew-desktop:/usr/share/ati$ sudo sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh
[sudo] password for andrew:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Reinstall Fglrx Driver - 9.10 - Via Terminal ?

Mar 14, 2010

I was having issues with xscreensaver, desktop background and VLC all cutting out at same or different times and narrowed it down to "possibly" compiz or the FGLXR ATI driver that was recommended for my ATI HD3200 card. So, without knowing better, i went into hardware settings and removed the proprietary driver and did a reboot thinking the system would come back up and default back to a vanilla driver. No dice. Hello white screen of death! So, i am assuming that I can just reinstall via terminal and life will be good again? So, looking for CLI commands via terminal for reinstall.. (if possible)

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