Ubuntu Multimedia :: Remote Sinks Not Visible In Pavucontrol?

Feb 10, 2011

So, I've to machines running Ubuntu 10.10. One of them (a htpc) shares its local pulseaudio sinks, and I want the other (a laptop) to direct its audio to it.

So, on the htpc, I've ticked "Enable network access to local sound devices" in paprefs. On the laptop, I've ticked "Make discoverable PulseAudio network sound devices available locally".

The result is that, in padevchooser and pabrowser, the laptop sees the remote sinks. However in pavucontrol they are not visible. If I set one of the remote sinks as default in padevchooser, local applications (tried totem, vlc and spotify) cannot play audio.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pavucontrol Not Working Properly In 10.10 Maverick?

Nov 11, 2010

I had installed pavucontrol in Ubuntu 10.04 to record the sounds being played on the system, by changing the "Record stream for" value to "Monitor of Internal Audio Analog Stereo". I installed pavucontrol in Maverick as well, but here it doesn't capture and show the sounds being played at all, not even in playback (No sound meter bar activity below each entry). The sound can still be decreased/increased and it shows all the devices playing back or recordong. Also if I change the hardware to "Digital duplex" from Analog stereo Duplex" it starts capturing and showing the streams, but then I can't hear anything from the speakers. I even compiled the newest pavucontrol, but still the same.

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Fedora :: Use Yum To Install Pavucontrol?

Jul 18, 2009

1. Use yum to install pavucontrol Go to tab "configuration", choose "off"

2. remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio, if you installed it before

3. Go to "System->Preference->Startup Applications", deselect the "Volume Control" application from "gnome-media" package, which only uses pulseaudio interface

4. Use yum to install python-alsaaudio pygtk2 gnome-python2-libegg gst-mixer Then add the attached python script to "Startup Applications", which mimics the behavior of volume control but using alsa interface. This is a modified version from its origin: http://david.chalkskeletons.com/files/volume-tray.py which adds a feature of changing icon according to the value of volume.

5. Logout, then login again

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Debian :: Pavucontrol Resets Every Time During Reboot

May 16, 2015

if I have to reset my system for any reason or even logging out my pavucontrol resets to my built in audio instead of sticking to my HDMI like I want it to.I can manually configure a file I will, I just need to know where to start.I will provide hardware info when asked for it, just need a feeler here.I am running Debian Jessie KDE 64bit

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Option For Canon Remote Capture - Remote Camera Control Software ?

Oct 17, 2010

Canon cameras used to come with a piece of software called remote capture for Windows and MacOS.

You plug in the camera via USB, and then the camera display is on your monitor. From there you can do everything your camera does, like taking pictures of video. Does anyone know if there is linux equivalent software that can do this?

I have found this software, but new cameras aren't supported.

I'm trying to make a stop motion movie.

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Debian Hardware :: PavuControl Settings Keep Resetting After Reboot

Nov 19, 2015

I've just installed Debian 8 XFCE and I can't get the sound working properly after a reboot. I mean I can but it keeps resetting to default audio output (analog-stereo) after reboot.

I set it to Digital Stereo in Pavucontrol settings, reboot and here comes analog-stereo again.

I've tried setting digital stereo as default using pactl in the terminal but same problem. When I change settings then relog in my session, sound is working, but when I reboot it reverts back to default output. Strange.

Here's my sound card info :

lspci | grep -i audio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)
01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF114 HDMI Audio Controller (rev a1)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Only 1/ 6 Of My Music Visible?

Nov 24, 2010

I just installed Banshee v1.80 on Ubuntu 10.10 and was looking to import my music from my external HD. I pluged the HD in and copied all of the music in it to my music folder, (ALL 2,604 SONGS).I then went into banshee and set the folder for my music library to be /home/matt/Music, where i put THE 2,604 SONGS.Banshee started to scan the songs, all the way up through THE 2,604th. After it was finished i navigated to all music in the banshee side pane and there was only 394.

After some research i found that this was because only 394 of the songs actually had .mp3 or a similar extension at the end of the file name.I've spent the past hour trying to figure out how to either append the appropriate extension to all the files, or how to get banshee to see the files without any extension, to no avail.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Get .RW2 Tumbnails Visible In Nautilus And F-spot

Jul 26, 2010

How do i get .RW2 tumbnails visible in Nautilus and F-spot.If i rename the photo's (made by my panasonics FZ28 ) to .RAW the thumbnail works but i do not want to rename every photo every time.i guess it has something to do with MIME..seems that i only need to make the extension .RW2 known as the .RAW is already

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Less Colors Visible On The Screen After Upgrading?

Nov 14, 2010

I've just upgraded to Kubuntu 10.10 recently, and everything's working well, except that the screen seems to display less colors than it used to. It's very noticeable when looking at smooth gradients, since there are no smooth gradients anymore.

I'm using a laptop with a Radeon HD 5650 video card. The drivers seem to be working well, since I can run a 3D game like Nexuiz without any problems. The lack of colors isn't even very noticeable when playing games, but I can see it clearly in KDE... for example, the window background gradient isn't really a gradient now, just a few different shades of gray next to each other.I've looked around in KDE display settings and ATI settings, but there's absolutely nothing about the number of displayed colors there.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Bars Not Visible At 1920x1080 On Vizio HDMI?

Feb 19, 2010

Im using a Vizio 22" 1080p LCD HDTV has a monitor for my Ubuntu server over HDMI. It works great, except I cannot see the top or bottom bar at any resolution. Id really like to get it working at 1920x1080. Ive been tinkering with the xorg.conf a bit to no avail.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Disable Visible Cursor In X

Apr 18, 2015

I have a laptop running Debian stable. I have used xfce for a long time, but in an attempt to get away from needing to haul a mouse everywhere, I decided to migrate to xmonad (raw, with no DE), a tiling window manager that is extremely keyboard-friendly. I've also switched to conkeror (not konqueror, mind you), a very keyboard-friendly firefox-based browser. I have completely eliminated my need for a mouse on this laptop and have even disabled the touchpad by blacklisting the psmouse driver. There is still an annoying visible cursor sitting in the middle of the screen upon starting X. Is there anyway to (probably in the X config files) disable the visible cursor, or if not, have its default starting location be the bottom right corner (where it's least visible)?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Yahoo Chess Applet Started But No Gameboard Visible?

May 24, 2010

I wanted to play yahoo chess, but when I joined a chess game, i got a blank gray window with the words saying applet started and that is all. What do I need to do? I am using ubuntu 9.04 i think. On a system 76 computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 + VLC + Infrared Remote?

May 19, 2010

I've got an HP Pavillion dv9000 laptop, the type that come with an HDMI port and a built in Windows media center remote.

How do I make it work with VLC? I've done a little research, and I've installed lirc. It now sorta works with Totem, but not at all with VLC. What am I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Twinhan USB Remote Not Work After 10.01?

Jun 16, 2010

I've had a Twinhan DVB remote control for many years. It's been fantastic. BEEN.After 10.01, buttons longer work except for Volume Up and Down which didn't do this before.I had a party over the weekend and it was such a freaking huge pain to have to go to the pc to switch tracks etc when the week before I could use my remote. ( I know.. I'm venting again)The Twinhan USB remote, shows up as a keyboard so I've never had to configure it. NEVER. And that's been what's so awesome till now.This thread is the same problem but I'm not allowed to post a reply there.http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p...twinhan+remoteI'm guessing that some development has gone on there that has broken it. Either the kernel or Ubuntu. Who knows? So I'll add this to the list that used to work but don't now.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MCE Remote To Work With XBMC?

Jun 23, 2010

I am really having a tough time getting my MCE remote to work with XBMC. I have got to the point where sometimes it work but then it gets VERY sluggish and my system crashes.

#This configuration has been automatically generated via
#the Ubuntu LIRC package maintainer scripts.
#It includes the default configuration for the remote and/or
#transmitter that you have selected during package installation.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 And Lirc Remote Not Working?

Feb 1, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and am trying to get lirc to recognize my pcusa mce remote control. I have been working on this for a week and have not had any success. Please note that I am very new to Linux. I am comfortable moving around in the terminal but most of anything else that I do in the terminal is just following instructions.

This is the remote that I am using:


When I run

cat /proc/bus/input/devices

I do not see anything that could be the remote. I have tried plugging the USB receiver into my Ubuntu 10.10 net book but it doesn't see the receiver either. I do not have a windows machine that I can test the remote on but I plugged the receiver into my iMac and I did get a red LED lit that I haven't seen on the Ubuntu machines.

When I run irw and press buttons on the remote I see nothing on the terminal.

When I run:

sudo mode2

I get:

mode2: could not get file information for /dev/lirc
mode2: default_init(): No such file or directory

I have tried mode2 both with lirc running and stopped and I get the same response either way.

I have confirmed that there is no /dev/lirc but there is a lircd in /dev (it's not a directory). Also I had read somewhere that lirc doesn't work under Ubuntu 10.10. Is that the case?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Using Apple's Remote App To Control Box?

Jul 30, 2011

First some background: I currently have iTunes running on a Vista box attached to my TV. I have an Ubuntu box running 11.04 and shairport which serves as remote speakers for the iTunes server. This works fairly well as I can control it with my iPhone, or iPad etc. Very slick interface and my wife loves it .

But I would prefer to not use iTunes to as the server. I would like to let that Vista box sleep most of the day. Doing a little bit of reading it sounds like I should be able to use mt-daapd as a replacement for iTunes. So I installed firefly and gave it a shot. I can get it streaming music fine. But I cannot Apple's "Remote" app to add the new library. When I did some poking I read that I should make a file that ends in ".remote" and put my device name + the pairing passcode from my iPhone in this file.

When I enter the "Add Library" mode on my iPhone it should broadcast an mDNS event. And in fact it looks like it does because: avahi-browse -r -k _touch-remote._tcp Can see my iPhone. But when I do a tail -f on the mt-daapd logfile I never see a connection come up. I have tried debug level 8 in the messaging.Still nothing. In my search for a fix I noticed mt-daapd is no longer being developed but there is forked-daapd. This is actually where I found the instructions for pairing via Remote.

Should I bail on mt-daapd? Will there someday be Ubuntu support for forked-daapd?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Hook Up Ps3 Remote To Mupen64plus?

Aug 6, 2011

i installed mupen64plus and tried to hookup my ps3 remote with a usb cable. the program recognizes the remote but wont let me map the buttons. my pc isnt bluetooth enabled so i have to leav it hooked up to the the pc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Serve Files To A Remote IP Address?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a media server with all my music and movies on it. Right now I have mediatomb on it serving up files to my ps3. They are on the same LAN. Is there a way to accomplish the same thing, but have them on different networks? Can I tell the ps3 to search an external IP addres on port 2222 to look for a media server?If that won't work (I doubt it will), is there another way to do this? I am moving to Germany in 5 months for work and I Won't be able to bring my media server with me. I'm taking a bunch of stuff to my parent's to avoid rent and all....So I could just hook the server up to the router, set it to forward a port and have access to it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hauppauge Remote Is Sending Key Presses

May 5, 2010

I've got a strange problem with my Hauppauge card; I've just undertaken a clean install of Mythbuntu 10.04, and the built in Hauppauge remote for my Nova S2 HD card is intercepting remote signals from the number and direction keys and sending them as keypresses to the terminal - even when lirc isn't running.I didn't have this issue under 9.04 - but it seems that whatever is intercepting the IR signal is preventing LIRC from getting a look-in as it makes no difference whether lirc is running or not.I found this thread: URL... but the link to the explanation is dead and my attempts to blacklist lirc_i2c and gpio_keys have made no difference.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing Music On A Remote Server?

Dec 4, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop PC (desktop) that I access remotely, i.e. with no monitor and keyboard attached. I do this by making an ssh connection to "desktop" from my laptop (also running Ubuntu 10.04).

I have all my music stored on "desktop" and I want to play this remotely through the soundcard on "desktop" which is attached to a hi-fi amplifier, from my laptop.

I tried running, say, rhythmbox, on "desktop" through ssh X11 forwarding to my laptop but cannot play music - it says that the right codes are not installed although they are because I can use rhythmbox on "desktop" directly (attaching a monitor and keyboard to it).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting Remote Control To Interface With XBMC?

Dec 21, 2010

I just built up an Acer Revo 3600 HTPC using Ubuntu. Right now I'm using a wireless keyboard and mouse but I'd like to get a remote control to interface with XBMC. There seem to be many remotes that work under windows but I am having a hard time finding a remote that works with Ubuntu. What are people using to control their Ubuntu-based HTPCs these days?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use Remote Control For Multiple Apps

Feb 15, 2011

I am running XBMC-standalone on a minimal Ubuntu installation and everything works as it should almost out of the box ... Now I would like to use my remote to navigate through ultrastardx which I start as an app(within XBMC).

I use linux-input-layer(devinput) with lirc(=necessary to make all buttons work).

So, if I start ultrastardx with the configuration from above my RC does not work at all but when I kill lircd before I start ultrastardx I ll get basic functions like Left, Right, Enter,... This is great but I miss two main functions Jumpto and search. To get them work and tremendously increasing the WAF I would need to send a key-sequence to ultrastardx.

What do I have to do to send such a sequence like "alt+j"?

Is there a way to kill lircd automatically before I start ultrastardy(at the moment I have to this manually )?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unlisted Remote - Capturing IR Code

Mar 1, 2011

I have a unlisted remote which I can't find a lircd.conf for. Have tried irrecord with a mceusb receiver and have had no success. I am running maverick on a fresh install. LIRC is install and functions correctly for MCE remote and sending dishnetwork ir codes. I have found the hex codes for it but have no idea what to do with them even if there is anything to do with them. My question is this, is there any other way to capture the remote codes other than irrecord? Is there a way to manually build the codes?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Y0400052 Remote With Eyetv Dtt Stick?

Jun 6, 2011

im trying to use a Y0400052 remote control from my leadtek winfast analog tv receiver pci card with a elgato eyetv dtt dvb-t usb stick. i know theres plenty of 'how do i get my infrared remote controller working' infos out there but im kind of lost. feel free to direct me to an appropriate place. part of my confusion is that im both lost on a very general level AND on a very specific level. back in the days when i had a desktop and was using the leadtek pci card the remote was working ok via lirc. now it seems that there is this new way of handling remotes via devinput and 'events' so im unclear - do i need lirc anymore?


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Debian Multimedia :: Getting MCE Remote Working?

Jun 15, 2011

I have installed Debian 6.0 amd64. I have followed instructions all over the web, none of which worked. Tried apt-get, compiling from source found old instructions that don't work on new kernels, found bugs here and bugs there and now I have no hair left.My remote is an HP remote with a standard eHome receiver. It works fine in Ubuntu. Is there a modern, up-to-date, step-by-step guide for getting my remote to work so I can get back to using xbmc?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Generic Remote That Came With A TV Tuner Card

Jan 18, 2010

I've been trying to configure this generic remote that came with a TV tuner card (saa7134) a while ago but I haven't been able to do so. The thing is that the remote works, in fact some buttons are recognized properly... but some are not. I'm not using lirc!, from I have been reading there is support for generic remotes in the 2.6.31 kernel, besides, i can't configure lirc, it doesn't let me load the kernel modules to start up the daemon for the ir. is there a config file for the button mapping of the native remote support in kernel 2.6.31?. Been searching it but couldn't find it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Using Android Phone As Remote To Play Music

Feb 13, 2010

What I am trying to do: I am trying to use my G1 Android Phone as a remote to control my netbook playing music in my bedroom, My net book is playing music from my server using DAAP + Rythmbox. That part is done. The part I can't make work is the Andromote App on my phone controlling when the netbook plays, pause, next, prev, & volume.

What I am using: I am running Ubuntu 9.04 both on my server as well as my netbook (netbook has the netbook interface) I am running a rooted version of Android 1.6. The programs I am trying to use are Rythmbox on my netbook and Andromote on my G1.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find The Keycodes From Remote Control Input?

Sep 11, 2010

I've got an Emprex 3009URF remote control which I'm using to run XBMC and whilst it works fine for the most part there are a couple of things that I can do with a keyboard/mouse that I'm unable to do with the remote, for instance "right clicking" with the mouse that brings up a context menu, that is totally inaccessible from the remote.

Some things I was able to fix by editing .xsessionrc as instructed by another post elsewhere on the tubes, in the format of:

xmodmap -display :0 -e keycode 127 = space

however I don't know how to find the keycode and I don't know how to map that to a right click event.

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Debian Multimedia :: Remote Desktop With GNOME

Aug 24, 2015

I just installed Debian 8 and ran vnc4server. I want to get Gnome on a client computer so I read some threads on the internet telling me to edit the ~/.vnc/xstartup file, which I did. Unfortunately I've tried multiple edits of this file and I cannot get it to work properly. Any working script of what it should look like for the latest stable version of Debian?

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