Ubuntu Multimedia :: Poor Display Qualities New Install, 32" TV As Monitor?

Apr 11, 2011

I asked this question in the installation forum and got as far as possible with the advice there. I'm using a 32" Insignia TV as my sole monitor. I'm using the HDMI from the integrated video on my ASUS E35M1-M motherboard. I have it running at 1920x1080. When it boots up the monitor says the BIOS is running at 1080p, but as soon as Ubuntu loads the TV switches to 1080i. When I was setting the computer up the other day it was running 1024x768 and the text looked beautiful, now similar size text is blue/black and scraggly/shadowy looking. I followed some instructions for xrandr, but ran into problems and the person giving me advice admitted he was too unfamiliar with xrandr to get me any further. Here's as far as I get:

erik@erik-System-Product-Name-System-Product-Name:~$ cvt -r 1920 1080 60
# 1920x1080 59.93 Hz (CVT 2.07M9-R) hsync: 66.59 kHz; pclk: 138.50 MHz
Modeline "1920x1080R" 138.50 1920 1968 2000 2080 1080 1083 1088 1111 +hsync -vsync
erik@erik-System-Product-Name-System-Product-Name:~$ xrandr --newmode "1920x1080R" 138.50 1920 1968 2000 2080 1080 1083 1088 1111 +hsync -vsync


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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install, Poor Display And No Wireless?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm almost a complete noob when it comes to Linux. All my computers 'til now have been Windows boxes (3.1 on up to XP). I do know a little, I've tried to switch to Linux since RedHat 7.2 but never got this far (I can connect to the Internet!). I currently have two issues I really need to get past this weekend, or I'll be forced to spend $110 on Windows 7 - which I REALLY don't want to do. I can't get the display right, and I can't get the wireless working.

My computer is an AMD Zacate on an ASUS motherboard with integrated graphics (ATI Raedon 6380, if I remember correctly from this afternoon). I'm using an Insignia 1080p TV as my sole monitor. The wireless card is a Zonet ZEW1642S which uses the Ralink RT3062 chipset. Today I finally got the monitor to display in 1920x1080. I updated the ATI drivers (HDMI sound started working after I installed them) and downloaded Catalyst. I've been trying to get through the xrandr instructions to get the screen to fit, as I can't see the top and bottom bars. Also, I think it's displaying in 1080i instead of 1080p. Text quality is atrocious compared to the 1024x768 resolution it had earlier. The screen refresh is terrible.

I opened terminal, inputted "xrandr" and got:

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 1920 x 1920
DFP1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 698mm x 392mm
1920x1080 30.0*+ 30.0
1776x1000 30.0
1680x1050 30.0 30.0


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Debian Multimedia :: Extended Display With Different DPI On Each Monitor

Dec 14, 2014

How could xorg be set-up such that different monitors work with different DPI but still compose the same extended display?

I have a 15 inch laptop display extending to the right the main display which is 23 inch. The resolutions are comparable, but the difference in pixel size is very large. Thus, either the external display has too large fonts and UI, or the laptop one has them very small. Moving them at different distances is not entirely possible.

xrandr info:
eDP1 connected primary 1920x1080+2048+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 194mm
VGA1 connected 2048x1152+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 510mm x 287mm

I heard that Windows has a hack (which I can't check) for extending displays with different pixels sizes: it computes in which of the displays a window has most of it's surface and sets the DPI for that window based on that. Thus a window will change DPI when crossing monitors, (and will look too small/large on one of the monitors if it is in the middle).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Display - Monitor Go Into Power Saving Mode

Feb 4, 2010

All of a sudden today there was no display on my Ubuntu PC. It seems to be powering on - I get the LG screen when the monitor is switched on - but it goes into "Power Saving Mode". How do I diagnose this? I already unplugged and plugged. Monitor is connected to a graphics card - no change when I switched to VGA.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting External Monitor As Primary Display?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an ASUS 1000HE laptop running Lucid 10.04 (Desktop not netbook version) which I have connected to an external display (LCD). I don't intend to use the laptop by itself anymore therefore I have configured the display properties to turn off the laptop display and use the external display as primary. However, when the PC enters 'locked mode' or the display powers down after a defined period of time (as set in the properties) when I wake the PC and the display, it turns the laptop monitor back on .... switches the laptop screen to primary display (i.e. with the panels etc displayed on it) and extends the desktop to the external display! The only thing I can then do is go back into the configuration utility and turn the laptop monitor off again and boom, everything is fine and dandy displaying on the external display again! I don't really want to have to do this every time I come back to the PC after it has been locked nor do I want to write a script (if it can be avoided) to deal with it!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Defining Primary Display ( 3 Monitor Setup)?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a Radeon HD 5830, running 3 monitors on 10.10 64bit with the 10.6 video driver. The three monitors ( from left to right ) :

DFP1 : 1152x2048
DFP2 : 1920x1200
CRT1 : 1360x768

The problem I'm having is getting the middle monitor to be the primary one.

xrandr --output DFP2 --primary

puts the panel on the middle screen but my docky and icons stay on the left screen. Flash videos also open up on the portrait left monitor which looks awful. Ideally I would like the icons on DFP1, docky on P2 and flash videos to open on P2. But I would definitely settle for everyone to be on the middle screen and drag it around as I please.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Extending Display To External Monitor On Dell Inspiron 6400?

Mar 22, 2010

My brother has just installed 9.10 on his Inspiron 6400 and would like to have a dual screen setup using both the laptop display and a flatscreen attached to the VGA socket. Using the standard display options, the two displays are recognised and when the 'mirror screens' option is disabled then settings applied it works to the extent of allowing the cursor to move between the two monitors; however the monitors display nothing except a black screen and the cursor.

I've updated everything to the current version, had a look for restricted drivers (none are suggested by the GUI tool thing) and checked both displays work (both independently and as mirrored). I also had a look for an xorg.conf to poke around in but there wasn't one there.

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SUSE :: Drivers Missing - Wireless Not Working - Poor Display Quality?

Nov 29, 2010

I installed openSuSE 11.2 sometime ago in a COMPAQ Presario CQ60-419WM laptop (the ones that Wal-mart sold for $300 about a year-and-a-half ago. I installed the 64-bit version because I saw that the processor could support that (perhaps that was not a good idea). I have some problems that seem related to not having the necessary drivers. My wireless has never worked and my display is far from what I would like it to be (the response is slow, if a drag a window, its motion is jerky, if I scroll down in a browser window, the motion is wavy). The look and feel is very different from what I get at work and I do not know how to fix it.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Install To USB - Black Screen - Monitor Is On And Lit - Just Nothing On The Display

Nov 30, 2010

I did a LiveCD to USB install, following the directions I found at [url] When I went to reboot to the USB stick, all I get is a black Screen (monitor is on and lit, just nothing on the display) No cursor or command prompt. I've tried holding shift to bring up the GRUB menu, changing splash quiet to nomodeset, or just adding nomodeset after the splash quiet thing. I've even tried xforcevesa instead of nomodeset still black screen. Looking at the logs nothing is current as of the last time I tried to boot the computer, it's strictly what was written when I installed it to the stick. Other things I've checked/tried, Pressing CTRL+Alt+F1 at GRUB to get TTY, all I get is that blank screen. I've Checked etc/default/grub to ensure the timeout was higher then 0. The Install CD seems to be OK but I have (as it did another install successfully) but I haven't done any throughal checking of it (there was no check this disk on the first screen of the LiveCD) The USB sticks also seem to be ok (in windows though). Using the disk utility on the live CD I did check the file system on the USB stick, the "/" partition came up clean. Anybody have any other thoughts on this install, any thing else I can check?

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Doesn't Detect Monitor / Won't Display Higher Than 800x600 On A 1400x900 Monitor

Apr 3, 2010

I installed Karmic on an older PC I had laying around, and the only trouble I am having is with screen resolution. It uses an old ATI chipset (onboard) for video, and it doesn't seem to do EDID correctly, so I can't display anything higher than 800x600. I have tried creating an xorg.conf, but it's still not working. How can I tell Xorg to ignore the fact it can't detect a widescreen monitor and display something larger than 800x600? I noticed the log says the sync's are out of range, but I am not sure how to fix it.

Here is my current xorg.conf.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"


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Fedora :: 11 With Monitor - System - Preferences - Display Shows Unknown Monitor

Oct 16, 2009

I am facing problem with the fresh installation of Fedora 11. (I have moved from Fedora 9). When I try to view videos on ..... or use the Cheese Webcam Booth, I get blurred lines on the screen and I am unable to see any video or pic.

Also I noticed that the when i go to System > Preferences>Display, it shows me UNKOWN MONIOR.

However, if I got to System>Administration>Display and enter the su password, it shows me correct monitor and the graphics driver.

I am not sure if my original is related to the Unknown Monitor.

I also tried to install Nvidia driver but it crashed the xserver and I had remove the driver.

My Monitor is LG 700E and Graphics card is from intel. as I am not able watch any video.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Monitor Display Is Messed Up After "waking" Up?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm running ubuntu lucid on a home-built computer with an ATI Radeon R300 NE [Radeon 9500 pro] video card and a cheap-o (Norcent) flat panel. Within the last week I've had a problem where the display gets horizontal and vertical stripes when I "wake it up" with the mouse. I can almost see what is supposed to be on the screen and I can use the mouse (the cursor is a big blocky area) enough to shut the computer down. Oddly, opening a new terminal (TTY1?) using Ctrl-Shift-F1 doesn't fix the monitor problem. Also, you can see the display problem when using xvnc4viewer from another computer.

I have found a number of similar issues in the forums, but haven't found a solution (nor can I find xorg.conf in lucid...). It just happened, so I wonder if it is something that broke in an update. There is nothing recorded in the logs that seem to apply to video problems.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Quality Is Poor

Sep 19, 2010

I am using ubuntu version Ubuntu 8.04 , it is observed that the video quality is poor as compared to windows os i am not sure it is driver problem or something different, below are detail of my system

CPU : 2.6 Mhz
RAM :1024 MB
board : Intel 845 chipset

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Poor Video Playback?

May 18, 2011

i am loving the ubuntu 10.10 interface.my laptop is a toshiba satellite l450 (3gb ram + 2.10ghz amd proc essor. i use a ati radeon hd 3200 graphics card.i have to manually adjust the sound settings if i plug in a headphone or a hdmi cable to suit the necessary output. windows did this automatically.my video quality is very very poor. if i run videos on any browser or watch a movie (avi file) on totem or vlc it is very jumpy and the sound is often out of sync.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Very Poor Refresh Rate

Jun 5, 2011

I just built a home media server. It's using a Gigabyte E350N-USB3 motherboard with the AMD Fusion processor. So far, everything seems to be working fair enough. However, when it comes to video playback via an HDMI cable to my TV, it's unwatchable. It is okay during slow scenes, but any sudden movement or high action scenes and the problem becomes obvious.I don't know how to explain it other than it appears to have a problem refreshing quickly enough. I see horizontal lines across the film. I originally thought it might be due to low quality AVI files, but I just tried a DVD and it did it just the same.

I'm pretty knew to Ubuntu, so I'm not sure if there are some settings I can tweak, or if I am missing some drivers. Any ideas on where to start?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MythTV - Poor Flash / No Gnome

Mar 28, 2010

I am working on a Mythtv frontend/backend/desktop and am at a loss. The goal is to use myth to record programming from the free broadcasts (i fired the cable) and the desktop to watch flash video of the shows that aren't on the broadcast networks...like TNT, natgeo or the comedy channel. Software is Mythbuntu 9.04 running nvidia 180 drivers

I imagine the hardware is adequate, it is well above minimum specs that I can find.
AMD Athlon 3000+ processor
2gigs of PC2700 memory
Gforce 6200LE 512MB DDR2 video card AGP
Hauppage HVR-1600 tv card PCI

I have two problems, well three now if you count the crashing firefox. Myth TV is working fine. There was a conflict with the video card and the tv card. But now when I try to view flash video it is jittery...Firefox has started crashing now and that is a new thing. It will allow me to start a video and the the window will just close with no warning. I tried a local radio stations website and it did the same thing. When I connected to pandora it worked but I could only get the songs to play for around 30 seconds before it would skip to the next one.

I wanted to have the Gnome desktop instead of XFCE but nothing I do seems to change it. With that explanation in mind:
Is this hardware enough for what I want to do?
Is loading Mythtv first then adding gnome the best solution? (if not, I think I can redo the Mythtv setup and conflict resolution again without cracking up).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Poor Performance For X264 - Video Is All Jerky In VLC ?

Jan 25, 2010

So for the last, oh, three or four hours now, I've been trying to get videos to play properly in Ubuntu. I have the default player, I have vlc, I (apparently) installed mplayer, but it won't play anything at all.

I was having horrible screen tearing with standard definition .avi's in vlc, fixed that by setting vsync in catalyst control center to always on or whatever it is.

Now, I have tried to run a 720p x264 video. It PLAYS, but not well. Audio is fine, however video is all jerky in VLC, and in Totem it's just a mess of screen tearing (although the video does no jerk on that player).

I have just spent HOURS trying to get VIDEOS TO PLAY. This makes no sense. Playing a video should be the simplest thing in the world for any OS to do, but with Ubuntu it is like pulling teeth. I have NEVER been so frustrated while using a computer. What is going on here?

BTW, I installed every single thing needed to use mplayer but it still does not work. The player comes up but will not play any type of file.

My system specs:
2.2Ghz dual core (intel)
3gb ram
1GB radeon hd 4650 vid card
asus ipibl-lb mobo

I was really enjoying Ubuntu until I got around to trying to watch some videos. Now I am maybe minutes away from going back to vista. At least on there I can watch full 1080p videos if I want with no problems.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Intel Graphics And Random Poor 3d Performance - Sometimes Its Okay Sometimes No

Apr 16, 2010

I am running kubuntu 9.10 on a dell inspiron 14 with an intel GM45 graphics card. When I run 3d games like Nexuiz, openarena and tremulous I get really random performance. Sometimes things are totally playable with somewhere between 50-80 fps and other times I get maybe 4 fps and everything takes forever to load. These effects persists between logouts, X restarts and reboots! I get no errors when I run things in console either.I never really play games much but when something doesn't work...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype To Landline Phone - Poor Quality?

May 19, 2010

Ubuntu 10.4, Sound card works great when recording and doing playback with Ubuntu. Skype v. 2.1 beta. In Windows XP, same system, I dual boot. When I use Skype (latest), and I try to call to a landline in the US, everything works fine. Everyone can hear me fine and there's no problems. The problem: When I use Ubuntu, and Skype, there's crackling, dropped off sound, and the overall quality is bad.

EDIT: The biggest issue here is dropping parts of the call. Why does it do that?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 5.1 Surround Sound Plays Very Poor Quality

Nov 8, 2010

I got a 5.1 desktop sound sys for my recently built gaming rig. It sounds great. On Windows, that is. In ubuntu when I'm playing music, primarily when the subwoofer plays the bass, the speakers sound like they're farting and ripping phone books in half. Also, they get very statticy and sort of quiet. In sound preferences, analog stereo duplex is selected, if that's of any value. How can I get good sound playback in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Asus M4A77TD PRO - Poor Sound Playback

Feb 28, 2011

how poor is sound playback in Ubuntu? I don't know if this is a general problem in all distros, but as a beginner i decided to install Ubuntu as its popular for users with minimalistic or not much knowledge about Linux at all. So in Windows playback sound quality is great, but in Ubuntu it is terrible, why is that? My soundcard is motherboard integrated - Asus M4A77TD PRO. In other forums someone give me advice to write this


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI X1650 Poor GLXgears Frame Rate

Jul 26, 2011

11.04 x86
Dual 2.8 AMD
ATI x1650 radeon (512mb)

I've been struggling with this for months now and I've tried some many things, I've forgotten half of them!

Basically, 11.04 picks up my card fine using the open xorg driver. I've got compize desktop effects (wobbly windows) but I can't play any HD video as it stutters and is completely unwatchable.

So to do any video editing, I have to boot into my Windows 7 install where the performance is considerably better.

Now then, I once managed to get a glxgears frame rate of 11,000 before I broke my install and had to re-install. Now I can't get above 300fps

rb@ub:~/Desktop$ glxgears Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.

302 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.258 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.023 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.019 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.022 FPS

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Sound Quality Is Very Poor

Apr 3, 2011

The quality of sound I am getting is very poor with lots of noises.I'm using openSUSE 11.4 on a DELL Inspiron 6400, and the sound is "82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller".I have tried removing pulseaudio but it did not change anything.I had no problem with the sound on 11.2 and the quality of sound is normal on Windows.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Poor Sound In Fullscreen Flash Video Lenovo T60?

Jan 12, 2011

Sound is fine in flash video, but gets garbled in fullscreen.

Another problem I'm having is that when I turn the volume past 60% using the sound applet on the panel, it gets very distorted. If I open sound preferences, I notice it is in the "amplified" zone at this point, so I have to keep it in the "unamplified" zone, but then it's not loud enough.

Here is my soundcard info:

00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio C
ontroller (rev 02)
Subsystem: Lenovo ThinkPad T60/R60 series


More info on my setup: output on my system from Alsa: [URL]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install A Specific Display Driver?

Oct 21, 2010

I am running an ubuntu 10.10 with an Intel i3 on a Gigabyte motherboard. I use it mainly as an HTPC, so it is connected (via HDMI) to a Samsung LCD TV (LA40A450C1V).
Do I need to install a specific display driver? if so - how do i do that?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Anything - Music - Flash - Videos - Games - 'muffled' - Poor Sound Quality

Apr 7, 2010

I just got my hands on an MSI E7235-295US and slapped Ubuntu 9.10 on it. So far everything's worked great, but I am beginning to get a bit concerned about my sound quality. The laptop itself has 5 speakers + subwoofer so I should be getting 5.1 sound, if I understand things correctly (the newegg link should provide more details) and when I play anything (music, flash, videos, games, etc...) the sound comes out 'muffled'. Almost as if it is in a concert hall, maybe. I initially wondered if the problem is related to the 5 speakers and if the sound is initially only setup for two. If that is the case, nothing I've done has seemed to made any real difference. I've tried changing the master/pci channels, but it only hides it a little, and doesn't solve the problem.

This seemed to be on the right track, but the laptop is still really new and not listed in the alsa file.

Some info:
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)
Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. Device 7220
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 22
Memory at f8ef8000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
Capabilities: <access denied>
Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel
Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel

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Ubuntu :: No Display On Different Monitor?

Aug 10, 2010

I successfully installed linux mint 9 and at the same time update the system. Now that everything is running, I returned the pc to the owner, but when I power it on, no display. You can see the post but no display after that. And 1 more, I press the shift while loading grub2, nope nothing happens. And also tried booting the CD installer, same results.

I installed the system using an old 15" CRT monitor and the owner had a AOC 1619sw LCD monitor. I found this thread from ubuntu which I think was the same problem as mine, [ubuntu] Help! No display/keyboard on boot with differnet monitor - Ubuntu Forums, but no solutions yet.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Secondary Monitor Quickly Other Than Loading Up Nvidia-settings And Disabling The Monitor Every Time?

Jun 29, 2010

Currently I have two 1920x1080 screens running in Twinview on my Geforce 275 graphics card. Want I want to do is a quick simple way of disabling my secondary monitor when playing video games or using xbmc to watch movies, etc. I've tried a few applets but they require the xandr function which I think Nvidia doesn't support.

Is there a way to disable this quickly other than loading up nvidia-settings and disabling the monitor everytime. I don't really want to use two seperate x sessions and xinerama due to the fact you can't use compositing.

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Ubuntu :: Display To A Sepporat Monitor?

Jan 10, 2010

Can Ubuntu display to a sepporat monitor? If so what do I need to do?

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Ubuntu :: Unidentified Monitor Display?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm having some strange problems with my monitor. It's an LG Flatron L1730S and the graphics card is a Nvidia Geforce 5600FX. The monitor is listed as unknown in monitor settings and is going at 51 HZ with performance and out of range issues in some game. How can I get ubuntu to recognise it, or better yet change the driver?I did some googling and discovered a tool called displayconfig-gtk, but I can't install it in Ubuntu 10.04

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