Ubuntu Multimedia :: Extensive Music File Organization?

Jan 9, 2011

On Windows I used to use a great little music player/organizer called MusicBee, which had extensive file organization capabilities; among them features like fixed length and conditional statements.Now, what I'd like to have on Ubuntu is program that organizes my music files as follows: (the colon indicating a fixed length)

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

So far that isn't too difficult, is it? But I do have some multi-disc albums, which I used to get easily organized as follows, using a conditional statement like "isempty()":

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[DiscNumber].[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

Thus, the big issue here is, since I've been looking for weeks now, does there exist a program that can handle fixed length as well as conditional statements to proper organize my music files?

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Ubuntu :: Music Organization Software Bloated And Slow

Jul 28, 2010

I've always preferred applications that do their job without a lot of "features" I'll never use. One is music organization. It seems all the music organization software out there is bloated and slow. Is there a good music organization tool that:

Doesn't: Download album art Download lyrics Play podcasts Include radio, music store, sharing playlists, etc Does: Organize my music by author/title/album/genre Load my MP3 player. That's all I want to do. Let me find music to put on my MP3 player.

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Ubuntu :: Tag File Organization System - Tracker Doesn't Work | 11.04

Jul 7, 2011

I'm about to start a long research project and I think that being able to tag my files will make my life a lot easier. Basically, just as blogs tag posts with certain tags, I would like to tag documents with certain tags (ie. #secondary #2011 etc) and then search for documents by tag instead of trying to find them in folders.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play A Music File With Rhythmbox?

Feb 1, 2010

I tried to play a music file w/ rhythmbox, but it needed a plug-in. When I searched for it, there was none to be found. I need to know how to install plug-ins in order to play my mp3's and movies.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unique Identifier For A Music File?

Feb 6, 2010

I am looking to understand what would be the optimal or standard way to create a unique id for music files. Something like md5 sum, but taking into consideration that the music files contain some metadata that can be changed.At the end of the day I would like to create a backup database containing all my ratings for the songs. It should be independent from the filename and location.I have seen the libofa, but there does not seem to be much information about it. It is integrated into some GUI tools including Amarok, but they do not do what I want. PUID from Musicbrainz is explicitly closed source based.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Music File Info In Command Line

Jan 13, 2010

How to get info (length, etc.) about music files in command line? Nautilus can show it on the file's Properties > Audio tab.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: File Sync - Back Up Music Files Onto A Couple Of Different Computers

Jun 16, 2010

My music files are all on an external HDD I'd like to back up onto a couple of different computers. how to keep them syncronized?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound After Update To 11.04 - New Music Player Won't Play Sounds From Music CDs Either

May 13, 2011

I have no sound after upgrading to 11.04. Sound control panel and test speakers emits no sound. The new music player won't play sounds from music CDs either.

ALSA info is at: [url]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Every Music Player Wants To Stream Music?

Apr 19, 2010

I've had an awkward problem lately: every music player I use wants to instead of play music from my USB external hard drive, stream music from it. I have no idea why it suddenly started doing that. It may have been an accidental key-combo I pressed, thinking I had another window targeted and didn't bother pressing it again for my Totem music player. So I closed out of Totem in hopes that Rythmbox would work like totem used to. Well, it doesn't. It wants to stream music now.The problem with the streaming music is trivial, but here it is: I have a playlist with a little over 300 songs. I have Totem set to shuffle and repeat my music. Streaming music with it makes it just stop randomly after a few songs, and when I try to pause music and play it later it takes a good 30 seconds before it kicks back in at the beginning of the song.Like I always ask because I don't know enough to give back to the community yet, can anyone help me? Thanks.

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Debian Multimedia :: Banshee Remains Idle And Does Not Play Any Type Of Music File

Jul 11, 2015

I'm having some problems with banshee that started about 6 months ago. Banshee remains idle and does not play any type of music file. I've tried installing and selectively installing Gstreamer codecs with no success. I'm running stretch.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Mpd (music Player Daemon) To Access Music Files?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).

In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.

How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?

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Ubuntu :: Extensive Scripts In Firefox?

Sep 25, 2010

I did not use the right search terms, but I didn't found anything on this in the forum, but I am sure this is a known issue. Its about running scripts in Firefox. When their runtime duration is too long, Firefox asks the user if he wants to stop the script. What I am worring about are these things:

Sometimes these scripts seem to take much cpu time. Especially when I run some Google websites like [URL]..when I wake up the system from standby, it takes som

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken OS Selection In GRUB (extensive Details Inside)?

May 10, 2010

I have installed these OS's in this order:

1 - Vista
2 - Ubuntu Server 9.04
3 - Ubuntu Desk 10.04
4 - BT4

I recently upgraded my most often used OS (#3) to 10.04 version and it updated GRUB to GRUB2 as part of the dist-upgrade. I have a feeling that I wasn't careful enough when installing BT4 or I made a mistake in the partitioning. I had plenty of space that was free waiting to be used by some other os and I designated some of that space for BT4.

When I got it all installed (off of a USB live boot) I rebooted and noticed it was back to grub one. The Vista install and the Ubuntu Server install both work still... but the recently updated (to Grub2) Ubuntu Desk install now hangs immediately after selecting it and pressing enter in Grub. I can mount the partition within BT4 just fine and see that all my data is still there, it just won't boot.

What I've tried Using BT4 to install Grub2. (no luck) Installing Grub1.5 back after finding Grub2 didn't work. (no luck) My plan When I get home from work today I'm going to take the "quiet" option off of the boot command in Grub for that Ubuntu OS and see if there's any error it's dumping before it hangs.
Hope that someone has had this issue before and can just tell me a straight forward way of resolving this issue. I'd prefer to use GRUB2 as my boot loader.

Cliff Notes Had other OS's installed Updated to newest Ubuntu (installed GRUB2 as the new bootloader)Used some spare disk to install BT4 New Ubuntu that used Grub2 is now the only OS that won't boot

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Ubuntu Servers :: In LDAP How To Change Organization

Jan 20, 2010

I've got 8.10 of Ubuntu and currently running openLDAP and have SAMBA domain using this along with the PAM changes on all machines to authenticate the logins.Now I've got a situation where I need to change the organization it currently is dc=mycomp, dc=local and I need to change the "local" part.

I thought that I could slapcat it out then change all dc=local to dc=blech and then reload the LDAP database. Then go around and change all the ldap configuration points to match.I don't think its as simple as change the base dn and everything below that will update.

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Ubuntu :: Admin Certs - Which Organization Is Best For Getting Certified

May 16, 2011

I am considering getting certified in Linux Administration.

1) Which organization is best for getting certified?
2) Which books are the best?
3) What topics should one focus on?
AND (the big daddy)
4) Is it worth it to get certified if one does not have a computer science degree and wants to break in to IT?

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Ubuntu :: Horizontal Desktop Icons Organization In Gnome

Jan 13, 2010

I was wondering if in Gnome you can organize icons by Name/Type/View/Size and if you could organize them from Top to Bottom, Left to Right, etc?


Normally when you clean up icons they are organize in the following manner:


Left to Right, Top to Bottom organization would be like this:

[X] [X] [X] [X]

I prefer it this way and also KDE has it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Mount WD My Book World Edition NAS In Ubuntu 11 Without Extensive Terminal Work?

Jul 9, 2011

Can I mount a WD My Book World Edition NAS in Ubuntu 11 without extensive terminal work? The NAS has a static ip, it can be ping'd from Ubuntu, and my Windows machines access it just fine, no passwords required.I have not been able to find a way to make this work. Nothing against the terminal per se, it's just still a little too unfamiliar and I keep hitting error road blocks on this one.

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OpenSUSE :: The Organization Of Applications & Subcatagories?

May 13, 2011

On my OpenSuse 11.3 Gnome 32 bit version; my applications are organized in a much finer detail, than my OpenSuse 11.4 Gnome 64 bit.For example in 11.3, when I got to Applications/Multimedia. I have a choice of Audio player/Cd burner/Media editing/Video player/Volume control.and then each application is in their respective categories.On my OpenSuse 11.4, I have the same applications as the 11.3 32 bit system, but my organization is different. It is not as organized.For example if I got to Applications/Multimedia I have no subcategories just a long list of applications

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: One Music Store / Message "Connecting You To One Music Store"?

Jun 24, 2010

I added a song to my basket and when I click Checkout....it just stays on this message "Connecting you to the Ubuntu One Music Store..." and does nothing.

How can I fix this so I can buy music?

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General :: Open Source Licensing Legalities Installed In An Valid Business Organization?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm wondering if any Open Sourced OS and services/applications installed in an valid business organization, is there anything I should be worrying about in terms of using open source os/applications for business?

Reason being is in case auditing comes, does our open source items get audited?

I have Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS running in my internal network running multiple services/applications and being used for business (LAMP stack, SVN, BIND, etc...).

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Ubuntu :: Transfer Huge Music File To XP?

Feb 13, 2010

Seldom use windows, but need to transfer huge music file from Linux to XP

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Backup Music

Jan 18, 2010

i have 10 gb of music that i want to backup in dvd what is the best way to split files and then burn them.

in brasero message says i should burn in several discs, but how?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Play Or Even See A Music Cd?

Jan 23, 2010

I have installed ubunto on an old PC with minimal hardware resources. I cannot play or even see a music cd. I go to places-computer- and see the floppy drive, files system hard drive, and the cd drive. When I insert the music cd the cd drive disappears. It sees a data cd just fine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ppa For Moc-music On Console

Jan 26, 2010

I'm dying to try out music on console -moc but can't seem to find a ppa for it. I've searched synaptic and found an moc package, installed it, and no luck.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Only 1/ 6 Of My Music Visible?

Nov 24, 2010

I just installed Banshee v1.80 on Ubuntu 10.10 and was looking to import my music from my external HD. I pluged the HD in and copied all of the music in it to my music folder, (ALL 2,604 SONGS).I then went into banshee and set the folder for my music library to be /home/matt/Music, where i put THE 2,604 SONGS.Banshee started to scan the songs, all the way up through THE 2,604th. After it was finished i navigated to all music in the banshee side pane and there was only 394.

After some research i found that this was because only 394 of the songs actually had .mp3 or a similar extension at the end of the file name.I've spent the past hour trying to figure out how to either append the appropriate extension to all the files, or how to get banshee to see the files without any extension, to no avail.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which Music Player To Use

Dec 15, 2010

Which music player should I use? I heard that some music players have difficulties playing certain types of music files. Is there a music player that has the fewest issues when it comes to playing music files?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Want To Extract Music With More Options

Jan 1, 2010

I want to extract *aka rip *aka import songs from my CD to my computer.In two different formats, one being lossless format (FLAC) and lossy format (MP3).I want control over the kbps in the lossy format and I also want to remove the licensing as this creates problems when trying to copy the songs over to my mobile device.And of course, include the metadata while extracting.

This all seems fairly simple right?Well, whenever I am extracting the songs from different applications it seems like I have no control over the preferences of the application or the extracting process. There's just a start button and that's it.I have tried the "Sound-Juicer" and "Banshee".Defaults settings for Sound-Juicer extracts at 128 kbps and Banshee extracts at 160 kbps only in ogg format.In the past I have done all my cd extracting in Windows, and I would really like to move over to linux in this field.I used Winamp back in the day and was really happy with the PRO version of it. Lame Mp3 Encoder with Winamp Pro.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Files Keep Multiplying / What To Fix It?

Jan 20, 2010

On 9.04 using rythymbox i had no dramas
upgraded to 9.10 and started trying different music players, songbird being the latest
i copied my family's entire cd collection - about 250 cd's
i have added another 150 album's by download, so about 400 albums
but Rbox tells me i have 600 albums and 16000 tracks!!!!!!!
Some of my music file have multiplied so much so that some albums have 8 copies of each track mp3 and .ogg in equal numbers
i have searched preference setttings in all music players but find nothing
what i want to know is, Is there a program that gets rid of the duplicates
i tried songbird to get rid of ghost tracks and duplicates but it just freezes, i even left it "running" or frozen or whatever for 3 days

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add Music From Computer To Cellphone?

Jan 20, 2010

I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to transfer music from the computer to a cellphone that has a memory card by usb port

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music CD Not Mounting And Not Playing?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm currently running ubuntu 9.04. I'm able to mount data and MP3 audio CDs but I'm unable to mount and play regular audio CDs. When I try to mount it I get the following message:

Unable to mount Audio Disc Drive /dev/sr0 does not contain audio files.

Windows does not have any problems playing either the regular audio CDs or audio MP3 CDs.

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