OpenSUSE :: The Organization Of Applications & Subcatagories?

May 13, 2011

On my OpenSuse 11.3 Gnome 32 bit version; my applications are organized in a much finer detail, than my OpenSuse 11.4 Gnome 64 bit.For example in 11.3, when I got to Applications/Multimedia. I have a choice of Audio player/Cd burner/Media editing/Video player/Volume control.and then each application is in their respective categories.On my OpenSuse 11.4, I have the same applications as the 11.3 32 bit system, but my organization is different. It is not as organized.For example if I got to Applications/Multimedia I have no subcategories just a long list of applications

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Ubuntu Servers :: In LDAP How To Change Organization

Jan 20, 2010

I've got 8.10 of Ubuntu and currently running openLDAP and have SAMBA domain using this along with the PAM changes on all machines to authenticate the logins.Now I've got a situation where I need to change the organization it currently is dc=mycomp, dc=local and I need to change the "local" part.

I thought that I could slapcat it out then change all dc=local to dc=blech and then reload the LDAP database. Then go around and change all the ldap configuration points to match.I don't think its as simple as change the base dn and everything below that will update.

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Ubuntu :: Admin Certs - Which Organization Is Best For Getting Certified

May 16, 2011

I am considering getting certified in Linux Administration.

1) Which organization is best for getting certified?
2) Which books are the best?
3) What topics should one focus on?
AND (the big daddy)
4) Is it worth it to get certified if one does not have a computer science degree and wants to break in to IT?

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Ubuntu :: Horizontal Desktop Icons Organization In Gnome

Jan 13, 2010

I was wondering if in Gnome you can organize icons by Name/Type/View/Size and if you could organize them from Top to Bottom, Left to Right, etc?


Normally when you clean up icons they are organize in the following manner:


Left to Right, Top to Bottom organization would be like this:

[X] [X] [X] [X]

I prefer it this way and also KDE has it.

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Ubuntu :: Music Organization Software Bloated And Slow

Jul 28, 2010

I've always preferred applications that do their job without a lot of "features" I'll never use. One is music organization. It seems all the music organization software out there is bloated and slow. Is there a good music organization tool that:

Doesn't: Download album art Download lyrics Play podcasts Include radio, music store, sharing playlists, etc Does: Organize my music by author/title/album/genre Load my MP3 player. That's all I want to do. Let me find music to put on my MP3 player.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Extensive Music File Organization?

Jan 9, 2011

On Windows I used to use a great little music player/organizer called MusicBee, which had extensive file organization capabilities; among them features like fixed length and conditional statements.Now, what I'd like to have on Ubuntu is program that organizes my music files as follows: (the colon indicating a fixed length)

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

So far that isn't too difficult, is it? But I do have some multi-disc albums, which I used to get easily organized as follows, using a conditional statement like "isempty()":

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[DiscNumber].[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

Thus, the big issue here is, since I've been looking for weeks now, does there exist a program that can handle fixed length as well as conditional statements to proper organize my music files?

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Ubuntu :: Tag File Organization System - Tracker Doesn't Work | 11.04

Jul 7, 2011

I'm about to start a long research project and I think that being able to tag my files will make my life a lot easier. Basically, just as blogs tag posts with certain tags, I would like to tag documents with certain tags (ie. #secondary #2011 etc) and then search for documents by tag instead of trying to find them in folders.

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General :: Open Source Licensing Legalities Installed In An Valid Business Organization?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm wondering if any Open Sourced OS and services/applications installed in an valid business organization, is there anything I should be worrying about in terms of using open source os/applications for business?

Reason being is in case auditing comes, does our open source items get audited?

I have Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS running in my internal network running multiple services/applications and being used for business (LAMP stack, SVN, BIND, etc...).

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Ubuntu :: Source Code Of The Krnel From The - Source Trees Organization

Apr 11, 2011

i am already a little bit familiar with linux and now i want to know better the linux OS. i have downloaded the source code of the krnel from the and i dont understand the linux source trees organization, so can somebody do me a favor and give me a link to some internet page (or at least a book) that explains that?? i have searched in the internet with the tag:::linux source trees organization and i have not found nothing interesting

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Software :: Create Live Distro For Organization And Live Scripts?

Aug 18, 2010

I need aufs support/patch for kernel as i i need to create a live linux distro for my organization and linux live scripts (the scripts which I am using for creating live linux distro) require aufs and squashfs support. There is a directive for squashfs in kernel configuration file but nothing for aufs and the patch available at linux-live site seems not to work.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Applications Off The DVD?

Mar 10, 2010

I am quite new to Linux and am currently running OpenSUSE 11.2.How do I install applications off the DVD?

I tried going to Yast --> add Packages Then I select the DVD. But most applications i want to install are being downloaded from online repos. Does the OpenSUSE 11.2 DVD have kernel-source?

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OpenSUSE :: Installing Applications On 11.4?

Aug 12, 2011

i recently installed 'openSuSe11.4' an im not really able to install applications further, like i tried the latest mozilla or even opera or bittorrent for linux like apps , what extension files are supported ? i was able to install VLC though , rest of them crash before finishing.

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Ubuntu :: Several Applications Click On And It Takes To The Installer How To Remove Those Types Of Applications

Jul 28, 2011

I haven't used Ubuntu for a while, and just reinstalled it. I have one major dislike about the new version, There are several applications I click on and it takes me to the installer.How do I remove those types of applications or just install them all?

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OpenSUSE :: Subpixel Rendering In GTK Applications?

Jan 9, 2010

Hi! I configured subpixel rendering in GTK and it works, but it seems there is a difference in font appearance in GTK and Qt applications.

The fonts in GTK seem thinner, more sharp and aliased while in Qt they are more fat and smooth. This is with the same font name and size.

I also found that the same behavior appears in Fedora, but in Ubuntu all fonts appear similar in both GTK and Qt (fat and smooth as in Qt in SUSE).

So my question is how to make GTK fonts to appear as in Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Applications Onto Live DVD?

Apr 26, 2010

way to install applications onto a OpenSuse Live DVD. For example I want to install Sophos for Linux onto a Live DVD so that a disk less PC can be booted from CD and then used to scan other CDs or USB keys. The Sophos product is not distributed in RPM format and so SuSE Studio won't work.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE - Same Recently Used Applications On Every Login

Sep 8, 2010

I keep getting the same recently used applications when I log in. Even if I haven't used them recently. I'm noting this by the fact that googleearth and kcalc appear in the list and I haven't used either program in some time. If I start a program it shows up in the list but if I log out/in the list is back to the "old" list. Even if I right click and clear the recently used applications list they come back with the next login. The recently used documents seems to be functioning correctly. I'm sure the answer is check/delete something in ~/.kde4 but I have know idea what to check/delete.
OpenSUSE 11.3 (i586)
KDE 4.4.4-1.5

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OpenSUSE :: Taskbar Does Not Show Applications?

Oct 7, 2010

Often I open FireFox, get information, which I want to save in an OpenOffice Writer or Calc file.So I go to the left lower corner on the screen, tap on Computer, and then on OpenOffice Writer.When the OpenOffice window has opened, I do not see, as I used to do, the FireFox button on the taskbar (or panel), I have to drag the OpenOffice window, so I can access my FireFox window. When I do that, the OO window bounces, which makes me feel rather sea-sick.Is there a way to have the button for the open applications visible on the task bar (or panel) so that I can go immediately to the other open application ?

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OpenSUSE :: Use KDE Applications Like Knode And K3B On 11.3 With Gnome?

Feb 1, 2011

Can I use KDE applications like Knode and K3B on OpenSuse 11.3 with Gnome?

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OpenSUSE :: All Applications Are Running At A Nice Value Of 19?

Feb 26, 2011

All my applications seem to be running at nice of 19 except bash and daemons which are running at 0. My understanding is that the default nice value is either 0 or 10 (forget which) but not 19.Ran search in /etc/sysconfig/ editor and no results for "nice" and looked at the bashrc files and again no lines contain "nice".

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Upgrade Applications In 11.4

Apr 4, 2011

I was anxious to update my Opensuse to 11.4 but was worried about my slow internet connection. However an user of this forum kindly sent me a DVD by mail wich enabled me to do what I wanted. I just finished making a fresh install of Opensuse 11.4. It's wonderful. Almost all applications have improved a lot. But, unhappily some few have acquired new problems now, specially some that are in repos but not in the DVD. Let me number those I have found:

1 - In all versions of Gnome ctrl+alt+arrow (left or right) was the shorcut to switch between workspaces. Now it doesn't work. When I go to keyboard shortcuts in Gnome all options in the section of desktop enviroment are written "unknown action". There is no place to create shortcuts for actions related to the desktop as switching between workspaces. (I also want to use the opportunity to ask how can I create a shortcut to switch between workspaces in KDE too.)

2 - I used Qsynth/Fluidsynth as the default output synth for Rosegarden in Opensuse 11.3. In all versions Fluidsynth recognized bank variations immediatily and automatically as I changed them in Rosegarden. Now I installed the latest versions from Opensuse download site and it doesn't recognize bank variations anymore. It only recognize presets of the first bank of my soundfont. Strangely, in Fluidsynth-dsii I can load presets of any bank. But Qsynth/Fluidsynth doesn't recognize them.

3 - Nvidia proprietary drviers always used to cause some minor problems with compiz. But now they are worst than ever! When I launch applications most of the times windows come maximized but on the screen they are not really maximized at all. I have to click on the window title to bring it to the right size. If I don't do it letters inside that window don't appear correctly. Sometimes I click in close button in a window and it only works after the 2nd or 3rd click. And there are another some minor flaws or slowdowns.

4 - In a terminal I typed su. As superuser I typed nautilus. It didn't launch and gave me back the following message:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)

I just can launch nautilus if I login as root.If anyone have tried to connect Opensuse 11.4 to internet using DSL and it complained about one or more missing files and you didn't find those files in neither in DVD nor in 11.4 repos, it really has happenned (at until last week if anyone didn't correct it yet). The workaround is to download them from 11.3 repos and install them manually using Yast. It really works!

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OpenSUSE :: Applications Do Not Show Window?

Jun 8, 2011

Happened to me several times already. When I try to launch any application it starts process but there is no window. The only thing that helps is logout/login. I use opensuse 11.4 with kde 4.6. Is there anything to do about it?

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OpenSUSE :: Applications Crashes Without Any Known Reason?

Jul 13, 2011

on my Netbook i run Opensuse 11.4, it works fine until a couple Days. Since there more and more Apps wont start anymore. For example Dolphin, Yast, Ocular and so on... so better say´d, only Thunderbird and Firefox still running. I dont get any Error Messages or something like this, when i start a Application there just pop´s the Program Bar in the Start Menu and then after that (normally the Window of the Program would be shown) it just disappears. Dumb on that is, that i even cant backup my Data, because Dolphin dont show up anymore.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Run Citrix Applications On 12.1?

Aug 24, 2011

Has any one been able to run Citrix applications on OpenSuse 12.1 ? I have installed the ICA client and the required openmotif, but when i try to start an app, it splashes the Citrix Logo then dies and no err.msgs is shown assist if you managed to get this working

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Ubuntu :: 90% Of The Applications Install - Last Release - Do Not Show Up Later On In Applications Menu

Jul 24, 2010

I feel shy asking this question but, 90% of the applications I install in Ubuntu (last release), do not show up later on in the applications menu, so I cant run them. I know it seems silly, but I can't find the way to handle this inconvenience. Is there a place (like Start> All programs in Windows), were I could find and run all the programs I install?

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Ubuntu :: Erasing Applications From Installed Applications Menu?

Jun 5, 2011

I was wondering if there was any way to remove icons from the installed applications menu?I recently attempted to install's Zork Anthology using Wine and when I de-installed, the icons for those files were still listed in installed applications. Is there anyway to delete them manually?

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Applications :: Automated Install Of 30 Applications Across Multiple Distributions?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm setting up a large number of virtual machines, each with a basic set of about 30 applications. Obviously, I don't want to do everything manually so I'm looking for ways to automate this process. Multiple distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat Ent., FreeBSD, CentOS, etc.) will be used, meaning I will have a few Ubuntu installs with the basic set of 30 applications, and multiple Red Hat installs with the same set, etc. So, I'm looking for advice on automating as much of this as I can, even if it means a new form of automation for each distro.

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Software :: Get Installed Applications List And Applications Activity

May 25, 2009

Is there a programmatic way to get the list of all installed applications on Linux.

Also, how can we get the application activities in Linux OS like running applications name, time of day when they started, duration till the applications were running on system, application version etc.

Is there a way to do this in C/C++.

I am building an app that runs like a daemon and fetches the applications status and sends it to the network admin for him to monitor the application usage pattern on the user computers in the network.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 - Applications Disappear Only Run Command Left

Feb 22, 2010

I've installed Visualboy advance on OpenSuse 11.2 and it is no where to be found. YaSt says its installed but it is not in kick-off or when using run application. In Kick-off the computer section that has yast and run command and another app. YaSt and the other app (I can't remember what it was) have disappeared and only run command is left.

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OpenSUSE :: Different Compilers Required For Diverse Applications?

Mar 2, 2010

I have noticed there are a lot of programs that you can download for linux, but need compiling. How do you do this? I assume you need a compiler, which one do I download? Do I need different compilers for different applications?

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OpenSUSE :: Sound Works Only For Some Types Of Applications?

Mar 9, 2010

I have used it for some times but never went behind basic use to use Internet, save files, write documents with OpenOffice...

I just installed the 11.2 version in 64-bit. I previously used a 11.1 version, and on which sounds worked fine.

I do get the login and logout jingle, and CDs play fine as well.

My problem occurs when I try to watch a video on Internet, so with FlashPlayer, and also when using Skype: I get neither the notification sounds, and a test call tells me I have a problem with the audio device.

When I point my cursor on the "sound" icon on my control board, it tells me the sound is at 0% even though it works for the above-listed tasks.

Here is what my computer has (from "system configuration"), including the last two lines I get when I click the "advanced" option:

HDA VIA VT82xx (VT1708 Analog)
HDA VIA VT82xx (VT1708 Digital)
HDA ATI HDMI, ATI HDMI (HDMI audio output)
HDA VIA VT82xx, VT1708 Digital(IEC958(S/PDIF) Digital audio output)

Everything has this same preset configuration: notifications, video, etc.

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