Ubuntu :: Admin Certs - Which Organization Is Best For Getting Certified

May 16, 2011

I am considering getting certified in Linux Administration.

1) Which organization is best for getting certified?
2) Which books are the best?
3) What topics should one focus on?
AND (the big daddy)
4) Is it worth it to get certified if one does not have a computer science degree and wants to break in to IT?

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Ubuntu :: Is It Really Necessary To Buy Certified Hardware?

Oct 8, 2010

Today I came across this site: URL... which lists hardware certified for use with ubuntu by Canonical Engineers. I have been using lucid lynx in IBM ThinkCentre at home and HP Compaq Desktop(using proprietary Nvidia drivers) at my college without any issues so far. I read about people facing issues with sound, video and so on when switching into Linux.

So my question is, is it really essential to buy only certified hardware(which as of now are only a few models from a handful of manufacturers and even many may not be available in all countries) or will it be possible to solve any kind of hardware compatibility issues with community help. I agree in some cases it may not be possible, when there are only proprietary drivers for a particular hardware. But still I am interested to know.

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General :: RHCT Red Hat Certified Technician Study Guide (Exam RH202)

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to find a copy of the following book by Michael Jang; RHCT Red Hat Certified Technician Linux Study Guide (Exam RH202)at a reasonable price.

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Server :: Possible To Use Multiple SSL Certs For Same IP In Apache?

Sep 2, 2009

Is it possible to run multiple SSL enabled sites (each having it's own SSL certificate) off of one IP address, or do I need a separate IP for each one? Any links to conclusive web pages.

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Software :: OpenVPN Certs Not Getting Revoked?

Apr 11, 2010

While revoking OpenVpn client certs from Server I am getting following output:

./revoke-full client-xxxxxxx
Using configuration from /etc/openvpn/openvpn-2.0.9/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf
ERROR:Already revoked, serial number 2D


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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6.12 On 10.10 Ssl Security Certificate Error (Comodo Certs)?

Dec 6, 2010

Firefox 3.6.12 on Ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop computer is reporting a "this connection is untrusted" error for sites that have security certificates provided by COMODO. Yet, the same sites work fine in Firefox 3.6.x on Windows XP, or Chromium in Ubuntu. Here is the more specific message: "The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)" The issuer is listed as "COMODO High Assurance Secure Server CA." Here are some examples that throw this error for me:[URL]... It appears that there was some controversy with COMODO and Mozilla (due to bad behavior by COMODO) in the past, but all I can find on that indicates that this should be not an issue any longer.

Anybody with ideas?

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Ubuntu Servers :: In LDAP How To Change Organization

Jan 20, 2010

I've got 8.10 of Ubuntu and currently running openLDAP and have SAMBA domain using this along with the PAM changes on all machines to authenticate the logins.Now I've got a situation where I need to change the organization it currently is dc=mycomp, dc=local and I need to change the "local" part.

I thought that I could slapcat it out then change all dc=local to dc=blech and then reload the LDAP database. Then go around and change all the ldap configuration points to match.I don't think its as simple as change the base dn and everything below that will update.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Find Certs.sh And CA.all Files

Jun 4, 2009

i'm trying to create a server certificate to used in PEAP authentication .I have installed freeradius on fedora10, openssl-perl , also upgrade all the packages yum upgrade

Now after changing the configuration of openssl.cnf file placed in /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf

I am looking for certs.sh file thats comes with freeradius package. and also CA.all & CA.certs file but i couldn't find these files in filesystem .

Is these files are present by default when freeradius and openssl-perl packages were installed or should i have to install or copy these scripts file as these files are necessary to create a certificate for server side.

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Networking :: Sending Out Different Certs (Multiple Gateways)

Apr 6, 2010

I'm hosting a Sendmail Cyrus-Imap server on fedora 12. I recently installed a second NIC on a second internet gateway and successfully configured source based routing. Clients are able to connect over the mail.domain.com received from the gateway to the interface ETH0. Clients are also able to connect from pop3.domain.com and smtp.domain.com from the second gateway to the interface ETH1

I have cyrus-imap certs configured for the mail.domain.com and a Sendmial cert configured for mail.domain.com. My question is how would I tell sendmail and cyrus that the mail.domain.com goes out the ETH0 but deliver the second and third cert (eg cyrus sends pop3.domain.com and sendmail sends smtp.domain.com) to clients connected on ETH1?

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Software :: Rdesktop To Secure Win Server (Using SSL Certs)

Dec 4, 2009

Getting connection reset or time out when trying to rdesktop to a Win2003 server that has been upgraded to use SSL for server authentication. (See [URL]). Works fine connecting to other Win2003 servers, just not the secured ones. I'm using Rdesktop version 1.6.0 on Linux Fedora and also SUSE. To connect to the secure servers, Windows clients use the updated RDP client - version 5.2. As a workaround, I attempted to set up an SSL tunnel for rdesktop but wasn't successful in connecting through that either:

ssh username@ -L 1024:winserver.work.org:3389
rdesktop localhost:1024

Has anyone been able to use rdesktop to connect to a win server that has been configured to use SSL server authentication for RDP connections?

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Ubuntu :: Horizontal Desktop Icons Organization In Gnome

Jan 13, 2010

I was wondering if in Gnome you can organize icons by Name/Type/View/Size and if you could organize them from Top to Bottom, Left to Right, etc?


Normally when you clean up icons they are organize in the following manner:


Left to Right, Top to Bottom organization would be like this:

[X] [X] [X] [X]

I prefer it this way and also KDE has it.

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Ubuntu :: Music Organization Software Bloated And Slow

Jul 28, 2010

I've always preferred applications that do their job without a lot of "features" I'll never use. One is music organization. It seems all the music organization software out there is bloated and slow. Is there a good music organization tool that:

Doesn't: Download album art Download lyrics Play podcasts Include radio, music store, sharing playlists, etc Does: Organize my music by author/title/album/genre Load my MP3 player. That's all I want to do. Let me find music to put on my MP3 player.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Extensive Music File Organization?

Jan 9, 2011

On Windows I used to use a great little music player/organizer called MusicBee, which had extensive file organization capabilities; among them features like fixed length and conditional statements.Now, what I'd like to have on Ubuntu is program that organizes my music files as follows: (the colon indicating a fixed length)

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

So far that isn't too difficult, is it? But I do have some multi-disc albums, which I used to get easily organized as follows, using a conditional statement like "isempty()":

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[DiscNumber].[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

Thus, the big issue here is, since I've been looking for weeks now, does there exist a program that can handle fixed length as well as conditional statements to proper organize my music files?

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OpenSUSE :: The Organization Of Applications & Subcatagories?

May 13, 2011

On my OpenSuse 11.3 Gnome 32 bit version; my applications are organized in a much finer detail, than my OpenSuse 11.4 Gnome 64 bit.For example in 11.3, when I got to Applications/Multimedia. I have a choice of Audio player/Cd burner/Media editing/Video player/Volume control.and then each application is in their respective categories.On my OpenSuse 11.4, I have the same applications as the 11.3 32 bit system, but my organization is different. It is not as organized.For example if I got to Applications/Multimedia I have no subcategories just a long list of applications

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Ubuntu :: Tag File Organization System - Tracker Doesn't Work | 11.04

Jul 7, 2011

I'm about to start a long research project and I think that being able to tag my files will make my life a lot easier. Basically, just as blogs tag posts with certain tags, I would like to tag documents with certain tags (ie. #secondary #2011 etc) and then search for documents by tag instead of trying to find them in folders.

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General :: Open Source Licensing Legalities Installed In An Valid Business Organization?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm wondering if any Open Sourced OS and services/applications installed in an valid business organization, is there anything I should be worrying about in terms of using open source os/applications for business?

Reason being is in case auditing comes, does our open source items get audited?

I have Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS running in my internal network running multiple services/applications and being used for business (LAMP stack, SVN, BIND, etc...).

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Ubuntu :: Citrix Receiver 11 And That Error 61 "not Trusted Certs."?

Mar 22, 2011

Have extensively Googled and searched on here, but with no success. We have a MYPC service at our company, but our support staff have been well trained in the phrase..."we do not offer support for Linux", but the MYPC service that we have did work recently under Ubuntu 9.04 that I had at home, however since upgrading both my laptop and desktop to 10.10 and 10.4 respectively, neither now work when I use the Citrix 11 Receiver client.

I get; "You have not chosen to trust "GeoTrust Global CA", the issuer of the server's security certificate (SSL error 61." So I got, what I thought were the relevant certificates from [URL].. tes/index.html (see image for a list of certificates) but still no joy. whilst I don't want to call my support department, I wonder if they have taken a conscious decision to block access to the MYPC system from anything other than Windows OSs?

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Ubuntu :: Source Code Of The Krnel From The Kernel.org - Source Trees Organization

Apr 11, 2011

i am already a little bit familiar with linux and now i want to know better the linux OS. i have downloaded the source code of the krnel from the kernel.org and i dont understand the linux source trees organization, so can somebody do me a favor and give me a link to some internet page (or at least a book) that explains that?? i have searched in the internet with the tag:::linux source trees organization and i have not found nothing interesting

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Software :: Create Live Distro For Organization And Live Scripts?

Aug 18, 2010

I need aufs support/patch for kernel as i i need to create a live linux distro for my organization and linux live scripts (the scripts which I am using for creating live linux distro) require aufs and squashfs support. There is a directive for squashfs in kernel configuration file but nothing for aufs and the patch available at linux-live site seems not to work.

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Ubuntu :: Run Shortcut As Admin?

Feb 20, 2011

I've tried Googling this question with no luck. I'm trying to get a program called Aptana to run as admin so I can edit my website under /opt/lampp/htdocs. Here's the link to Aptana: /home/richard/.Aptana Studio 3/.AptanaStudio3

What would I have to put into the shortcut command to run as admin?

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Ubuntu :: 3 User Accounts 1 Admin?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm installing a new laptop for a friend of mine and he wants 3 user accounts, similair to how he runs his windows setup.

1, an admin account, we have called this account peacemaker.
2. his account
3. an account for his girlfriend.

The problem we have is that if we want to do anything from the terminal that requires elevated priviledges, sudo does not accept his password or that of peacemakers. we have done sudo -i -u peacemaker but it still doesn't accept either password, stating his account is not in the sudoers list.

I'm not a massive expert here, but research brought me to this page:[URL]... But that then just means his account has admin rights, which is what we were trying to avoid. We wanted a setup similair to windows where if you want to run someting with elevated privledges if pops up asking for the admin password. This works in the gui, but not in the terminal.

So in short, my question is, is there anyway of having the terminal accept peacemakers user rights from the his normal user account? If I add the account to the sudoers list like it suggests, does this again just give his account the prilvedges rather than saying supply me with the password for peacemaker.

this is probably not really needed and he can just have his account as the main user, but coming from a windows background, he would prefer the 3 user accounts model (2 normal users, 1 admin)

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Ubuntu :: Admin Access To System?

Mar 2, 2010

While messing around with file permissions and ownership of /var/www/ i seem to have locked myself out of being able to administer users on my 9.10 system.

when I go to the user administration screen in the icon with the keys is grayed out. with the message "not authorized to make changes". My account seems to have lost admin access. But, I'm the only user on the system.

I presumed I somehow changed my group status from the root group to something else

but, sudo usermod -g root [my name] just returns "no changes made"

All I can do for now is run as the su from the terminal. Is it possible to log into gnome with a root account?

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Ubuntu :: Running A Program As Admin?

Jul 15, 2010

I downloaded The Witcher for windows from Wine and I'm trying to run it but it says I have to run it as the admin the first time the game is ran. I don't know how to run it as admin lol. I've only been using ubuntu for about a week now. If you can let me know how to do it from the terminal AND from shortcuts, that would be great because I'm trying to know what all I can do with ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Sudo Users-admin To Run

Aug 2, 2011

I can't get sudo users-admin to run. This is the error I get:

Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported aborting...

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Ubuntu :: How Does Network-admin Works?

Apr 15, 2011

I try to understand the way the network-admin retrieve and set information about the network connections, and after reviewing thee code, I still dont undertsnad how it does it. I thought that it should use maybe linux commands such as iwconfig or ifconfig or by using ioctl for get/set the parameters of the wireless, but I did not find such things in the code. It also does not use AT commands for modem devices parameters.I see that it uses liboobs files, but after veiwing the code, I still don't understand how it works.

I thank you if you can give me some clue about it.These question comes since I need to make a program which connects to wireless devices (possibly several wifi and modems devices can be connected ), and I try to think how to set/get the network parameters, I thought that a good start will be to look at how network-admin works.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Admin Privileged Applications

Jan 29, 2010

Whenever I try to do anything that requires administrative permissions, including Synaptic, the Update Manager, or installing something on the Software Center, the "Starting Administrative Application" task comes up on the window list, but then the window does not come up and whatever action was supposed to be taken does not happen; no error messages, nothing. Also, whenever I use su or sudo in the command prompt, nothing shows up when I type my password; then when I hit Enter, it gives me an authentication error.

EDIT: It seems that the "Add/Remove Applications" program as well as the Software center do not have this problem. Synaptic and the Updates Manager, however, still do not work.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Admin Password Karmic?

Mar 11, 2010

I recently decided to try and change my admin password on my usual default account (the one you have to type in, in order to do sudo e.t.c im guessing)a the user account option...and having entered my previous password correctly,t will not allow me to enter a new password, it just seems to hang, (i.e the working icon appears, but having waited a minute or twwo nothing seems to of happened..(cannot press the confirm button). Is there a way to reset the password so that i can set a new one, if i cannot change my own admin password, and i was working on a windows system, i would be screaming system compromise right now, but as its ubuntu, im sure theres a perfectly innocent explantion

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Admin Password On Mounting Filesystem

Apr 16, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 (along with Win xp). I have to authenticate everytime I mount filesystem (My d: , e: drives in windows). Or to connect to the internet (I use mobile broadband) I have to authenticate, also if I have to install something from synaptics I have to authenticate. I know this is good for security but I am the only person using my computer , so is there any way out of this authentication business.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Admin Rights After Updating To 10.4?

Apr 30, 2010

I cant change my user settings (password, login screen settings etc) after upgrading to 10.4 on my desktop pc. It says I don't have rights. I'm the only user, no other profiles. Otherwise seems to be working fine!

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Ubuntu :: Non Admin Access To Windows Filesystem?

May 13, 2010

I'm dual booting XP and UNR and I want to give users access to the windows file-systems but not to admin of Ubuntu.

At present I have given them a Desktop user account but that doesn't allow access to the XP file-systems. The only way I can see to enable that is to go to Advanced User Setting and allow them to Administer the System - which I don't want to do.

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