Ubuntu :: Extensive Scripts In Firefox?

Sep 25, 2010

I did not use the right search terms, but I didn't found anything on this in the forum, but I am sure this is a known issue. Its about running scripts in Firefox. When their runtime duration is too long, Firefox asks the user if he wants to stop the script. What I am worring about are these things:

Sometimes these scripts seem to take much cpu time. Especially when I run some Google websites like [URL]..when I wake up the system from standby, it takes som

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Extensive Music File Organization?

Jan 9, 2011

On Windows I used to use a great little music player/organizer called MusicBee, which had extensive file organization capabilities; among them features like fixed length and conditional statements.Now, what I'd like to have on Ubuntu is program that organizes my music files as follows: (the colon indicating a fixed length)

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

So far that isn't too difficult, is it? But I do have some multi-disc albums, which I used to get easily organized as follows, using a conditional statement like "isempty()":

[Album] ([Year:4])/
[DiscNumber].[TrackNumber:2] - [Title]

Thus, the big issue here is, since I've been looking for weeks now, does there exist a program that can handle fixed length as well as conditional statements to proper organize my music files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken OS Selection In GRUB (extensive Details Inside)?

May 10, 2010

I have installed these OS's in this order:

1 - Vista
2 - Ubuntu Server 9.04
3 - Ubuntu Desk 10.04
4 - BT4

I recently upgraded my most often used OS (#3) to 10.04 version and it updated GRUB to GRUB2 as part of the dist-upgrade. I have a feeling that I wasn't careful enough when installing BT4 or I made a mistake in the partitioning. I had plenty of space that was free waiting to be used by some other os and I designated some of that space for BT4.

When I got it all installed (off of a USB live boot) I rebooted and noticed it was back to grub one. The Vista install and the Ubuntu Server install both work still... but the recently updated (to Grub2) Ubuntu Desk install now hangs immediately after selecting it and pressing enter in Grub. I can mount the partition within BT4 just fine and see that all my data is still there, it just won't boot.

What I've tried Using BT4 to install Grub2. (no luck) Installing Grub1.5 back after finding Grub2 didn't work. (no luck) My plan When I get home from work today I'm going to take the "quiet" option off of the boot command in Grub for that Ubuntu OS and see if there's any error it's dumping before it hangs.
Hope that someone has had this issue before and can just tell me a straight forward way of resolving this issue. I'd prefer to use GRUB2 as my boot loader.

Cliff Notes Had other OS's installed Updated to newest Ubuntu (installed GRUB2 as the new bootloader)Used some spare disk to install BT4 New Ubuntu that used Grub2 is now the only OS that won't boot

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Mount WD My Book World Edition NAS In Ubuntu 11 Without Extensive Terminal Work?

Jul 9, 2011

Can I mount a WD My Book World Edition NAS in Ubuntu 11 without extensive terminal work? The NAS has a static ip, it can be ping'd from Ubuntu, and my Windows machines access it just fine, no passwords required.I have not been able to find a way to make this work. Nothing against the terminal per se, it's just still a little too unfamiliar and I keep hitting error road blocks on this one.

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Fedora :: Firefox Failed To Execute Child Process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No Such File Or Directory)?

Apr 1, 2010

Here is the message:Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No such file or directory)Firefox is installed and is there.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox BEta 5 - Roll Back And Keep Firefox At Latest Stable Release?

Jun 17, 2011

How do i roll back firefox5beta to firefox4 and keep updating to the latest stable releases w/out upgrading to beta? The only extension that isn't working is FEBE which is incompatible w/ firefox5beta (profile, extension and preference backup). Have to use FEBE beta7 under Firefox4 so I don't think a compatible release for Firefox5beta is going to come out any time soon.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.5.7 (ubuntuzilla Upgrade) Does Not Fully Quit / Crashes Firefox

Jan 9, 2010

I recently upgraded (via Ubuntuzilla) to firefox 3.5.7 and now, every single time I close Firefox, the program seems to crash without quitting completely.

First, I receive an error saying that the program will not close and asks me if I want to Force Quite or Wait for it to close on its own. This has been happening ever since I upgraded to Karmic and if I just wait it usually quits fully after a couple seconds.

Now what happens is this: the window still closes, but if I try to reopen Firefox then I get this error stating that Firefox is already open and therefore cannot be opened again. The only way to get back into Firefox is to restart the entire computer. (Incidentally, this is the same problem that occurs whenever I try to Force Quit Firefox)

This now happens every single time I "close" Firefox.

Does anyone know the source of this error? Or a workaround?

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Ubuntu :: Force Firefox To Recognize A Certain Default Firefox Profile

Jun 16, 2010

How do I force Firefox to recognize a certain default firefox profile I have?

For whatever reason I can't get FF to show all of the add-ons I have. Yes, they are installed and they appear when as icons when I first boot up but after I close FF and start it again there are no icons (like Adblock).

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Addon Invisible Hand Is Crashing Firefox?

Oct 31, 2010

Im using firefox version 3.6.12 and it functions fine. However when i use the latest version of this addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fir...11377/#reviews the screen goes grey and firefox crashes. Restarting firefox only results in more crashes. I had a older version of this addon-1.5 i believe that worked fine.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Windows Firefox Webpage Building Difference?

Dec 22, 2010

I create/modify web pages on Ubuntu and on Ubuntu it looks good but on Firefox that runs on Windows it is all messed up. The pictures or text is not as intended and that is really annoying. What is the issue here?I really don't understand.

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Ubuntu :: Installed The Add-on Greasemonkey For Firefox And Since Then Firefox Won't Open

Nov 29, 2010

I installed the add-on Greasemonkey for Firefox and since then firefox won't open. If I try to open it on safe mode nothing comes up, it I try it a secont time it tells me that Firefox is already running and if I try to open it normally it shows it on the bottom as if it was opening and then it dissapears.

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Ubuntu :: Using Firefox With Dwm (window Manager) Crashes Firefox?

Jan 14, 2011

I have installed dwm as window manager and whenever I start firefox it crashes after a few seconds. When I use the gnome window manager everything works fine.Anyone has a hint for me what I can do?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Remove Firefox 3.6 (Namoroka) And Reinstall Firefox 2

Feb 25, 2011

Running Ubuntu 8.04

Thought I'd be clever and upgrade Firefox to v. 3 using instructions at


Ended up with "Namoroka" which seems to be Firefox 3.6, and it's a prerelease version.

Flash works under my admin id but not under normal user id. Reinstalling Flash didn't help. Want to revert to Firefox 2 that came with Ubuntu 8.04 so Flash will work again.

Can't uninstall "Namoroka" - uninstalled Firefox-3 but it's still hanging in there!

Can't reinstall Firefox 2

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Ubuntu :: Using Firefox With Dwm (window Manager) Crashes Firefox

May 20, 2011

I have installed dwm as window manager and whenever I start firefox it crashes after a few seconds. When I use the gnome window manager everything works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Make Firefox Feel Like Old Firefox In 10.10?

May 16, 2010

since ubuntu's decided that firefox needs to have their strange and weird theme for the buttons... what's the easiest way to remove this new way that it decides that the button configuration for when you want to close it and other things? I cannot seem to find this file, and i've already tried to delete my .mozilla file and i've installed swiftfox and it's using it. So where in the world did the Ubuntu UI people put this thing at?

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Debian :: Compile Firefox That Must Take Flash Player Form /home/****/firefox/plugins/?

Feb 18, 2010

want compile firefox that he must take flash player form /home/****/firefox/plugins/what i must add to this?

ac_add_options --enable-application=browser
ac_add_options --disable-tests


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Applications :: Update From Firefox 3.0 To Firefox 3.5 Through Yum / Remove Previous Installation And Use Solely One Package?

Nov 16, 2009

Recently I have installed Fedora 10. It comes with firefox 3.xx by default. Now I was wondering if there is any way through which i can update it to 3.5 version though yum. I have tried yum update firefox but it did not work and returns following messages Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Setting up Update Process No Packages marked for Update I know that one way to update is download the latest Tar package and use it, but I want to totally remove my previous installation and use solely one package i.e. firefox 3.5.

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Fedora :: 15 - FireFox In Other Idiom - Change The Lenguage From FireFox From English To Spanish?

Aug 5, 2011

I have been testing Fedora 15 and I love it, everything works fine and is so nice but... I want to instal FireFox with another idiom becouse it is the only thing that my Fedora has in English everything else is Spanish. How do I change the lenguage from FireFox from English to Spanish ?

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CentOS 5 :: Update Firefox 3.0 To Firefox 3.5 Without Losing Any Of Settings / History / Bookmarks

Nov 18, 2009

After several site:centos.org searches on Google and not finding anything remotely related to this question, I ask, how do I update Firefox 3.0 to Firefox 3.5 without losing any of my settings, history, bookmarks ,etc.?

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Fedora Networking :: Firefox Says "Firefox Can't Find The Server?

Sep 8, 2009

This is really odd - all of a sudden, my firefox says "Firefox can't find the server at www.google.com" , and my pidgin will not connect saying host not found.However, I am typing this on the same computer using Opera. his is absolutely insane. I have no idea what caused it.. command line nslookup works great, and resolves everything.But firefox and pidgin will not resolve anything.

The only odd thing is this in messages:
Sep 8 12:07:41 tklaptop NetworkManager: nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver: assertion `nameserver != s' failed
Sep 8 12:07:41 tklaptop NetworkManager: nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver: assertion `nameserver != s' failed


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General :: X11 Forwarding Then Firefox, The Localhost Firefox Is Activated?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm having this strange behaviour. If i ssh -X remotehost, and then i issue firefox, the localhost firefox is activated.

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Software :: Firefox 3.5.10 Works Firefox 4 And 3.6.6 Broke?

Jul 8, 2010

(firefox-bin:18788): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_set_valist: object class `gfxPangoFcFont' has no property named `fontmap' i deleted ~/.mozilla and /usr/lib/mozilla in the process to wipe out any possible user issues.

3.5.10 works fine thought, any newer and i get the same error about the fontmap

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Ubuntu :: Write To Terminal "sudo Firefox" It Opens The Firefox?

Oct 14, 2010

I use Ubuntu 10.04.1. When i write to terminal "sudo firefox" it opens the firefox with the default users config settings. But when i write "sudo nautilus" it open the nautilus with new config settings. This means there is a problem on my system ? (when i open the firefox with "gksudo", it is using as new user (root user's) config files but nautilus is opening with the root user's files also with "sudo").

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General :: Use Firefox To Connect To Smb Shares Error "Firefox Doesn't Know How To Open This Address, Because The Protocol (smb) Isn't Associated With Any Program"

Jan 10, 2010

i am wanting to use Firefox to connect to my smb shares. However, i keep getting this error message: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (smb) isn't associated with any program. My client configuration is as follows: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Shiretoko/3.5.8preI tried the instructions below to try and fix the problem with no success: Quote: From [URL]

Linux with Firefox In order to connect to a network share directly from you browser under Linux, you must configure Firefox to handle URL's starting with "smb://". This is done by typing "about:config" in the address line and hitting return. After that you must right-click the list of settings and choose "New -> Boolean" as shown below.

As name you must type: "network.protocol-handler.external.smb" with a value of "true". After that you must do the same thing over again, but this time choose "New -> String", type the name: "network.protocol-handler.app.smb" with a value of the path to the application you wish to use for browsing network shares. If you use KDE, this will typically be "/usr/bin/konqueror".

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General :: Install Firefox From Firefox-3.5.3.tar.bz2?

Sep 14, 2009

how to install firefox web browser from firefox-3.5.3.tar.bz2 which file I should execute to start installation process?

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CentOS 5 :: Firefox Crashes When There Is Flash In Web Page, Unless Disable Flash Plugin In Firefox?

May 19, 2009

I just installed firefox and flash-plugin.The version of firefox is 3.0.10, package is firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos.The version of flash-plugin is, package is flash-plugin- firefox crashes when there is flash in web page, unless disable flash plugin in firefox.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Error "firefox Is Already Running"

Jan 7, 2011

I've experienced the fairly annoying firefox error where it refuses to start the GUI. If there were no active firefox processes, nothing happened when I started it, but it did "start", meaning that I got the "firefox is already running" when I tried again. I found a fix to this, which was to delete some or all files in the ~/.mozilla/firefox directory. I now have 2 different problems. Number one is that the problem keeps reoccurring and I'd like to know what's causing it. The second problem is that even when I've "fixed" the issue, I still can't run firefox from scripts or click links. I get the "firefox is already running" error instead of a new tab or window.

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Programming :: Firefox Scripting Add-on (Scripting HTML / Javascript Inside Firefox)?

Sep 17, 2009

Is there a firefox add-on to script HTML and/or Javascript directly inside firefox

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Ubuntu Networking :: Open Firefox, Some Website Works, On Some Other Website Firefox Says "Connecting To..."?

Apr 18, 2010

I open Firefox, Some Website Works, on some other Website Firefox Says "Connecting to...",but all the Sites I have Tested working on my Windows 7.

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Fedora Networking :: Connecting To FTP Error "Failed To Execute Child Process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5/firefox" (No Such File Or Directory)"

Aug 3, 2009

I am running F11 and I want to mount an FTP, but when I try to connect to an ftp server using Places -> Connect to Server, or the bookmarks I made I get an error that says 'Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5/firefox" (No such file or directory)' and sometimes it mounts anyway, but most the time it doesn't, and it never connects to the folder I asked it to, I just have to open the mount and navigate to it. I figure this happened because Firefox upgraded to 3.5.1 and the folder is now /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.1/firefox, but I don't know how to update this so that it looks in the right location.

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