Ubuntu :: Jaunty Grub Will Not Load From Drive Or CD?

Mar 3, 2010

My system will not start. It reaches "Grub loading stage 1.5" and "Grub loading please wait....", then the machine tries to restart from scratch. I have tried using my bootable Heron CD but it gets to "Loading Kernel 100%" then tries to restart. I used the Normal option; the other options do not seem to work. Other symptoms are that the wireless mouse has been double clicking for one btton press and resuming from hibernation has often led to the system freezing within a minute or two. Memtest shows the RAM to be OK.

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General :: GRUB-2 Bootloader Fails To Load For Lack Of Floppy Drive?

Jul 21, 2010

2010.07.21 while trying to install Ubuntu 10.4 I've been trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell workstation and am unable to get the Grub-2 bootloader to load properly. It seems to be failing for lack of a floppy drive on the system resulting in an error message that reads : error: fd0 cannot get C/H/S values.

I've gone through the Grub-2 page at [URL].. to no avail and other sources having similar problems have likewise turned up no solutions. here's the background: A while back I was trying to install a different version of Linux and had the same problems, then had to set the project aside for a bit. I don't think this has anything to do with Linux or Ubuntu per se, but rather Grub.

The system is an old (4-5 years) Dell workstation that has one drive (128 GB) set up for Windows XP and a second new drive (500GB) which I installed for Linux. There is a DVD/CD drive and the system contains no floppy drive at all. In one attempt to get this working I tried modifying the BIOS to indicate there was a floppy drive - this created a failure earlier in the chain with the BIOS failing to load properly, not unexpected, just a shot in the dark at that point.

At the moment I am considering just running out to buy and install a cheap floppy drive to see if that helps. I'll never use the thing though so I'd rather find a solution that doesn't require me to spend money on useless hardware. In any case, here's the /boot/grub/grub.cfg contents:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###


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General :: Find Out How To Load Graphic User Interface In Jaunty

May 20, 2011

I am a newbie to Jaunty, so please forgive my descrip. terminology. I am experiencing a great amount of grief with my Jaunty install. I can no longer get a login screen in Jaunty. When I try to boot normally for this install I get an unclean shutdown screen & it goes into the "checking drive" mode. I uninstalled some applications such as has to do with touchpad, remote desktop, xorg-driver-fglrx etc. I reinstalled xorg-driver-fglrx, which I later found out that I do not need. I have an AMD64 HP system with ATI graphics onboard.

I need to find out how to load graphic user interface in Jaunty. Some of the necessary files have been completely removed by me & I need to reload the repositories and update my current install.The partition is encrypted but I have been able to login with the username & password for THIS encrypted install using the "repair broken system" part of the GRUB screen.

How do I go into the terminal and load repositories, and maybe the kernel so I can do an update/upgrade? I do not know if upgrade is part of what I need to do I wanna keep my Jaunty install so I can access 50G of data that is on this install. I have made no backup of this data!!!

I am able to login to my install using my username & password after I get to the "#" prompt, (option "fix broken system" in GRUB) so I know login can be done under username of install. I just need to know what to TYPE into the terminal to restore the necessary files in the right place to make it run. (Is it called terminal at that point?)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Jaunty ATI Xserver No Backfill After Jaunty-proposed Update

Jan 9, 2010

Been using since summer 2009 the xserver no backfill from PPA: [URL] and it was working fine with my ATI video card. No heavy CPU usage when restoring from minimized and a general performance boost were the results of that use.But recently made an upgrade and realized that xserver-xorg-core package (check it from synaptic manager) has been upgraded to a jaunty-proposed version and the problems started to appear again!So using Synaptic I selected this package and hit CTRL-E key in order to choose the nobackfill version. This way things got back to normal!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installed - Now Ubuntu Jaunty Isn't Showing In GRUB ?

Sep 4, 2009

I used to dual boot Windows XP and Ubuntu for quite some time now. Yesterday after seeing OpenSUSE installed on my friends lappy, I decided it IS the time to bid goodbye to Windows. I don't play games, just internet browsing, listening to music, some letter writing and movies of course!

So today I removed Windows XP by formatting C: drive and installed OpenSUSE.

I am happy with OpenSUSE, but I still want to dual boot OpenSUSE with Ubuntu. But in the GRUB,only OpenSUSE entry is shown, Ubuntu is nowhere. It seems OpenSUSE has overwritten the Ubuntu GRUB during install and doesn't include Ubuntu in the boot list as Ubuntu does for other OS when we install Ubuntu.

How to create an entry in the GRUB so that I am able to boot into Ubuntu also.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 18 After Install Of Jaunty Alongside Lucid?

Apr 11, 2010

I had installed Lucid on a clean install on my laptop - three partitions - ext4 home, ext4 lucid and swap.I've been using it for around a week, and find it a bit buggy in places, so I thought I would install jaunty (which proved very reliable in the past). I used the usual installer, and made my /home partition smaller, and created a new ext3 partition for jaunty, assigning the smaller partition to /home.The install proceded without any problems, but on rebooting I just get this:GRUB Loading stage1.5GRUB loading, please wait...Error 18I was hoping that Jaunty would not install grub, but I didn't see any option to prevent this during the installation. I suspect Grub 1.5 has been installed and now it's all messed up

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Ubuntu :: Slow Data Transfer To External Drive In Jaunty?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm getting a really low speed (2-3 mbps) while transferring data to my USB drive and external hard drive. I've heard this problem's there in Karmic but not in Jaunty but i have Jaunty and yet I'm facing this problem.

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Load - Make Load Again Upon Booting?

Feb 9, 2009

I had Fedora 7 and Windows Vista dual booting on my computer. I just installed Fedora 10. When the live CD asked me where to install it, I chose "Remove all Linux Partitions and create default layout" The installation went perfectly, but now when reboot my computer, it boots directly into Fedora; GRUB does not load to ask me which OS I want to load. I know I did not overwrite Vista because I can still view my Vista files through Fedora. Here is my grub.conf file:


What do I need to do to make GRUB load again upon booting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Load GRUB From Grub Rescue Prompts?

Apr 11, 2010

First the hard data:

Upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 via upgrade manager
System is AMD 64
Have dual boot with XP on seperate hard drive


Then the wheelspin:

Seem to have knocked out GRUB as normal loading screen does not appear anymore.
Worse, I think I accidently installed grub to something labelled SDC5.

Cannot get anything except the "grub rescue" prompt. I'm not sure if using the LiveCD (9.10) can help. Have tried a few prompts from other threads but just ended up with mud splattered all over the place. I'm gathering I need to load grub, but can I do it using any grub rescue commands?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Doesn't Load The Menu From Grub.cfg

Aug 19, 2010

When I start the computer the boot menu doesn't prompt, when I try to load it manually it doesn't prompt neither, it just reset the command line.The grub.cfg was generated by update-grub.It's really annoying to load the kernel manually each time the computer starts.

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Software :: GRUB Boot Loader Doesnt Load / Fix The GRUB?

May 18, 2010

PC: Dell Precision T7400.O/S: Windows XP SP3 64-bit & Scientific Linux 5.3 64-bit

The above PC has 2 HDDs installed one has XP and the other Scientific Linux.

Problem: XP needed to be re-installed, i've done this now but now the GRUB Boot loader doesnt load - So just boots straight into XP.

Qustion: Is there anywhere to fix the GRUB? Without wiping the 2nd HDD and re-installing Linux!

Let me know if you need any more info

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Ubuntu :: Grub Messed Up - Error: Can't Find GRUB Drive For /sdd1

Jan 31, 2010

I've trawled the internet but can't seem to find the exact same issue, so I've made a new thread. So, I installed Ubuntu onto a 160gb drive. I have other drives in the system, but I disconnected them so that the system drive would be sda. Ubuntu installed perfectly with no issues whatsoever. I connected the other drives in the system, and again it booted up perfectly (although I can't remember whether the 160gb drive remained as sda or became sdd). Then I attached some extra drives temporarily to do some data shuffling.

This moved my system drive to become sdf. My computer booted fine multiple times like this, but when I was finished with the drives I rebooted and suddenly everything broke. For some reason my ubuntu installation showed up in the GRUB twice, and neither of them booted. So, I popped in the Live CD (which I'm using to type this post), and decided to update the grub. I chrooted into my system drive and ran update-grub, but it simply returned something like this:


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Ubuntu :: OS Won't Load After Grub ?

May 1, 2011

I just did a restart on my computer (so the new keyboard layout I made would load up). After the grub screen, I just got a black screen and a flashing cursor. My caps lock indicator was also flashing for some reason.

Tried booting to recovery mode. Got some messages I didn't understand and then the same thing. I'm posting from my LiveUSB.

I was messing with some files in /usr/share/X11/xkb, but I don't see why that should make a difference.

Edit: copied from my post below So, I copied some of the messages down that I got from trying to boot to the recovery kernel. I didn't copy them all, cause they went by quickly, but here is the stuff from the last page where it starts to look bad.

There are numbers before each line that look something like this:


I didn't copy those.


And then there were a bunch of lines that looked more or less like this with different specifics:


I can get the rest if they are important.

There may be small mistakes, as I copied this all by hand (since my damn computer is broken and all).

Another Edit. Some "Boot Info Script" results:


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Windows 7 From GRUB?

Jan 17, 2011

I was having problems with a video driver for ubuntu 10.10 64 bit so decided to try and down grade to 32 bit.I kind of carelessly just deleted the ubuntu partition with Gparted thinking that worse case scenario I would still have access to windows 7, since I was running a dual boot. This was a terrible idea and I ran into a bunch of problems. I managed to reinstall ubuntu and it runs fine. However when I try to load windows 7 it justs loops back to the grub screen. Trying to avoid reinstalling everything to get a proper boot

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Load Up GRUB?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm having difficulties booting into my Wubi 10.04 install on my computer. I've been using this install for at least 6 months now with minimal problems, but this one is serious enough to make me have to use my old Microsoft Vista install (which is no fun because it's, well, Vista). But anyway, to the problem:I got on my computer this morning and turned it on. It came up like normal showing the logo DELL as the BIOS (I believe revision A12 if it matters at all) boots up and then goes to the Windows GRUB menu. From there, like normal it shows two options: Windows Vista and Ubuntu. And from there I selected Ubuntu. Like normal it has a few small command-line things it goes through, but then it does one that I've never seen before and goes so fast I wasn't quite able to read it, and then the screen stops and restarts from the beginning.

Normally, after this it would bring up the GRUB menu showing the various kernels that are installed for Ubuntu. There, I would select the latest kernel and continue on to the Ubuntu login screen where I would login and there I'd be on Ubuntu.This might be because yesterday I did some system updates on Ubuntu and it wanted a restart (it said "Restart Required" and the power button on the screen was red). But, instead I just delayed the restart and eventually just Shut Down the computer that night, thinking the Shut Down might render the same thing.I'm hoping I can at least go back and recover the files I had on Ubuntu. Not that any were really important, but I'd kinda want them back regardless. If this is impossible, what should I do to get back at using Ubuntu again? Should I try to partition my harddrive? Should I reinstall Wubi? Or should I even just try to fix whatever is broken that prohibits me getting on to Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Grub - How To Load WinXp From Another HDD

May 31, 2011

I have two HDD, one of 80 GB with Lubuntu and a broken windows, the other HDD is 160 GB with another Win Xp, but it seems its windows boot loader is broken or the windows boot loader was essentially on the 80 GB HDD and was replaced by GRUB. GRUB only detect the WinXp on the 80 GB HDD. How can I make GRUB detect winXp on the 160 GB HDD?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Won't Load / Enable This?

Aug 6, 2011

So a few days ago I was running windows clearing things out and decided to not have ubuntu anymore. What I did was uninstall wubi and then went into disk manager and deleted the corresponding partitions. And a long time ago i decided to upgrade from 10.x LTS to 11.04 again still having windows and that messed with my grub. I phoned a "friend"(we aren't anymore I forgot to pay him for his service) and he had a grub image or something and set that up after the bad install of 11.04.

Anyway back to the main problem. After deleting the partitions I realized OMG i may have subsequently did what every he did to make grub work so i could get into windows. My fears were right apon reboot i didn't have grub and it went into rescue mode. So i took my seemingly "bad burn" of 11.04 live CD image and installed it thinking since the conflicted partitions have been removed and it actually worked! But alas no grub to load it just boots into 11.04. code...

none of them worked because i kept getting errors of directories not found, no specified area, ect. And my only other solution is to reload windows but OH NOES!! I lost my product key for XP pro. This is what prompted me to fix grub in the first place since thats all i need to get into XP! So please, PLEASE! give me a hand here i'll tell you anything you need to know to help me fix this, monday august 8th is my project deadline and all my work was on windows.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Grub Anymore

Sep 1, 2011

while trying to boot in windows 7, I accidentally hit the wrong Grub option, which started a recovery service for window. I got a white screen with red letters saying ERROR and the computer froze there. I decided to reboot it, but now all I get is the Grub rescue prompt.

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Debian :: Grub Load Error "Grub Loading Stage1.5. Grub Loading, Please Wait... Error 15"

May 23, 2010

When I try and boot my Debian computer I get the messages: Grub Loading stage1.5. Grub loading, please wait... Error 15 Is there any way of recovering from this - or is it simply a fresh install? I was attempting an upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze and despite a few hurdles it looked like it was all happening. Got the new kernel loading, and the new grub. It looked as though grub2 was working so I ran the grub-remove-legacy-support command (something like that) and now my computer won't boot grub or Linux.

I'm assuming the MBR on my harddrive is lost, however I don't know what state the partition is in. I'm guessing that maybe this has been lost as well. I tried a few tools from the Ultimate Boot CD but nothing here was able to re-install my grub or boot from any partition or even mount my file-system. I'm fearing the worst but would like it confirmed before I blow it all away with a new install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Won't Load - Error 15 & 17

Jan 10, 2010

So after having performance issues with Karmic in ext4 I decided to install Hardy with ext3. Was blazing fast, epic, I loved it. But I wanted firefox 3.5 & all the other cool stuff Karmic has.. so I decide to install Karmic, but this time with ext3 instead of 4.

First installation: After the installation went fine, no errors while installing or anything. I remove the CD and reboot. "GRUB Loading, please wait.. Error 15" I did my googling, with the live CD to try and figure out a way of fixing this error. No luck. I did find out that the error is caused by the GRUB trying to load form the wrong drive. So I try to boot directly from the Karmic drive, Error 15. Try to boot directly from the Windows drive, Error 17.

This is the first time this has ever happened to me. First time installing Hardy, everything went great. Installing Jaunty, everything went great. Installing Karmic (for the first time) everything went great. Uninstalled Karmic and installed Hardy, everything went great. Uninstalled Hardy to install Karmic = FAIL!. I did a clean install every single time. The OS is being installed (clean) in the same drive.

A 40GB drive for Windows. A 200GB drive for Ubuntu +/home +swap, and a 120GB(FAT32) for storage.

I installed Karmic 3 times, yes.. 3 times. The last time I installed I removed both the 40GB & the 120GB drives. Leaving only the one I was going to use for Ubuntu, the 200GB drive. After the installation I rebooted and Karmic loaded without problems. I'm in Karmic right now and it isn't all sluggish like it was with ext4, guess my old drives aren't good with ext4 *sight*.

But I can't use my Windows drive. When trying to boot directly from it, it gives me "GRUB Error 17" - I have to disconnect the Ubuntu drive to boot into Windows. Quick question: What the **** is going on?

Someone help, please.. I'm tired of this ****.. and if I have to install Karmic one more time, I won't. I'll just give up and disconnect my Ubuntu drive, put it away and let it accumulate dust somewhere, seriously.. Someone help me correct this without having to install the OS again.

The GRUB error is while the GRUB is loading. It doesn't give me the option to select a OS.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Won't Load After Grub-install?

Aug 19, 2010

I messed it up with the grub in Ubuntu Netbook and the grub loader just prompt the "grub console" during the system boot.

However, I can boot manually by selecting manually the kernel:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic

But, of course, that is not really practical for an everyday use.

I tried with the update-grub command, but nothing happens, the grub.cfg is there, with all the kernels list, but the grub loader won't load it! It is just ignoring it!

If I load the config file manually it prompts the grub command line again (with the "welcome" message), so, it IS loading the grub.cfg, but it's not working!!!

This is the content of my grub.cfg file:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Ubuntu :: Editing The Grub / Load Into Windows 7?

Sep 12, 2010

I have finally installed ubuntu 10.4 alongside windows 7.However, the grub doesn't show windows 7 so I can't boot into it.

Attached is a screenshot of "gparted". Windows 7 is installed on "sda2" and Ubuntu is on "sda6". How do I edit the grub to be able to load into windows 7?

And I faced another problem after installation. The pc kept freezing, I couldn't enter ubuntu nor use the live version on my usb stick. It kept freezing.

EDIT: I restarted and it froze again. I had to restart at least times before it allowed me into ubuntu. I'm wondering if it's a hard-disk issue since it's giving me a hard disk error whenever I login. Even though I've been running windows 7 for the past 9 months without any problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Load After 10.10 Upgrade?

Sep 27, 2010

I had installed Ubuntu 10.04 within Windows 7nd everything work perfect until this morning. When I turned my laptop on I was told that Grub could'nt find the storage device and was presented with a grub command line

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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 Cannot Load XP - Dual Boot

Feb 10, 2011

On reboot the GRUB2 installer shows me the options for OS - I select Windows XP and then I get a blank screen with a flashing cursor - and nothing.. I CTRL ALT DEL and it reboots back to GRUB2 and I select UBUNTU and I log in. This is the first time I have tried to reboot Windows XP after fresh install of UBUNTU


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Ubuntu :: GRUB Won't Load After Failed Upgrade?

Mar 6, 2011

When I start my computer GRUB starts, but it only says:Grub Loading stage1.5.Grub loading, please wait...and nothing happensHere is what happened before:I had a dual boot on my computer with Windows and Ubuntu. There was also a problem with Windows, but that's another thing. Now I had not upgraded Ubuntu for a long time. I think I still had Ubuntu 8.9 . So I wanted to upgrade and let Ubuntu do it automatically, it showed the upgrade to 9.4. So let it upgrade, but it asked if it had to change menu.lst, but since I had menu.lst modified in the right way, I choose the option to keep the already installed version. But it just kept asking the same question, so 4 or 5 times and a few hours later I choose the option to change it to the default package version. Then it didn't ask this anymore, but it hung at a later stage.

So I waited several hours longer, but it didn't proceed anymore, so I had to shut it down.It shut down OK, but then when I restarted, what I described above happened.Now I have another problem, my disk reader (CD/DVD) doesn't work either, so I cannot simply use a LiveCD.

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Ubuntu :: 10 Grub Not Loading - How To Make It Load

Apr 9, 2011

i was using dual operating system windows xp and linux ubuntu. I was upgrading my windows from xp to windows 7 and as usual the windows messedup it stopped installation halfway and now it gives me only two options for rollback or go to the previous windows (which it is not going to either). It is not loading the UBUNTU GRUB.
Did windows kill my ubuntu ?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Simply Won't Load Windows?

May 27, 2010

Grub installed from 9 or 10 ubuntu simply won't load Windows.Ubuntu and GRUB on IDE hdd, Windows on SATA HDD.Installed all default options, just clicked thru install and when attempting to boot Windows XP screen is blank with a blinking cursor in the top corner.Same thing happened earlier when I ran Fedora 11 then 12.Different version of same result.Can't Canonic work with Grub developers to at least make a workable configuration r it's default setup?Searched the web, in a 1000 places same solution is offered: adding a few lines to menu.lst.1) the lines are already there2) this is for the old version of grub.Does grub actually work for anyone out there? Or is it only supposed to work in weird configurations?

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Ubuntu :: How To Load USB Drive

Feb 9, 2009

I have just installed ubuntu on a machine and want to copy a file from my USB pen drive I have tried mounting the drive using

mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /mnt/usbdrive

and I get this message "mount: wrong fs type ..."

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cant Get Grub To Load

Apr 5, 2010

I am testing on Sun Virtual Box.I have 2 IDE Hard Disks

Primary Master
Secondary Slave

I have Windows on Master. I am using NTLDR as the bootloader and have 2 options in boot.ini

'Linux' is a 512byte file dumped from the 1st sector of the secondary hard disk using dd.Should this work or does Grub take up more than the '512' bytes magic sector that MBR's should use?My problem is when I click Linux I get the letters GRUB in the top left of the screen and than nothing, I have to reset.I am all out of ideas as to why this is not working, by all reports I have heard Grub is supposed to be 'the best boot loader' and 'windows sucks etc' but I cant get Grub to load Linux.I have re-installed about 10 times changing settings but nothing works. The only thing left to do is tick the box to write the boot loader to MBR, no!!

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB - Can't Load Up Ubuntu After Installing 11.3

Aug 17, 2010

Now I installed Opensuse on my system which already had Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 on it. Whilst Opensuse's replacement Grub correctly identified Windows as an alternative system it did not do the same for Ubuntu. I've been tinkering around in menu.lst (after taking back ups) and I can't ever get Ubuntu running - I either get a Grub error 15 (file not found) or error 17 (unable to read partition). By booting on a live CD I can see that all the information is still there, I just can't for the life of me figure out how to get to it from Grub! Did Opensuse move the partitions around during install?

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