Ubuntu Installation :: Where Does Grub Exist On Partitions

Jan 20, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my internal hard disk I experienced a problem with Grub and I just formatted all the Ubuntu Partitions and convert their format to NTFS to restore my windows (I have a backup) but now despite of I format all the Ubuntu's partitions but in the boot time, the grub exist and the grub apear I want to know where does grub exist? I installed ubuntu on the dual booter situation and it was ubuntu 9.10

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Fedora Installation :: Repair Grub Through Grub-ubstall - /dev/dsa Doesn't Exist

Jan 17, 2009

I am trying to install my laptop in a triple-boot configuration with Fedora 10, Windows XP and Windows 7 beta. I did already installed them in that order. This is how it is layed out on the harddisk:

Now i want to use grub to present a menu at boot so i can select an OS. Because I installed XP last it boots straight into XP. I've understood i should be able to do the following:

All goes well until the last step (grub-install). It gives an error stating that /dev/sda doesn't exist, which is correct; It doesn't. I do have the "device" listed outside of the chrooted environment.

My question is: How do I get /dev/sda available in my chrooted environment?

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Installation :: Grub Error 21 Selected Disk Does Not Exist

Mar 7, 2011

Plan to use GRUB for multiple booting to select the OS but only with luck have I got it partially to work. Windows 98 and Puppy 431 O.K on first HDD but Puppy 421 on second HDD /dev/sdb1 stops at error 21.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'No Operating System Installed' - GRUB Doesn't Appear To Exist

Feb 12, 2010

I have a dual boot windows XP/ubuntu 9.10 set up on one hard drive. Everything was working fine. The 9.10 install had been updated from 9.04. I recently had problems with the XP partition (XP basically collapsed) so I re-installed XP on the same partition it was on before. I then attempted to reinstall Ubuntu ( I decided I wanted a new 'clean' installation of Ubuntu as well). When I got to the partition function it refused to recognize that there is a Windows partition, or a previous ubuntu partition, but states 'No operating system installed' or similar, and offers the entire hard drive for installation. When I look at the partitions using Windows partition software the Windows and the ubuntu partitions are clearly in evidence. I have also tried to reinstall GRUB but it doesn't appear to exist.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding Partitions To The Grub

Apr 21, 2010

I've using win7 and 9.10 for a few months now. Today I decided to install yet another OS, but during installation a new grub was written to the mbr. Result: I can no longer boot Ubuntu.This is what my menu.lst looks like


timeout 10
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
gfxmenu (hd0,4)/boot/gfxmenu
default 0


I can see and mount my 9.10 partition just fine from the new OS, it's located on dev/sda6.And I'd still very much like to keep using Ubuntu. So, how do I go about editing this file to make it work?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving GRUB Across Partitions?

Jun 27, 2010

I have two "Ubuntu" installations, for the record. My HDD is laid out like so:

PRIMARY - First Ubuntu
PRIMARY - Second Ubuntu [XBMC Live]
4GB Free
-4GB Free
-10GB Swap

Now, GRUB is currently on XBMC Live. I have terminal and root access if needed, and a "Live CD" ready to use. What I want to know is how I can move GRUB, preferably on its own partition but it can go back the the first partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Dual Booting And Got Grub Boot Errors?

Mar 29, 2010

i'm trying to install 98se to a 110gb partition so i can dual boot with ubuntu 10 for 98 and 100 for ubuntu after the resize. when i tried making multiple partitions manually for ubutnu putting it on separate partitions i got grub boot errors. the problem i am having every time i try to install 98 it forces me to scandisk it then i have to hit space bar to fix every error i thinks it finds wich is impossible to press it 2 million times. now if I format in a non 98 format and tell it to format in lba it keeps asking for a boot disc, i burned one off but, still kept asking for it. if i do it in non lba, it only saw 2 gigs in 98 and when i went to install ubuntu it was a giant hard drive no partitions. i did try making 3 fat 32s 1 for 98 and then swap and linux partition but, the i got grub errors 17 and 18.

the problem is that bios a cap of 130gb for each drive or in this case partition. it's 320gb WD blue Scorpio. the short i want to dual boot 98se and ubuntu 9.04 with 2 fat32 partitions for storage 110 +100 + 80 = 320 also some visuals.

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Debian :: Recovering Grub After Windows Installation - Encrypted Partitions And LVM

Nov 4, 2010

I'm running Debian Squeeze AMD64 with full disk encryption and LVM. After reinstalling Windows 7 I lost GRUB from the MBR. I managed to install GRUB after following this guide and using an Ubuntu 10.04 graphical installation disc, but I only get to a GRUB CLI when booting, so I can't actually choose an OS there.

I tried following this guide but I'm stuck after "# Mount the partitions to /mnt/root" and don't know what to do.

Does anyone know how I can fix GRUB so I get to choose between Debian and Windows 7 there?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error - Partition Does Not Exist

Sep 19, 2010

I accidentally removed the partition in my hard drive where my Ubuntu was installed.After restarting my Laptop, I suddenly receive the message saying,

"grub error> partition does not exist.

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Ubuntu Servers :: /etc/default/grub File Does Not Exist?

Jun 10, 2011

Due to a motherboard issue, I need to edit a parameter in the "etc/default/grub" file.

However, the problem is, that file doesn't exist.

Grub does seem to be installed, I can get into grub from the command line etc.

This is a fresh install of Ubuntu Server - 10.04.2 LTS

Brand new box, no previous installs of anything, no other operating systems etc.

Is there somewhere else that file could reside ? I tried find -name '*grub*' and got plenty of files, but none are the one that I need.

Is there someway to generate this file ?

I remember when installing from the CD it asking about grub, but I don't recall which option I chose, it was whichever one was the default.

This thing won't reboot right after power loss etc until I can edit that value... which at the moment seems to not exist....

Btw, I'm not a total linux noob but far from an expert, so I may need any answers "dumbed down" a bit.

EDIT (more info):

It seems that I have regular "grub" and not "grub2" installed... I'm assuming that is part of the problem ?

My version: grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)

Does this version of grub allow you to edit options etc ?

Specifically, what I need to do, is edit this value: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT

I need to add "reboot=a" to this line.

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General :: Grub 2 Bsd Command Does Not Exist

Aug 6, 2011

I am trying to run Memtest86+ on my Linux computer. I use Grub 2, and Memtest86+'s core is located in /boot/memtest86plus/memtest.bin file.It seems to be pretty newbie error, but I can't find any documentation covering this problem.If I use linux16 instead of netbsd, computer just restarts without any error.

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Ubuntu :: Edit File Discovered It Didn't Exist - Configure Grub?

Jan 17, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu Karmic on my laptop, which also has Windows 7. It now has GRUB, and I have been able to modify some settings via the GRUB command line. However, these changes are not permanent; they are reset the next time I load GRUB. I have seen many people trying to configure GRUB who have been pointed towards /boot/grub/menu.lst. I expect it would) I went to edit that file... and discovered that it did not exist. I am certain that I am using GRUB, not some other bootloader. Is there another possible way to configure GRUB, or somewhere else I might look for this file?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Default Boot - File Doesnt Exist On My Computer?

Mar 13, 2010

I am trying to change to boot order in grub, but I keep running into the same problem.I find instructs me to go to /boot/grub/menu however that file doesnt exist on my computer. in my /boot/grub directory file names go from memrw.mod to minicmd.com with nothing in between.I am using an up to date release of Karmic Koala.

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General :: GRUB Loader Says Drive Doesn't Exist

Feb 15, 2010

If at all possible I would like ot keep the GRUB loader and repair my situation.My slave drive has Windows 7. My master had Ubuntu on it. When it installed it added the GRUB loader.I replaced it with Fedora, but now the GRUB loader says it can't find the drive and bails to grub-rescue.If possible I would like to keep the grub loader. If I can't repair this, is there a way to uninstall it and reinstall it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Won't Recognize Partitions - Error Message Saying Partitions Over Sized

Mar 22, 2011

I used Ubuntu before, without problems but since the 10.04 version it won't recognize my partitions. I formated my laptop and partitioned it, installed Windows 7 64bit, which I need for my work, and wanted now to install Ubuntu 10.04/10. I then used GParted to check my Harddisk and it is having troubles to recognize my partitions, too while Windows finds them. GParted is giving me an error message saying my partitions are oversized. I am still in the beginning of my Linux experiences and so I don't know what to do. I have two 250GB harddisks (how Windows recognizes them),


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Ubuntu Installation :: CD Doesn't Detect Partitions But No Apparent Overlapping Partitions?

Mar 3, 2010

Xubuntu 9.04 installation CD not detecting any of the current partitions. This all started when I reinstalled windows XP a few days ago.After, the computer wouldn't boot into GRUB and would boot directly into windows.Other threads have dealt with a similar issue, that of overlapping partitions causing libparted/parted/gparted to detect the whole drive as unallocated space. The problem in these threads seemed to be a corrupted partition table, in which the partitions overlapped with each other. So of course I checked the output of fdisk -l for overlapping partitions, but I don't see any obvious overlapping partitions. I've noticed that the partition that used to be linux swap isn't showing up in the partition table at all. I might just be missing something simple here and would like another set of eyes to help me figure this one out. Does the problem have anything to do with the partition table being out of order (ie. not in order of what regions they cover on the drive)? From the liveCD I've run


sudo fdisk -lu
sudo sfdisk -d
sudo parted /dev/sda print

and have received the following output:


ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo fdisk -lu
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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Ubuntu :: Install Grub After Changing Partitions?

May 17, 2010

How can I install grub after changing partitions with a partition live cd (gparted), since the old grub is no longer working. Usual reinstall won't work here, it'll just reinstall with all the wrong pointers to partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error, Can't Find Partitions?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a 320GB Hard Drive, divided into 4 partitions.

20GB Windows 7 Home Premium x64(NTFS)
20GB Mac OSX Leopard
20GB Ubuntu 9.10 x64 Root (Ext4)


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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Detecting Partitions Correctly?

Jul 18, 2010

I've been running ubuntu 9.10 until this week without any problems. I've just done an in-place update to 10.04 and now cannot boot my windows XP partition.

looking at grub.cfg it appears to be referring to sdb1 as the XP partition whereas the disk utility says the correct partition is sdb5.

sdb1 is a data partition formatted ntfs but not bootable.

When I choose XP from the grub menu all I get is a black screen with a flashing cursor at the top, which would suggest it is trying to boot the data partition.

I've tried update-grub and also startupmanager and it makes no difference. I would just try to edit grub.cfg but the next update would presumably wipe out my changes.

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Ubuntu :: Two Different OS In Different Partitions And Want To Double Boot With Grub

Dec 17, 2010

Now i have two different OS in different partitions and i want to doble boot with grub.

When i start my pc i get the GRUB TERMINAL: grub>

How to boot?

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Ubuntu :: Resizing Partitions With GParted And What Will Happen With Grub

May 7, 2010

I want to resize and eventually remove some partitions on my drive but I need to know how this will affect grub and what to do if I need to fix it.I currently have 3 standard partitions and 1 extended partition on a 160Gb drive.

1st Partition -Windows XP about 60Gb with about 35Gb used. NTFS

2nd Partition -Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 amd64 about 40Gb, 22Gb used ext4

3rd Partition -Linux swap about 2.5Gb

Extented Partition -Ubuntu 9.10 about 49Gb with 23Gb used ext4

I'd like to shrink the Extended partition down and add the space to the 2nd partion where Lucid is. Eventually, I'll want to delete the whole extended partition and add all the space to the Lucid partition.

After using GParted to resize these partitions, what will happen when I boot? Will I need to tell grub where the swap and 9.10 are? I am not changing the start of the first two partitions so I would assume there will not be any problem with them (I'm not sure how moving the start of the swap might affect the Lucid installation though).

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Ubuntu :: After Partitions Resize Grub Cannot Boot Win7

Apr 22, 2011

I've resized partitions with some program - perhaps even gparted - but from Win7. partitions are indeed resized, but now I can't boot Win7, grub says:
"No such device found - No such partition found".
I tried to use some advices on similar problems I found here (like adding GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_msdos" to etc/default/grub and running grub-mkconfig after), but nothing helped. I guess I could restore win7 with installation dvd but I want to fix GRUB (and have both ubuntu 10.10 and win7)

john@john:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for john:
Disk /dev/sda: 82.0 GB, 81964302336 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9964 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xd576590b

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 789 6336513 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 * 1476 4008 20346322+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 4009 9964 47841570 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda5 1 749 6008832 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 749 789 326656 82 Linux swap / Solaris

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 22 - Restore Macrium Backup On One Of Two Partitions

Feb 11, 2010

my old 80gb pata HD showed a dual boot Ubuntu - XP on startup, although ubuntu never worked, onlly XP booted. Recently I tried to Restore a Macrium backup on one of its two partitions, & spoiled something. On boot up it says:-

GRUB loading stage 1.5GRUB loading please waite Error 22

I tried to reinstall Ubuntu 10.8 with no success, & also XP with "R" for repair again with no success.

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Ubuntu :: Not Booting - Reinstalled The Grub Boot-loader Onto Different Partitions

Jan 2, 2011

Computer StatisticsiMac (Model No. A1225) Dual Boots Mac OS X Partition Layout/dev/sda1 = EFI /dev/sda2 = Macintosh HD (HFS Format with Journaling) Free Space (32 GB) I had the linux installation program automatically partition the free space into three partitions. I forget what they were, but I know they are correct.

I tried doing a rescue installation, and reinstalled it many times with different settings. I even tried a manual partition according to instructions from the internet and reinstalling the grub boot-loader onto different partitions. I have reinstalled it at least 5 times!

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Fedora :: Grub Not Appearing Even Though Other Partitions Recognized

May 11, 2011

I had tried many distros over the years but settled on Ubuntu for the last two or three, unfortunately the new version of Ubuntu (Natty) has prompted me to make the change again. To keep access to all my Ubuntu docs e.t.c. I installed Fedora 14 on a seperate partition and hey presto, there's the Ubuntu partition for me to read from, problem is that my laptop still just boots straight into Fedora, this is ok on my laptop but I wanted to make the switch on my desktop as well which has the wife's Windows partition on it, not being able to boot into that would cause eruptions! The problem is that Fedora hasn't installed a Grub menu.

On advice I typed this:-
[eric@Eric-Fedora ~]$ grub-install -v
and got:-
grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)
[eric@Eric-Fedora ~]$

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Fedora :: Merged Two FAT32 Partitions - Grub Broken?

Sep 14, 2009

I have 2 fat32 partitions that I use for things that I share between windows and fedora
I decided to merge them into one partition so I did this with cfdisk by deleting them creating and creating 1 large fat32 partition with the free space. When I boot my machine I am presented with:
I used the fedora cd to "rescue a broken system" and everything seems fine? I didn't touch any partition besides my extra fat32 partitions and my /boot partition is bootable. How do I tell this minimalistic grub to use my normal grub.conf?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Menu.lst Does Not Exist ?

Mar 5, 2010

I would love to change the boot order on my laptop. Mainly because it is shared, and I am the only one who uses Ubuntu (version 9.10)... So everyone keeps moaning for me to change it!

Following all the sound advice from this forum it looks easy... Except /boot/grub/menu.lst does not exist!

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Grub - Recover Without Using A Bootable CD - Fdisk -l Is Not Listing The Partitions

Jan 26, 2010

I am preparing for RHCE. While doing the lab I renamed /etc/grub/grub.conf as grub1.conf. Now (obviously) system boots on grub> prompt. Can I recover without using a bootable CD? Another problem that I encountered was, while doing lab for fdisk, I used command umount -al. Now, fdisk -l is not listing the partitions but giving a message:- /proc/partitions does not exist. If I reboot the system this is restored.

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General :: Upsize Partitions On New HDD - Dual Boot (11.04 On Win7 With Grub)

Aug 12, 2011

I have been an MCSA for the last 20 years, but recently I have been very impressed indeed with Ubuntu 11.04, having dabbled with and then discarded Susi Linux some five years ago. My problem may be summarised as outlined below: Using the downloadable ISO I installed Ubuntu 11.04 as a dual boot on a Win7 100GB HDD on my Lenovo T61 laptop. No problem they both rock and I'm very impressed. During the installation procedure I selected the largest partition sizes available from the Ubuntu installer wizard being 25GB Extended split into 18GB Ext4, and 3.2GB and 3.2 GB swaps (I couldn't suss out any way of manually increasing them any further).

I found that the 11.04 Startup Manager application didn't work at all, so I downloaded and installed Grub Customizer 2.1..and that did work after a fashion.. certainly enough to actually effect changes in the grub configuration settings. Everything worked so well on the 100GB HDD that I decided to transpose the entire disk image to a new 500GB WD Scorpio and make the dual boot my main working disk. Using Acronis I imaged off the 100GB installation selecting the partition by partition, and retain disk signature options. I then recovered the image to the new 500GB HDD and everything works beautifully on the new HDD.

Except of course all the partitions are still the same size. I won't waste your reading time recounting everything that I have done using Acronis Disk Director (V Good) and Gparted (not so good), but needless to say whatever I do Grub won't have it, and I have lost count of the times that I have re-recovered the good image. Basically I want to increase the partion sizes to apportion larger partitions to both Win 7 and 11.04 and obviously I'm missing something somewhere.

Fdisk -l -u produces..
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x9f011ed1 .....

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