Ubuntu Installation :: .iso From Indian Zone And Making CD With Windows XP?

Jan 25, 2010

[URL] When I download the .iso from [URL] and used Kana CheckSum from [URL]i saw the following md5 value 143609CA5B6BB4E5D7341117FE46D0E1 but according to this page [URL]
the value should be 8790491bfa9d00f283ed9dd2d77b3906 for ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso I really don't understand why there is lot of difference in the .iso file. My instruction for those who are trying hard..

1)download the .torrent version but not the direct download if you are at indian zone

2)use Kana CheckSum from kanasolution.com to check the md5 checksum

3)Tick the "verify after write" when you burn the CD through nuro burn in windows xp

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Ubuntu Security :: What Zone Alarm And Cain And Abel Accomplish In Windows

Feb 10, 2010

I bridged a connection using ettercap and have collected a few ips that I would like to block (IP Lag). Similar to what zone alarm and cain and abel accomplish in windows.I have tried adding the ip to iptables and tried using ufw to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Time Zone Data Not Retrievable For Update

Apr 12, 2010

time zone data not retrivable for update

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Freezes After Selecting Time Zone?

May 8, 2010

Attempting to install 10.04... I can get to the "Where are you?" screen, then the little circular "please wait" cursor spins forever and ever.

Here are a few things I've tried, with no success:Leaving it alone for hours, hoping it was just taking a really long time. No Dice. Unplugging any hardware that might be causing a problem, including the network card. No dice. Burning it to CD, DVD, and booting from a USB key. No dice. Trying every combination of kernel options I could find in the forums, and setting most combinations found in the "more options" menu in the boot screen. No dice. Booting into the live environment, then installing from there (instead of just choosing "install" directly). No Dice. Booting both from the 32-bit and 64-bit ISOs (my machine is 64-bit)

Note: I have not tried just upgrading from my 9.10 install, and I will not try this. If I can't get a live CD to boot, there's no way I would voluntarily hose my current system by upgrading.

Also note: I checked the MD5 of the ISO, and did the "check the disk for defects" menu option as well. Everything checks out fine.

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Ubuntu :: Making A System Image In Windows?

Apr 4, 2011

is it possible to make a system image with ease? By that I mean without having to fire up clonezilla and click through 15 clicks? I am probably being lazy and have noticed the really easy way to make a system image in windows - is there something similiar in ubuntu?

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Networking :: Making The Move From Windows To Ubuntu?

Apr 21, 2010

I've had enough with the malware that finds it's way into Windows. I currently have our home desktop (WinXP) which is plugged into our high speed cable modem. We also use a laptop (Windows Vista) downstairs which currently shares the internet wirelessly from our main desktop upstairs. Whenever we want to view pics, listen to music or surf the web, I just plug in my wireless router which is connected to the cable modem and my XP box.

How is it that I can still view my desktop's pictures, listen to my desktop's tunes and surf the web on my Vista laptop downstairs once I install Ubuntu on my desktop?

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Debian :: Making Use Of The Windows Key?

May 20, 2011

Just wondering if it is possible to make use of the Windows keys on keyboards - the ones with MS logo.In Vista - the action is to invoke the Start Menu.In Linux, there is no action when you press these keys - can this be changed?

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Ubuntu :: Making FAT32 Windows Partition Read/write?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm having difficulty making my FAT32 drive capable of read/write. I followed the instructions here (http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick#Windows_Compatibility) and added the following line to my /etc/fstab file:

/dev/sda4 /media/WinD vfat quiet,defaults,rw 0 0
However, when I rebooted the drive is still read-only

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Software :: Making *.img To Backup A Windows Partition?

Jul 20, 2009

What exactly allows me to create a custom tailored *.img file to backup the contents of a partition?

This is my problem: My wife wants me to backup some Windows NTFS partitions on her working computer so she can use them on a different computer.

This is my solution attempt:Boot the Gentoo based System Rescue CD. dd the contents of the data partitions into *.img files on an external usb drive. dd the contents of the *.img files onto the new computer.

So far that worked, but there's one annoying problem: one partition on the work computer is 50GB big, but contains only 8GB of data. It would be really nice if I could just dd out those 8GB of "real data" instead of having a 50GB *.img file that is mostly empty. Likewise, it would be cool if there's an easy way to match the contents of the *.img file to the size of the new partition. The new data partition is 100GB big so it would be cool if my backup were automatically scaled to that size so I don't have an 8GB partition and an additional 92GB partition.

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Software :: Making Firefox 4 Look As Though It's On A Windows Machine

Apr 5, 2011

When I had Firefox 3.6 on both my desktop and laptop, after reading a how-to, I changed the desktop config so it looked, to websites, as though Firefox was running on a windows machine. I needed that because some websites still believe there is only one operating system (for the most part those are government run sites). how to change the config in Firefox 4 to make it look as though it is running on a windows machine?

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General :: Making Arch In Full Screen Mode In VMware On Windows?

Jan 15, 2011

I have installed the most basic Arch Linux only with command line interface as guest OS on Windows using VMware. The problem is when I maximize the Vmware window, the Arch Linux console does not adjust to the full screen. How to do this without installing X window?

I also want to make copy-paste work to and fro from windows without installing X. Is it possible?

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General :: Windows 7 - Splitting Display In Half - Making Two Virtual Displays

May 16, 2011

I would like to split my display in two, so they would behave like two physical monitors, i.e. it would be for example like to connecting two 960x1080 monitors through physical ports. Is something like this possible? The problem is i would like to run two fullscreen applications on second monitor. Is that even possible? I prefer Windows 7/vista but I welcome Linux solution as well

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Ubuntu :: Making Live USB From An Installation?

Apr 16, 2010

Is there a way to make a live USB from an installation of UBUNTU

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making Or Installing A FTP Server?

Mar 24, 2010

i need to make a FTP server, i tried using the forums but well.... it was no good, i tried with svftpd but i still lack of knowledge and everything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making The Bootable Disk?

Apr 7, 2010

Do you know if you can burn (or mount - whatever) Ubuntu on a CD from Ubuntu, or must you do it with Windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making A Fedora Live USB?

Jun 15, 2010

I have tried using the startup disk creater but it doesn't want to use the Fedora ISO.How would I go about this in terminal?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making A Mirror Laptop?

Apr 13, 2011

I dont want to go by synaptic application one by one for update the whole thing!

Surely there should be a easier way!

I was thinking there must be a command which would list all the package installed on my old PC

and then take that list to synaptic some how to look for the newest package on the repository and install it!

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Ubuntu :: Making LiveCD Of Remastered 9.04 Installation?

Feb 4, 2010

After weeks of hard work I have re-branded an ubuntu 9.04 installation. Like the logos, splash screen, theme, wallpaper and have even changed some of the menus. Now I want to make an installation CD out of this, so that I can distribute it to my friends, in that brand name. I'm aware of some apps out there like remastersys, reconstructor, uck etc... but I read that some of them don't keep your theme, while others change the login screen or wallpaper. I want my live cd and installation to look exactly like the installation I have in my system.

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Ubuntu :: Making A Dual-boot Installation?

Sep 22, 2010

Basically, I just installed Ubuntu 10 on a laptop into a dm-crypt'ed logical volume. That seemed easy enough. Is there a good method for making a dual-boot installation with both Linux and Windows on fully-encrypted partitions/volumes?

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General :: Making An Installation Without YUM?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm trying to make a huge installation of applications on linux, (Red Hat), but without internet, i mean, i will have to download rpm's one by one and install them, the problem is that i've tried and is terrible, it always shows conflicts within versions, dependencies of dependencies, etc etc...

Is there any kind of tip to get this working? any kind of command that shows me the real dependencies that should be installed (with the right versions, etc) without conflicts? I've tried the following:

rpm -qR package

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Minimal CD To USB To Making It Boot?

Feb 27, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 64bit I can't find netinstall image but find minimal CD. Please advise how can I copy it to USB stick to make it boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making A Master Grub2 Menu?

Apr 29, 2010

I want to install more than on linux distribution on one computer (and the computer has Windows XP, too). How do you make a master grub2 installation that is in its own partition and that has entries that chainload different linux distributions that may have grub2 or grub?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making Bootable Grub 2 CD In Lucid?

May 3, 2010

It seems that the handy grub-mkrescue --overlay=/boot/grub Grub2CD.iso command that works nicely in Karmic is not the right way to create a cd iso in Lucid.

~$ grub-mkrescue --overlay=/boot/grub Grub2CD.iso
Unrecognized option `--overlay=/boot/grub'
Usage: /usr/bin/grub-mkrescue [OPTION] SOURCE...


/usr/bin/grub-mkrescue generates a bootable rescue image with specified source files or directories.

Report bugs to <bug-grub@gnu.org>.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making Nomodeset Permanent One Has To Reinstall?

Jan 25, 2011

Is there any way of making nomodeset permanent one has to reinstall? I know at least 1 distro has an etc/sysconfing/kernel file you can edit to make the value NO_KMS_IN_INITRD=yes

then mkinitrd makes nomodeset permanent Otherwise its a real bind to have to keep burrowing into the grub2 menu each time to make sure it loads.. :>(

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making USB Drives Bootable Once Downloaded The .iso File

Jun 6, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.04 currently. But for some reason cant seem to find what im looking for about making USB drives bootable once ive downloaded the .iso file i want. USB-creator-gtk seems to only work with the ubuntu family. ImageWriter only works with .img files? I want to play around with other linux distros from .iso. I tried makebootfat and got some errors. ill post them later if you guys think makebootfat is the way to go but i think im making it to too hard on myself.

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Is Making Long Black Screen Or How To Reduce Time

Jun 11, 2010

I keep hearing about how Ubuntu is supposed to be so much faster than Windows 7, but have yet to see any major difference in their boot times. I am dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 on an intel Centrino 2 processor with 4Gb of ram and both OS's take about the same time to boot. After I get to the bootmanager to select OS, if I click on Windows 7 it almost immediately goes to the GUI load screen with the windows logo. On the other hand, if I boot into Ubuntu I get a black screen for ~30 seconds before the Ubuntu logo even appears. Comparing GUI boot times, Ubuntu is clearly the winner, but they take the same time total.

Does anyone know what is making the long black screen or how to reduce the time? I would really like to show people how fast Ubuntu really boots.Immediatly before Ubuntu Gui starts, an message shows up for a second saying something like "Unknown adaptor version (2): You may experience some problems", it flies past so quickly that may not be verbatim.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 Installer Fails When Making A Partition?

Jun 12, 2009

When using the manual partitioner on the fedora 11 installer on the live cd, both for 64 bit and 32 bit, it will not allow me to create a new partition. I understand that I have four primary partitions and it cannot have more than that, so I tried deleting one of the partitions, then creating the new ext4 partition for F11. It still fails and gives me the same bugsee attachment)

how to read this, especially since there is so much there. I see at the top it says that there are 4 primary partitions, could it possibly still be seeing 4 primary partitions when trying to create the new one, even though I am deleting one of them? Other than this, I truly have no idea what else I can do.

EDIT: Attachment wont load up for some reason, here is some of the error file:
anaconda exception report
Traceback (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/parted/disk.py", line 183, in addPartition


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General :: Making A Data Partition And Installation Of Buntu 10.10

Nov 28, 2010

I wanted to migrate from ubuntu karmic to the latest ubuntu 10.10, but i already have a lots of data on my hard disk in home directory. i was thinking if it is possible to transfer all the data to one directory and make a separate partition of it , so tht when i install a fresh copy of ubuntu 10.10 on my system i need not format this new partition ,which contains al my data.is it possible tht this new partition will automatically get mounted on the new system without the need to execute commands from terminal every time i start my system. if there is any other alternative way for solving this problem i would follow tht too.the reason for my migration is that karmic is really troubling me a lot and so many applications including my sound device have failed to work and i am not able to rectify them..

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Ubuntu :: Way To Set Time Zone

Nov 11, 2010

I want to change my time zone (not time, but the time zone). Just as an experiment.

I am GMT.

I go to /etc/timezone and enter US/Eastern.

I know that Gmail uses JavaScript to check the computers time zone (not the time). Therefore if I sent an e-mail from Gmail to myself at Gmail it should show the new time.

But it does not. It shows my GMT. Obviously Eastern time is behind GMT.

(The same happens if I just change the time using date -u). Gmail shows the GMT rather than the time a certain number of hours behind the GMT.

How can I set the time zone on my computer so that webmail like Gmail recognises the new time zone?

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Debian Configuration :: Making A LiveCD To Resemble An Exact HDD Installation?

Nov 13, 2010

I've been trying to make a live CD off an installation with minimalist deviation possible. Purpose is to check the hardware compatibility using the live CD, after which I'll copy the installation to the hard drive (which will probably be a squashed image) and do the necessary edits to make the system bootable. Since the rootfs will be copied over (not dd, but direct cp --preserve=all), the difference from the actual install should be minimal.

If there are any caveats using this procedure, do notify.

I've been succeeded in doing this using Gentoo but it appears the Gentoo kernel uses Gentoo specific kernel parameters which makes things very simple, but I gotta do this with the generic Debian kernel.

If it can be done easily using a script I would also like to know exactly how it's done so I can reproduce it by hand even to make an ro rootfs and possibly reproducing the same with other distros.

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