General :: Making An Installation Without YUM?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm trying to make a huge installation of applications on linux, (Red Hat), but without internet, i mean, i will have to download rpm's one by one and install them, the problem is that i've tried and is terrible, it always shows conflicts within versions, dependencies of dependencies, etc etc...

Is there any kind of tip to get this working? any kind of command that shows me the real dependencies that should be installed (with the right versions, etc) without conflicts? I've tried the following:

rpm -qR package

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General :: Making A Data Partition And Installation Of Buntu 10.10

Nov 28, 2010

I wanted to migrate from ubuntu karmic to the latest ubuntu 10.10, but i already have a lots of data on my hard disk in home directory. i was thinking if it is possible to transfer all the data to one directory and make a separate partition of it , so tht when i install a fresh copy of ubuntu 10.10 on my system i need not format this new partition ,which contains al my it possible tht this new partition will automatically get mounted on the new system without the need to execute commands from terminal every time i start my system. if there is any other alternative way for solving this problem i would follow tht too.the reason for my migration is that karmic is really troubling me a lot and so many applications including my sound device have failed to work and i am not able to rectify them..

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Ubuntu :: Making Live USB From An Installation?

Apr 16, 2010

Is there a way to make a live USB from an installation of UBUNTU

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General :: Vmware Server 2.0.2 Installation On 12 - Making Sure Services For VMware Server Are Stopped

May 19, 2010

I have installed fc12 on my core2due machine, and I have installed the vmware server on it, its rpm is installed successfully with out any error, after that a message is displayed

The installation of VMware Server 2.0.2 for Linux completed successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any time by invoking the following command: "rpm -e VMware-server".

Before running VMware Server for the first time, you need to configure it for your running kernel by invoking the following command: "/usr/bin/".

I tried this command and find the this message

[Akram@localhost Downloads]$ su -c "/usr/bin/" Password: Making sure services for VMware Server are stopped.

None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Server is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] yes

Using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override.

Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "4.4.2", while you are trying to use "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.4.3". This configuration is not recommended and VMware Server may crash if you'll continue. Please try to use exactly same compiler as one used for building your kernel. Do you want to go with compiler
"/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.4.3" anyway? [no] yes

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?[/usr/src/linux/include]

Now it asks me in last lines that "What is the location of Directory of C header files that match your running kernal?"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making Or Installing A FTP Server?

Mar 24, 2010

i need to make a FTP server, i tried using the forums but well.... it was no good, i tried with svftpd but i still lack of knowledge and everything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making The Bootable Disk?

Apr 7, 2010

Do you know if you can burn (or mount - whatever) Ubuntu on a CD from Ubuntu, or must you do it with Windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making A Fedora Live USB?

Jun 15, 2010

I have tried using the startup disk creater but it doesn't want to use the Fedora ISO.How would I go about this in terminal?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making A Mirror Laptop?

Apr 13, 2011

I dont want to go by synaptic application one by one for update the whole thing!

Surely there should be a easier way!

I was thinking there must be a command which would list all the package installed on my old PC

and then take that list to synaptic some how to look for the newest package on the repository and install it!

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Ubuntu :: Making LiveCD Of Remastered 9.04 Installation?

Feb 4, 2010

After weeks of hard work I have re-branded an ubuntu 9.04 installation. Like the logos, splash screen, theme, wallpaper and have even changed some of the menus. Now I want to make an installation CD out of this, so that I can distribute it to my friends, in that brand name. I'm aware of some apps out there like remastersys, reconstructor, uck etc... but I read that some of them don't keep your theme, while others change the login screen or wallpaper. I want my live cd and installation to look exactly like the installation I have in my system.

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Ubuntu :: Making A Dual-boot Installation?

Sep 22, 2010

Basically, I just installed Ubuntu 10 on a laptop into a dm-crypt'ed logical volume. That seemed easy enough. Is there a good method for making a dual-boot installation with both Linux and Windows on fully-encrypted partitions/volumes?

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Fedora Installation :: 11 Installer Fails When Making A Partition?

Jun 12, 2009

When using the manual partitioner on the fedora 11 installer on the live cd, both for 64 bit and 32 bit, it will not allow me to create a new partition. I understand that I have four primary partitions and it cannot have more than that, so I tried deleting one of the partitions, then creating the new ext4 partition for F11. It still fails and gives me the same bugsee attachment)

how to read this, especially since there is so much there. I see at the top it says that there are 4 primary partitions, could it possibly still be seeing 4 primary partitions when trying to create the new one, even though I am deleting one of them? Other than this, I truly have no idea what else I can do.

EDIT: Attachment wont load up for some reason, here is some of the error file:
anaconda exception report
Traceback (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/parted/", line 183, in addPartition


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Ubuntu Installation :: .iso From Indian Zone And Making CD With Windows XP?

Jan 25, 2010

[URL] When I download the .iso from [URL] and used Kana CheckSum from [URL]i saw the following md5 value 143609CA5B6BB4E5D7341117FE46D0E1 but according to this page [URL]
the value should be 8790491bfa9d00f283ed9dd2d77b3906 for ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso I really don't understand why there is lot of difference in the .iso file. My instruction for those who are trying hard..

1)download the .torrent version but not the direct download if you are at indian zone

2)use Kana CheckSum from to check the md5 checksum

3)Tick the "verify after write" when you burn the CD through nuro burn in windows xp

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Minimal CD To USB To Making It Boot?

Feb 27, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 64bit I can't find netinstall image but find minimal CD. Please advise how can I copy it to USB stick to make it boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making A Master Grub2 Menu?

Apr 29, 2010

I want to install more than on linux distribution on one computer (and the computer has Windows XP, too). How do you make a master grub2 installation that is in its own partition and that has entries that chainload different linux distributions that may have grub2 or grub?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making Bootable Grub 2 CD In Lucid?

May 3, 2010

It seems that the handy grub-mkrescue --overlay=/boot/grub Grub2CD.iso command that works nicely in Karmic is not the right way to create a cd iso in Lucid.

~$ grub-mkrescue --overlay=/boot/grub Grub2CD.iso
Unrecognized option `--overlay=/boot/grub'
Usage: /usr/bin/grub-mkrescue [OPTION] SOURCE...


/usr/bin/grub-mkrescue generates a bootable rescue image with specified source files or directories.

Report bugs to <>.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making Nomodeset Permanent One Has To Reinstall?

Jan 25, 2011

Is there any way of making nomodeset permanent one has to reinstall? I know at least 1 distro has an etc/sysconfing/kernel file you can edit to make the value NO_KMS_IN_INITRD=yes

then mkinitrd makes nomodeset permanent Otherwise its a real bind to have to keep burrowing into the grub2 menu each time to make sure it loads.. :>(

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Debian Configuration :: Making A LiveCD To Resemble An Exact HDD Installation?

Nov 13, 2010

I've been trying to make a live CD off an installation with minimalist deviation possible. Purpose is to check the hardware compatibility using the live CD, after which I'll copy the installation to the hard drive (which will probably be a squashed image) and do the necessary edits to make the system bootable. Since the rootfs will be copied over (not dd, but direct cp --preserve=all), the difference from the actual install should be minimal.

If there are any caveats using this procedure, do notify.

I've been succeeded in doing this using Gentoo but it appears the Gentoo kernel uses Gentoo specific kernel parameters which makes things very simple, but I gotta do this with the generic Debian kernel.

If it can be done easily using a script I would also like to know exactly how it's done so I can reproduce it by hand even to make an ro rootfs and possibly reproducing the same with other distros.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Making USB Drives Bootable Once Downloaded The .iso File

Jun 6, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.04 currently. But for some reason cant seem to find what im looking for about making USB drives bootable once ive downloaded the .iso file i want. USB-creator-gtk seems to only work with the ubuntu family. ImageWriter only works with .img files? I want to play around with other linux distros from .iso. I tried makebootfat and got some errors. ill post them later if you guys think makebootfat is the way to go but i think im making it to too hard on myself.

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General :: Making RPM Replace Another One

Jul 12, 2011

I want to make an rpm which when installed as an update causes another rpm to be removed. I'm fairly sure this is possible because I have seen LibreOffice rpms install as updates replacing OpenOffice rpms in the process without any interaction being required. However I'm unable to figure out how to do it, even after having looked at the spec file for such a LibreOffice rpm.

I have package gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg installed. I have another package called multimedia installed. I've built a new version of multimedia which includes the gstreamer ffmpeg plugin so I don't need the gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg package installed any more. I've tried using Provides and Obsolete in the spec file of the new multimedia package. E.g.

Provides: gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg
Obsoletes: gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg <= 0.10.10
(I've tried it with and without version numbers.) Whatever I put in the spec file, when I try and install the new multimedia package as an update zypper says

$ zypper up -y multimedia
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: multimedia-1.1-1.i586 obsoletes gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg <= 0.10.10 provided by gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg-0.10.10-0.i686
Solution 1: replacement of gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg-0.10.10-0.i686 with multimedia-1.1-1.i586
Solution 2: do not ask to install a solvable providing multimedia > 1.0-2
Selecting an option manually is no good, I need the update to happen without user interaction.

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General :: Way Of Making Vim Not To Use Colours?

Nov 9, 2010

Do you know a way of making vim not to use colours?

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Is Making Long Black Screen Or How To Reduce Time

Jun 11, 2010

I keep hearing about how Ubuntu is supposed to be so much faster than Windows 7, but have yet to see any major difference in their boot times. I am dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 on an intel Centrino 2 processor with 4Gb of ram and both OS's take about the same time to boot. After I get to the bootmanager to select OS, if I click on Windows 7 it almost immediately goes to the GUI load screen with the windows logo. On the other hand, if I boot into Ubuntu I get a black screen for ~30 seconds before the Ubuntu logo even appears. Comparing GUI boot times, Ubuntu is clearly the winner, but they take the same time total.

Does anyone know what is making the long black screen or how to reduce the time? I would really like to show people how fast Ubuntu really boots.Immediatly before Ubuntu Gui starts, an message shows up for a second saying something like "Unknown adaptor version (2): You may experience some problems", it flies past so quickly that may not be verbatim.

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General :: Making A Command Run Once Every Hour

May 9, 2010

I have an indexer for sphinx, and i want it to run once every hour in linux. How would i do this?

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General :: Making Bash TAB Completion More Like Cmd.exe?

Dec 15, 2010

I wondered if theres a way to do rotational style completion in bash similar to the behavoir on cmd.exe, I've found it speeds me up in regard to entering commands

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General :: Making OS Match Hardware?

Jun 20, 2010

I have recently installed ubuntu 10.04 on my five year old desktop. Unfortunately, the official linux driver for my ATI X1600 card doesn't seem to support this ubuntu. There's an open source driver running now, but 3D applications run much slower than originally under windows. (which I can't seem to install on my sata raid harddisk anymore)

It's even so slow that I can't use those 3D applications anymore. I came to the conclusion that my computer is just too old for such a modern system as ubuntu 10.04. So I started looking for another version of linux. I tried the Linux Distribution Chooser, it pointed me at OpenSUSE 11.2. But I don't know, this program still looks kind of new. Too new for my computer.

I think that my computer needs an older version of linux, so that all the hardware will work properly. So I'd like to know if there's an older version of ubuntu/linux that still supports my hardware.

My computer was assembled from the following parts:
- DVDI LiteOn 16x/48x IDE bulk
- RAM 512 MB DDR/400 PC3200 ValueSelect
- HDDI 200GB 7200 Maxtor 6B200M0 8MB/SATA
- MB MSI k8T Neo2-F Athlon 64/939/DDR
- CPU AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2.0Ghz/so939 BOX
- X GRA Sapphire R9600XT TV/DVI 256MB L-re

Does anyone know any distributions that fit this hardware? Some older versions of ubuntu perhaps? Something that allows me to install drivers that make 3D applications run a t normal speed? If someone knows about a Distribution Chooser that takes hardware into account, I'd also like to know.

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General :: Swap - Making A New Partition

Mar 20, 2010

My drive is a 160GB and currently having 2 partitions:swap (taking about 2 GB)
linux (taking about 155GB)

Here's the fdisk -l


I'd like to do the following:Increase the swap partition to 5GB Reduce the Linux system partition by 25GB and give this 25GB to a new partition, which I'd like to use for my Data - this should be accessible by both Linux & Windows

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General :: Making SD Card Bootable?

Aug 24, 2010

Earlier today I created a bootable USB stick by executing a script file that came with the distro for that purpose and experienced no problems. Later on, I tried exactly the same thing but using a SD card via a USB adaptor and it didn't work. Is there some difference in geometry between these two media types that could cause this problem?

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General :: Making Several Swap Partitions Into 1

Jan 18, 2010

I have an CentOS 5.4 install with several swap partitions of 2048Mb each (someone suggested to me the OS would run better like this?). But, I have a few other partitions and I'm sick of having so many to check and monitor. Also, having set up another machine with only one swap partition, I am not finding it running any better/faster.How do I go about deleting all the swap partitions and making a new one (to fill the exact same space as ALL of the old ones)?

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General :: Backup /etc And /boot Before Making Changes?

Mar 6, 2011

/etc is where your gnu/linux stores it's configuration. Its function is similar to the Windoze registry. As you install, uninstall, and work with various programs, /etc changes. Sometimes, things change that make your system act unexpectedly.

1) open a console
2) su enter root password
3) # mkdir /var/backup
4) # vim /usr/sbin/prep4change replace "vim" with text editor of your choice
5) cut and paste the following short script


Next time you are about to install, remove, or change something, just issue prep4change as root. If the unthinkable ( but expected ) should happen, and things stop working correctly, you have your /etc and /boot already backed up. Your backup will be located in /var/backup You can also $ tail /var/backup/notes to see why you made what backup Again, this isn't the most elegant, but it's simple, and it works!

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General :: Making USB Disk Bootable On Key?

Jun 22, 2011

How to make a usb disk on key bootable?

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General :: Editing / Making A Keyboard Map?

Mar 13, 2011

I am just entering the Linux world. All these years I wanted to test Linux but did not have the resources to make a new computer. Then I found Puppy Linux by chance. Nearly all the work I do with Windows 7/XP can be done with Puppy Linux. I am running it from a CD. I developed a smartfont for an Indic language called Sinhala, which uses ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1, SBCS) character set.It makes typing Sinhala, one of the more complex of Indic scripts, easy.

Essentially, this is a transliteration of the 'complex' script into Latin character set and then showing it back in the native script by way of the smartfont. See it here: [URL] Of course, you have no clue what it says. If you copy the text and look, you'll understand what is going on. You can type it with the dead-key keyboard. Only problem is that in certain situations, the font makes conjoint letters where you don't want them. You can prevent it by inserting the ZWNJ, Zero-width non-joiner (u200C), but the keyboard does not have it. Is there a way to edit the keyboard layout and make a modified key layout?

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