Ubuntu Installation :: Ext4 Uses 22gb Overhead On New HDD?

Jun 21, 2010

Brand new 1.5tb hard drive was formatted using gparted in ext4. But something is using 22gb of the hard drive right off the bat.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Java: Increase GC Overhead Limit?

Jun 15, 2010

I've run a script which I need to parse a lot of data through to a webapp.

I got this error with my ruby script, running through jruby, firing into an apache webapp:

Java/util/Array.java:#### java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (NativeException)

(Where #### was the line number)

I've looked at:


I think it suggests I do:

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=0
My java version:


java version "1.6.0_18"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

Q1: How do I implement that into the java/util/Arrays.java file?

Q2: Is there a way of temporary making the Java VM/JDK have better handled GC overhead?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Player With Low CPU Overhead

Nov 21, 2010

audio player of the likes of RyhthmBox, but uses way less CPU? I have an older PC which runs a 667MHz CPU, and 256Mb ram. It's got Ubuntu 10.04, but RhythmBox struggles to play. Using the Top command, RhythmBox consumes 50% CPU, PulseAudio consumes 27%, X11 uses 17%, and the rest is made up of other processes. Total usage when RhythmBox plays is 98-100% CPU.

So, you can see that I really need an audio player that would use half that of RhythmBox for this PC to be effective. The PC will only ever be used as an audio playout system. I've tried Exaile, which consumes 60% CPU, and the sound simple refuses to come through. VLC doesn't even seem to want to know about it. It launches, and that's about it.

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Software :: Monitoring Tools Which Can Listen Disks / Overhead / Cache / Memory / CPU Performance

Jul 13, 2011

I'm searching monitoring tools which can listen disks, overhead, cache, memory, cpu performance.Can anybody help me?

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Programming :: Does Declaring Variable Inside A Function Give An Extra Overhead On An Application

May 14, 2011

Does declaring variable inside a function give an extra overhead on an application? Would it be better to declare the variable globally and just reuse it? Example


#include <blah>
char mybuffer[2048];
int main()


The only difference is the declaration of my variable. Since myfunction() will be called many times will it add an additional overhead if it will create mybuffer[2048] over and over?

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Ubuntu :: Make Grub Always And Permenantly Detect Ext4 As Ext4 Not As Ext2?

Apr 23, 2010

I got a problem booting ubuntu 10.4 RC but i solved it by replacing root partirion uuid in grub boot menu then I disapled totally uuid passing to linux from /etc/default/grub . but something else i noticed why grub choosed insmod=ext2 why not ext4 specially I use now ext4 .I tried by editing the grub boot menu replacing "insmod=ext2" by "insmod=ext4" it booted and the three lines error during booting that i used to see them science ubuntu 9.10 totally disappeared . really I dont understand can anybody explane for me.and if what i did was right ,can anybody tell me how to make grub always and permenantly detect ext4 as ext4 not as ext2.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.5 Ext4 Conversion - Ext4 Partition Is Recognized As Ext3?

May 19, 2010

I had 5.4 machine. Upgraded to 5.5 today via yum upgrade. All went fine. Rebooted. Wanted to convert root partition to ext4 (I have three partitions: /boot, / and swap). All of them on software RAID 1 (root is /dev/md2). I did the following for converting

yum install e4fsprogs
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/md2
nano /etc/fstab # I indicated here that my /dev/md2 is of ext4


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Forcing VGA Output "on" After Boot (overhead Projector)?

Jun 23, 2010

Yesterday I was trying to connect the overhead projector to the VGA output of my laptop. The problem was that the device was connected by way of a VGA video splitter, which evidently missed some signal, and made the projector invisible to the laptop: "xrandr -v -q" told me "VGA1 disconnected".

The solution is: boot with

kernel boot parameter, found in the wiki and in intel linux FAQ.

It works, but it is a bit awkward to have to reboot to switch on or off the VGA output. So I suppose there is some user-space trick or utility to do this which I was unable to find.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use Ext4 On SSD?

Aug 13, 2011

I want to install my new pc with Ubuntu. I want to use ext4 on my SSD. Does it work? ext4 on SSD? Are there any Problems?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Formatting From NTFS To EXT4?

Aug 2, 2010

I would like to format my current NTFS drive to EXT4. I've searched and found there are two commands to do this, mkfs or mke2fs.

What are the proper steps to do format an NTFS to EXT4 ?

If you recommend EXT3 over 4,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Format To Ext4

Aug 6, 2010

i recently bought a new pair of rams, after i installed them (removed the old ones) ubuntu started lagging and all my applications started normaly, after half a minute they didn't respond for 2 minutes and then back to normal again. So i decided to delete the ubuntu partition and re-install ubuntu. I begin the installation normaly but it stucks at 5% where the partitioning takes place.

I also tried gparted to create an ext3 and ext4 partitions but i had the same problem on both tries. I believe it is a ram problem, should i go and replace them, or there is a possible solution without replacing them? (Also run the memtest 86+ for 4 hours and there were no errors).


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Ubuntu Installation :: Resize The NTFS And Add To Ext4?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a dual boot system with Ubuntu Lucid and Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit on a 320 GB hard drive. During the last month, I've completely moved from Windows to Ubuntu but I have to keep Windows for a few softwares like ooVoo and Office, especially OneNote. But now 105 GB for windows and 50 GB for Ubuntu doesn't seems right, as I can't copy any more files on my Desktop in Ubuntu, because it's full. I was just wondering if it's possible to resize the NTFS partition and add like 50GB or so to the ext4 partition which is my Linux's root. The NTFS drive is on /dev/sda5 and the ext4 one is on /dev/sda7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ext3 Vs Ext4 When Upgrading To 10.04 From 8.04?

Sep 7, 2010

I am going to do network upgrade of my 8.04 to 10.04 LTS. I have a dual boot with Vista, and currently I can read Ubuntu partition from Vista using Ext2fsd. However, I read that using Ext2fsd with ext4 (default in 10.04) is problematic because of "extents".

My questions: Will the upgrade convert my current ext3 partition into an ext4 one? How can I keep the ext3 partition? The release notes for 10.04 say:

The simplest way to select a different file system such as ext3 at installation time is to add the partman/default_filesystem=ext3 boot parameter when starting the installer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: SSD With EXT4 Will Not Mount On Boot

Nov 24, 2010

When booting I get the following error message:
The disk drive for EXT4 is not ready yet or not present.
Continue to wait; or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery.

The drive in question is SSD2, which I wanted to mount as an extended disk (non OS). This is what I did:
Disk /dev/sdb: 64.0 GB, 64023257088 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7783 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00029baa

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 1 7783 62516916 85 Linux extended
/dev/sdb1: LABEL="SSD2" UUID="#######" TYPE="ext4"
UUID=####### ext4 /media/mountSSD2 defaults 0 2

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Ubuntu Installation :: Possible To Install Live USB To Ext4 Partition

Jan 14, 2010

I was wondering if it's somehow possible to install the Live USB to an ext4 partition, this because I have a 4gb filesize limit on fat32 and that means I cannot make the casper-rw any larger. And next to that I can decently manage permissions on that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Avoid Ext4 By Default When Installing?

Jan 29, 2010

This is the related question in Launchpad:and it may affect to debian-installer configuration (?)How can I do to avoid that in the alternate installation partitioner doesn't appear "ext4" filesystem as the default selection in any step?This could make able to install to an encrypted independent volume, for example, without crashing partman-ext3:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Can't Install To Existing Ext4?

May 29, 2010

I haven't used linux for a long time, after this break i wanted to install ubuntu and give it a shot but altough that i have a 10gb free space and another seperate 2gb free space for a possible linux setup, installer can't seem to recognize them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why Does Ext4 Make So Large A Swap

Aug 31, 2010

Just wanted to see if any one had this experience? I just did a fresh install of the recent LTS and saw it made a whopping 8 1/2 gig swap on a new pc I have 3 gigs of ram in? Im a try to resize as I have already done my customizing to it.

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Ubuntu :: Installation - Partitioning - Change The Filesystems To Ext4?

Feb 8, 2011

I have 3 partitions, all NTFS filesystems, I want to keep them, but change the filesystems on all 3 of them to Ext4. So if i choose "Erase and use all" will I be able to partition later? I'm thinking more about doing like this, but I'm not sure : First partition as my main, system partition, is this correct?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ext3-ext4 Upgrade Massive Failure?

Mar 21, 2010

The laptop I regularly use is out of use after having tried to upgrade from ext3 to ext4, following the instructions that can be found at namely, Step 2: Upgrading to Ext4Well, the first step was done without problems, but when I reached "Mount your filesystem", the problems started:When typingsudo mount -t ext4 /dev/XXXX /mntwhat appears is:UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLYStupid me, I did nothin but jump to the next step:gksu gedit /mnt/etc/fstabWhere I only got a fully white screen with no written text at all, instead of the menu that should have appeared, as can be seen on that webpage.

However, after running Gparted again, it showed the extension as EXT4, not EXT3, so I thought the system had automatically upgraded. Then I proceeded to boot the system, and this is where the massive failure appearedAfter seeing the Ubuntu logo for a while, the system directs me to a blank screen with the message:Mount of filesystem failed.dc5123-ec01-4438-8bd6-cb85bb080f87A maintenance shell will now be started.CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and re-try.root@hihihi-laptop:#So I type CTRL-D:

mountall start/startingfsck from until-linux-ng 2.16
/dev/sda1: One or more block group descriptor checksums are invalid. FIXED
/dev/sda1: Group descriptor 0 checksum is invalid


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot System After Migration From Ext4 Down To Ext3

Mar 22, 2010

I have been able to get most of the way through the process of changing from using ext4 back to using ext3, but something is not quite right so my system does not boot properly.

I have a system that was running Karmic Koala 9.10 as a server (no graphical environment). I had two drives using RAID1 with LVM on top, where the logical volumes of oldvg (old volume group) were using mostly ext4. /boot was not part of the RAID: it's on a separate physical drive and uses ext2.

I recently added two more drives and used RAID1 and LVM, and made all lv partitions (/, /usr, /var, /tmp, /opt, /home, /srv) ext3. I used rsync to duplicate the contents onto the logical volumes of newvg (new volume group). I was careful with rsync's option switches, and this part seems to be fine.

I also edited (the new) /etc/fstab and changed the UUIDs of the seven mount points to point to the logical volumes that are part of newvg instead of oldvg, and added new entries to (the new) /boot/grub/menu.lst to refer to newvg in addition to those that I left around to refer to oldvg.

This wasn't sufficient: rebooting here failed, but I went in with a rescue disk, and first updated /boot/grub/device.map to include the new physical drives. I then mounted all the new logical volumes, mounted boot also at its proper place, and entered a chroot of the new system as it should be mounted. Once there, (and after making a backup of /boot) I ran "update-initramfs -k all -c" to rebuild the initrd images that were stored on /boot. Finally, I also edited /etc/mtab so that the two entries that referred to oldvg now refer to newvg instead.

Now, the machine begins to boot from newvg, but the console text includes messages like:

And a bit later,

Now, at this shell if I type mount, I see:

I am actually confused as to why there are only entries for /root and /var in /etc/mtab, actually, instead of entries for all of the main mount points. I am thinking it must be part of the boot staging process, because there are entries for newvg-usr, newvg-tmp, etc. in /etc/fstab.

When I type any of pvdisplay, vgdisplay, or lvdisplay, I get

In fact, even if I run lvm, I get a similar error:

However, if I go back to the rescue cd, pvdisplay, vgdisplay, and lvdisplay do show that all of the partitions from both the old and new volume groups are available.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'How To Boot From USB Flash Drive / Formatted Ext4'

Apr 29, 2010

how to boot Ubuntu from USB flash drive that is formatted ext4?That is, making a portable ubuntu. But not merely a LiveUSB created using the 'Universal USB Installer' or 'UNetbootin' because the LiveUSBs created using these applications are formatted in FAT32 and uses a persistent partition just to save the changes and files.If I have your attention, what we want to achieve is a portable and bootable Ubuntu in a flash drive that is formatted in ext4.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot From Removable Ext4 Drive

Oct 12, 2010

I recently downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 and installed it onto a 250gb removable disk using a 240gb ext4 partition and a 10gb swap space.

I am using a Sony VAIO (VPCF115FM) and it would appear that my BIOS is very limited as to bootup options. I can only choose internal HDD/external device/network/CD Drive. I cannot check whether or not my BIOS is able to recognize the external ext4 (but from experiences so far it would seem that it cannot)

After much tinkering i got my internal windows 7 to recognize the drive as ext3 (Used ext2 volume manager to add a registry entry for the drive). However, I need to unplug and replug in the drive for it to be recognized, if i leave it plugged in from booting it shows up as unrecognized.

Summary: I would like to be able to boot up Ubuntu off this external drive, but as of now it would appear that my BIOS is unable to recognize the drive. Windows can recognize it as ext3, and I can access contents of the ubuntu partition from windows.

how I could get this working that would be fantastic, i've tried formatting the drive to other filesystems (ext3,ext2,XFS) but none of them would work either, so any information would be sweet

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Debian Installation :: Installing 6.x Into VirtualBox 4 With Ext4?

May 30, 2011

I'm not sure if this is a Debian question or a VirtualBox question, so I'm posing here and will likely pose it on the VBox forums as well.When I install Debian into a new VirtualBox VM, it always installs Ext3 as the file system. I've tried the Advanced installer, but there does not seem to be a way to specify Ext4 as the file system.My questions are:- Is Ext3 the default for Debian 6?- Can I specify Ext4 as the file system at install? Should I even care? I know Ext4 is faster, but would that performance boost be meaningful for a laptop/cloud user?I know I can convert from an Ext3 to Ext4, but that's clearly a lot more work than just installing it during initial setup.VirtualBox does support Ext4, as I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 with Ext4 and it boots and operates fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Re-install To Remove LV And Use Ext4 Only?

Jul 2, 2010

Thinking of a re-install to remove LV and use Ext4 only. [Root is too large] Can I back up Home from the LV and move it to an external drive. If so will I be able to reinstall and Custom partition so I can use Ext4 and then copy the Home files back to my new Home partition. I have only a small knowledge of LV systems so just want to be carefull.

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Fedora Installation :: Clone System To SSD LVM To Ext4?

Feb 9, 2011

I am currently running x86_64 F14. I am replacing the HDD(s) with one SSD and one HDD. What I want to do is a fresh install but pull all of the packages over from current install. I am planning on backing up /home and all of that so I can just rsync it. One of the issues though is that I currently use LVM. LVM does not support TRIM yet for the SSD. So I was just going to use ext4 and an extended partition for all of my filesystems. Can I just make a kickstart file that will have all of my current installed packages in it and pass that to the install? Seems like I remember that from my RHCE class. Sadly I don't use kickstart enough to remember.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install System Backup Made By Remastersys In EXT4

Feb 2, 2010

I have a question about ext4,remastersys backup : I have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 via the upgrade button in synaptics, so it means that the files system was not touched, which means that my system is still ext3 as it was when I installed the 9.04. I can make a backup of my system as it is configured right now (that's how i like it) using remastersys.

Can I install my system backup into my machine after formating it into ext4 or when I create a backup using remastersys it must stay in the files system as it was when it was backed up? The issue is that right now the 9.10 responds from some reason a little bit slower than my 9.04 responded (to everything e.g. open/close windows etc...) and I read in the forum that ext4 makes 9.10 run faster.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Install Freezes While Creating Ext4 File System?

Nov 1, 2010

I have tried 4 times now to install but it keeps freezing. I wiped my hdd with a tool from UBCD and im starting fresh with a full install of Ubuntu 10.10.I'm installing from a LiveCD. Should I format the hdd in some way before install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Ext4 File System Creation In Partition Failed?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a Dell Mini 9 netbook. The SSD took a dump, so I ordered a Super Talent 16gb replacement. I put it in yesterday, tried to install 10.10 and constantly get errors. The first error, which I haven't had since, was [ERROR 30] Read-only File System. The install obviously failed. Wondering if perhaps the file got messed up in translation, I redownloaded 10.10, reformatted the flash drive (sandisk cruizer 4gb), put 10.10 back on via the program on the Ubuntu site. No luck, but no longer the [error 30]. Tried again using Unetbootin, no luck. Rinse repeat a few times, no errors just a working cursor spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and.. you get it.

Tried to put WinXP on it just because I was that frustrated, no luck.

Now I'm back to Ubuntu (because let's face it, who wants to deal with Windows, christ they make it so complicated). I'm currently using 10.04 because I was hoping (praying) it might just be a 10.10 thing.

No such luck, now it goes to step 7/7, starts, and 5% of the way thry "creating ext4 file system" it says "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed." I have checked the SSD in the Disk Utility, SMART tests are clean. I have gone to terminal and run fdisk and had a smarter person than me look at the copypasta, no errors, I have deleted all existing partitions in gparted and started fresh. I have tried the auto partitioning, I have tried manual, I am going insane. Literally insane. My preschooler thinks I've leaped off the deep end.

Could it be my flash drive? Could the SSD be defective despite the tests coming back clean? What do I need to type into terminal? Is there a way to entirely entirely entirely wipe the SSD to make it fresh-out-the-box clean? I will happily provide whatever you need if it means I can get my husband off my back about this stupid netbook with its stupid tiny keyboard.

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Debian Installation :: Stuck In Initramfs After Ext3>ext4?

Aug 14, 2010

I have Debian Squeeze with linux-2.6.32-5-amd64Ok, so what I did is first changed fstab ext3 to ext4, rebooted, everything looked good. Then I enabled extents and other ext4 features on my root and home partitions using commands

tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/sda3
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/sda4
then I ran e2fsck -fDC0 /dev/sda3


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