Ubuntu Multimedia :: Forcing VGA Output "on" After Boot (overhead Projector)?

Jun 23, 2010

Yesterday I was trying to connect the overhead projector to the VGA output of my laptop. The problem was that the device was connected by way of a VGA video splitter, which evidently missed some signal, and made the projector invisible to the laptop: "xrandr -v -q" told me "VGA1 disconnected".

The solution is: boot with

kernel boot parameter, found in the wiki and in intel linux FAQ.

It works, but it is a bit awkward to have to reboot to switch on or off the VGA output. So I suppose there is some user-space trick or utility to do this which I was unable to find.

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Ubuntu :: Forcing Monophonic Audio Output?

Jul 24, 2010

My audio setup is based on a single guitar amplifier, and from this I suffer from only being able to listen to one of the two stereo channels. Since I honestly don't care for stereo, I'd rather force Ubuntu to output all audio as mono instead of "upgrading" to a stereo compatible setup.Is there a way to do this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Player With Low CPU Overhead

Nov 21, 2010

audio player of the likes of RyhthmBox, but uses way less CPU? I have an older PC which runs a 667MHz CPU, and 256Mb ram. It's got Ubuntu 10.04, but RhythmBox struggles to play. Using the Top command, RhythmBox consumes 50% CPU, PulseAudio consumes 27%, X11 uses 17%, and the rest is made up of other processes. Total usage when RhythmBox plays is 98-100% CPU.

So, you can see that I really need an audio player that would use half that of RhythmBox for this PC to be effective. The PC will only ever be used as an audio playout system. I've tried Exaile, which consumes 60% CPU, and the sound simple refuses to come through. VLC doesn't even seem to want to know about it. It launches, and that's about it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: TV Showing Us As Projector - Remove Overscan?

Jul 25, 2010

There's several threads dealing with overscan, but I've got an interesting twist in my setup that (I believe) is putting a kink into the proposed solutions. I'm trying to set up a media center PC with Ubuntu 10.~. The motherboard has built-in ATI graphics (3300 series), and connects to my television (Panasonic capable of 1080i) via HDMI. As can be expected, the overscan makes the top and bottom bars nearly invisible (as well as a portion of the sides).

When I run the Catalyst Control Center, it informs me that the monitor is a projector, not a TV. Try as I might, I can't convince the thing it's attached to a TV. When I run "aticonfig --tv-info", I am informed that a TV is not connected.

One question I could ask, though: does it matter? The reason I'm asking is that I can't find the "Configuration" menu option in the CCC that all the other threads talk about. I know where the little black triangle menu is, but there's no "Configuration" item in it. There's also (as best as I can tell) no way of adjusting overscan for a digital projector.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Blurry Projector Image With Intel GMA

Oct 11, 2010

Here are the details:
Acer Aspire 5315-2681 notebook
Intel GMA 965 adapter
Ubuntu 10.04.1 (Lucid)
Not sure what resolution the desktop is, but should be 1280x800
Fn+F5 does nothing (2nd display notebook hotkey)
ANDsome sort of SHARP projector
Projector resolution should be 800x600

This is the info from lspic:

VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

(There is a sticker on the computer that says Mobile Intel GMA X3100, however.)

When I booted up the computer with the projector attached my bootloader appeared on the wall but not on the LCD. When I logged in my desktop appeared properly on my computer and is duplicated on the wall. However the wall image is very blurry. Part of the lower image is cut off and the right side is too short and there is a green band on the right edge a half dozen pixels wide.

When I booted (dual boot) into windows XP I got the same thing. Then I installed the proper drivers for the graphics adapter (they had not been installed because I hadn't used XP for anything but updating the BIOS) and the image lined up neatly and fit properly, and I could set the display to extend my desktop (instead of duplicate) it on the projector image. (This is what I would like to do under Ubuntu).

I'm concerned that my VGA controller doesn't have the right drivers or is set up incorrectly, but since I'm new to Linux I have no idea how to fix it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen Offset After Using Projector And Gtkwhiteboard?

Jan 30, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10Asus UL30Agraphic chipset Intel GMA 4500 MHDNative LVDS1 display resolution is 1366x768, but my laptop now boots at 800x600. Using xrandr to set resolution at 1366x768, I get the right dot pitch but the screen is still 800x600 px wide, left-top aligned on a 1366x768 display, so that I see a 168px black belt on bottom and a 566 black belt on the right. A vertical screen offset of 168 px affects also the pointer (touchpad) in the following way - I can move and see the pointer arrow all the display wide including the black region, but input (click) is taken for a position 168 px above the pointer visible position.

This is happening after having used the laptop with an external projector and gtkwhiteboard (wiimote based infrared pointer management). I then removed gtkwhiteboard to no effect.Everything works fine when booting in failsafeX, recovery mode. Here is output of uname -a

Linux bidolino 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:44 UTC 2011
x86_64 GNU/Linux


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Debian Multimedia :: Clone Desktop On Projector In KDE

Oct 15, 2015

I need to clone my laptop's desktop in a vga projector. I'm using debian 8 kde spin. If I simply connect it, the projector become the extension of my desktop (like dual monitor). Of I go on monitor setup in kde settings, I can just enable or disable One of 2, or setup the main, but there si no option to clone from the laptop to the projector.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Forcing The Exec Bit For Read Only?

Apr 28, 2011

trying to run stuff from CD or DVD ROMS >without< copying to my cluttered hard drive, and came to a thought that I'd like evaluated: Would it work to perhaps use sed during the cd-rom auto-mount or some other point to enable the executable bit for *.exe and other 'executables' to somehow override the read only factor? I'm not too familiar with sed except that i know it can insert/replace new patterns of data for defined patterns of existing data.. so would something like this work? Could it be implemented as permanent function of Ubuntu to 'checkbox' cd/dvd mounts to insert the exec' bit on all, known, or choice files as a sort of 'virtual' permissions that can be placed on RO mounts?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Forcing Windows 7 Boot In Wubi Install (9.10)?

Apr 14, 2010

I recently did a Wubi install of 9.10 on my netbook that initially ran Windows 7 Starter. I wanted to speed up the booting process so I went into Windows and set the OS selection list waiting time to be 0 and the default OS to be ubuntu. I did this assuming that there is a way to force OS selection list to be brought up during boot; I think I was wrong.So now, I'm stuck booting directly into 9.10 (not even a full install!). Is there a way to either modify the Windows boot file to reset the selection list timer or to force the list to be brought back out?

EDIT: I should note that editing the grub files within the wubi install would only make changes to the GRUB loader, which has no effect on the actual Windows loader.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.04 (Dual Boot) - Low Output Volume

Apr 8, 2010

I have a dual boot system with XP and Ubuntu 9.04. When I boot into XP the volume is fine, but when I boot into Ubuntu the output volume is half what it is in XP. I have to crank my stereo way up to get it to a decent volume. Is there any way to boost the output volume in Ubuntu?

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Debian Multimedia :: Forcing 1920x1080 Resolution Via Catalyst Control Center?

Jun 7, 2011

I've been working on this off and on for the last couple of days and I can't seem to get this working. I'm using the latest Catalyst Control Center (11.5) and I've also got xorg.conf set up for this resolution. If I switch the driver in xorg.conf to radeon from fglrx, I can get my 1920x1080 resolution (only on GNOME;the login screen and Fluxbox have a black bar on the left that cuts off about a quarter of the screen). When using fglrx and Catalyst Control Center, I can only get a maximum resolution of 1600x1200.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Manual Layout"
Screen "Screen-0" 0 0


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: When Click On Perference Then Sounds And Go To The Output Selection It Has Only Dummy Output As A Option?

Apr 29, 2010

I cant seem to get the sound working and when I click on perference then sounds and go to the output selection it has only dummy output as a option.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: KMplayer - No Video Output But Can Get Only The Audio Output

Mar 7, 2010

I installed KMplayer but I cant play video files...No video output but can get only the audio output...So how to make this work for videos?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Output - Get HDMI Audio Output To My TV

Jan 25, 2011

Running 10.10 and win 7 on my HP dv6-2150us laptop and I'm having a few issues.

First how do I get HDMI audio output to my TV? I think I have just a integrated Intel graphics card. It works fine in windows but I can't seem to get it to work in Ubuntu. I tried searching but couldn't find anything pertaining to this issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ext4 Uses 22gb Overhead On New HDD?

Jun 21, 2010

Brand new 1.5tb hard drive was formatted using gparted in ext4. But something is using 22gb of the hard drive right off the bat.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Select MP3 As An Output Output Option?

Jan 6, 2011

I am sure that this is very simple but I have installed sound juicer and the gstreamer plug ins. The problem is i still cannot select MP3 as an output output option

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Ubuntu Installation :: Java: Increase GC Overhead Limit?

Jun 15, 2010

I've run a script which I need to parse a lot of data through to a webapp.

I got this error with my ruby script, running through jruby, firing into an apache webapp:

Java/util/Array.java:#### java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded (NativeException)

(Where #### was the line number)

I've looked at:


I think it suggests I do:

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=0
My java version:


java version "1.6.0_18"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

Q1: How do I implement that into the java/util/Arrays.java file?

Q2: Is there a way of temporary making the Java VM/JDK have better handled GC overhead?

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Software :: Monitoring Tools Which Can Listen Disks / Overhead / Cache / Memory / CPU Performance

Jul 13, 2011

I'm searching monitoring tools which can listen disks, overhead, cache, memory, cpu performance.Can anybody help me?

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Programming :: Does Declaring Variable Inside A Function Give An Extra Overhead On An Application

May 14, 2011

Does declaring variable inside a function give an extra overhead on an application? Would it be better to declare the variable globally and just reuse it? Example


#include <blah>
char mybuffer[2048];
int main()


The only difference is the declaration of my variable. Since myfunction() will be called many times will it add an additional overhead if it will create mybuffer[2048] over and over?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enable Compiz Effects After Using A Projector

Apr 7, 2010

A friend whom I turned on to Ubuntu with 9.10 recently connected a projector to watch a movie off her laptop. When it was connected, the laptop screen changed and it was clear that desktop effects through compiz were disabled. Thing is, since disconnecting the projector, I cannot get the effects back.If I go into Preferences - Appearance and click to enable Normal or Extra Visual Effects, the same thing happens. I.e. I get a popup saying Searching for hardware driver...and after about 20 seconds, the screen flashes a bit, and says

Desktop effects could not be enabled. Not sure why it's searching for a hardware driver. The computer doesn't require any 3rd party hardware drivers to be enabled - it doesn't have an nVidia card or anything like that.If it makes a difference, she yanked the VGA cord out without setting the display mode back to just her laptop with the FN and F key combo.I've tried:

-Reinstalling compiz

-Tinkering with options under Preferences - Display

-Ensuring that nothing is available under Preferences - Hardware Drivers

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Ubuntu :: Communicate To A Sanyo Projector Using PySerial?

Jan 13, 2011

I am trying to communicate to a Sanyo projector using pySerial and am having issues. I have verified that my baudrate and parity are all set correctly. Here is my code (using COM13):

import serial
ser = serial.Serial(12)
ser.baudrate = 19200


I have also tried variations using "CR0", "CR0", "CR0x0D" and nothing seems to change it. I'm using another application to ensure that I can speak to the Sanyo projector, and I get a correct response.CR0 is a status read of the hardware that should return something like "80" which would mean "STANDBY"However, the responses that I keep getting are things like 3,4, or 5 which seem to be errors, given that they are returned apparently based solely on the length of the String I send, not based on the actual command.

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Debian Configuration :: Projector Not Detecting When Connected?

Nov 5, 2010

When I connect my laptop to projector, its not detecting. But when I log-off and then log-in it automatically detects the display. I tried function key, but its not working. I am using Debian Lenny also. Also several others with different version of ubuntu running on different laptops reports the same problem. I tried searching net, but couldnt find a good answer.It would be helpful if some one explains what exctly is happening and an easy work around for this problem.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Connect Loptop To Projector?

May 28, 2011

i need to connect my loptop Vaio F116FG to projector with VGA cable.now when i connect them in suse,projector doesnt show loptop image,and loptop doesnt know projector.(in windows 7 its work fine)

My Graphic card is Nvidia G330M,and its driver is installed

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General :: Fedora 13 Freezes After Plugging The Projector?

Aug 25, 2010

My display on fedora 13 freezes, key board stops working, when I connect projector to my laptop. I see the display settings mentions "DVI monitor, resolution 1280X800 refresh rate 60.0". Do I need to set the resolution to some other number before plugging the projector on and do I need to change it back to the default resolution after unplugging projector

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ffmpeg / Mtv Format - Error "Unable To Find A Suitable Output Format For Output.mtv"

Jan 22, 2011

I'm still trying to find out if my coby mp3 player will actually play mtv video files as is advertised.

ffmpeg -formats does list mtv but the only command I really ever used was one to convert a vid to an mp3 so I tried Code: ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -acodec copy output.mtv it returns Code: Unable to find a suitable output format for 'output.mtv' I can't find any mtv files online for purchase or free for that matter, so I know this is all pretty obscure but shouldn't there be a way to convert them since ffmpeg lists mtv format?

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Fedora :: Back To Nouveau Driver - Display On Projector?

Nov 12, 2010

Fedora 13, x86_64, up to date. Trying to get nVidia Quadro NVS 140M to display on a projector the same as it does on the laptop screen, which is 1680 x 1050. I failed to do so with the nVidia driver (latest version), so I want to go back to the nouveau driver and try with xrandr. I have always used the nouveau driver with Fedora without an issue, but in my former life in Ubuntu I sometimes switched back and forth between the "nv" driver and the nVidia driver.

Doing so was trivially easy - just edit xorg.conf replacing "nv" with "nvidia" or vice-versa, then restart X. However, after installing the nVidia driver via Yumex and using the nVidia config utility, I find that now I have an xorg.conf file that is loaded with stuff I don't understand, except that at the top it says it was created by nVidia, and there are two places where it says the driver is "nvidia." I have searched and all I can find is instructions for installing the nVidia driver.

Apparently that is meant to be a one-way ticket, because I can't find any instructions for how to return to the nouveau driver. Except stuff that is over a year old, and complaints from users whose systems failed to start X. What would happen if I just replace "nvidia" with "nouveau" in the xorg.conf file and restart X? I know if it won't start X I can boot to rescue mode and re-edit xorg.conf, but I'd rather ask first and do it the right way than have to repair a broken system.

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Ubuntu :: Forcing Domain To Resolve To Specific IP

Mar 5, 2010

Is there a way to force a domain to resolve to a specific IP using .htaccess?

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Ubuntu :: Forcing 55hz Refresh Rate?

Aug 29, 2010

Just got a spare computer running ubuntu. The monitor it has atm has a problem where the screen goes crazy,the colours flicker and there are lines all over. I'm pretty sure its the refresh rate as the monitor can only support 55hz and 60hz. However, Xserver wont allow me to go below 75hz.Specs (very low I know ;D)nVidia 7600GS
AMD 32002 gig ramAMW M199D

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CentOS 5 :: Forcing YUM To Use A Particular Set Of Repositories?

Sep 6, 2009

I routinely build systems, and joy of joys, my ISP hosts one of the Centos Mirrors, and ergo downloads from there don't count against my ISP Quota

how do I force yum to use that particular repository for updates.

Alternately, I believe I can copy from there into my "local cache"? How does one do that?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6 Speed - Forcing To Refresh The Page ?

May 3, 2010

I am impressed with the visuals of both Ubuntu 10.04 and Firefox 3.6, but unfortunately I've been experiencing a very annoying issue since my install of 10.04 two days ago.

When I begin a Firefox session (using profile manager, in case it might have any relevance to the issue) it moves at lightning speed for the first five or so pages. Then, if I try a website it will time out (I have tried various pages, so it is not a page-specific issue) forcing me to refresh the page, wait roughly ten seconds, and finally be back on the initial page.

I am too lazy to re-list my PC stats, but they can be found in my signature. I am running on a household network, with the average connection speed ranging from from 40-80%.

The only other Ubuntu release I have used is Jaunty, where Firefox 3.0 (was it really 3.0 back then?) worked perfectly.

I have installed Google Chrome as well, and it seems to have the same relative issue, but it manages to recover from the timeouts quickly.

My only thought is perhaps it is an internal Internet setting that is disturbing the browser(s), potentially a default setting that has been modified since 9.04?

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