Ubuntu Installation :: Crossover Office Menu Error In 11.04, Unity?

Apr 24, 2011

At the end of installing crossover pro 9.1, I was provided the following message:

cxmenu:error: unable to parse '/etc/xdg/menus/unity-place-applications.menu': Invalid string in comment field [Ln: 157, Col: 8]
I opened unity-place-applications.menu and looked at that line. Starting with line 155:
<!-- System Tools-->


I'm guessing that the comment lines that start with just "--" are generating the error. Does anyone know what the section is and what it should look like for the crossover menu items, such as installing windows software?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Global Menu Bar Seems To Have Disappeared In Unity (natty)

Jun 23, 2011

after a lot of testing and tweaking done in natty 64 bit while running as live usb, i decided to install it clean on my laptop. everything is working fine (courtesy the time i spent to get things work in live usb)
i installed gnome shell too and now have an option of unity / gnome shell and classic.

today being the 2nd day, i got the following problems.

a) the global menu that was being displayed in unity is not working. its funny to note that firefox global menu is working but not for nautilus or any other apps.

b) conky is displayed in unity and classic desktop but not in gnome-shell. i also followed this link to get it working in start up = > [URL]

still not working. when i issue the top command, i can see that conky is listed in the processes but not displayed..

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Ubuntu :: Unity Reports Libre Office Running?

Jul 10, 2011

When I try to start any Libre office app from a terminal (because the panel will not start them at all) I get this (attached) I open System Monitor and check processes and according to that Libre Office is not running. Can anyone explain what Unity is doing? and how to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Quirks On Upgrade To 10.10 - New 'unity' Sidebar Launcher Supposed To Replace The Old On-screen Menu?

Oct 10, 2010

Just updated from Lucid to Maverick UNE. (It froze at one point, so I killed it from a virtual console and used 'dpkg --configure -a' to complete the installation.) My question: Isn't the new 'unity' sidebar launcher supposed to replace the old on-screen menu? We now have both. And the old menu seems buggy: e.g. the text under some icons is displayed *vertically* (i.e. in a column just one character wide!) instead of horizontally.

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Ubuntu :: Ghost Item In Applications Office Menu?

Apr 24, 2010

In my Applications - Office menu I see an item called OpenOffice.org. This item does not start anything since the OpenOffice.common program is not installed.When I try to edit the menus I don't see this item in the list, in other words I can not remove it.How can I remove the menu entry?

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Fedora :: Office Menu Is Not Opening?

Jun 27, 2010

I have just re-installed open office for the third time hoping to solve this problem myself : but no luck.I followed the install steps to the letter and appears to be installed properly but the office menu comes up blank as far as open office is concerned.They don't show up in the menu edit program either.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Add A New Menu In Unity ?

Apr 28, 2011

I would like to add a custom menu to unity, i have google/forum search but could not find anything, it's too new for me and i don't have all the keyword to do a nice search, i have done a screen capture of what i would like to do: [url]

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Ubuntu :: Unity Menu On Two Monitors?

May 1, 2011

Upgraded laptop to 11.04 last night, and it worked great. Unity was pretty good. But upgraded my dual-monitor desktop earlier today, and realized the laptop's single screen of limited resolution was the reason it was working well.

On my desktop, Unity is giving me headaches. First, after upgrade, it appeared on the left-edge of the right monitor (IE, it was centered across the width of the screens). Managed to change my primary screen via instructions on [URL] and now it's more sensibly on the left edge of left screen.

Trouble is, now, I've got 3000-odd pixels between edges. Previously I had a dock along the bottom, and Compiz Scale and Gnome-Do summoned on the screen I was working on. Now everything seems to be so focused on the left screen that the utility of the right screen is severely limited.

What I'm hoping to learn is

1) Is it possible to put the Unity menu along the bottom of a given screen rather than left of a given screen? (Mac/Windows/KDE-style docks)

2) Is it possible to have 2 unity menus, one on left-side-of-left and the other on right-side-of-right?

3) Any other strategies for working with multiple monitors in Unity?

Not really interested in being the Luddite sticking with Ubuntu Classic if it can be helped. Really like global menus (and mirrored global menus at that! Better than OSX) and the repeated indicators on both screens is really useful. Much rather get Unity working well than jumping ship.

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Ubuntu :: Using Fluxbox-menu In Unity - 11.04

May 28, 2011

I wanted to know if it's possible to add the Fluxbox-menu to Ubuntu 11.04 Unity Desktop (or similar), because I love the menu from Fluxbox but don't want to give up the Unity Desktop of Ubuntu 11.04. Is there a Option to implement it? Or a similar Program which does the same? Or is it simply not possible?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Shadows When File Menu Of Office 2003 Clicked

Aug 10, 2010

I have a problem with my office 2003, I am not sure whether its graphics problem or is it a bug in wine. I have the latest version of Wine and I installed Office 2003. Everything works fine, I mean I can open the documents, edit them and do everything. The only problem I am facing is that when I click any thing on the menu and expand the menu, the shadows are created and I am unable to see the expanded menu. I attached the screenshot of how it looks so that you have a rough idea what I meant.

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Software :: Menu Text Invisible On Open Office & Wine

Jun 9, 2011

The menu text is only visible in the top right hand corner in my Open Office.Wine has a similar problem but everything else seems to be ok

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Software :: Open Office Suite Missing Menu Bars

May 24, 2010

Having installed Mint 8 ,then mint 7, both (Gnome), I have been unable to access open offices menu bars in neither Writer ,spreadsheet,etc. Then I tried Abiword, where I saw the Menu bar, but could not enter text, just gibberish.

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Ubuntu :: Move Unity Menu / Icon Bar?

Oct 28, 2010

Is it possible to move the unity menu bar? It's the bar on the left side with all the icons. I would prefer it to be on the bottom. I really hope they do this for 11.04.

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Ubuntu :: Modify Some Of The Menu Items In Unity?

May 6, 2011

I want to modify some of the menu items in Unity to add some startup parameters to existing menu items. How do I do this in Unity? How do I look at the properties of the menu items? Where is this located?

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Ubuntu :: Use Gnome Classic Menu With Unity

May 7, 2011

I'd give this unity thing a chance if I didn't have to keep wasting clicks "opening up" the darned menu!!

Q: Can I use the classic gnome start menu with unity?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unity Menu Too Slow?

Sep 1, 2011

After I click on the ubuntu icon in Ubuntu 11.04, it takes atleast 6 seconds to come up.Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Unity: Opening Applications In Fullscreen Without Top Menu Bar?

Apr 30, 2011

Is there a script or command to open apps in full screen (hiding the menu bar and launch pad?). Firefox's fullscreen mode does this, i'm tryiing to do the same thing with Netflix running on "Vmware Vmplayer Unity"

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Ubuntu :: No Right Context Menu For Firefox Menus Under Unity

May 1, 2011

When Unity is disabled, you can delete a bookmark from Firefox by right-clicking on the bookmark, under the bookmark menu, on the Firefox menu bar.When Unity is enabled, you cannot delete a bookmark from Firefox by right-clicking on the bookmark, since a right-click behaves the same way a left-click does. In other words, there doesn't appear to be any context menus.I reverted to the so-called "Classic desktop." There are other aspects about Unity I take issue with, but I will not go into them here.

If the Unity desktop is to be the default desktop for Ubuntu, then it must retain, at a minimum, mind you, the same functionality that was provided by the prior desktop. Access to an application's context menus is one functionality I see no good reason to forgo.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Global Menu Button Locations

May 1, 2011

I've switched my non-maximized window button locations back over to the right with gconf-editor but i'd like to change the global menu buttons over to the right as well.I've had 20 odd years working that way. I can't seem to find an option in gconf-editor and if google has the answer I'm not using the correct search terms.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install Microsoft Office 2007 In 14 Through Wine - "installation Stops Due To An Unexpected Error"

Apr 21, 2011

when i am trying to install microsoft office2007 in my fedora14 through wine, after 75% progress installation stops and an error message appears. "installation stops due to an unexpected error" but in any way i want to install it on fedora14. its a 'do or die 'condition so anybody can give me informations.

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Ubuntu :: Move Menu From Top Panel Back To Its Program In Unity?

May 7, 2011

I decided to persist with Unity having spent until today launching in an Ubuntu Classic session. The thing that bugs me the most is the fact that each program has its menu (ie File, Edit etc) in the top panel. This may be fine for netbooks but not my laptop.I just launched Tomboy, which startde with its window in the bottom right of the screen, however to get to the programs menu I have to move the cursor all the way to the top right of the screen - miles.

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Ubuntu :: New Windows Title Bar Initially Buried By Unity's Top Menu

Jun 25, 2011

Starting and application or opening new windows on my machine takes two hands. Once hand with the mouse and one with the alt-key, before I can have normal control over the window. In normal control, I mean the ability to move, minimize and exit the window. That's because every time I start a new application or open a new application window it opens to the top left of the screen.The title bar of the window is buried below Unity's top menu bar. That means I can't grab the window by the title bar to move it or minimize it. I have to hold down the alt-key then grab with the mouse to position the window in a location where I can properly view it (closer to the center of the monitor on my right).I might be missing something if there is an option I can set so the new window locations can remember the position and size from last closed.This is very annoying, whereas I open and lost lots of windows during the course of working. Even browsing this forum, I click on the new posts option and right click on topics from the list to read from a new window. After finishing with that topic I close the window. Often I might open up two or three windows in that topic to type replies or review references mentioned in that topic. Then I close all the windows and open up a new window with the next topic of interest.

It's bad enough that the OS doesn't remember the preferred size and position of the window. But if it were possible to just drive and the window to the position and resist only using the mouse, it would be great, since my hand is already on the mouse. But because the title menu is buried under Unity's Top Menu, I have to hold down the alt-key with my left hand while dragging the mouse with my right hand.If no one has a fix or suggestion and this is affecting everyone, I guess it'll be off to the bug/feature forum to inform the developers of the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Edit/add Menu Items Of Maverick Meerkat Unity Desktop?

Nov 2, 2010

Few days ago, I installed ubuntu notebook Maverick Meerkat with Unity Desktop on my Fujitsu A530 Laptop.My question is that:Q. How can I edit/add Main Menu items for this Unity Desktop?Additional Details:I edited the Menu Item from 'System>Preference>Main Menu' but change is not reflected in Unity Desktop Item and Default Menu List of Application is displayed.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change Natty Clock Settings In Unity Menu Bar?

Apr 27, 2011

I recently upgraded my clean install Ubuntu Studio 10.10 64bit to Natty 11.04 and whilst everything is working well (except for having no plymouth boot splash - but I'm looking into this) I have noticed that when I log in to the "Ubuntu" desktop (with the Unity launcher and Menu bar in the top panel) I can't seem to change how the time and date is displayed. It seems to be stuck showing 24 hour time only with no date no matter which setting I select in the 'Clock' tab of 'Time & Date Settings' menu.

The clock applet works perfectly when I log into the 'Ubuntu Classic' desktop and I am able to display the date and weather ok.

I have a laptop which I upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 64bit to 11.04 as well and it doesn't have the same issue.

I thought it might have been a rouge Gconf setting so I dumped my entire gconf using

gconftool-2 --dump / > ~/Desktop/allgconf.entries

then restarted into recovery and removed my ~/.gconf folder entirely, rebooted again and logged back on. Apart from losing some settings like Evolution and Networking, which I reloaded, and my theme going back to the default theme, the problem still exists.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Menu Not Showing (Unity)

Aug 20, 2011

I seem to have a little problem with the Network Manager applet - it works vaguely OK, even if it takes a bit long to find my connection, but when I click on the icon, the menu doesn't show.I have also installed the applet through the Ubuntu Software Centre.Just to clarify, the icon appears fine in my panel, and the notifications appear when I am connected, it's just that the menu doesn't appear at all.

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Installation :: Get The Error Message From The Thread Title:"render Error Detected" After The Grub-menu?

Mar 30, 2010

i got a dual-boot. both are debian. yesterday i upgraded one of them to debian-squeeze and to grub2.that installations boots just fine.but for the second i get the error message from the thread title:"render error detected"after the grub-menu.if i choose single user mode it boots and hangs waiting for the root file system.i found this results at google (which i am not allowed to post yet) but i don't understand them.

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Ubuntu :: "Requires Installation Of Untrusted Packages" Error When Installing Unity?

Oct 31, 2010

I am trying to install Unity but it gives me an "Requires installation of untrusted packages" error and I don't know how to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: I/O Error, No Boot Menu After Install?

Mar 28, 2011

SOLUTION: Burned a new Ubuntu install CD. The first one had an error during burning.Downloaded the ISO image, burned it to a disc and began installing Ubuntu on my laptop (also has Windows Vista on it). I am beginning the process of migrating off Windows entirely. I played around with Ubuntu using wubi for awhile.Install seemed to work perfectly. The installation completed and asked to reboot. After hitting the button to reboot the Ubuntu CD popped out and my screen went black.Then I saw a long list of I/O Errors... sr0 or something.Machine never shutdown. I manually shut it down after waiting a few minutes.Now, my machine simply boots into Windows Vista. No boot menu. However, I can tell that there is an ext4 partition (with ubuntu, I'm guessing) because my windows C drive is 20 Gigs smaller than it was before. (That is how big I made my ubuntu partition when I installed using the CD.)What do I need to do to get this working?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Unity Dash Menu Not Showing Search Results / Buttons Not Working

Apr 29, 2011

I've just upgraded to 11.04 and really like it so far, everything seems to be running smoothly and I had no issues apart from a broken Emerald which I removed (and installed compiz-gnome and then made gtk-window-decorator the default, which fixed Unity segfaulting on Emerald).

My problem now is that when I use the Unity dash to search for something, it takes a while to search and then finds nothing. I'm pretty sure I should have things like "text editor", "gimp", "update manager", so I would think this is some manner of bug.

In addition to that, the following buttons don't do anything if I click on them:

- Media Apps
- Internet Apps
- More Apps
- Find Files

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Hide The Top Panel Or (better) Remove It Completely (I Can Live Without Global Menu)

May 2, 2011

To make Unity useful for me I need to make some changes. I wonder if it's possible to:

1. Hide the top panel or (better) remove it completely (I can live without global menu).
2. Make the Unity Launcher work like a panel - so it won't be possible to move windows behind it.

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