Ubuntu :: No Right Context Menu For Firefox Menus Under Unity

May 1, 2011

When Unity is disabled, you can delete a bookmark from Firefox by right-clicking on the bookmark, under the bookmark menu, on the Firefox menu bar.When Unity is enabled, you cannot delete a bookmark from Firefox by right-clicking on the bookmark, since a right-click behaves the same way a left-click does. In other words, there doesn't appear to be any context menus.I reverted to the so-called "Classic desktop." There are other aspects about Unity I take issue with, but I will not go into them here.

If the Unity desktop is to be the default desktop for Ubuntu, then it must retain, at a minimum, mind you, the same functionality that was provided by the prior desktop. Access to an application's context menus is one functionality I see no good reason to forgo.

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Ubuntu :: Context And Tool Bar Menus Disappear In Firefox?

May 31, 2011

This has been happening sporadically over the past month. I thought it was a problem with 10.04, so I upgraded to 11.04 and it is still occurring.I can't seem to pin down a cause or something that I do to make this happen.Every so often, I will lose the ability to see right click context menus and I am unable to click on the menu buttons. Rather, I can click on the menu names (file, etc), but no menu comes down. I cannot use the keyboard to bring down the menu (alt-f, etc), but I can use keyboard shortcuts to do specific actions (ctrl-t, etc).I was using Firefox 3.6 and now I am using 4 and it is still occurring.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Loses Pull Down Menus And Right Click Menu?

May 18, 2010

I'm running 10.04 w/ Firefox 3.6.

Often, and esp after adding something with apt-get or Synaptics I find Firefox will lose the ability to display either pull down menus or a menu from a mouse's right button.

I've been doing some initial searches for a bug report on Launchpad (but it is unclear if it is being used to actively track bugs vs some other place).

My 'hit it with a hammer' approach to a fix, at least to this point, is to reinstall from the local store or cache, the application;

Status Filter
Firefox (in the Quick Search field)
Mark the existing Firefox for Reinstallation

No files get downloaded, but a restart of Firefox and 'tada'; menus return.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Randomly Freezes \ Get Context Menus But The Options Within Dont Do Anything?

Nov 4, 2010

i could be doing anything and suddenly the entire gui will lock up. i can right click to get context menus but the options within dont do anything. i tried xkill with alt-f2: it activated the crosshair but when i clicked on something nothing happened.this started happening after i played minecraft (downloaded version) for an extended period of time (slow as dogcrap i might add). now it happens after a random time has passed no matter what im doing.

the only way to rectify the problem is to kill the Xorg server and restart it. the computer was still usable for a short period, but it'd crash eventually. after a reboot it's good for a longer amount of time before it crashes again.recent things i've done that might have an effect is i installed kde and then removed it again

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General :: In Nautilus Show Context Menu On Focused File When Press Menu Key?

Apr 11, 2011

In Windows Explorer, if a file is focused, press Menu Key on keyboard, context menu will show on top of the file. But in Nautilus, the same action shows context menu where the mouse cursor is. That's a bit annoying. Is there anyway to make it work like Windows?

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Ubuntu :: Edit Menus With Unity?

Jun 12, 2011

when I edit menus using alacarte. my edits are not visible in unity just gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Loss Of Menus On Each Window

May 4, 2011

I use a large monitor and often have 2-3 apps open. My biggest complaint about Unity is the loss of menus on each window. Switching apps and choosing menus causes lots of extra motion and requires more concentration. This is not exactly a killer but is a nuisance. Is there an option to keep the menus with the windows? I notice that if an app is started with sudo (e.g. $ sudo nautilus) then the menus stay with the window. Is there a way to make all apps behave this way? If not, why not add this?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 / Unity - Customize App / Folder Menus?

May 5, 2011

I was wondering if anyone knows a way to change the number of icons which appear in the Applications menu and the Files & Folders menu (the menus which pop up when you click those buttons in the launcher)?

At the moment I can see at most 6 favourite folder icons, for example, and any more than that cannot be displayed (it just says "see X more results..."). I'd find it much more convenient if it would simply display two rows of 6 icons each.

Does anyone know if it's possible to configure it to have that behaviour?

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Remix Menus - Unity Launcher On The Left Does Not Appear

Dec 4, 2010

I have been running the 10.10 Netbook version for about 3 weeks, as as a dual boot with Windows XP on an MSI Wind netbook primarily with an external monitor (and the netbook monitor off). Because I am using an external monitor, I'd like to get more of a full desktop experience. However, when I read on the forum how to get Gnome desktop workin, or even the desktop-switcher utility, I think there is something wrong with my installation.

I have the unity launcher on the left, which does not appear to have any easy way to add items. I have the bar across the top, which has the logout/logoff/shutdown button, clock and a few icons (bluetooth, network, etc.) on the right. On the far left, I have an icon that brings up the "Microsoft Bob"-like menu (Web, Music, Photos, Games, etc.). I don't have any menu (System, Applications, etc.). When I logout, I have no option to log in using gnome desktop.

Why don't I have many of these options, that other users describe? What is the best way for me to get the full gnome desktop? When I go into synaptic and search for gnome desktop, dozens of items come up, including many that are marked as installed.

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Ubuntu :: Menus Deformed And Warped In Unity And Gnome-Shell

May 1, 2011

So instead of risking a borked upgrade, while wanting to try something new, I installed Unity (from a guide somewhere) and Gnome-Shell from Ubuntu Tweak.Well they installed and run fine. The problem is this: Many pop-up menus, right-click menus and volume icons and such are warped and deformed. There is a diagonal line running through the box and the text is all slanted and "wrapped around" this diagonal.

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Ubuntu One :: Remove U1 From Context Menu?

May 23, 2010

Is there any way to remove the "Syncronize on Ubuntu One" item from the Nautilus context menu?

I don't think I can just remove the package ubuntuone-client-gnome, as it also provides a tray applet (or is that depricated for Lucid?) code...

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Ubuntu :: Bulk Rename From Context Menu?

Mar 16, 2010

Looking for a rename utility that I can start from the context menu. Would like to be able to highlight a bunch of dig-cam pix on my desktop, right click to the context menu and open a bunch rename utility.

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Ubuntu :: Duplicate Apps In Context Menu?

Jul 23, 2010

As in the attached screenshot ... how come gedit and gvim show up twice in the "Open with ..." options? Can I tidy this up?

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Ubuntu :: Creating Files From Context Menu

Aug 3, 2010

I like to create files using the GUI context menu. I right click on windows and one of the options in the menu is "new" and then I have many options such as Word 2007 file etc. I create a lot of files and so this method is more convenient by far for me than opening the application, saving and then navigating to where I want the file to go. Because when I want to create the file, I will probably be in the directory in which I want to create the file, the process takes only a few gestures to complete which is not the case if I have to go through the file system in the "save as" window. Is it possible to have this functionality in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Automatic Context Menu When Selecting Url

Sep 9, 2010

I don't know how it came and how to disable it but here is something that will turn me crazy:with Lucid, when I select an URL (or a part of it), an automatic context (popup) menu appears and shows me different options like "Open in Firefox", "Send URL", "Open in Mozilla" and "Open in Opera".I really would like to disable it because I always have to press "Esc" to be able to do a copy-paste.We are a few on the french forum to have the same problem and we cannot find a solution, so I try the "international" forum.

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Ubuntu :: Right Click Context Menu Too Fast / Fix It?

Oct 14, 2010

I just upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 and noticed that right click stopped working on some applications.

Usually, there are two ways to select items on the right click context menu:
a) press and release right click, hover over option, press and release again
b) press and hold right click, hover over option, release right click

I lost option a). No matter how fast I press and release the right click button, it will select the first option on the menu as soon as I release it. So for example, the first option on the context menu on the chrome browser is "back". So if I try to open the context menu it will just go back. Because it selects the back option as soon as I release the right mouse button.

So far I only noticed this on Chrome and Eclipse. Firefox and the other default ubuntu apps are working properly.

Googling it, I found some other people with this issue, but no solution. Any idea what this could be about and how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Context Menu In Dolphin / Konquerer Is Very Slow

May 17, 2010

my context menu in dolphin/konquerer is very slow -- 2-3 seconds to pop up.I have a dual core 1.4ghz pc, so pc speed is not an issue.My cpu pins during the delay that the context menu takes to pop up. I ran valgrind --tool=callgrind dolphin and attached the two files that it produced.I viewed them in kcachegrind but i dont know what to make of the data.

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Ubuntu :: Download New Services For Konqueror's Context Menu

May 24, 2010

I am using Kubuntu 10.04 for a couple of days now and so far, I am very happy with it. But there is one thing I cannot figure out why it does not work:I have downloaded new services for konqueror's/dolphin's context menu. This is quite easy because there is an option in the settings menu. Both programs (konqueror and dolphin) show me in their settings the services I downloaded as installed. But in the context menus there are no new services.

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Ubuntu :: Right Click Context Menu Disappears With Mouse Over

Apr 8, 2011

When I right click my desktop for example, to create a folder / change Desktop Background, my right click menu appears, but the moment i move my mouse onto it (mouse over) it disappears. Changed to 3 different mice with the same problem. I've just worked out that switching to console and back (CTRL + ALT + F1) then login and CTRL+F7 fixes the menu?? So I'm guessing this could be a bug with something gnome related?

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Debian :: Add Icons In Context Menu Of Gnome?

May 14, 2011

it`s my another stupid question about GUI i want to have icons in my context menu On Gnome 2.x desktop.

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Fedora :: Print Images From Context Menu

Sep 21, 2010

I have special permission from the management to stimulate my colleagues to learn Linux - er, Fedora. So I'm dual booting a few machines for them to toy around with. However, all of the popular things of course have to work easily, otherwise there's no convincing them..Almost everything has been arranged, except for an easy way to bulk-print pictures onto A4. I have probably missed it but google doesn't help, this forum doesn't give me too much that I can find.

I did find gpp (Gnome Photo Print) but that is still too complicated. I need to be able to either get it directly from the nautilus context menu, or set the gui so that this app is automatically used when viewing images in a memory card. And then it has to be easy to print.

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OpenSUSE :: Context-menu On Desktop Editable ?

Feb 2, 2011

Does anybody know,if,and how,the context-menu on the desktop under KDE 4.4 can be edited ?This function,having whole the system on the mouse-pointer,is the most missed feature under KDE.

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Software :: How To Change Context Menu Of Any Program

Mar 19, 2010

how could i change the context menu of any program?i want to create special context menu for each program that each one has its own context menu that doesn't look like the other program.how could i do that?

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Ubuntu :: Delete Unnecessary Nautilus Context Menu Items

Jul 17, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for quite some time now and my context menu has become cluttered with a lot of applications that I don't use or menu items that I have never used - and most likely won't use.

So I want to remove them, or at least disable them.

So, after searching Google (irrelevant or old results) so then I tried Google with [URL] but nobody has had their problem solved.

Edit: I've looked through GConf-Editor, found nothing, and have looked through the directories .Cache/.Config/.Local/.Nautilus in my home diretory and nothing came up of relevance in the first three and the .Nautilus directory was empty.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Items From Nautilus Right-click Context Menu?

Jun 19, 2011

I uninstalled xmms player quite a long time ago. I think when I had hardy heron. Currently I'm on 10.04. When I right click a .mp3 file I still have the option to play with xmms player showing up. Even if I choose an "other application" the xmms player option remains stickied to the top.Does anyone know how I can remove this entry? I did a lot of searching but couldn't find a solution.

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Debian :: Execute Files With Sh Scripts From Context Menu

Apr 5, 2016

So I made two shell scripts under /usr/bin/ (would've preferred under ~/bin, but I couldn't get it to add that folder to the path, even when appending it to ~/.bash_profile), named 'Wine' and 'Wine64', each containing something like this:

Code: Select all#!/bin/bash
WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/home/##/.wine64/ /usr/bin/wine64 $FILE1

So basically it's a script to automate the switching between wine architectures and to set the proper prefix path. While this works fine when launching an application from a terminal, say:

Code: Select all$ Wine64 some-windows64-app.exe

I can't get it to work when right clicking the said executable, and opening it with Wine64 (which I previously added it as a choice in the context menu) So is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this not possible at all? In the latter case, is there any way to achieve this through other means?

I'm doing it this way as I'm installing this system for a relative that isn't that knowledgeable with Linux (so I would like to avoid instructing them how to launch commands in a terminal), but would still like to offer him a Windows compatibility layer for the odd Windows-only app that he might need.

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Fedora :: Nautilus Standard Context Menu Missing

Jan 23, 2010

nautilus menu bar missing> for many programs restarted compiz,disabled & enabled desktop effects gnome- applet-globalmenu is installed.Please tell me step by step method to solve it, if its complex.i am managing it with --> add to panel --> deskbar which displays relevant menu in the bar.can you please reply me a standard gconfig preference details from apps section.

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OpenSUSE :: Icon Is Missing In Context Menu (11.4 With GNome)

Mar 11, 2011

I switched from 11.2 to 11.4 yesterday. I noticed that the Appearance dialog has only three tabs instead of four tabs. The last tab "Interfaces" does not exist, in where I can select "Show Icon in Context Menu". But I do not know, how to show icons in context menu.

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Programming :: Make Context Menu For Items In QTreeView?

Mar 21, 2010

How to make a context menu for items in a QTreeView?

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Actions 3.0.5 - Natty Missing Addons In Context Menu

Apr 30, 2011

Upon a fresh installation of Ubuntu Natty, I have noticed only a couple of my nautilus-actions are actually showing up in the context menu. On further review, I noticed Nautilus-actions has changed a lot, and I cannot seem to figure out why most of my actions are not showing up. It seems no matter what I change, they will not show up. Some of the ones I cannot seem to get up are 'Wipe' commands and several of my homemade ones that worked flawlessly in past Ubuntu versions, such as Chown, Make Executable, Renamer, among others. Oddly, two of them work just fine, Search Here and Open Root Nautilus. I am not sure why these work, while the others do not, other than they are not used by selecting item(s)/folders. Also, I noticed there is a change with the parameters, in which now all of them use %F instead of %M. Does anybody know why that is, and/or does it really matter. FYI, I am using the classic version, not Unity as my desktop.

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