Ubuntu :: Move Menu From Top Panel Back To Its Program In Unity?
May 7, 2011
I decided to persist with Unity having spent until today launching in an Ubuntu Classic session. The thing that bugs me the most is the fact that each program has its menu (ie File, Edit etc) in the top panel. This may be fine for netbooks but not my laptop.I just launched Tomboy, which startde with its window in the bottom right of the screen, however to get to the programs menu I have to move the cursor all the way to the top right of the screen - miles.
Is it possible to move the unity menu bar? It's the bar on the left side with all the icons. I would prefer it to be on the bottom. I really hope they do this for 11.04.
Since my video card cannot run Unity (3D), I jumped at the opportunity for Unity Qt but just recently when I logged in the top bar did not appear at all! How do I get it back? # gnome-panel pulls up the Gnome one but not the Unity one.
After playing around with Ubuntu Tweaks to remove the "Recent Documents" logging, I somehow ended up losing the icons for "Applications" and "Files & Folders".
I tried lots of different things but the only thing that seemed to sort it was this:
Log out. Log in under Ubuntu Classic (for some reason dropping back to tty with Ctr, Alt and F2 didn't do it). Bring up the terminal and do code...
Log back into Ubuntu (not classic) and hopefully, you should end up with all icons back as they were.
This worked for me but I can't remember if I'd gotten rid of the ".recent-documents.xbel" file in my home folder first, so if all else fails you could try that before you start removing and re-installing Unity.
yesterday i upgraded my Maverick Meekat 10.10 to 11.04. When i was exploring new features of Natty Narwhal i by mistake disabled Unity in CCSM. And then the Unity dockbar and top Panel disappeared and i am not getting any menu or options. Alt + F2 isn't working so i can't run CCSM to enable Unity again. However i am able to log in as Ubuntu Classic with old menus and functions. how to bring Run command? so that i can run CCSM and bring back my Unity dockbar and top Panel?
I recently installed the newest version of Ubuntu (11.04) and I reverted to Ubuntu Classic. For some reason the icons in the top, right hand side are not where they are supposed to be: they are shifted to the center, and try as I might I can't get them to move over back to the right again.
To make Unity useful for me I need to make some changes. I wonder if it's possible to:
1. Hide the top panel or (better) remove it completely (I can live without global menu). 2. Make the Unity Launcher work like a panel - so it won't be possible to move windows behind it.
I accidentally removed messaging menu icon from gnome panel, and I can't put it back. I found this: [URL], but it doesn't say how to put the icon back on the panel.
When Ubuntu 11.04 beta appeared I've read an article describing the way to move Unity Launcher to the bottom of the screen by editing some config files. Now I've upgraded to 11.04 and can't find the article anywhere.
I installed the Global Menu Bar applet for my top panel, thus removing the menu bar from most, if not, all of my apps on Ubuntu. I removed the applet, mainly because of how God-Awful and inconvenient it was. Now, I don't have any menu bars on my apps!
I was just wondering how I could reorder/drag n drop/move the unity-2d (qt version) icons in ubuntu 10.10, like you would in the mutter version unity. I can move the launcher up and down, I just can't pull them off the launcher and drag them around. Is this a bug or has it just not been implemented yet? Other than this, I love unity 2d and can't wait for the compiz-based unity 3D to use in 11.04
I installed the files from ppa:canonical-dx-team/une and installed Unity. Now, when I run Unity on my desktop and move my cursor on it, it disappears! Here is what I see in Terminal: [URL]
After I delete those screen-short software, my unity bar goes hide and never come, please help here is the picture which i delete. Now using classic desktop but i want to use unity but it comes only the full wallpaper and no bar comes. If i right click the mouse it works but where i can show the bar?
When logging in, I suddenly got a message saying "It appears you do not have the hardware to run Unity", and it initialized the old GNOME 2 desktop.
Ofcourse I have the hardware to run Unity (an NVIDIA GTX 580), and it has worked normally until now...
Now Unity won't come back, even after logging out / in or rebooting. The video driver works normally and NVIDIA X Server Settings does not show that there's anything wrong with my video card or drivers.
Is this a bug? Did this happen to anyone else? How do I get the Unity desktop back?
I am running 10.10 Netbook Edition. I added Terminal Server Client to the Unity Menu and I typically run it in Full Screen mode to manage serveral windows based servers. The problem is that TSC displays perfect in full screen (unity tool bar hidden) but when i move the mouse over to the left side of the screen i get the pop-up text balloons from the unity below it. I cannot click on any items along the left edge of the remote desktop window including the windows start key. I want to confirm if this is a bug? and how to report it if so.
I changed the Panel and Window Manager.I'm using Unity 2d and I forgot what the default values are.I did it using Ubuntu Tweak but you can also do it with gconf-editor or throught the terminal, of course.Using Ubuntu Tweak under Startup > Session Control what are the default values for Panel and Window Manger?
I'm currently using Unity 0.2.46 on Ubuntu 10.10. Installed from a ppa. The only way I have found to add an application launcher to the panel is to actually launch the app, then right click it's icon on the panel and click "Keep in Launcher". This is great but I've noticed at least one of my applications (Mumble) doesn't give me that option. Is there an alternative method? (see screenshot for example)
I'm using Natty and I'm thoroughly enjoying Unity, but I've noticed that when I close Banshee, so that it is still playing music in the background, I can't drag any other window out of maximization state. btw, I don't know if "dragging out of maximization" sounds ambiguous, I mean to say that I drag the top panel and the window stops being maximized (yes, i just tried to bastardize a bastardization).
I use to be able to add applets to the top panel in gnome in previous versions of Ubuntu (<11.04). I understand the Unity environment, which I generally like, has changed how one adds things to the top panel. Now we have indicators? Is there a good description of the functionality of these indicators: how to add/remove indicators, where one can find new indicators, etc. I ask because I have been having trouble adding indicators. I tried to add the system monitor indicator. I initially added it by installing it with apt-get. But every time I reboot it has disappeared and I have to run it again from the menu. I can't figure out how to make it permanent.
Everytime i restart the panel elements are shifted and i have to rearrange them all over again:this is the usual arrangement:and this is what i get after every restart:
I have a very annoying problem. I cannot move any panel items to the upper right hand corner... But I can move them to any other panel, right or left.I right click the item.Then I click Move.Then I click the upper right hand corner.Then nothing happens, except if there is a group of buttons side-by-side then the right-clicked item will move to the far right of the group
i feel really stupid for "upgrading" to gnome 3 to try it out and read warnings saying it can mess up your system. i went on thinking oh it'll be fine and the update process messed up or something. now i have a barely functional desktop and just want to go back to unity 11.04. i added the ppa from[URL]
I reverted back from Gnome3 to Unity using ppa-purge, but now I have 2 annoying issues: The launcher reverts back to its default after login/logout. Any extra items I "Keep in launcher" are gone. The clock is stuck in 12h mode and it doesn't take any new settings. 24h clock, showing seconds etc. all fail.
I have 2 different systems affected, one 64-bit and one 32-bit (pae kernel).