Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Won't Boot After Ubuntu Upgrade / Install

Apr 18, 2011

I was dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04 with separate home partition etc. but when i reinstalled to 10.10 i somewhere messed up with the bootloader of grub. can't figure out how to fix it, and would prefer fixing it than reinstall the whole thing because i have lots of programs running on school licenses in windows and that would be difficult to reinstall.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Windows 7/10.4 - No Windows Now After Upgrade

Apr 30, 2010

I just did an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and now I can't boot into Windows 7 on this dual boot desktop. I usually do a clean install but with a laptop and desktop a copy of Windows 7 and Ubuntu on each machine it's getting very tiring with 4 os's so opted for the upgrade this time.

During the installation there was a window that game up about upgrading grub and what devices to install it on. The help box was not very complete and seemed to say to click all the check boxes which included the main drive and it's partitions including windows. During the install somewhere it said something like grub could not be installed on one of the devices which I think was sda6 which is probably the Windows 7 partition.

So how would I get the option of booting into Windows 7 on startup as now I only get a blank black screen when I click on the Windows 7 option upon bootup? I hope I don't have to reinstall one or both os's again from scratch as this is becoming to much work to do on two systems every 6 months, especially with the amount of programs I have installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Into Windows After Upgrade

May 9, 2010

I have searched and searched but cannot find someone with the exact problem as me. I upgraded to LL today. During the installation it asked me which parts to install grub to. I should have just checked all the boxes, but i cant remember wat i pressed.

Now my grub menu look like

-ubuntu memtest
-windows 7

when i choose windows 7, it just goes straight back to the grub menu . .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Won't Boot After Upgrade?

May 9, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 and now all I'm getting is a flashing cursor when I try to boot Windows in Grub. I can load the Windows partition in linux no probs so I know it's all ok, although I'm going to backup before I try anything risky!

Anyway I've had a look around and can see people who've had the same prob but only really with Windows Vista and 7. So... just trying to figure if there's anyway of getting grub to load WindowsXP properly!?

I've run boot_info_script055.sh which was recommended for one of the Win7 answers and posted the output below.


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #5 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Windows Partition After Upgrade To 10.4

Apr 9, 2010

After upgrade to Ubuntu 10.4 i can't boot windows partition. the only thing i get it's a blinking underscore after choosing it from grub. under ubuntu the window partition seams to be ok, and i can access every file.

this is my partition table:
sda1 - ntfs
sda2 - extended
sda5 - swap
sda6 - ext4 linux (0x83)

is there any tool to config grub? like yast on suse? (off the topic : is there any "grafic" version of grub?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Drives Or Windows XP After Upgrade

May 24, 2010

After attempted upgrade on my dual bot drive I can no longer boot Windows XP or either of my 2 sata drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows VISTA Won't Boot After 10.4 Upgrade?

Jun 5, 2010

After the upgrade to Ubuntu 10.4 I'm not able to boot on my Windows Vista any more. It is most likely due to my fault during installation, since I ask to overwrite with GRUB also Windows partition's MBR (but if I remember well I think it was not the best solution to put as default overwriting all the MBRs).Anyway I was not able to fix it until now.Here is the RESULT.txt from the boot script:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Windows XP (separate HDD) After Upgrade To 10.04

Jun 15, 2010

Basically, as the topic reads, I normally run Windows XP, and installed Ubuntu on a new HDD this week (Karmic). However, realising later that there was a new release, I just upgraded through the network, completely ignorant of their being anything wrong with this (Windows drive still being connected at this time). Now Ubuntu boots fine, but when I select Windows through the GRUB set-up, it just displays a black screen with the '_' cursor blinking and goes no further.

I have absolutely no clue how to fix this, reading through various forum posts and messing with the boot command (or whatever you call it when you push 'e' at the GRUB screen) all day to no avail. One of the things I've download was the Boot_Info_Script, so hopefully someone out there can gleam some information on how the heck I can solve this issue and boot XP once again (hopefully without having to just blow away one or both of the OS's and doing a completely clean install). If there's anything I can do to provide any further required information, My RESULTS.txt:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot And Anytime Upgrade For Windows

Sep 25, 2010

My hard drive apparently has errors, according to my Windows 7 installation. ._. So I am going to restore to factory settings. First question - Will factory setting make me lose my Anytime Upgrade? If so, is the key that was in the anytime upgrade box re-useable? Second Question - Under the chance that I have data loss once setting up my Ubuntu-Windows 7 Dual boot system, will I lose my anytime upgrade, and is it re-usable?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Upgrade On Dual Boot System

Apr 7, 2011

I have a dual boot laptop (Acer Timeline 1830) working fine. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 Home Premium Edition. I need to upgrade Windows 7 Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional (Thats Winblows for ya.). My questions: Has anybody here done this upgrade, did it go seamlessly (Didn't destroy your master boot record, etc) and is there anything anything else i should know before doing this upgrade?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Onto /boot In Prep For A Windows Upgrade?

Apr 9, 2011

I've currently got a dual-boot setup with Vista and 10.10 (using grub2 on MBR).I'm about to install Windows 7 and would like for a change to use the Windows bootloader. I currently have a separate /boot partition and believe I can install grub2 there so that I can chainload it using EasyBCD.

I'd like to do this from my running system as I don't have a spare USB drive right now. confirm the command I should use baring in mind the separate /boot.If I have to wait and do it from the Live CD - is the command to use any different? FYI here is my current layout:

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
37735960 15719388 20099644 44% /
none 1023876 316 1023560 1% /dev


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Upgrade - With Image #22 And Unable To Boot Windows

May 17, 2010

I recently performed a reinstall of ubuntu after mucking up my partitions, and I am running it dual booted with windows 7.

I recently performed a grub-pc update, but I didn't know what it was asking me to do during the process itself of updating the process.

It asked me at one point where to install grub, and I selected all my partitions because it suggested that if I didn't know. I think that may have damaged my windows section, which was also selection.

I've attached the output for:


Problem symptoms:

1) Weird upgrade error in apt-get
2) Unable to boot windows 7
3) Unable to activate proprietary drivers
4) Perpetually being reminded to restart

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot Windows XP After Upgrade To Grub2 From Grub?

Jul 24, 2010

yestoday,after I upgrade,unable to boot windows xp. if I use grub ,windows xp can boot up.but now I want to use grub2, boot info script's results.txt is at below.

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

Boot Info Summary: => Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #6 for /boot/grub.
File system: vfat
Boot sector type: Fat16
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Re-load Grub Following Windows 7 SP1 Upgrade On Dual-Boot?

Apr 28, 2011

A few days ago I went to perform the Service Pack 1 Upgrade for Win 7. This crashed out with an error. On researching the problem I found a solution to fix the problem by marking the Windows partition as active. I did this (via Computer Mgmt -> Disk Mgmt). This allowed the SP1 upgrade to work, however on reboot I got an error BOOTMGR missing. This I rather rashly resolved by using the Windows 7 install DVD in Recovery mode to reinstall the Windows Boot manager via bootrec /Fixboot I thought I would then be able to use the Opensuse 11.2 install disk to fix grub.

I use the Opensuse install disk and select Repair system -> Expert Mode -> Install New Boot Loader then select Other -> Reread Configuration from Disk. This adds Win 7 back into the grub menu. I then select OK and get the message "the bootloader was installed successfully". The problem then comes when I click my way through OK and Next to finish the install. At the end of the process I get the message "An error occurred during the installation" and I'm no further forward.

FYI the PC has a single SATA disk installed partitioned as follows:

dev/sda1 100Mb Win System Parkition
dev/sda2 Windows NTFS
dev/sda3 Windows FAT

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install Or Boot 10.10 (dual Boot With Windows 7)

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu on a machine that already has Windows 7 on one partition. Obviously I intend to install it on the other free partition. So I downloaded the iso burnt it onto the disk and pop in the disk and the boot the machine. The installation screen comes up I selected the first option (Try Ubuntu without installation), I just see a prompt after a few seconds and then the screen goes blank and nothing happens. Unable to detect a signal, The monitor goes into standby. The same thing happens if I use "install Ubuntu" option as well. I downloaded minimal install version Ubuntu and tried to install with that. since its old school installation, the installation completed without any errors, but when I restart the grub come up and when I select to boot into Ubuntu, I see the same behavior i.e. the screen goes blank and never boots to anything. This is a machine on which I was using 10.4 until yesterday.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic (wubi Install) Won't Boot After Dist-upgrade?

Jan 11, 2010

i have Karmic installed with Wubi inside a Vista NTFS filesystem. Yesterday i did an apt-get dist-upgrade and Karmic never booted again. It won't even show the grub kernel list, it just shows some really quick text that vanishes before i can even figure out what it is and then drops to some sort of grub shell and then i can't figure out what to do.

I could boot a livecd and mount my karmic install and everything seems fine, the filesystem is clean and all that. But how do i fix it so it can boot again?

Does anyone here know wtf happened? Was there a bad upgrade or something?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Video Fails On Boot - Install - Upgrade And Live CD

Jan 24, 2010

When I ran the distribution upgrade from 9.04 in update manager, my screen went blank on reboot and will not recover. Every time I reboot, screen goes blank. I cannot press CTRL-ALT F1 - F6 to gain access to text shells.

I tested booting from the 9.04 live CD and it works fine. So I downloaded the 9.10 live cd on another computer and booted it on the disabled system. Same exact problem on the live CD that I had upon installation: on boot screen goes black and cannot access text shells.

What can I do next to get out of this short of going back to 9.04, which has problems that I do not want to live with?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Upgrade Hangs On Install Restart At Starting Up

Jun 5, 2010

I've been using ubuntu for a couple of years rather successfully on my dual-boot Vista/Ubuntu. It upgraded to 8.0(4?) LTS, 10.04LTS and I kept it there until this afternoon I followed the instructions on the ubuntu site to open up a terminal and update-manager --somearg to provide me with a nice little "Upgrade" button on the update manager. I clicked said button per the instructions, let it do it's downloading and whatever else it does. The last step of the installation is a system reboot. I let it do that, and then my grub menu comes up as more-or-less this:

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, memtest86+
Other operating systems:
Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)

If I select the top one, I get:
Starting up ...
with a blinking cursor under the S for a LONG time (used the power switch after ~40 mins). I tried the second 2.6.32-32 option for recovery mode. It spit a bunch of gibberish to the screen for a couple seconds and then stopped, presumably doing the same thing, just with 100% more gibberish. I tried booting into Vista, that worked fine. Just to reiterate, I've not yet seen a 10 LTS login screen or desktop, and can't get one yet (just a "Starting up ...") Just to add, I did try searching, but since the only info I had to go on was 8 LTS to 10 LTS upgrade, and "Starting up ...", well those are just hard keywords to get any meaningful info.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Will Not Boot After 10.04 Install?

Jun 28, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on my HP Laptop. The laptop had 4 partitions, one of them called HP TOOLS. I thought i didnt need this, so i simply deleted it so i could install Ubuntu. I had not made any system images so i couldnt restore it if i had any problems. After I had installed ubuntu, i just wanted to boot into windows to make sure everything was right..IT WASNT..It failed to boot at the Starting Windows screen, and it took me to an "Insert a Windows Repair disk page"So i downloaded a windows 7 repair disk, and popped it in to the machine. The system repair didn't recognize any problems, and it just said restart the machine and everything would be fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Into 10.04 After Windows XP Install

Oct 1, 2010

I have two hard disks: 160GB and 1TB. I had Ubuntu 10.04 installed on the 1TB drive (sdb). Then I installed Windows Xp on the 160GB drive (sda) following which I could no longer boot into Ubuntu (as Windows XP boots straight away). I have already tried to repair GRUB2 using the Live CD using the commands:

# fdisk -l (shows sdb5 to be the 'Linux' partition)
# mkdir /media/sdb5
# mount /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb5
# grub-install --root-directory=/media/sdb5 /dev/sdb

The above procedure shows success but I still don't get the GRUB menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Into Windows After 10.10 Install?

Dec 16, 2010

I had Windows 7 installed on a 640GB Hard Drive and was using Wubi to try out Ubuntu , I tried to install Ubuntu as a dual boot option but I am now unable to boot into Windows .The output of sudo fdisk -l is

#Disk /dev/sda: 640.1 GB, 640135028736 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 77825 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Windows 7 Install Remove Multi Boot

Mar 31, 2010

I plan to clean install Windows 7 on my system ( currently windows XP ). At the moment I have Windows XP professional together with Linux Ubuntu and I want to keep using Ubuntu. When I do the clean install for Windows 7 Professional, does it leave the multi-bootloader in place? If not, what should I do to bring the multiboot-loader back? I have a CD of Ubuntu My installed Ubuntu is version

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Ubuntu Installation :: Forcing Windows 7 Boot In Wubi Install (9.10)?

Apr 14, 2010

I recently did a Wubi install of 9.10 on my netbook that initially ran Windows 7 Starter. I wanted to speed up the booting process so I went into Windows and set the OS selection list waiting time to be 0 and the default OS to be ubuntu. I did this assuming that there is a way to force OS selection list to be brought up during boot; I think I was wrong.So now, I'm stuck booting directly into 9.10 (not even a full install!). Is there a way to either modify the Windows boot file to reset the selection list timer or to force the list to be brought back out?

EDIT: I should note that editing the grub files within the wubi install would only make changes to the GRUB loader, which has no effect on the actual Windows loader.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Install - No Boot Screen On Reboot

Apr 25, 2011

Using Ubuntu and any Linux OS. I installed Ubuntu using the Wubi installer. Everything went fine. When the install wizard completed and asked to Reboot Now, I did. When my computer rebooted, the Windows Boot Manager doesn't appear and it goes straight to Windows.

I'm using 32 bit Vista and have an AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+. When using Wubi, the download defaults to the AMD 64 version and that is what I have installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Dual Boot Grub2 Doesn't Install

Apr 26, 2010

I've just installed the 64 bit edition of 9.10 on my workstation. My raid drivers worked without any custom installation, which is very impressive! I am however having a problem installing grub2. I boot to the live CD, run the install process, resize and partition my free space as an ext4 primary partition with mount point /. Everything installs except grub, so I'm always booting in to windows.This seems to be a bit off as I've never had this occur with dual booting before.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Install Causing Dual Boot Quandary?

Jun 25, 2010

I just bought a Fujitsu S760 with Win7 on it. I need it for testing purposes, but for everything else I use ubuntu. So I need a functioning copy of that Win 7. The problem is, they've spread it in 4 partitions all over the drive, and I don't know whether I can move any of that stuff around without blowing it up.

Here's the setup (all ntfs of course):
sda1 16GB (8 used) winOS files hidden partition...
sda2 200mb boot
sda3 150GB (12 used) winOS, program, and user files
sda4 150GB (3 used) some kind of recovery partition.

So, unless I move something, all 4 primary partitions are already used, and I can't even make an extended partition for my linuxOS. Plus, I like playing around trying to make hackintoshes, and that would take a primary partition too.And one more thing: on first boot, the Win7 talks to the mothership and completes its installation. So far, I've only used the machine with an ubuntu livecd (looks like everything works, btw), and I don't know how the drive will look once the Win7 is actually functional.Can I just dump that recovery partition? Unhide sda1, move boot there, ultimately make it bigger, and move the rest of the Win7 stuff there? Somehow, I doubt it.I know Windows checks for uuid (and MAC data??) to make sure it wasn't moved, so I haven't dared touch anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Zino HD Install: No Grub Menu - Can't Boot Windows

Jul 15, 2010

I just got a Zino HD from Dell, and was planning to use it connected to my TV, dual booting Xubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7. I did, however, run into some issues. I suspect I'm just going to have to burn a restore disc and start over, but I'd like to fix this if possible. Here's what I had to start with:

1 vfat partition (bootup?)
1 dell restore partition
1 Windows partition

Because the restore partition was a bloody 20 GB, and I could always get the restore done via disc, I reformatted it as ext4 and used it as "/". I then shrunk the Windows partition and allocated a home partition and some swap space. Note that immediately after the installer, I reformatted the home partition manually with an inode size of 128 to use with the Windows ext2 driver, but that shouldn't have really changed anything. End result file system order:

1 vfat
1 ext4 mounted as "/"
1 Windows
1 Swap
1 ext3 mounted as "/home"

I now have two problems:

1) I do not get any GRUB menu at all! It just boots directly into Xubuntu with no choices (not even memory test or restore mode).
2) I, obviously, can no longer boot Windows.

Keep in mind that this a fresh install on a brand new machine; I can't think of any reason GRUB wouldn't even show me a menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Can Install Windows On An Extended Partition

Mar 31, 2011

I bought a PC with Window Vista on it as my partner needs it. Using gparted I set up Primary partitions for Vista OS (sda1) and Ubuntu OS (sda2), plus an extended partition for Vista files, Ubuntu /home and swap:

fdisk -l
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 3969 31880961 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 3970 5294 10643062+ 83 Linux


My problem is Vista (as always). The 30GB I allocated is not enough, even just for the OS and it won't now boot from GRUB, though I can see it from GRUB. I don't want to do anything that risks a problem for Ubuntu. Will grub still see both OS if I wipe sda1 (Vista OS) and reinstall Vista OS on the extended partition sda6? Ideally I would like to merge sda1 with sda6 and install Vista on that, but that looks way too risky / impossible.

Edit - There is another drive on the PC which is much larger and I use for backup. Is there any scope for installing Vista on that one so that GRUB still identifies both. Not ideal as I like having one as the backup for the other.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install It On A Dual Boot System With Windows Vista?

Jun 15, 2011

I have just downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 and am trying to install it on a dual boot system with Windows Vista. I get as far as "Allocate drive space" but there are no partitions to choose from. I currently have Windows and Linux Mint on the hard drive and want to install Ubuntu in the same partition as Mint to overwrite it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Live CD After Windows 7 Double Install (Busy Box Pops Up)?

Aug 27, 2010

I have two hard drives in my laptop, they are NOT raid configured. I installed 32-bit Ubuntu on the second HD, third partition: Sdb3. I then installed 64-bit Windows 7 on the same hard drive, first partition: Sdb1 (Sdb2 is formatted NTFSd willusedasstorage).Windows installed fine.Then I installed Windows in 32-bit on the first hard drive, first partion: Sda1. Sda2 will again be used as storage.When I boot up, Windows boot manager gives me the option of the two windows OS's to install (but not Ubuntu of course).I wanted to boot into the Live CD, where I would reinstall grub, assuming it would recognize my two Windows, and I could boot into any of the three OS's upon start-up.The Ubuntu Live CD, will act as though it is going to boot, bringing me up to the loading screen, then it cuts out to "busy box" and I am not sure what to do. Buys box is almost like a command prompt, but I don't understand the commands.

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