Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot And Anytime Upgrade For Windows

Sep 25, 2010

My hard drive apparently has errors, according to my Windows 7 installation. ._. So I am going to restore to factory settings. First question - Will factory setting make me lose my Anytime Upgrade? If so, is the key that was in the anytime upgrade box re-useable? Second Question - Under the chance that I have data loss once setting up my Ubuntu-Windows 7 Dual boot system, will I lose my anytime upgrade, and is it re-usable?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Windows 7/10.4 - No Windows Now After Upgrade

Apr 30, 2010

I just did an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and now I can't boot into Windows 7 on this dual boot desktop. I usually do a clean install but with a laptop and desktop a copy of Windows 7 and Ubuntu on each machine it's getting very tiring with 4 os's so opted for the upgrade this time.

During the installation there was a window that game up about upgrading grub and what devices to install it on. The help box was not very complete and seemed to say to click all the check boxes which included the main drive and it's partitions including windows. During the install somewhere it said something like grub could not be installed on one of the devices which I think was sda6 which is probably the Windows 7 partition.

So how would I get the option of booting into Windows 7 on startup as now I only get a blank black screen when I click on the Windows 7 option upon bootup? I hope I don't have to reinstall one or both os's again from scratch as this is becoming to much work to do on two systems every 6 months, especially with the amount of programs I have installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Upgrade On Dual Boot System

Apr 7, 2011

I have a dual boot laptop (Acer Timeline 1830) working fine. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 Home Premium Edition. I need to upgrade Windows 7 Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional (Thats Winblows for ya.). My questions: Has anybody here done this upgrade, did it go seamlessly (Didn't destroy your master boot record, etc) and is there anything anything else i should know before doing this upgrade?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Start Windows After Upgrade (dual Boot)

May 26, 2010

I just upgraded to the new Ubuntu distribution. My GRUB looks the same and has an entry for WIndows7, however when I chose this option I just get a blank screen and it doesn't load Windows.

jcampos@linux:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for jcampos:
Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Re-load Grub Following Windows 7 SP1 Upgrade On Dual-Boot?

Apr 28, 2011

A few days ago I went to perform the Service Pack 1 Upgrade for Win 7. This crashed out with an error. On researching the problem I found a solution to fix the problem by marking the Windows partition as active. I did this (via Computer Mgmt -> Disk Mgmt). This allowed the SP1 upgrade to work, however on reboot I got an error BOOTMGR missing. This I rather rashly resolved by using the Windows 7 install DVD in Recovery mode to reinstall the Windows Boot manager via bootrec /Fixboot I thought I would then be able to use the Opensuse 11.2 install disk to fix grub.

I use the Opensuse install disk and select Repair system -> Expert Mode -> Install New Boot Loader then select Other -> Reread Configuration from Disk. This adds Win 7 back into the grub menu. I then select OK and get the message "the bootloader was installed successfully". The problem then comes when I click my way through OK and Next to finish the install. At the end of the process I get the message "An error occurred during the installation" and I'm no further forward.

FYI the PC has a single SATA disk installed partitioned as follows:

dev/sda1 100Mb Win System Parkition
dev/sda2 Windows NTFS
dev/sda3 Windows FAT

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Windows Vista / Lucid 10.04, Grub Doesnt See Windows?

May 7, 2010

I had 9.10 installed and I did an upgrade to 10.04. However I cannot see anymore my Windows Vista partition with grub.. I have a Toshiba laptop Satellite p305.This is my boot script output:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in [code].......

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - XP / 10.04 Upgrade?

Apr 30, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 as an upgrade from 9.10 on a dual-boot (2 separate disks) machine and it decimated my Win bootloader. I did fix and here's my solution:

1/ Run Win XP installation disk
2/ Type R for Repair
3/ Choose XP installation

Note when I ran FIXMBR only, it did not fix my problem. But running both FIXMBR and FIXBOOT did solve the problem. I offer for information only, as your situation may require a different solution.

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General :: Grub Boot Loader Installation In Dual Boot Machine After Windows 7 Installation?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a dual boot machine with fedora 12 and windows vista and I could use grub boot-loader to switch between two. Few days ago windows got corrupt and I have to reinstall it. I put windows 7 now and as usual it erased grub. So to reinstall I put the fedora 12 installation CD on and followed some usual setup steps. When I got the command line I issued the command "grub-install /dev/sda" (sda not hda because It showed bunch of sda, sda1..) but surprisingly it said grub command not found. I remember doing it before while it worked fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xp And - Netbook Dual Boot - Error - Windows Boot Failed

Jul 8, 2010

I have a netbook running Windows XP as standard. There is also a recovery partition which came from the factory.

In the past I installed Ubuntu (I think 9.something) from USB key and all worked fine. However my XP became corrupted and I needed to do a repair on it. After this, Ubuntu became removed from the boot select menu.

Since then, Ubuntu has become updated to 10.04, which I now cannot install.

The Live CD tells me there is a "file IO error" and simply stops installation at around 70%.

I did manage to get into Ubuntu from a Live USB using Wubi. However when I chose to install Ubuntu to a Harddrive, the option to "install side by side" was missing.

After reading on the forums, I did a chkdsk /f on Windows and tried again. Now my liveUSB does not show a boot menu!

When I select to boot from USB stick, the screen goes blank with a flashing cursor. Ctrl+alt+dlt reboots.

I'm really lost here! It seems when I fix one problem, another problem arises!

Also when trying to instal Ubuntu within Windows, the process goes through to 100% and asks me to reboot. When I do so, the option for Ubuntu does show in the boot menu. However when I select it, I get an error "Windows boot failed: file wubildr.mbr and status: 0xc00000f - something is corrupt".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot On Dual-boot XP After Recovering Windows Bootloader?

Jul 18, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Windows XP installed on my laptop. Usually when booting, I get the GRUB 2 menu and I can boot into either Ubuntu or XP.I was playing around with EasyBCD, then after trying to remove it I was unable to boot into Windows, I used a Windows 2000 CD recovery console to fix the MBR (using: fixboot and fixmbr).Now Windows starts up when I power on, but I don't get the grub menu anymore with an Ubuntu option. If I boot from the Ubuntu Live CD and try to mount my Ubuntu partition (/dev/sda5) I get this error:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Vista Ultimate / 10.4 - Can't Boot Windows

May 7, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.4 x64 onto a machine with Vista Ultimate x64. When I boot the machine, the Windows option comes up in the GRUB menu. However, when I attempt to boot Windows, I receive the following error: No such device: de80ab9f80ab7d21. error: No such partition. Press any key to continue...

I looked around and found a similar issue at [URL] However, before trying to fix the issue by guesswork or via solutions that worked for a similar, though not necessarily identical problem. I've run the boot info script (see output below) mentioned several places on this site as a valuable input for boot problem tracking. how to get Windows to boot on my computer?


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Using Windows Boot Loader, Not GRUB?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot Win7 and Ubuntu WITHOUT using Grub. This is to support Bitlocker encryption.

I followed this guide, and now when I select Ubuntu I get a Grub> prompt and no ubuntu.

I feel like I'm halfway there, I just need to get Grub to load correctly or something.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why Boot Partition Is Recommended For Dual Boot Of 10.04 And Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2011

if having a boot partition is recommended for dual boot installation of Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 and why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 64 Bit Lucid On A Dual Boot

Jul 6, 2010

I have the 32 bit lucid dual booted with win 7, and I wanted to upgrade to the 64 bit lucid. I have the .iso on a jump drive ready to go, BIOS is set to boot from it, now it gets funny. Unless I misunderstand what grub does shouldn't my jump drive show up in the grub menu so that I can select it to boot from? My only options showing are 32 bit lucid and wins 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Dual Boot From XP To Win7 HP

Dec 21, 2010

Current set-up:
Athlon 64 2800
340 GB on two HDD
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Win XP Pro SP3

After getting the Silver Ghost all set up and purring like a kitten for my daughter, she now informs me she'd rather have Win7 HP instead of Win XP Pro SP3. Ubuntu and Win XP Pro are on separate HDD. Can I do a "clean install" of Win 7 HP on the Windows drive without screwing up GRUB? Or will I need to do the dance described at [URL]. I've had to modify Ubuntu because of conflicts between 10.04 and the Ralink 2780 (?) wireless-n drivers.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install Or Boot 10.10 (dual Boot With Windows 7)

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu on a machine that already has Windows 7 on one partition. Obviously I intend to install it on the other free partition. So I downloaded the iso burnt it onto the disk and pop in the disk and the boot the machine. The installation screen comes up I selected the first option (Try Ubuntu without installation), I just see a prompt after a few seconds and then the screen goes blank and nothing happens. Unable to detect a signal, The monitor goes into standby. The same thing happens if I use "install Ubuntu" option as well. I downloaded minimal install version Ubuntu and tried to install with that. since its old school installation, the installation completed without any errors, but when I restart the grub come up and when I select to boot into Ubuntu, I see the same behavior i.e. the screen goes blank and never boots to anything. This is a machine on which I was using 10.4 until yesterday.

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Ubuntu Installation :: XP Dual Boot With 10.10 After Upgrade The BIOS On Motherboard

Dec 12, 2010

I reinstalled XP to do a dualboot with 10.10 yesterday. All was fine. Today I went through and installed everything windows needed, and everything seemed fine. Then I upgraded the BIOS on my motherboard, and suddenly everything isn't fine. I can boot to Ubuntu just fine. But when I select Windows from the GRUB menu, it just sits there with a cursor on the screen now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Vista/9.04 Dual-boot To Win7/10.10?

Dec 23, 2010

I haven't done this in a long time, so I probably just need a quick refresher on a few things. I had to revert to Vista as my primary OS for more than a year to do CAD work, but now I finally have the freedom to move back to Ubuntu. I have my Win7 upgrade that I still haven't done (yes, I know I'm late to the party) and I want to update my Ubuntu 9.04 install to 10.10.

If I remember how to do this correctly, I should upgrade Vista to Win7 first, and then install Ubuntu second. I have two separate hard drives, so each OS will go on a separate one. The only issue I had in the past is that the drive with Ubuntu on it must be set as the primary boot device, otherwise GRUB wouldn't load. Is this all correct? I've been out of the Ubuntu loop for quite a while, are there any caveats to this process that I should be aware of?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista OS Upgrade To WIN7 But Need Dual Boot?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a pretty good grasp on general computer works and I have read alot about the dual boot system and can do it with multiple variations of linux. My problem lies within my laptop, that I want to do a dual boot on (which is my only one with wireless). It is currently running Vista Home Premium-x86 and I would like the upgrade to Windows 7 Proffessional-x64. I have access to it but I have to keep Vista as is in order to keep Windows 7 as an upgrade which will have to be a custom install. This HD is dedicated to Vista and the backup partition as it is already.

I've read just about everywhere that you first have to do Ubuntu install and partition and then Windows, which makes sence, and then change the GRUB. However, I'm unsure about this case.

What would be the best way of going about making the partitioning scheme? I've already backed up everything possible so loosing that info is not the problem. Vista is the problem. My HD is a toshiba 320gbs- 2.5" form factor. My plan was to make 3 partitions. Windows, Ubuntu, and then the back up partion for Windows. I wanted to allocate Windows 150gb, Ubuntu 150gb, and then the other 20gb as back up for Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Windows XP / 10.04 - Can't Boot XP

May 14, 2010

I just got a Toshiba Mini NB305-310 and tried to install Ubuntu 10.04 on it using the .iso file on a flash drive. When I try to boot into Windows XP, the loading screen comes up for a second, flashes blue, then restarts the computer. I'm able to boot up in Ubuntu, but it takes a LONG time with the screen black before it goes to the Ubuntu loading screen. I saw in an earlier post that it's helpful to post the output of the Boot Info Script, so I've posted it below. I'm new to the forums, so if I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #5 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Dual Boot Won't Boot

Oct 28, 2010

I am trying to run a dual boot system with Windows 7 and an Ubuntu 9.10 installation from a live CD. I am running this on a Dell Inspiron M5030. Both operating systems have installed fine however whenever I run Windows the computer subsequently fails to run Grub upon rebooting and gives the following error message:

Grub loading
the symbol 'ob_bioslgrub?+E?U? Not found
Aborted press any key to exit

The unrecognised symbols are different each time. I have also had (' ') and ('ee*??S ') and ('un'). I cured this initially by reinstalling Ubuntu but after looking at the support documentation have now found that I can cure it temporarily by simply reinstalling Grub using the command:

sudo grub-setup -d /media/dd5d6cd6-cb80-40e0-baf3-13ae1ebe17a4/boot/grub -m /media/dd5d6cd6-cb80-40e0-baf3-13ae1ebe17a4/boot/grub/device.map /dev/sda

I can then run Ubuntu fine, however upon running Windows again the problem reoccurs and Grub will not run.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Xp - Grub Can't Boot Into Windows?

Jan 10, 2010

I just set up a dual boot on a system with fedora 12 and XP. XP in on one hard drive (sda) and Fedora on a second hard drive (sdb).

I installed grub on the Fedora disk so as to not touch the windows disk at all.

Prior to installation, in the bios, I set the Fedora disk (sdb) first in the boot sequence, and then XP (sda) so that the grub loader would boot up by default. (If I set the windows drive first then the system bypasses grub and loads straight into windows.)

My system can now boot up into Fedora fine, but if I select windows from the grub loader menu I just get a blinking cursor - windows will not boot.What do I have to do so that grub can boot into XP?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot 9.10 And Windows XP

Jan 10, 2010

I have a 160 GB hard disk with three partitions (All NTFS):

C: (30 GB) (WINDOWS XP system partition)
D: (60 GB)
E: (60 GB)

I want to install Ubuntu on another drive (D: in this case). I have backed up all my data on D: drive. What are the steps in doing so and does Ubuntu support NTFS? If it does then will I be able to read and move data between all the drives without any problem (while running either of operating systems)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 / Windows Dual Boot

Jan 18, 2010

I tried to set up a dual boot system on two separate hard drives. I installed Windows XP first (because doing so in past experience has made it easier) on the PATA 20 GB hard drive configured as slave on the first IDE channel. Then I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on the PATA 80 GB hard drive configured as master on the first IDE channel along with an NTFS partition on this drive:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot 9.10 With Windows 7

Feb 9, 2010

I can't for the life of me get my GRUB whatever version I have to dual boot these. I've spent over 3 weeks on it and then finally gave up.

But It would be really nice since I have so much software that is solely devoted to windows. Not to mention with my photography stuff it's just a whole lot easier to run everything through windows. But for the general census I do prefer Linux.

I'm running these two operating systems. (although I can't access my Windows 7 because of the boot menu problem) I think that's all that needs fixed but I'm not sure.

Ubuntu 9.10 ( I believe it's 64bit although the "about" doesn't specify) Windows 7 64bit is installed. Currently I only have access to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Windows 7 OEM Dual Boot

Feb 19, 2010

I have ubuntu 9.10 installed and working on a Pangolin Performance system 76 laptop with a 120 gb hard drive. The ubuntu install has 65 GB free at the end of hard drive (done using Fdisk). It is STATA II hard drive. I got a dual boot to work on a upgrade for an HP desktop for my mom so I know the basics. Using the windows 7 OEM home premium I go the first steps i.e. time ect. Then it shows partitions (as 4 seperat objects 1 primary and 3 logical). The 2nd and 3rd are swap and more ubuntu space. The free space also comes up as logical and is the 4th partition. I try to install and says can not use this partition on the hard drive.I press the format and in changes to extention but still gives the same error (error log is not viewable in the install). All a can do is press a formate button in the install no menu. I formatted as NTFS in gparted and it still would not work. I saw posts about bios and XP but they were old.

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Installation :: How To Dual Boot Ubuntu On Windows 7

Feb 24, 2010

I am newbie to linux os.I want to dual boot ubuntu 9.04 with windows 7 which is already running on my pc.When i tried to do it with live cd i am getting an error message "Permission denied" while extracting files from cd drive.The log file shows the information given below.My system specifications are code...

How to do proceed with it?Any body know about the error in the log file?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Dual Boot With Windows XP

Feb 24, 2010

For a couple of years I have wanted to use a version of Linux rather than Windows. I currently use XP and regard myself as a reasonably experienced Windows user. My current system has two SATA HDDs - roughly 500Gb, the 'D' drive, and 140Gb, the 'C' drive, and I have 1Gb RAM. So I decided to try Ubuntu 9.10. I downloaded the installation file, created the disk and ran it live for a time. Then I decided to take the plunge and install properly.

I created free space on the C drive, around 17 Gb, in which to install ubuntu. The installation into 'the highest amount of free space' seemed to go well but when I rebooted I was given no opportunity to select Ubuntu - it booted straight into XP. So I tried again. This time I chose to 'install them side by side'. Again the installation went well but again, on the reboot, the system went straight into XP. I guess I must be missing something - can anyone tell me how to install so that I can boot to either XP or Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Windows 7 And 10.04?

Apr 6, 2010

Question in title. I just wanted to know if anyone has tried it and if they were successful. And, if successful, any tips to make it easier.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot 10.04 With Windows?

Apr 17, 2010

i am trying to dual boot 10.04 with windows.

Windows works fine and i have 200g of unallocated space for ubuntu.

When i boot from my burned iso image i get the following error

(this is not word for word) "The disk has encountered an in-recoverable error.

restart your computer or try the installation again".

Note: I have tried re-burning to a different DVD still the same thing,

Also just to test it out i successfully upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04. But i want a clean install not a upgrade.

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