Ubuntu Installation :: USB Won't Save User Preferences?

Jan 12, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a USB stick using UNetbootin but my user preferences aren't saved from session to sesssion.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Save Preferences On USB Stick

Apr 22, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu from my USB stick (using UNetbootin). Unfortunately every time I turn my computer off my personal preferences are deleted. how can I save my personal preferences on the USB stick, so I'll always be able to use them?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Save The Changes After Setting Up The Preferences In Smb4k - Error

Jun 9, 2011

Installed smb4k on a fresh install of 11.04. When I tried to save the changes after setting up the preferences in smb4k, I got this error message: Configuration file "/root/.kde/share/config/smb4k_sudowriterrc" not writable. Please contact your system administrator. The file does not exist. There is only one file in the directory: kdebugrc I have smb4k successfully running on an EEE 1201PN with 11.04. Seems crazy but when I check this machine, there is no directory in root .kde.

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Fedora :: Software Update Preferences Ignores Preferences?

Apr 3, 2010

On my system, System->Preferences->Software Updates, as best I can determine, completely ignores the "Check for updates: " setting. It looks as if, regardless of what I set, I get daily checks. Is anybody else experiencing this? Anybody got a fix? I like the idea of having the system check for me, so I don't want to just pitch the program.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Doesn't Allow Mw To Save From User Id In 10.04?

May 21, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 and from my id which has administrator rights, I am unable to save any files as well as unable to change the location in firefox. The firefox version is also in the snapshot as well as the options window. Is it that my profile has been corrupted or is there some bug in firefox.

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Fedora :: 12 Installed On USB Disk, And Save User Data After Reboot?

Dec 9, 2009

use fedora system, and installed fedora 12 on my usb disk by live-usb creator.Now, the problem is everytime i reboot the computer, the user data and software i installed will disappear.When installing, i choose persistent space which is described for user data and software, but it seems not work now.What can i do if i want my fedora on usb disk is just like the system installed on hard disk

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OpenSUSE :: How To Save (backup) User Application Settings And Data?

Feb 10, 2010

I managed to damage my 11.2 installation so it starts in the GUI mode only in failsafe mode. Actually I tried before to repair the installation, using the install DVD, but the automatic repair procedure failed. More than that, since then boot loader also seams to be "repaired" so that the Windows installation doesn't appear in the boot menu, but this is another thing.For me, now, the fastest way to get a stable system is to make a new installation. The biggest problem is that I cannot save/backup the emails and accounts settings in an elegant way. I'm using Thunderbird. Of course I would also like to save other apps settings.So is there a way to save user application settings so that I can used them after a new install? I had a look to the yast backup tool but these seams to be a way to archive files, or am I wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Languages In IBus Preferences?

Oct 10, 2010

In Ubuntu 10.10 how to add the languages other than English . Only English and Chineese are available now. I would like to add my mothertongue Malayalam on it. Malayalam is available on languages.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Seem To Find Preferences And Administration To Set Up Anything

May 20, 2011

I installed Natty assuming Unity replacing gnome pretty much just moved the top bar to the left side.Was I wrong! I can't seem to find preferences and administration to set up anything. I did manage to install unison so I can start copying my file from my other system. But unison seems to have been installed in a new location. Not sure if I installed it correctly as I couldn't find administration so I used the software center. I need to install my I can't even start nautilus to locate its new location.Even starting a second firefox takes extra clicks.I guess what I need is a guide to this new system.I have been using since 5.04 and this new release has me totally lost.Is there a guide to show the differences? And how to do common task?I was able to setup SSH to view files on my other system so I can start copying them. But I wanted to use Unison this time to do it. But I don't know where to install the .prf files.So I need an intro to do common task with unity.

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Ubuntu :: Opening "sound Preferences" From Sound Applet / Preferences Menu Hangs System

Dec 20, 2010

Every time I open "sound preferences" from either the sound applet or the preferences menu pulseaudio CPU usage goes right up to 100% and proceeds to lock up the entire computer. pavucontrol, paman, and all the other pulseaudio utils work fine, except for ubuntu's sound preferences. It affects a new account.This is my 10.04 desktop that is affected. I have just the default pulseaudio config.

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Fedora Installation :: Preferences And Appearance Left Over From Ubuntu?

Jan 31, 2009

I just installed Fedora where my old Ubuntu partition used to be (formatted the partition appropriately first). I have my home directory on a separate partition, so I asked Fedora to mount it as /home. Since I made my username the same as it had been in Ubuntu, I have basically all the same home directory in Fedora as I did in Ubuntu. This is desirable and it makes my life easier for obvious reasons, but something happened that I didn't expect.

All the settings (desktop background, top and bottom panels, keyboard preferences, etc.) have transferred over to Fedora. That's okay except that they just don't work as well in Fedora, and I'm stuck with sort of an ugly window scheme etc. I know it wouldn't be too hard to change all this stuff back manually, but I was wondering if there was a way to change it back the Fedora default appearance. Like my deleting a folder in the home directory or something?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System -> Preferences -> Display Missing?

Jun 28, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 using the automated distro upgrade, and my resolution has been changed to 1024x768. I tried to go to System -> Preferences -> Display to see why this might be, but that entry is missing from my Preferences menu. I am using a Radeon HD 4200 video card, but I am not using any special video drivers right now. /etc/X11/xorg.conf does not exist.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Monitor Preferences - No Values - 11.04 New Install

Apr 28, 2011

I started with a newly built system using an ASUS P8 H67-M LE Series MB, that has Intel's Sandy Bridge

The CPU is an i5

I installed the 64 bit Ubuntu, 11.04

In the Control Center, I go to the Monitor Preferences, and all the settings are grayed out.

Monitor in On is set.

Resolution, Refresh Rate and Rotation are disabled.

If I click the Apply button, I get a pop up window with the message:

The selected configuration for displays could not be applied required virtual size does not fit available size ....

The Detect Monitors button is enabled, but clicking has no effect. No monitors are identified.

How do I get the monitor settings working?

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General :: Open Browse For File Window And Save User Choice In Terminal?

May 30, 2010

is there a Terminal command to open a Target file (same as the one opens when you want to upload a file), let user choose the file and when he clicks open, be able to save his choice?for example:echo "Choose source file"--> command needed to browseand then open or save path to that file

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt Preferences No Longer Respected AfterMaverick Upgrade?

Oct 12, 2010

Upgraded to 10.10 with update-manager last night, apart from an xorg.conf.d location change and a custom xfce applet that needed recompiling all went smoothly... until I tried another dist-upgrade.

Previous I had debian lenny and squeeze available in apt - I know this is dumb but a sync program I use requires binary versions to be identical (unison), and I sync with a debian squeeze server.

deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ squeeze main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ lenny main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ lenny main contrib non-free


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Ubuntu Installation :: No Preferences Menu - Theme Manager Doesn't Load Any Themes

Feb 4, 2010

System>Prefrences right? It's not there? Everywhere I look It says it should be there,.. well it's not... How can I add it manually? or where is the folder? I would like to edit my themes.. I have a theme manager, but it doesn't load any themes I download..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Small Screen After Installing 10.4 On Laptop - No Greater Options In System Preferences Monitors

Jul 24, 2010

I installed 10.4 on my Satellite Pro via CD replacing XP. Screen resolution is now only 800x600 which fills only 3/4 of available screen space and there are no greater options in System Preferences Monitors. It is also operating rather slower than the previous OS, maybe these two issues are connected? I have checked Administration for any required Proprietary Drivers. There is just one for a modem which is activated. During installation I aborted it then closed down and restarted, which may have affected the process?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Unable To Save Files By Right Clicking And Save As

Jan 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 dual booting with Windows7.My ext3 /home is mounted as F: in windows.I share a firefox profile between them so that when i am in Windows my firefox uses the same profile as it does when in Ubuntu.It all worked great until recently. I am unable to save files by right clicking and save as. In the config i am unable to set a directory to save to. It neer asks me where to save to. Just nothing happens. some off my book marks are all messed up as well, my rss feeds have the same post on some random website every time i log on and i have to manually refresh to get the correct feeds back. I am unable to delete the random bookmark.

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Ubuntu :: Xrandr Doesn't Save Changes - How To Make It To Save Changes

Jun 16, 2010

my mediacenter is attached to an beamer with the optimal resolution of 1280*720 ubuntu 10.04 doesnt offer me this revolution (on my intel 915 graphis controller). this means i have to add this resolution to the possible resolutions. first i used cvt


cvt 1280 720 60

and got this result:


# 1280x720 59.86 Hz (CVT 0.92M9) hsync: 44.77 kHz; pclk: 74.50 MHz
Modeline "1280x720_60.00" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync

then i added this to xrandr


xrandr --verbose --newmode "1280x720" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync



xrandr --verbose --addmode VGA1 1280x720

now i can select and use the new resolution - until next reboot. after an reboot 1280x720 is again not available. even if i work with sudo - the resolution isnt there....

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Ubuntu :: Why The User Created At Installation Time Is A Custom User Instead Of An Administrator

Oct 31, 2010

why the user created at installation time is a Custom User instead of an Administrator.

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Software :: Iptables-save Can't Save Settings?

Jan 29, 2009

Config a CentOS iptables.I issued some iptables rules.the rules were effective at once.Then, I came with a "iptables-save", but the "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" file hasn't been updated, it still loads the defaults rules with CentOS after reboot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Save The OS If It Is Bigger Than 12 GB?

Feb 14, 2011

trying different backup methods far it saves my OS into an ISO file (Remastersys). Now, about Remastersys, I hear it cannot save the OS if it is bigger than 12 GB, but why is that the limit?Is it possible to install a Linux distro directly onto a USB device such as this:[URL]Any other Linux distros that can be installed and run (or is it ran) from a Flash Drive or External USB Hard Drive?Any suggestions for external hard drives, looking for around 320 to 750GB of disk storage space.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Save Repetitive Bandwidth

Oct 30, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu on several stand alone machines without repeating the several hundreds MBs updates on each machine using Synaptic. I understand the installations/updates files would reside in var/cache/apt/archives. So I can copy them to be used for the next machine. But specifically how? And can the non-OS files in a 64-bit machine be used in 32-bit machines' updates/program installations?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Live USB - How To Save Files

Jun 28, 2011

I am hoping to install Ubuntu 11.04 onto my USB. (1 gb... all I want it for is to do virus scans and stuff for my windows computers....) The thing is, I did the Startup disk thing. But every time I boot off the usb it says "Try or install". I click try. I make a file on the desktop. Then I reboot and its gone! Why is this happening, and how do I get the files to save?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Save The Session While Using OS On Pen Drive

Aug 21, 2011

I haven't installed ubuntu but using it from my Pen drive. The major problem I am facing is I am not able to save my current session. For example I will download and install a couple of software like 'WINE', 'java plugin' and other useful software for me, but when I shutdown everything is lost and I get a new copy of OS on my next start-up.I can't install a copy ubuntu on my hard disk as I have only single partition on which windows is running.

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Debian Installation :: How To Create A New User Called Mesk As FTP User

Sep 3, 2014

I have just installed vsftpd on my debain server..I want to know how can I create a new user called mesk as FTP user and set a home page to some folder on my server? I tried this:

Code: Select allhtpasswd -c /etc/vsftpd/passwd mesk but got: cannot create file /etc/vsftpd/passwd.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Save Settings And Applications For Multiple?

Jan 8, 2010

i am trying to install ubuntu 9.04 on quite a few computers. all the computers need the same applications that i already have, as well as settings such as panel shortcuts and color schemes. there are no files like music or pictures, just applications already installed. i have all this on a bootable flash drive. all settings are saved. if i install from the flash drive will the settings transfer to the computer i am installing it on? if not, is there another way to copy all settings and apps or do i have to manually install everything on each computer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Save .hqx Files After Firefox Upgrade?

Jan 9, 2010

I can't save files with the .hqx extension for some reason. Firefox was recently upgraded to 3.5.7 via Update Manager. Nothing happens when I click on a link pointing to a .hqx file no download status window. I can see that something is trying to download but it is not saved to disk. (Yes, I checked /dev/null first).My first stop was to edit > preferences > applications to see if the extension definitions got borked during the upgrade. Everything seemed normal except for the fact that I couldn't see an entry for .hqx files and no apparent method for manually adding it to the list. I went to another site that I administer and successfully download a .pdf file

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading SSD - Save The Accounts And Data?

May 10, 2010

I have an ASUS 900a with a 4GB SSD running Ubuntu NBR 9.10. It has several accounts and associated data on it. How do I save the accounts and data as I upgrade the SSD? I have an 8GB USB drive, an external HHD, and an external DVD burner available. I suspect that clonezilla will be part of the answer, but I don't know how to put the pieces together.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Usb - Save The Setting From The First Computer Then Boot From The Other?

Sep 15, 2010

Will I have any programs with Ubuntu is going from my computer to my laptop when it save the setting from the first computer then boot from the other?

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