Debian Installation :: How To Create A New User Called Mesk As FTP User

Sep 3, 2014

I have just installed vsftpd on my debain server..I want to know how can I create a new user called mesk as FTP user and set a home page to some folder on my server? I tried this:

Code: Select allhtpasswd -c /etc/vsftpd/passwd mesk but got: cannot create file /etc/vsftpd/passwd.

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Ubuntu :: Made An Error With Chmod - Create User But Don't Allow To See The Other User's Home Folder

Jan 18, 2010

I wanted to create an user but don't allow it to see the other user's home folder so I made chmod 0750 /home/folder and it worked fine so I went ahead and decided to completely forbid access to the root folder and I had the "great" idea to make chmod 0750 /, and now I'm having problems with wine and other applications, in example I used to have a folder in this address but now it's giving me errors and if I try to run some applications I got error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"

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General :: Create User Add File With Default Password And Force User To Change It?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to add 50 new users, not on the server yet I want to add them all to group Accounting - with 1 option, not user by user I want to setup a default password for them all, and have it say something like 'You must now change password or no access will be permitted' Any other options I also want to do once, not for each user?

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Ubuntu :: Create A New Administrative User Of Change The Current User's Group

Sep 3, 2010

This netbook only has a user with non-administrative privs on it and root user but I do not have root's password.Is there a way that I can create a new administrative user of change the current user's group so that it can do sudo commands or have more privs?

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Software :: Create User Without Creating User Home Directory?

May 12, 2011

i have rhel 5.2 and i want to create user using useradd command without creating user home directory and not throwing any warning/error about not creating any home directory.i have tried useradd -u "$NEW_UID" -g <gid> -d "/home/$1" -M "$1"where $1 is user name and $NEW_UID is i am throws error as useradd: cannot create directory /home/$1which i dont want to come , how to prevent this?

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Security :: Create A User And Limit User To A Directory?

Apr 15, 2009

I've been looking for this feature for months and couldn't find a solution for this. Does anyone know how to create users and limit the user to a specified directory?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Login - Error "no Profile For The User Can Be Found And It Couldnt Create Per-user Gnome Configuration Directory"

Aug 8, 2010

I have a network set up that has been working for around a year with no problems but has now developed a login problem. The system was set up with a main server with all users on it and another PC located elsewhere that people could log onto using there personal login and password that then gained access to the account on the main server. This remote PC has now got the problem. When you try to log onto an account it comes up with the message "your session has lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself this could mean there is a installation problem or that you are out of disk space."

Error message says that no profile for the user can be found and it couldnt create per-user gnome configuration directory. I can log on as root onto the remote PC as it is obviously a local account but all the account on the main server are not accessible. From the root account I can see that the connection to the server is OK and I can actually log into the accounts on the server using the failsafe session so the physical network is OK.

I never built or designed this set up and to be honest I normally work with windows so its all a bit strange to me. Both PC's run Centos 5. I have checked the messages log and there doesnt seem to be any indication of a problem. Just that it stopped connecting from the remote PC. The accounts are all active on the main server itself and have no problems being accessed.

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Debian :: How To Create User Hidden Files

May 30, 2011

I have lately been converting all my Ubuntu installs to Debian. Kind of like a revival meeting. Basically I am wiping the ~/.whatever files from the /home partition and saving any that might be handy later. Save any files from the / partition that I might want something from (/var/cache/apt/archives for packages installed, /usr/share/backgrounds and so forth). The last one I am working on is a little different. It is the first install (successful) install I ever did, Ubuntu 8.04, and it is ext3 on one partition. I did the above things as on the others but it was all on one partition. Fired up my netinstall disk for squeeze and installed on 2 partitions. One new one for / ext4 and the old partition not formatted, mounted as /home on ext3.

Did a base install with only the system utilities added by the taskel business at the end of install (like always). Rebooted to that install. Every thing seems to work at the basic level. My passwords worked, both for the text user login and then the root password when I ran su so that I could purge nfs-common (it has given me problems on every install for some reason). Came back here to my usual Debian testing install, fired up boinc and then the chroot environment for the new convert. Installed gnome-desktop-environment and some other things, all from a list that I have used before in just this manner.

Go back to boot to the new one, every thing rolls fine, get the GDM3 login, enter password. "Can't access ICEauthorization". Have to Ctrl+Alt+b out. Back here I check the /home/tom directory for that install and hit Ctrl+H and there are no hidden files. Run "dpkg-reconfigure -a" to no effect. Try adding my user again and that, of coarse dose not work because the user already exists. One other thing is that if I boot to recovery it does show the message to login or hit Ctrl+D but does not stop with a prompt. Shows a couple other things and stops. Ctrl+Alt+B to get out once and had to unplug once.

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General :: Created A User Called Gdev - Permission Denied ?

Oct 16, 2009

I created a user called gdev.

As root, I made a dir /var/www/html/test

I have done these same steps on numerous machines. However, in this instance, gdev cannot cd into test/

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Create New User

Jul 29, 2010

i have changed the home folder of the administrative user i cant create new users .

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Fedora Installation :: Mysql Fc14 Can't Create New User?

Nov 10, 2010

I installed mysql on FC14, but can't successfully create a new user. It lets me go through all the steps without complaint, but then I can't log into mysql as the new user.

Here's what I did.

1) yum install mysql mysql-server
2) service mysqld start ##sets up mysql
3) mysqladmin -u root password myownsecrectpass ##create a root password
3b) mysql -uroot -p; #log in as root, this works fine
5) CREATE USER 'anewuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password123'; ##create anewuser with a passwd
6) GRANT ALL ON webdb.* TO anewuser@'%';

Then I log out of mysql as root and try to log in like this
mysql -uanewuser -p

I enter the password and get this error:

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

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Fedora Installation :: Create 6GB /user Partition And It Says Not Enough Disk Space?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a 80GB HDD on which I have installed Ubuntu10.04. I have about 45GB space remaining. I am trying to install Fedora13. I create : 2GB / partition - 2.4GB swap partition. I want to create 6GB /usr partition and it says not enough disk space? Why is it giving that message?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create User With Encrypted Home Folder

Mar 8, 2011

I want to create a user with a encrypted home folder. I tried "sudo adduser --encrypt-home username" but I get following error "adduser: Could not find program named `ecryptfs-setup-private' in $PATH". I installed the cryptsetup package but without result.

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Programming :: What Are The Series Of Files That Are Called When A User Make Copy Operation From Usb Mass Storage To Hard Disk

Mar 20, 2010

what are the series of files that are called when a user make copy operation from usb mass storage to hard disk?i have reached the code of the usb mass storage in linux kernel 2.6.33 and i want the exact code the make the copy how can i do that?

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Ubuntu :: Why The User Created At Installation Time Is A Custom User Instead Of An Administrator

Oct 31, 2010

why the user created at installation time is a Custom User instead of an Administrator.

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Programming :: Function In Kernel Space Called Form User Space

Jul 7, 2009

I wanna write a file in kernel space but from my searching I can to know that instead of writeing file in kernel space ,I can write data to user space by copy_to_user space.

But link is missing ...I dont know how will my user space will access kernel space means my function in kernel space which will do copy_to_user /....How my user space function will call my kernel level function ..

Can any one of you provide me with some example file which are doing this .I know every char driver is using it ...but i could not trace back how user level function is accessing it ...i m confused between user space and kernel space.

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Networking :: When Called From Cgi Script/apache User: "ldap_bind: Can't Contact LDAP Server (-1)"

Apr 28, 2010

Here are the specs of my machine: Linux matrix 2.6.18-92.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 29 13:16:12 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga)

When I run an ldapsearch in root, it works fine. tcpdump filtered by dest IP shows packets captured.

When I run an ldapsearch in a perl script as root, it works fine. tcpdump filtered by dest IP shows packets captured.

However, when I run it via a perl script in my cgi-bin directory it fails. tcpdump shows no packets captured. When I added a "2>&1" to my ldap search in my cgi script, I got "ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)".

I ran a "whoami" in my cgi script and it showed up as apache.

Another twist to all this is that I ran the same test on my slackware box, and everything works (esp the cgi script). Here's what the specs are on that machine:

Linux slackvm #2 SMP Mon Aug 17 00:52:54 CDT 2009 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

I checked the permissions on the ldapsearch file and directory, and they're the same (755).

Could there be something blocking the apache user on my Red Hat box from sending packets out?

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Debian Installation :: User Login Fails / Root Ok

May 26, 2015

Debian 8/Cinnamon fresh install. /home is being shared with two other OS's, Mint and openSUSE. At the login screen I enter my user name and password and the screen blacks for 1-2 seconds and comes back asking for user name and password. I can login as root. As root I can launch the Group & Users GUI and attempt to set the user's password, and pressing the 'change' button does nothing obvious.

I can set the user's password in a terminal, which reports success. I tried to switch users and login with the changed password and I get the same failure. If I try to login with the original password I get an incorrect password error, suggesting that the password is being processed properly and the problem is elsewhere.

On previous installs with Mate and the default desktop (Gnome) I didn't have this problem. So, the questions are: Is it Cinnamon? Is it an unlucky chance bad install? Config files are typically in /home, which is being shared with Mate and KDE, is this the problem?

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Ubuntu :: Create New User In 10.04?

Jul 17, 2010

no need to say i'm new to it so, do i have to create a new user for security reasons in ubuntu lucid?

when i run wireshark it prompts it is dangerous to run as root so what do i have to do?

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General :: How To Create Another User

Aug 11, 2009

I know this will sound stupid, but we've been tasked with standing up a professional Linux server to run a vendor tool and product on. And my team has never administered a Linux or Unix box before. I know the concepts, but can't find the tools!

How do I create a user-ID? And is there a GUI tool I can fire up from the command line to make some of this easier? We can get to the box, manipulate files, etc. But to this point we're exclusively usint 'root', and I know I need to stop that, and prevent that happening in the future.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Create Ftp User Id

Aug 3, 2010

now how can i create ftp user id and password and allow them to access only specific directory under the wwwhtml directory.


actually i am having three different user and i want them to allow three different directory under www/html/user1 www/html/user2 www/html/user3

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Debian Installation :: User Password Rejected And Have To Login As Root

Oct 28, 2014

Suddenly Debian started rejecting my user pw and I have to login as root. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but this started when I re-booted after adding Russian keyboard layout in etc/default/keyboard. The Russian keyboard added successfully.

Being logged in as root, renewed the pw of my user account (actually assigned the same as wes previously), got confirmation the the pw has been changed. Reloaded. Yet it keeps complaining that the pw is wrong.

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Debian Installation :: Separate Functional Partition / User's Account?

Nov 16, 2010

How can I implement this: I encrypt a partition using LUKS, and store personal data on this partition. Then create a user account that solely deals with this partition and insulated from the Internet. Normally for each boot I do not even need to mount the LUKS encrypted partition, and when I mount that partition under that special user account, I can make sure that the Internet is cut off.

I'm going to do the installation these days, could you provide a brief sketch regarding what steps I should go through to implement the above result?

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Ubuntu :: How To Create New/Separate User

May 5, 2010

I want to try out KDE on Lucid, but I don't want to install KDE on top of ubuntu, because I will end up with two sets of applications and software that is gnome specific to load in the KDE environment.SOOOOO, I want to create a separate user that is only KDE and a user(my current one) that is only gnome. Different names, different environments and applications.

Also, if it is possible, I will need instructions to remove a user as well, so in the future I decide which one I like better, I can delete the other user account.

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Ubuntu :: Create A New User Account?

May 9, 2010

how can I create a new user account?

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Ubuntu :: Create A New User From The Gnome GUI?

Oct 4, 2010

Any idea how to "repair" "the configuration server" ? I'm only a month into Ubuntu and I have this fatal inability to create a new user from the Gnome GUI. For any new user I create, I get the following fatal errors upon rebooting and trying to log in to that user.

- Purple clouds for about a minute.
-- then --
- Could not update ICEauthority file /home/user_encrypted/.ICEauthority
- There is a problem with the configuration server.
- (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)
-- then --
- Nautilus could not create the following required folders:
- /home/user_encrypted/Desktop, /home/user_encrypted/.nautilus


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Ubuntu :: Create A New Desktop User?

Dec 4, 2010

When I create a new desktop user(i.e. without administrative privileges), I am given the option of letting him have the ability to connect to wired/wireless networks or not. Should I let a normal user have this privilege? Are there any security issues if I let him connect to wireless networks?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Create A New User / What To Do?

Apr 19, 2011

I am using ubuntu on my netbook...
My user ID is the only user and also the administrator of the machine...
Still unable to create another user.
It says "You are not allowed to modify system configuration"

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Networking :: Create A Default For New User?

Jul 23, 2011

when i want set quota for a user is use: "edquota -u root"

but if i want set quota for all user, and create a default for new user, what should i do ?

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General :: Create User For CentOS W/ Ssh?

Oct 22, 2010

I've got a remote server running CentOS and I require a new user account who would have access to sftp & ssh functions.I've got a bit of a problem creating the user since whenever I try to login with the new account through ssh (putty) I keep getting access denied.I've made different accounts with userids above /below 500; even though I'm a complete noob so no idea how I'm supposed to go about this.

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