Ubuntu Installation :: Sharing Updates Between Two Installs

May 11, 2010

I'm planning to have two installs on the same pc, so I can break / test one and still have a usable system. I've got my partitions setup so I have a separate /home for both installs to share, but how do I share the updates? I'm going to use clonezilla to copy the working (/) partition, but how can I use the updates for both installs. I'm just trying to save downloading twice if possible. Is there a way to copy or use the updates applied in one partition to the other? Does apt save the updates somewhere?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade A Live USB So The It Installs With The Most Recent Updates?

Mar 12, 2011

Is it possible to update a Live USB so that way when you use it to install to another computer it will install with the most recent updates? I want to install Lucid to my sister's computer, but it doesn't have internet so once its installed it's never getting updated again.

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Fedora Installation :: F9 Installs Fine - Locks Up After Updates?

Mar 26, 2009

I recently installed fedora 9. Everything works fine after install (except sound but thats a different story). When i run updates everything seems to have worked fine but when i reboot afterwards i get to the login screen which works but as soon as i log in it freezes? the only way to restart is to press the power switch...

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OpenSUSE :: Software Installs / System Updates Failed

Mar 3, 2010

Cannot access installation media [URL] (Medium1). Check whether the server is accessible File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium '[URL]'. This has been happening whenever I try to update the system, install new packages from software.openSUSE.org or from Software Management. I installed openSUSE to test while I repaired another system, I'm more familiar with Debian. I've been checking any offered additional repositories when I install software, this is probably my problem. How do I remove the "Death_Knight" profile from my repros and do I need to install another in it's place?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Updates Returns To Main Window Without Installing Updates

Mar 24, 2011

For some reason Update Manager is not installing updates as of yesterday.I have it set to check daily and notify if updates are available. It has been working without issues for well over a year now.

Update Manager tells me updates are available and presents the list of security, recommended, and other updates. All are selected to update, but when I select Install Updates in Update Manager it returns with a Reading Package Information window overlaid on the main Update Manager window - building dependency tree then reading state information and dumps me back to the main Update Manager window without performing any update actions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installs On 133/266mhz FSB But Not 166/333

Feb 25, 2010

I have tried many things but none of which seem to work.

Motherboard : N2PAP-LITE
Processor : AMD SEMPRON 2800+ (32 Bit)
Stock FSB Settings : 166/333MHz

This is a really odd problem. It installs under 133/266MHz and runs fine. When it's at 133/266 it reconizes it as AMD ATHLON XP in the BIOS and the Linux Installation. I want to be able to install it using 166/333MHz which is the stock setting of the processor! When I set it to that in the BIOS it reconizes as a AMD SEMPRON 2800+ but will not install Ubuntu 9.10.

This is the error I get if I try to run it from the CD, Install it, or boot from the current installation which I installed it with 133/266MHz. If anyone can please help me figure this out it would be great, im trying to use it as a server and would not like to bottleneck it as it shouldn't be. I get these errors


? unknown_bootoption+0x0/0x1ab

Now if you want the whole error list I will type it up.This is a link for the motherboard manual.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 LTS Installs As Server Only?

May 29, 2010

I burnt a 10.04 LTS disc when it was released and just tried installing on an old Pentium 2 400 MHz with 320 MB and two 10 GB drives. After rebooting, it comes up in text mode with a tty2 login. Did this install the server version only? Is there a command to launch the GUI shell? There were no options during the install to choose GUI or server version and I assumed this was the 32-bit GUI version and the install disc ran we GUI during installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating A Personal ISO For Installs?

Nov 15, 2010

I've been installing Ubuntu on more and more systems for people. But I'm just doing the install from the the LiveCD download on the Ubuntu homepage. Once I do the install people want their desktop to look like mine so then I have to install Compiz and Cairo-dock and configure them both like mine. Is there a way to create a LiveCD or installation disk already pre-loaded and configured with Cairo-dock and Compiz. I'd also take off F-Spot and add digiKam, along with making sure a working version of Flash and Java are also included in my personal installs..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Figure Out How To Install Application Installs

May 12, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to install this program i found atIt is a simle application that monitors systems.I have uncompressed it but i cant figure out how to install it.it's driving me nuts reading many websites on installing things and getting no place after a week.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Installs Successfully But Does Not Boot Upon Reboot

May 19, 2010

Recently I have built an old pc using bits and bobs that have been collecting in the garage for years and decided to try and turn it into a file server, and to get some experience in networking etc. Now I had a choice of 2 motherboards for the system:

1.)gigabyte ga-8siml
2.)elitegroup l7s7a2

I first built the pc using the gigabyte board,install was successful and ubuntu server booted on restart. The only problem was,there is no onboard lan on the board and the only spare wireless pci card I found was completely frazzled. Rather than buying a new wifi card to get the system running, I thought I would try the other motherboard since this had onboard lan. The elitegroup motherboard however does not have onboard vga, so I dug out an old agp ati radeon 9200se 128m ddr tvo graphics card and plugged her in. The install went fine,but after a restart, I'm left with a blinking cursor at the top left of the screen.

If I hold down 'shift' for long enough I can bring up the grub menu,but if I select anything I get no signal on the monitor. After a while on the blinking cursor screen the monitor will time out to no signal on its own. I have tried the installation using different combinations of the options given by F6 of the first installation screen but to no avail. I have also tried installing the generic kernel as opposed to the generic-pae.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installs On Two Different Drives - Advice Needed?

May 22, 2010

Here's a screenie of partitions where Ubuntu is currently installed:[URL]..sda1 is the partition where Windows used to reside - that's why it's flagged as 'boot'. When I nuked Windows, I just left it flagged that way as I figured that's where Grub is installed and didn't want to screw anything up.

I'm about to add a new 1TB drive for Lucid (most likely). I want to move this current drive to the second drive bay so it will become sdb 1,2,3 but keep it functional (at least until I'm convinced that Lucid will work for me). Here are my questions:

Will Lucid find the old Ubuntu install on sdb automatically and give me a choice of dual boot?

Will the old Grub legacy be overwritten? Should I remove the old 'boot' flag or leave it like it is? Do I even need a boot flag on sdb since BIOS is set to boot from sda? Any other tips before I start mucking around in a perfectly functioning system?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-get With Server 10.04 Installs Samba4 Instead Of Samba3?

May 31, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.04 server in VBox. I forgot to check Samba during installation so I installed it later with apt-get. When it was finished, Samba 4 was installed. I did apt-get remove and tried to install samba 3 and can't figure out how to do it. It wants to install Samba4 again. I tried "apt-get install samba3" but no joy.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Network Printer Installs But Then Can't Be Located?

Sep 14, 2010

On a new installation of Ubuntu Lucid I can install a network printer by getting the Printer utility to search the network to find it. The Printer utility then proceeds to install the driver. However when I try to print the test page I get an error saying that it can't locate the printer. The printer is not new, and all other computers on the network (all Ubuntu Lucid) can print to it.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiple Installs Of 10.10 With The Same Partition Setup?

Feb 4, 2011

I work at a local library. In a few days I am getting 8 new HP g72t laptops. Is there a way to do multiple installs of 10.10 with the same partition setup, installed programs, config settings , etc? I am a volunteer and have set up many ubuntu installs before but always had each machine old and different. Now I would like to automate all the installs somehow.I picked that laptop as linuxcity.com sells them with Ubuntu installed.I got them with windows and plan to remove win 7 and do Ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installs Cut Short By Desktop Switching Off

Mar 6, 2011

So I have decided to switch to ubuntu since xp gave out on me. Everything seemed so easy during install untill it randomly shut off. It now does this during different stages of installation but never gets further than after entering my user details and beginning the install. Its not faulty hardware as boots into xp home ed fine. I want a full install of ubuntu only though.I have tried both 10.04 and 10.10 (32 bit) booting from Live CDs (3 diff copys, as was paranoid of probs with the iso download)

The hardwares largely unknown but easily ran xp media center previously a year or 2 before. I'm very confident its not underpowered for this.As you can probably tell I'm completely new to this and not overly technical. I have looked around and some things suggest a problem with graphics cards.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Distro And Recent EFI Motherboard Installs?

Sep 1, 2011

Has anyone done a recent install of the latest Ubuntu on a EFI motherboard? Last time I tried (right as 11 came out) I had horrible graphic errors during the install, problems install grub2-efi, and then even when I got everything installed I had graphic errors on boot up that rendered the install worthless. I think I am going to have to go to a different linux distro, which I am not really that happy about, but I need linux on this computer. know experiences with ANY linux distro and recent EFI motherboard installs.

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Installs But Will Not Boot?

Apr 21, 2009

I am having a problem getting F10 to boot after install.I downloaded the DVD, burned it and installed from it. No errors during the installation but when I go to reboot the system comes up saying:"VolGroup00 not foundUnable to access resume device (/dev/volgroup00/logvol01)Mount: error mounting /dev/root/ on /sysroot as ext3:h file or directory"This is being installed into an AMD Opteron Blade with an Adaptec SC2000 controller card, 4 SCSI disks configured in a RAID 5 array.I gather it's looking at the wrong device for a boot track/loader, but not sure how to fix thisAny ideas? I figured if it found it during install it should find it during boot but that doesn't seem to be the case

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Installs On Wrong Disk And Overwrites Win 7 Mbr (more Than Once)

May 20, 2010

I recently bought a new Gateway desktop. I use mostly Ubuntu but like to boot into Windows once in a while. Have used Ubuntu as my main OS for about 3 to 4 years, dual booting. After the Ubuntu 10.04 release, I decided to throw in another hard drive into the new computer and make it dual boot.


1. I did not create the Gateway Recovery Disk in Windows before installing Ubuntu.

2. Installed Ubuntu 10.04 without disconnecting the Windows 7 drive.

3. The Ubuntu install never prompted me asking where to install Grub (apparently there is an advanced menu somewhere in the install process that lets you select), and it was installed to the first drive on the PC by default, which happened to be the Win 7 drive.

This left the Windows 7 unbootable because it did not appear in the Grub menu. I did some searching and managed to install Grub on the second drive (the one with the Ubuntu install) and also managed to add Windows 7 to the Grub menu so I could boot into Windows. This last procedure added the Windows 7 option to the Grub on both drives.

I then managed to fix the Windows 7 mbr using /fixmbr and /fixboot. The problems I still have are as following. I can't create the Windows Gateway Recovery Disk in Windows. Every time I try, I get a message telling me "Hard drive configuration is not set to the factory default. Restore aborted.". I already disconnected the Ubuntu drive but get the same results. I know this one is not a Linux issue, but maybe someone had a similar issue and might be able to help.

The next problem I have is that it looks like after the las Kernel update in Ubuntu, Grub overwrote the Windows 7 mbr again. Is there a setting file somewhere that now tells Ubuntu that Grub is installed in two places and that whenever there is an update it updates both? Can I change this? I really would like to avoid re-installing Ubuntu to fix this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 & 9.10 Installs Fail, Asus MX-M2V + NVidia 7600 GS?

Jul 31, 2010

I am completely failing at installing most variants of ubuntu on my desktop (ubuntu & kubuntu 10.04, 9.10, normal & alternate, and mint 9 tried, all MD5 checks OK). My system has: Motherboard: Asus MX-M2V (google +ubuntu) Graphics card: gigabyte nVidia 7600 GS (google + ubuntu) 2GB RAM, AMD64 dual core, etc.


I've bean able to get past this stage by removing the "quiet splash" install option, however it still fails, usually with a garbled screen. The alternate CDs seem to work better but still ultimatley fail with a garbled screen. Mint 9 when live from the CD had the mouse cursor missing on the normal greed desktop, only a few pixels over a square about 1cm x 1cm were shown. I managed to run the "hardinfo" report guessing where the mouse was and save to a USB stick, I have attached the report.

Reading forums I saw a few things to try so I just installed Ubunto 9.10 alternate CD adding "xforce vesa" and "nomodeset" to the command line. During install I disconnected my 2 windows HDs so as to simplify matters. The install was to have a whole HD (Maxtor 160GB, IDE).

On booting with only that HD attached I am presented with the ubuntu logo, followed by a black screen with the mouse pointer only. At a certain point in the screen the pointer changeds to a insert text cursor. Once I managd to get something to happen by typing in my passowrd at this cursor but after this point only a garbled screen. Another interesting thing, after this I installed GAG to the MBR of my primary SATA drive which successfully loads either of my win HDs, but when I try to use GAG to boot to the ubuntu HD it reports "sector boot not found or invalid" I can get a command line on the HD with the ubuntu 9.10 screen using the "Recovery option" from the install CD but then do not know what to try.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 Only Installs From 1st CD In Text Mode?

Aug 27, 2009

I tried installing Fedora 11 on my i386 using the 6 CD set that I downloaded. Since my system has only 128M of RAM, the text install mode was used. The 1st CD installation seemed to work OK. After 181 out of 181 packages were installed, the system rebooted and did not ask for me to insert the other CDs. now when my system comes up, it is always in text mode.

Q. Is there a command I can use to have the remaining CD's installed so I can install the graphics system?

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Fedora Installation :: Install 13 From Cd - Only Installs Disk 1?

Jun 3, 2010

I am trying to install Fedora 13 on a new system from CD. DISK 1 runs but terminates without using disks 2-5. There is a system I can access as 'root' but I was not prompted to create a unique user or which packages should be installed.How do I complete the process?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu 11.04 32bit Fails To Boot After Repeated Installs?

May 1, 2011

I made a post in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10753227 but I guess it's closed.I'm having the same issue. I've installed Kubuntu 11.04 32bit twice now. Both times it doesn't do anything when it reboots.No output to the screen.When I boot to the LiveCD and chroot or simply mount the /dev/sda device and run sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdaIt says grub installs successfully, but it doesn't fix the problem.

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Fedora Installation :: Installs But Disables KDE Boot Option?

Jun 20, 2009

upgraded from Fedora 10 to 11, had both KDE and Gnome desktops installed under 10 but now upgraded to 11 I get a boot error when truing to boot to KDE and most KDE apps that used to run under Gnome no longer do so

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Fedora Installation :: Removing Older Kernel Installs

Mar 31, 2010

I just did an upgrade and it included the kernel. As time goes by, I will be stuck with a lot of kernels to choose from, and lower disk space. How do I remove an older kernel and everything it's related to it without breaking stuff?

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Ubuntu :: Error On Every Installation \ The Programs Actually Installs Fine And Work's But Errors Are Annoying?

May 24, 2011

so the problem is that when I try to install anything with Software Center I get this error

installArchives() failed: Selecting previously deselected package alarm-clock-applet.
(Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5% (Reading database ... 10% (Reading


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Debian Installation :: Installer Incorrectly Installs AMD64 From I386 DVD?

Aug 4, 2011

I just installed Debian stable from the standard i386 DVD. When I booted up, I noticed that GRUB showed me that I had the amd64 version of Debian installed. However, I did not download an amd64 DVD, nor do I want that architecture installed on my system (even though my system can support it). The output from "uname -a" (which included both "amd64" and "x86_64") also seem to confirm this. However, I was able to install 32 bit packages and get them to work (gdebi wouldn't even let me do this when I had Ubuntu 32-bit).

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Fedora Installation :: Creating Local Repo For HTTP / FTP Installs

Jul 15, 2009

I'm having trouble installing Fedora 11 using the URL method. When I put in a F11 netinstall CD, or even Disc 1, I press tab on the first option and add "askmethod" to the end of the text. Each time I point the installer to my local FTP and press enter after typing in the FTP url, the installer just hangs there. I've even tried deleting ALL the files from the F11 folder on my FTP server and downloaded ALL the files at:

Still...the same thing.
When I pointed the installer to:
Everything worked fine, albeit slow as it was DL from the NCSU FTP server.
Am I doing something wrong with my FTP server? It is anon, so there is no authentication issues.

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Debian Installation :: Lenny - +Adaptec 3405 - Installs Ok But Doesn't Start

Feb 22, 2010

I'm installing a file server on Lenny (Samba on RAID5, nothing exotic)

First, I installed on a basic SATA drive, to check everything else in the system was recognized correctly. Success.

Then, I added my 3405 Adaptec board, with a 3 drive RAID5, and reinstalled, still on the lone SATA disk.

Install runs ok, shows correctly the 3405 board, detects the logical drive alongside with the SATA drive. Smooth. I install Lenny on the SATA drive, planning to use the RAID5 for later partitioning and data storage. During install, the SATA disk is shown as SCSI-1 and the RAID5 disk as SCSI-2. Again, install completes correctly.

But on reboot and after selecting the default config, the system complains it can't find /dev/sda1!

If I remove the 3405 board, Lenny boots fine.

Is the presence of the Adaptec board and RAID5 drive changing the numbering of the disks, so that the SATA disk is no longer seen as /dev/sda1 ?

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Debian Installation :: Installs Grub And Then Will Boot The Installer But Is Still Tries To Find The Removable Media?

Jan 1, 2011

Im trying to do a frugal install off the hard drive (no usb,cdrom) with unetbootin. It installs grub and then will boot the installer but is still tries to find the removable media. Whats going on????

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Client PC Sharing Key With Access Files / If Not File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2011

Im using WPA with a TKIP pre-shared key...Can a client pc im sharing my key with access my files if im not file sharing? Router config?

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