Ubuntu Installation :: Microsoft Fonts Not In Synaptic Pkg Mgr?

Aug 17, 2011

I've read a number of posts [URL].. that state that the Microsoft fonts, formerly msttcorefonts, but now (supposedly) called ttf-mscorefonts-installer should be available in Synaptic Package Manager.

Neither is present in mine- I am running Lucid Lynx 10.04 and I have both font multiverse and universe enabled; althoguh, the wiki link says I should see hundreds, but I only see about 30 total in all 3 font repositories. So I then tried apt-get tff-mscorefonts-installer and I got the following error: E: Invalid operation ttf-mscorefonts-installer

What gives? Is this package no longer available? Should I be looking in some repository other than Font?

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Ubuntu :: Install Microsoft Core Fonts?

Jun 24, 2010

I tried looking for it in the Software Center but it doesnt have the install button. It used to work just smoothly in the previous versions of ubuntu. Do i need to download anything before installing it? I need it for compatibility with MS Office

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Microsoft Core Fonts Not Working?

May 3, 2010

when I go to software center, it shows the ms core fonts but there is no install button. I have loaded the restricted extras and medibuntu repos. not sure why it is not working. ubuntu version 10.04 btw.

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OpenSUSE :: Updater Applet Keep Telling To Download Microsoft Fonts?

Sep 20, 2010

Is this safe? A good idea? What's causing this? It's called "pullin-msttf-fonts".

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Fedora :: OpenOffice Installation - Dejavu-serif-fonts Conflicts With Dejavu-fonts

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to install the open office suite using Add/Remove Software. It however give the following error:


dejavu-serif-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts
dejavu-sans-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts
dejavu-sans-mono-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts Wrong After Installing Truetype Fonts / Why Is So?

Jan 15, 2010

I just finished installing a bunch of truetype fonts. After installing them, firefox is displaying "bradybunch" font when I search google.

The font settings are all serif and sans serif in both the system fonts settings and firefox settings.

I am using ubuntu 9.10.

Any idea why this could be happening?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Fonts In The Fonts Dropdown Menu In Oo Writer

Oct 14, 2010

I would like to use the Adobe Garamond Pro in my text doccument in open office writer. I got a text document where from a friend where it is used so I know that it can. But when I want to edit I cant find it in the fonts dropdown menu.

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Ubuntu :: Over 1500 Fonts - Move Them To My /usr/share/fonts Folder

Jul 3, 2011

I have a folder with over 1500 fonts, I would like to move them to my /usr/share/fonts folder so that they can be used. Some are from Windows, some are just random extras. I've installed the msttcorefonts, but there are quite a few missing that make some wen pages look different.

How can I go about putting the fonts from my folder, into the appropriate /usr/share/fonts folder to be used? And how can I move them all? I can't drag and drop them, and mv FONT_NAME /usr/share/fonts for all of them will take a month or two. Is there a way to elevate my self to be able to just drag and drop them all? And which folder would they need to go into for them to be used in Chrome and Firefox?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Microsoft Office 2007

Aug 13, 2010

how to install Microsoft Office 2007 in Ubuntu. I am not satisfied with OpenOffice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Lucid In Windows 7 - Microsoft Virtual PC

Aug 15, 2010

Do not attempt to make any changes to your operating system without fully understanding and accepting that if you screw up, you get to start from scratch. This tutorial involves editing files and folders independent from your Operating system and is relatively safe.

From this point, we'll assume your running Windows 7 and have Virtual PC installed. And before anyone thinks "Hey, what about VMWare or blah blah blah", don't clutter this thread, if they want to do that, they'll Search for Ubuntu on VMWare :wink)

I wanted to run a couple linux apps without rebooting my machine. What follows is an exploration in self mutilation and approaches voluntary masochism. I have discovered that while patience is a virtue, there is nothing virtuous about her. After reading over and over article after article on how you can't use Microcrap's built in Virtual PC for Windows 7, you have to use 3rd party to run a Linux VM. I called ******** and found some lingering threads buried deep within the ubuntu forums. This example is kind of thorough although it lacks the ease of use for people who don't know what they are doing.

A little primer on virtual machines. A virtual machine is a translatable snapshot of an operating system that will play on any machine. It does so by providing a known set of generic hardware with varying levels of complexity based on which OS is running on which machine. In this example, a copy of Ubuntu Linux 10.04 (lucid-32bit) is being run within a window on a Windows 7 Professional 64-bit machine.

Now for the why don't you just set up a dual boot machine and take full advantage of the power of the penguin. Well, it's not that easy, for a multitude of reasons. The biggest is convenience. I have instant access to files updated on either machine within the other, without the wait of a reboot just a quick ALT-TAB. I'm also not stuck to just terminal linux commands through a telnet session to another box. I rarely go beyond the terminal prompt in normal testing, however there are some network tools and testing consoles that I prefer in Linux. And yes, I do have a dual boot option should I want to flaunt my super 64-bit penguin power.

So, on with the story... After spending nearly a day trying this and that and seeing who did what and what wasn't working on my machine, it boiled down to what can Windows Virtual PC do, what hardware does it present to an operating system when it's enhancements are turned completely off (coincidence they would only support RedHat linux? I think not, see approved government operating systems).

When getting setup to start your image, you need a few large downloads, and you need to make your list before you start the process, so you can walk away and watch some tube or mow the lawn. Files needed to get you started: (these will not change typically)Microsoft Virtual PC There will most likely be 3 downloads for this. The upside is you get a "free copy" of windows XP professional out of it. The next file you will need is an ISO of the version of Linux you would like I chose Ubuntu 10.04 32bit, but this will work on most debian kernels I do not recommend 64 bit linux anything at this point unless you dual boot only, it's problematic. Do not burn the ISO to a DVD or CD (I'll explain why later)

Okay, we have all we need downloaded to a common location that we remember right? Great, let's get started installing Microsoft Virtual PC. If your install is similar to mine, you'll install in this order:


Of course change to -i386 if your running 32 bit Windows 7.Now that we have this installed, reboot the computer, after you log back in, check for windows updates by start button and type 'wuauclt /detectnow' without the quotes. Install any updates and reboot yet again.Now we've prepped the computer for adding Virtual PC's. If you want to see what a virtual machine will be like, you can go ahead and run the Windows XP Mode and see how nifty it is to have a clean system to try software on (that's isolated from your real system of course.)

Now on to creating some penguin powered windows. Open Windows Virtual PC. You will see a file explorer type of window with the option to Organize, Include in library, Share with, Burn, Create virtual machine, New folder.

Select 'Create virtual machine'

This will open up a wizard that we will use to setup the environment for Linux. Because this is not a Microsoft innovation, we want it to be as stable as possible.Type in the name you'd like to use, something to identify the OS you intend to install, I used AnotherOS but I would choose something more memorable, especially if you plan on creating multipe VM's The Location should be set for you, although you may put it on another Hard Drive if you would like (perhaps you don't want to allocate space on your SSD and prefer it on your SATA drive) Now for RAM, this is the amount of ram that will be reported to the new operating system, in this example I chose 512, I would recommend at least 1024 if you plan on doing anything graphically intense. For the most part, this will be a chunk of real memory that Windows 7 will not be able to use while the virtual machine is active. You don't want to set it to 3096 if you only have 4096 available and then try to run Autocad on Windows 7 and open your pocket Linux to do some geological survey conversions.

Networking, just leave this checked, we'll address this later. On with the show We want to create a virtual hard disk using advanced options. NEXT Choosing Fixed size because we want this to be as stable as possible. As far as name and location, it's typically simpler to keep it the same. It will have a different extension so NEXT. Now we specify a size. For reference, a typical Linux install, including swap drive portion is around 5gb (assuming you end up installing nearly every package available). I chose 16384 because that was the number that popped up and it was big enough to download nearly anything I could ever want to. Now we are ready to hit Create. You should see this screen and assuming everything happens like it's supposed to, you may close the window.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Microsoft Office (Wine) - Install MSXML?

Jan 1, 2011

I am fairly new to using Ubuntu 10.10 or any other versions of Ubuntu. I recently downloaded Microsoft Office 2010 and opened it with Wine (read it was the best and easiest to use) after a few seconds I get an error message asking me to install msxml 6.10.1129.0, So I did some further research and found a bunch of links for download but from experience I did not attempt any as I know my PC can get infected. How to get Office on my PC.

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OpenSUSE :: 3.2 Fonts Get Loaded To /usr/local/share/fonts?

Feb 23, 2010

I have just installed openSUSE 11.2 X86_64 on my laptop, I then used KDE to install lots of type 1 fonts for my printer. These get loaded to /usr/local/share/fonts/...These installed fonts are visible to KDE (KWRITE) and GIMP so I assume that the installation was O.K. When I start openOFFICE writer I do not see these fonts. The font selection appears to be the fonts located under /usr/share/fonts. I have not tried other ooo3 components. I assume that they are not going to see the fonts either.

I have searched google and it appears that /usr/local/share/fonts is the correct location for non-packaged fonts. Has anybody any idea what is wrong? I think I could move all the fonts to /usr/share/fonts and ooo3 would work but this seems to break the installation directory structure. I have considered symlinks but I don't like the idea of defining a font twice to Linux and creating the syslinks is more work than reinstalling the fonts if they are lost

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Microsoft Office 2003 / Enable This?

Mar 20, 2011

I have installed on my Ubuntu 10.10 OS via my laptop MS Office 2011 using wine.

The trouble that I am experiencing is that when trying to install MS Office 2003 to my Pc/ Non-laptop computer with Wine I keep getting the error if I double click setup.exe in the MS Office 2003 CD code...

I have seen many tutorials online but all of them require modifying .DLL's in Wine and none of them have worked so far.

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Fedora Installation :: Possible To Install Microsoft Office 2003 In F12

Mar 16, 2010

Can we install microsoft office 2003 in fedora 12 by some means: [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dpkg/synaptic - Recovering Installation Canditates (versions)?

Mar 30, 2011

Well, I was just doing an update, and there was an update for git that was held back. I decided to force this update using 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', and installation of git then failed. At this point in Synaptic - I could see versions listed as 'lucid', 'lucid-security', and then this ppa version. Then I barely managed to remove git - but now, if I try to install it again, *only* the ppa version is listed in Synaptic - no more 'lucid' and 'lucid-security' versions!!! Does anyone have an idea how I could recover the 'lucid', 'lucid-security' versions? I will try to salvage as much of the terminal with the problems as I can below...

/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 12: dpkg-maintscript-helper: not found
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/git_1%3a1.7.4.1-3~ppa1~lucid2_i386.deb (--unpack):


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Ubuntu :: Set All The Fonts To In 11.04 To Make Them Look More Like W7 Fonts?

Jul 3, 2011

1. What do I need to set all the fonts to in 11.04 to make them look more like W7 fonts?2. Is there a way I can improve the graphics in WINE? Some very simple games run slow. Is there a way I can change the cursors in wine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Synaptic Not Seeing The Repos?

Feb 6, 2010

I have 2 new repos that are listed in my sources.list file. They are also visible in System/Administration/Software Sources/Other Software. However, they are not visible under the Origins tab in Synaptic. And how would I download from them if Synaptic doesn't see them?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Run Synaptic Others Except From Root

Feb 21, 2010

Took an emachines T3265 with Win XP home and used 9.04 DVD (from Ubuntu book) to wipe out the Win XP and then install 9,04 over the entire hard drive. I then upgraded to 9.10 using the option on update manager. I gave my normal logon all privileges, but I can use synaptic and other functions such as changing update parameters w/o logging on as root. If attempt same from my logon, PC crashes.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Python-dev 2.6 Via Synaptic?

Apr 9, 2010

I have to install this file - python-dev 2.6 - to run FreeCAD. I found the file by googling it however the site 'strongly suggests downloading this file via the synaptic package manager'. How do I do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.10 Now Cannot Run Synaptic

Oct 17, 2010

Upgraded to MM and it boots, desktop and apps run but cannot access synaptic - gives brief error message. In terminal, ran "sudo apt-get update" and got this message:

Reading package lists... Error!
E: Problem parsing dependency Depends
E: Error occurred while processing gsfonts (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 8.04 To 10 LTS Using Synaptic?

Dec 14, 2010

I upgraded my old ubuntu 8.04 to 10 LTS, after all the downloading and installing is done the system is then rebooted and this appeared on screen for more than an hour theres no activity..

upto now iam waiting theres no activity on my machine.. is this normal?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Synaptic Package Upgrade ?

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to get Ubuntu up and running on my Dell XPS 400 desktop. I verified the checksum of the iso (ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso) I downloaded, and I ran the cd check before installing. I also ran a memtest for 16 hours with no errors.

So I install Ubuntu, and everything seems ok. Now, I try to update my software packages, and the upgrade always fails after all the packages are downloaded (sometime during actual installation). So, I have to reboot, and the file system will not mount. I run fsck and reboot, and now I cannot even boot normally or to a shell... This has happened to me twice in row.

What is the best plan of attack when a package fails to install midway? I want to use Ubuntu, but this is making it pretty hard.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken Packages In Synaptic

May 7, 2010

During my recent upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04, I got a few error messages concerning the flashplugin-nonfree not installing correctly. A user named carlee helped me get flash working over on the absolute beginner forum, but I've got a related problem still unresolved.Update manager is convinced that my perfectly working flash installation is broken, and insists I update it.However, the update fails every time, telling me E: flashplugin-nonfree: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.

Opening synaptic, I cannot select the reinstall option for the plugin. Removal and complete removal are my only options, and both give the above error. More problematic, I cannot de-select the flash plugin entirely. It MUST be part of any other package update through synaptic (if I wanted to re-install avant window navigator, for example). And since the flash removal operation fails, synaptic is effectively non-operational.How can I convince my update manager that my fully operational flash is just fine the way it is?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wine Not Installing From Synaptic?

Jun 20, 2010

Just attempted installing wine from the synaptic.IT has downloaded all the deb files required for its installation but hangs and keeps giving me one message "Giving up"this a screenshot of it

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Ubuntu :: Synaptic Installation Is Stuck At About 75% For 15min?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to install btnx daemon and it has been stuck at about 75% for at least 15min.

How do "undo" and start again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Synaptic Can't Fetch Cdrom?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm attempting to install Lucid on a new Acer Timeline X 5820T and having a tons of problems.

First of, I've got no internet connection either wired or wirelessly.

I've found several posts claiming that the ethernet card just needs a driver installed to work correctly.

However, to make the driver I need build essential installed, but no problem, I've got my CD, I'll just install them from the CD.

However, when I attempt to install them through synanptic it tells me that it:

Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04 LTS_Lucid_Lynx_ - Release i386 (20100429)]/pool/main/p/patch_2.6-2ubuntu1_i386.deb

File not found why it can't fetch the cdrom? Ubuntu recognizes it and I can browse it just fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Synaptic & Source Files?

Sep 29, 2010

So I've installed a dependency from source since I needed to customize its config (couldn't figure out how to do this to a package). Synaptic doesn't recognize that it's installed and the program I want to install wants to reinstall this dependency. Specifically, I'm trying to get Kdenlive, and FFmpeg is the dependency.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Drupal 6 Installation Using Synaptic?

Nov 29, 2010

I have installed Drupal 6 using synaptic and it shows as installed in synaptic but NOT in my Ubuntu software center but it is nowhere to be found.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Update Synaptic Offline

Jan 31, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my offline PC andhow to get an updated repository for Synaptic using a online PC elsewhere. I need this so that I could generate package scripts to be used elsewhere to download software.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 404 Not Found With Apt-get Update/synaptic?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a little problem on my relatively newly installed 10.10 Lubuntu that I can't quite figure out. I'm guessing it is a piece of cake for most of you ubuntu-veterans so I'm hoping a kind soul would save my day: The last couple of weeks, the apt-get update (and corresponding button in synaptic) does not manage to update all of my repositories, and I get a "404 not found" error at the end (see attached text file (hope I did that right, am a longtime lurker but haven't posted anything much yet)).

I realize that I have been doing some adding of repositories, and have written the wrong command a couple of times, which may be the cause of this (at least the two frescobaldi ppa errors). What I don't understand, is how I remove these faulty(?) repositories, so that my system stops claiming being unupdated. After searching/googling the issue I tried looking for the corresponding entries in sources.lst, but to no avail.

ps. my system is in german, the messages say "W: Failure when getting.." and "E: some index files could not be downloaded, they were ignored or others were used in their place". (rather badly translated)

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