Ubuntu Installation :: Limited With 650mb CDR - Install Possible?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a cdr and a computer I would like to install ubuntu on or at least get a live cd running. I only have a 650mb cd-r though and the computer wont support usb booting. How that can be accomplished? I cant boot into windows either on the comp I wish to install Ubuntu. I plan on making it a Ubuntu-only computer as the windows is old and password protected by users long gone. I am ready to wipe it clean with a new install of Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE :: Resolution Limited On New Install?

Jun 25, 2010

Having given up on a failed OpenSuse 10.3 and installed 11.2, I am now unable to get better screen resolution then 800 X 400. Previously there was no apparent limit, so I know the Viewsonic display is capable of much more.

In Yast2 the nvidia graphics card is identifed OK, but even in Yast I can find no way of getting back to the higher resolution. In the Desktop-tweaking app all I get offered is even lower resoulutions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 Update With Limited Space

Jun 2, 2010

I have a eeePC 901, currently installed with 9.10, and pretty much fully updated. If I try and update to 10.04 using the package update, it fails due to lack of space, OS is in the 4GB SSD. Is there some way that I can perform the update without a re-install?

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Fedora Networking :: Limited Connectivity - Clean Install F14

Dec 5, 2010

I just installed F14 on my thinkpad R61 notebook and I am not able to completely browse the web. By that I mean that I can connect and access and browse fedora.org (from firefox) and I can install software and updates but no general browsing. I can successfully ping [URL] in a terminal but I am blocked in a browser.

I tried both hardwired and wireless connections to my router, same issues with both and my desktop machine running F14 works just fine (hard line) on the same router.I also tried disabling the firewall and it does not change anything.

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Ubuntu :: Server Or Desktop Installation For Limited Server Use?

Aug 1, 2010

My present system consists of 4 computers all running Ubuntu (just upgraded to 10.04) and all have a Virtual windows installations to run applications for which there are no Linux substitutes. The "server" is a NAS that is merely a file repository. I want to replace the NAS with a new computer that acts as both a server and a local workstation. It would act as a repository for common files and would run a mail, calendar, contacts server for the LAN (no outside connections).What are the pros and cons of installing the server version of Ubuntu (or Kubuntu) then adding the appropriate desktop versus installing the desktop and adding some server functions?

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Desktop Limited To 16?

Jul 22, 2010

i am using ubuntu 10.04 lts and can only use 16 virtual desktops.and when i open the preference menu it will not let me name the desktops. how do you put a different background on the desktops.

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Ubuntu :: Gparted Limited When Partitioning Vista HD?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a question someone may help with. Why is it Vista seems to be so off limits to partitioning? I have never seen it where you could not create partitions like you want until I ran across Vista on a Compaq Presario F 700 Laptop. I finally got The vista partitioning tool too to allow me 12 Gigs but that is it. I seemingly can go no further. I would like to keep Vista on there but take it to the bare minimum HD size, so I can load other linux OS's.

I have 56 gigs of free space after installing ubuntu 9.10 So far I haven't been able to make a swap partition or any other partition for that matter. Is there a way to manipulate Vista partitions?

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Ubuntu :: How To Create User With Limited Access

Oct 24, 2010

I want to create a limited user, such that the user should only have the access to usb drives, cd drives and internet. And also I want to restrict the user from deleting the files from the system. How to do it..?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Limited User Account?

Jul 19, 2011

Can we create a limited user account in ubuntu like XP where user can not be able to change its networking settings (like changing IPs / enable & disable netwrok interface).

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Hardware :: Debian Limited To 4 GB RAM?

Jan 26, 2010

I have debian lenny with these kernels:

2.6.32 trunk

NO one recognize more then 4 GB and BIOS recognize all Ram. I read about it and the only solution I found is to compile another custom kernel and active support to 64GB RAM.

Can I just insert some patch to my currently kernel and resolve this problem? (Support more then 4GB)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Limited Speaker Control In Lubuntu?

Jul 25, 2010

I recently switched from Ubuntu to Lubuntu on my Acer Aspire netbook. When I had Ubuntu, in System Preferences I had a Sound mixer that would allow me to set the volume beyond 100%. It simply said "Sound" and was different than the applet feature. Both were preinstalled. With Lubuntu, I seem to have lost this option. I went through and installed Gnome ALSA Mixer along with Pulse Audio Control, but neither does what this simple volume control feature on Ubuntu did. My speakers are horrible, and the previous "Sound" feature really let me crank it up a bit. I'm not trying to blow my speakers out or anything;

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Ubuntu Security :: Making New User With Limited Access?

Sep 19, 2010

is there any way to make user with command text, just with accessbility to change network IP Address ?

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Ubuntu :: No Password - Read Only User (Limited Permissions)

Nov 9, 2010

I'd like to add essentially an anonymous user, which does not require a password. Second I think it's probably a good idea to only give this user very limited permissions, is there a way I can restrict the commands that they can run to a list (i.e. they should be able to run scp, ls, cd, maybe a few more, but not much)?

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Ubuntu Security :: User (in Jail) With Very Limited Permissions

Nov 21, 2010

I want to have an account (beta user), on which:I can use the Internet and other programs without administrative rights without the right to install programs with a kind of sandbox for everything that is connected to the Internet, which means: everything that is associated with the web browser's processes and files that I save to hard disk I want to be separated from the rest of the system, so that whatever can catch up on this account will be locked in it, for example any (if at all) possible malicious scripts from Internet or whatever may be dangerous now or invented in the future. Sometimes, for example, I save the web page to disk with all it content.

And in case someone cracked into this account I want make it in that way that he could not do any tricks to read or change passwords, or make any other changes to the system. The best would be if a password for that user might serve only to log in without having any other powers, and I would give that user an automatic login. For now I created a beta user without administrative rights. I understand that the limiting rights of the user are associated with limiting rights to their home directory. There are also groups, and a user may be included or excluded. I excluded that user from admin group but I don't know what else I can limit and how. When I give chmod 0644 for /home of this user he cannot run Firefox. When I give him 0740 he can run applications, so I assume the x attribute must be preserved.

This is a user without sudo rights, so when I type sudo apt-get update a message shows up correctly that this user doesn't belong to the sudoers group. But still it's not what I wanted. When the user runs Gufw and wants to change the settings to disable the firewall, a message shows up asking to type in a password of alpha user = primary user, which is that belonging to the sudoers group, the first / main user that I created during system installation. I wish that there was only the message that the beta user has no power to change anything, which means even completely remove the possibility of asking for sudo.

In addition, I wish that this beta couldn't be able to change the permissions to its home directory, or go to see what is above. Because so far beta can change the file permissions for its /home, even without a sudo password. How can I do it? Do I need to create a kind of chroot jail for this user? I would like any changes to that user account could be made only after the user log off from beta account, and log in on alfa account and that beta could run only programs that ware installed by alpha. And that beta could read and write, but alfa could also read and write or remove, alter files on beta account. Basically, alfa account should be superior to beta account. Can do that?

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Ubuntu :: Limited Space Remaining Error Message?

Dec 13, 2010

I installed Linux Mint 9 LTS onto the family computer last weekend, everything went okay apart from today when suddenly it displays a low disk space message.

The machine has a 250Gb HDD, and has the base install of Mint, plus Dropbox and Google Chrome. (Dropbox has about 500Mb in it). That's it.

The disk usage analyzer tells me that /home is 100% full, yet when I look into each dropdown there is barely enough to make 2Gb of usage. (The most being Dropbox).

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Fedora :: Limited Screen Resolution In F12

Feb 10, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 into a virtual Machine (using virtualbox). Everything was perfect but the screen resolution is only 800*600. I cannot read the text fine and work is impossible.I searched already other posts but i couldn't find anything helpful.How can i set the resolution at least at ca 1280*1024?

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Fedora :: Add User For Ftp To Limited Directories?

Jul 22, 2010

How do I create a user with ftp access and/or Putty access that can only see and change certain directories. I want to create users to work on my website but I don't want them to have access to all of the folders.

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Fedora :: Evolution Limited To 12-hour Day

Jun 14, 2011

I'm running a fully updated Fedora 15.In Evolution's calendar, my days are limited to 12 hours: from 0:00 to 11:45, always.Under preferences->Calendar and Tasks->General, I have "day begins" as 07:00, and "day ends" as 23:30. Changing these numbers has no effect whatsoever. Selecting "12 hour" under "time format" also does nothing.I REALLY hope this isn't a deliberate change by the Evolution developers. My days have normally consisted of more than 12 hours since I was three or four (I'd have to call my parents to ask). Jokes aside, what's going on and how do I change this?

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Slackware :: 13.1 : Resolution Limited To 1024x768?

Jun 4, 2010

Can't make Slack 13.1 to run at more than 1024x768. No problems where with 12.0-13.0. Here are portions of my xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log:


Section "Monitor"
HorizSync 31 - 81
VertRefresh 56 - 75
Section "Device"


Note the last line marked (**) - "from config file", but I only have 1280x1024 there ! And what does that mean

(II) NV(0): Using fuzzy aspect match for initial modes
(II) NV(0): Output VGA2 using initial mode 1024x768
(--) NV(0): Virtual size is 1024x1024 (pitch 1024)

And KDE/Display only offers up to 1024x768 too. Didn't try NVIDIA driver yet but 13.0 had no problems with the same monitor,similar Card and nv driver.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LAMP Setup With Limited Access To Users

Mar 9, 2010

I'd like to setup an Ubuntu LAMP server, and provide limited access to it for our in-house web developers/designers. I'm not quite sure how to go about the permissions side of things. Which user/group should "own" the /var/www directory? Is it www-data?

How do I create user accounts (for our developers) that have access to the /var/www directory - do I create accounts then add them to the www-data group? Or should I make a special 'webdev' group and give it access somehow?

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Ubuntu :: Compact Flash Limited To 1024 Files In Nautilus?

Sep 26, 2010

I just got an 8 gig compact flash card for my SLR camera. When I open the card (using a card reader) in Nautilus (Ubuntu 10.04) it will only list about 1024 files and not the rest. It does not provide any warnings so one could easily think all files have been copied when in fact they haven't. This could be a real issue if the user does not notice. Using another app called rapid photo downloader in Ubuntu does not seem to list/preview all the files either. I dual boot to win xp 32 bit and I can see all the photos and can copy them to the harddrive without any issues so I don't think it is hardware related. How to get Nautilus to allow the copy of all files?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Allocate A Limited Amount Of Space For Each User?

Oct 1, 2010

it is possible if i can have sub-users in my server and can i allocate a limited amount of space only. For example i am the root of server and now i can add another user with name john and he should be able to use only of 2GB out of my total hard-disk.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Have SSH Running / But Create A New Login With Limited Access

Jun 7, 2011

I have SSH running on a computer I use as a server at home and login to it for my own purposes but am needing to share access to this server with someone else, and I'd like to do it in a way so that when they sign in all they see is the contents of one folder and nothing outside of it. So I'd like them to have full access to this folder and do anything they want with it, but not be able to browse outside of it at all via something like WinSCP (they're using Windows). I'm thinking I need to create a new account for them to sign in with but beyond that I'm not sure what I need to do. The only other special thing is that the folder I'd like them to be presented with is actually on an external hard drive. We're going to be doing a lot of online music collaboration and I need to give him lots of free space to drop files and the internal hard drive doesn't have a lot to spare right now.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Screen Resolution Limited To 600x800?

Jan 22, 2011

The "Display" interface does not have a tab for "Hardware". The resolution does not go above 800 x 600.

There is no etcX11Xorg11.conf file.

There don't seem to be any display drivers in the software repository like in ubuntu.

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General :: Only Allowing A Limited Number Of Directories?

May 14, 2011

I have a drive NTFS formatted drive mounted in Debian and a script set to make directories via a linux script and cron job. This was running flawlessly till recently, when I started getting 'mkdir: cannot create directory 'dirname': Operation not supported'.I have been unable to find any help with this issue online. I assume it is a NTFS mount issue. I know it isn't about file size, as the drive it 1TB.Here is my fstab for reference:Code:/dev/sdb1 /mnt/backupLocation ntfs-3g rw 0 0Do you know what the issue is here? Like I said, up until recently I have been able to create seeming unlimited directories here, but it now stops after about 7 - 10 directories have been created?

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General :: Resolv.conf Search Limited To Six?

May 11, 2009

As you may well be aware the resolv.conf search appears to be limited to 6 domains. I need 7 One thing I noticed is that if you run nslookup on a short name that is in the 7th search it does work but ssh does not. I'm guessing that nslookup is actually reading the whole file and isn't limited.

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Server :: Can't Kill A Backup Job - Space Becoming Limited

Feb 24, 2011

### update ####

Sorry to waste the groups time on this one, after killing that and biting fingers, I re-examined the ps list and saw the tar and bzip running fine (so even though I killed the backup .sh, it was still going along, so I simply removed those and all was well again.

Feel free to reply though with #3, if I have 30G of mail, I know gzip is faster but bzip is more compression from reading, should;
a) tarring that mail actually drop to 3G total!
b) est (I know it's tough) but backing up 30G, is 10 hours longer than expected? (I will run some tests on a smaller folder)

############### end update

this is on an old RH9 box and backing up mail. I started the job last night in a shell script, it's around 30G of mail, and it was a tar using bzip as there was only 20 or so gig 'free space'. The old backup script was in perl and just a tar mail folder and the total was 3G so I figured I was safe.

Well it started last night and this am it was still running. I did a kill -9 on the pid and ps now shows it as;
root 9143 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z Feb23 0:00 [backup.sh <defunct>]

Disk space was down to 1.3G free (so somewhere all that space is being held temp somewhere), but I removed the old backup (3G which gave me a little breathing room of 4.5G), but the backup is still running somehow as the 4.5 is now 4.3. I tried the pkill, kill -9 pid, read someone said re-start the job which I did, then killed but nothing.

I really can't reboot this production box, so in RH9, I need to both;
1.kill that defunct backup
2.remove the temp storage it has made
3.figure out why it's taken 10+ hours and not done.

1 and 2 being 'critical'

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Software :: Run A Command For A Limited Amount Of Time?

Jul 10, 2011

i have a program for x64 and i need to complile it for x32 bits if somebody knows i will be happy to know!

Here it is:

* timeout - run a command for a limited amount of time
* Uses POSIX process groups so that we do the right thing when the controlled
* command forks off child processes.
* Author: Wietse Venema.


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Programming :: Add Commands To A Limited Shell Program?

Apr 3, 2011

In below program I want to add (as part of the valid_cmds string) the pwd (print working directory), lo (logout), and cd (change directory) commands. However when I add those into original program ;
char *valid_cmds = " ls ps df pwd lo cd";
they are not working I have the cout message huh?
Original source code is below code...

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Slackware :: 13.37 Black T-Shirt Limited Edition?

Apr 28, 2011

The limited edition of Slackware 13.37 Black T-Shirt is now ready at Slackware Store

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