Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Software Through Terminal

Jul 27, 2010

Yes, I know how to obtain things such as:sudo apt-get install [insert program here]But, how do you go about configuring files?I downloaded AssaultCube version 1.0.4, but I don't know how to install it.

But don't understand how that process works. Can anyone help me, please?I've been using Ubuntu the past week or two and officially dual-booted with Windows 7 a few days ago. Still have to use Win 7 and WAMP for Web Development purposes because I had that whole MySQL Server 5.1 issue that others had.Anyway, please help with compiling from the source with the aforementioned method (Installation from Source).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Terminal Freezes Installing Extras

Mar 18, 2011

When installing the "restricted extras" in Ubuntu 10.10 my terminal screen freezes on the EULA screen and won't go any further... Anyone got an idea what I'm doin' wrong?... Here's what I'm running: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras Here's what I wind up with: Package configuration


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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Start Installing Packages Via Terminal

Aug 3, 2011

Ive recently installed ubuntu and im quite a noob at this things.I whant to install programs but i cant.i know i have skype.deb package but it doesnt locate it could someone tell me how to start installing packages via terminal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Terminal Screen On Reboot With No GUI After Installing Nvidia Drivers On 10.04

Nov 4, 2010

who installed nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 10.04 and gets a terminal screen on reboot with no GUI.I came across this fix trying to install the drivers on Ubuntu 10.10. later i find that the same thing happens to me on 10.04 but one of the fixes i came across works perfect with it. Ok, so you just installed ubuntu 10.04 updated it through update manager and installed your nvidia drivers but when you rebooted and tried to log on you find yourself in a terminal interface well i found an easy fix for that.

i hope it works for you not saying it will though im new to the linux world only just coming out of windows and i dont know much anyways just log on the terminal and use command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" then run nvidia-xconfig command reboot and you should be fine only wish this would work for ubuntu 10.10

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Fedora Installation :: Default Way Of Installing Via Terminal Keep Getting The Errors?

Apr 28, 2009

I am having problems installing .tar.gz files. Anytime that i try the default way of installing via terminal i keep getting the errors found below

[Eyekay@localhost RPM]$ tar zxvf pidgin-libnotify-0.14.tar.gz


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Ubuntu Installation :: Difference Between Byobu Terminal And Terminal?

May 18, 2011

what is the difference between Byobu Terminal and Terminal? i ask this because when i upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.4 i did not have Byobu Terminal

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Ubuntu :: Installing A Game From Terminal?

Dec 21, 2010

[URL] at the bottom it says run that command in terminal but in terminal it says E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? what do I do?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing JAVA Under Terminal?

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to install the Sun Microsystems Java Runtime on my Ubuntu Server 10.10, but it is telling me that it is not available. I have researched online and it tells me that it is a part of the multiverse repository. I have not had very much success in activating this either.

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Ubuntu :: Terminal In 9.10 Cannot Access Download Folder When Installing

Feb 17, 2010

Tried to install Compiz settings manager today.

Fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 with all the new upgrades.

When i type in: sudo apt-get install compiz-settings-manager, I get this response.

E: Fr ikke lst /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Klarer ikke lse nedlastingsmappa
E: Can not lock /car/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Re.........)
E: Can not access download file

Then it returns to the basic command line, thing.

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Fedora :: Installing The Programs With Terminal?

Jul 23, 2010

Installing the programs with terminal?

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General :: Installing From .Tar.gz. - Terminal Disappears

May 18, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu 10.04 for almost a year now...and I'm still an ignorant noob! (....a testament to the simplicity of modern Linux- it's made me lazy) I downloaded a driver for my new scanner- see here: [URL] I extracted the tar.gz, and double clicked the "install.sh." and got it to run in terminal.....then selected my options (i.e. "stand alone" and "Ubuntu"....but instead of the terminal showing that the driver was installed or anything, the terminal just disappears!

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Debian :: Slow At Installing Packages Within The Terminal?

May 23, 2010

I was going to try out E16 and installed it via apt-get install. It ran through the usual of retrieving the required dependencies and whatnot, but as it was "setting" everything up as Debian usually does when installing packages, it seemed to take forever, to install a measly 6 or so megabytes.

Why is this? I regularly run "apt-get autoremove", "apt-get autoclean", and "apt-get clean", as well as check for orphaned packages and residual configs in Synaptic. Also, for some reason, Synaptic finds more packages left behind than the terminal finds.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Terminal Installing Driver ?

Jul 15, 2010

Okay I've used an X11 Terminal on MAC OS to compile programs but never a driver. I'm now using SUSE 11.3 (first linux to install on my toshiba correctly). Alas I need help telling the terminal what to do. It came with instructions that the modules and firmware need to be set up or injected into the kerenal.

My Wireless Driver is: Realtek 8192SE driver version Linux: 2.6.0017.0507

My Computer is a Toshiba L505-ES5034.

Like I said I've compiled software in X11 before but never a driver. So first I navigate to the files using CD (change dir) and then what?

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SUSE :: Installing Applications From OpenSuSE Terminal?

Feb 13, 2010

What command is used to install applications in openSuSE terminal?

I mean something like 'sudo apt-get install ...' in Ubuntu or 'yum install ...' in Fedora.

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General :: Installing KDE Desktop Via Terminal Services

Feb 13, 2010

I have been trying to install the KDE desktop via terminal services, but am failing because I have forgotten the syntax. Could some one please help? I know I did this for Gnome before, so I think it would be just as easy to install KDE with all it's dependencies.I am running Mandriva One Spring 2009 on my laptop and Mandriva Free 2010 on my desktop. I want to install KDE environment on both.

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Ubuntu :: Removing And Re-installing Flash Using Both Terminal And It's Software Center To No Avail

May 29, 2010

See the attached picture. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. I've tried removing and re-installing flash using both Terminal and Ubuntu Software Center to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Kde Along Side Gnome - Black Background And Terminal Screen

Mar 14, 2011

i have installed Ubuntu 10.10 and played around a bit and have got it booting into cli instead of the login screen. gnome is my default desktop environment but i wish to run kde along side to play around with. When i boot into kde using startx kde (usualy just using startx) all i get is a mouse, black background and a terminal screen.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Installing RPM - Yum Output Via Terminal Error

Mar 16, 2011

I'm new to Fedora and the Red Hat way of doing things, having been a Ubuntu/Mint user for the last 5-6 years. I've been using Fedora for my daily computer now for the last 3-4 months - a change that has definitely been for the better! However, earlier this morning I went to install a .rpm, and yum output via terminal the following error:

[leeky@darkstar ~]$ sudo yum install opera
[sudo] password for leeky:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* fedora: mirror.netrino.co.uk
* rpmfusion-free: mirror01.th.ifl.net
* rpmfusion-free-updates: mirror01.th.ifl.net
* rpmfusion-nonfree: mirror01.th.ifl.net
* rpmfusion-nonfree-updates: mirror01.th.ifl.net
* updates: mirror.netrino.co.uk
Error: database disk image is malformed
[leeky@darkstar ~]$

This is the first time I have received this error. I've now tried the following methods of resolving this problem with no luck:

1. Code:
yum clean all
2. Code:
yum clean metadata
yum clean dbcache
yum makecache
3. Physically removing the /var/libs/yum folder, and creating a new "yum" folder, and then step two above to rebuild it. Either way the problem then still returns in terminal.

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Fedora :: Terminal Command For Installing Packages Zypper / OpenSuSE?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm considering making a switch from Ubuntu/Linux Mint to Fedora 15 because I just adore, love, cannot be without Gnome Shell any longer. SELinux - I actually am finding I hate this program as it blocks certain plugins (like Java), some programs I run it blocks functionality, etc. What's the best way to disable it or make it more like Ubuntu where it's pretty much permissive of everything. Common Apps I use - I haven't checked the repos, but at the least I use the following (some I know work, but I can't remember the specific ones I want to know if I need to compile or if it's in the repos)

a - Snes9x
b - PCSX Reloaded
c - KeepNote
d - libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4
e - MP4, MP3, AVI, MPEG, OGG, OGV codecs (I think I've converted any others like WMA and WMV... wait I have a few WMA files, crap)
f - Flash 64-bit - this one I have issues with SELinux wise, (reason for first question)
g - VirtualBox - it runs so much faster under Fedora so I know this one works
h - Sun Java

RPMs - Fedora uses RPMs right? Is there like an DEB Alien to convert DEBs to RPMs? Apache2 - Now maybe I found this as httpd or lightppd or something, but why isn't it listed as Apache2 in the repos? I'm more or less guessing that Fedora is not a "rolling" release, is there a variant or version that is or a repo I can enable? A software center, other than Synaptic; I'm pampered when it comes to Ubuntu Software Center and that, is there anything like that in Fedora that isn't Synaptic? What's the terminal command for installing packages, is it zypper or is that OpenSuSE?

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Debian :: Installing Flash Plugin To Terminal - Package Not Found

May 25, 2011

I'm new to this and trying to install flashplugin to the terminal. I entered apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, and it says package not found. What do i do. I can't install yahoo messenger without it or see any videos on ..... or any thing that requires adobe.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Nvidia Driver Installation - Reboots Straight Into Terminal

Oct 15, 2010

I have been bashing my head against the keyboard for over 6 hours now i just got a brand new asus ul30v it uses Nvidia geforce G 210M.

I went straight to installing ubuntu 10.10 on the whole disc. when the installation was complete i was happy and logged in. only seconds after i logged in i was promted that i was recomended to install a driver for my graphic card, for 3d and such. so i followed the installation and was asked to reboot. so i did. but then ubuntu booted straight into fullscreen terminal.

While being in this terminal i have tried to purge and reinstall GDM amongst endless other things, including rebooting several times.

Not being able to do anything about it, i reinstalled, and repeated the installation of the driver. same story over again.

Bottom line is i have rebooted close to 30 times, and reinstalled over 5 times. ive tried installing from the terminal (excactly the same story). tried to download it from their homepage, then install it (couldn't install it because i had to turn off driver X and "terminate all OpenGL applications", wich i dont know how to do. tried googling it, but ended up worse than before..[url]

Im guessing i cant install the driver at all with ubuntu 10.10? i havent tried it with older ubuntu versions because, of course, i wanted the newest version.

I have barely been using ubuntu before, although i've had it dualbooted.

I have found alot of posts with people getting stuck in terminal on boot, but none of the solutions that worked for them worked for me, probably because they had different problems than me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Re-installation - Updgrade Crashed - Errors With Unity Crashing Every Time When Open A Terminal

May 18, 2011

I upgraded to 11.04, but the updgrade crashed, and now it has some errors with Unity crashing every time I open a terminal. Is there any way to re-install without having to reconfigure all my programs? I am running a dual-boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Seem To Install From The Terminal?

Apr 4, 2010

I downloaded the latest version of java but I can't seem to install from the terminal. Can anybody out there walk me through the process?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update From 9.04 To 9.10 From Terminal?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 as a VMWare image and I'd like to upgrade to 9.10. However, when I click on the Upgrade button in the Update Manager, a dialog pops up and says "Could not find the release notes. The server may be overloaded.". I doubt the server is overloaded though. 9.04->9.10 is still supported, even though 10.04 is out, right? Is it possible to upgrade from the terminal using sudo aptitude? Updating applications and libraries from the Update Manager works fine, but despite this I'm suspecting that the network proxy configuration is somehow causing this. I've added the proxy address in System->Preferences->Network Proxy, in the Synaptic Package Manager, in .bashrc and .profile.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install It Using Terminal

Oct 26, 2010

I m using Google Chrome.Its great to work with it.But I m facing problems in installing extensions like informenter in firefox.I have already downloaded the informenter.xpi for it.But I don't know how to install it using terminal?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boots Into Terminal Not Os?

Mar 15, 2011

so i just got ubuntu so i updated it then installed the wirless card drivers and nvida card drivers i then had to restart so when it re starts it is not at the log in screen like normal it is like in the terminal and then asks me for the log in name so i type it hit enter and then it asks for password so i type it in hit enter and then it says packages can be updated the updates are security up dates then it wants me to type a command in what do i do

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Ubuntu :: Software Installation Via Terminal

Jun 13, 2010

I bought a laptop in asia while travelling and to save money it had linux rather than windows installed, and I have been learning as I move around. Unfortunately I don't have access to the root user because the people in the shop I bought it set a password to the root without telling me and before I learnt about the root etc I was already far away. Anyway, I've been trying to install Avast! for linux, I have GNU bash, version 3.2.33, and I downloaded the Ubuntu .deb file. On the avast website it said I should go into the terminal and use the dpkg command but when I tried that it said command not found. I tried install and it asked me for file destination and file source. I don't really know what the specific names of the folders are, its currently stored in my downloads.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Installing OS Remove The Windows Installation

Oct 25, 2010

I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu, but before I do that I'd like to know if installing it removes your copy of Windows. If it does, is there any way I can work around that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Edit Proxy Settings Using Terminal / Cronjob Using The Terminal?

Jan 25, 2010

How can I edit the system proxy setting using the terminal? Which file contains this settings? I want to edit this automatically using cronjobs, cause from 8-5 I need to use a proxy, but at home I don't need the proxy. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Command For "Open A Terminal Window And Run Application In This Terminal ?

Aug 8, 2010

What is the command for "Open a terminal window and run application in this terminal

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