Ubuntu Installation :: Installed, But Still Boots Straight To XP?

Jan 11, 2010

I've searched and haven't found a solution for this one yet, but here goes. I took a 160GB hard drive and split it into 4 partitions, 1 for Windows XP, 1 for Ubuntu, 1 for swap and 1 for future use (possible Hackintosh installation??).I installed Windows XP first, downloaded all my updates, etc. Then, I installed Ubuntu 9.04 and selected the Ubuntu partition. After installing it, when I reboot the machine, it just boots straight into Windows XP, and it doesn't give me the option to choose which installation I want to use.I wanted GRUB; I know the installation is there because when I boot with the LiveCD, it shows up

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Ubuntu Installation :: PC Boots Straight To Windows After 11.04 Install

May 8, 2011

I am fairly inexperienced with Linux. I'm good with windows and PCs in general. I've been wanting to setup a Linux environment for teaching myself some programming so I downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 to install on my main Windows desktop.

I have two internal HDDs and an external HDD. Each of the internals is 160GB and the external is 1TB. I have Windows on the drive in SATA0. I split the drive in SATA1 into 3 partitions. I Windows Disk Management to shrink the NTFS partition to 100GB for storage. I used gParted to create a 2GB swap partition the rest is a ext4 partition So sda1 is NTFS, sdb1 is swap, sdb2 is ext4, and sdb3 is NTFS, and sdc1 is NTFS

I mounted sdb2 as root and installed Ubuntu there. I chose the manual option for the installation as the install alongside Windows option only showed my external HDD (sdc). I wasn't sure where to place the boot loader so I tried to overwrite the Windows boot loader on sda but that failed with an error about no file system available or compatible. I figured Grub2 doesn't work on NTFS......

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot To 11.04, It Boots Straight To Win7?

May 16, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit alongside Windows 7 home premium on ASUS A52J, corei5, ATI HD6370m.The problem is - I Can't Boot to it!!!! the machine boots straight away to win7. I don't understand it... the installation went extremely smooth and fast

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Installation :: Get Rid Of Boot Menu Completely So Computer Boots Straight Into Ubuntu?

May 10, 2010

I installed Ubuntu over my windows partition but kept the other NTFS partitions that I use for storage. For some reason GRUB shows up with the option to boot into XP (which isn't there). How do I get rid of the boot menu completely so my computer boots straight into Ubuntu?

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Fedora Installation :: Fresh Install Dualboot System / Boots Straight To Xp

Mar 4, 2010

after fresh f12 install says reboot & i do... no boot menu, boots xp. there's probably a solution, but i don't know it. someone know how to get around this?

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Ubuntu :: Configure Boot So That The Computer Boots Straight Into Windows Xp

Dec 5, 2010

How do I configure boot so that the computer boots straight into windows xp, unless I press a key during boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Lucid Lynx 10.04 No Longer Boots

Aug 7, 2011

I installed lucid lynx over a year ago on a IBM A20m laptop. I've been happily using ubuntu up to now until yesterday when I installed Tor and Torbutton. When I rebooted, I got a blank screen after the IBM startup routine. Thinking that somehow the system got corrupted by my Tor installation, I decided to reinstall lucid lynx from the CD. Surprise! The install CD also gives a blank screen!

I hit a key to get the menu and and the three first three choices all result in the same blank screen:
* Try Ubuntu without installing
* Install Ubuntu
* Check disk for defects

To help debug this, I tried setting the F6 option nomodeset and I removed "quiet splash" from the boot options.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Alongside Win7 But GRUB Doesn't Appear; Just Boots Win7

Dec 31, 2010

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 onto my new netbook from a USB stick. The laptop came with Win7 Starter, which I kept on a small partition. Installation was apparently successful, but when I start up the computer, it will go straight to Win7 and GRUB doesn't appear.

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Ubuntu :: Installed On USB, WinXP No Longer Boots?

May 23, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a USB hard drive after booting the desktop installer ISO on a USB flash stick. My laptop already had Windows XP installed on the internal hard drive and i did not load Ubuntu onto that disk. I can no longer boot the Windows OS. My laptop shows a grub rescue prompt with "no such device" error. I can mount the internal hard disk ("system drive") and see all the Windows files from within the Ubuntu desktop installer. Is there a way to restore my Windows system drive to boot or do I need to reinstall?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Nvidia Driver Installation - Reboots Straight Into Terminal

Oct 15, 2010

I have been bashing my head against the keyboard for over 6 hours now i just got a brand new asus ul30v it uses Nvidia geforce G 210M.

I went straight to installing ubuntu 10.10 on the whole disc. when the installation was complete i was happy and logged in. only seconds after i logged in i was promted that i was recomended to install a driver for my graphic card, for 3d and such. so i followed the installation and was asked to reboot. so i did. but then ubuntu booted straight into fullscreen terminal.

While being in this terminal i have tried to purge and reinstall GDM amongst endless other things, including rebooting several times.

Not being able to do anything about it, i reinstalled, and repeated the installation of the driver. same story over again.

Bottom line is i have rebooted close to 30 times, and reinstalled over 5 times. ive tried installing from the terminal (excactly the same story). tried to download it from their homepage, then install it (couldn't install it because i had to turn off driver X and "terminate all OpenGL applications", wich i dont know how to do. tried googling it, but ended up worse than before..[url]

Im guessing i cant install the driver at all with ubuntu 10.10? i havent tried it with older ubuntu versions because, of course, i wanted the newest version.

I have barely been using ubuntu before, although i've had it dualbooted.

I have found alot of posts with people getting stuck in terminal on boot, but none of the solutions that worked for them worked for me, probably because they had different problems than me.

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Ubuntu :: Installed An Nvidia Driver For 9.10. Now Terminal Appears When Computer Boots Up

May 15, 2010

I'm not sure what Nvidia driver I installed the other day, but it's messed things up. After Ubuntu boots up and asks for login, I am greeted with terminal. Setting 1152Xwhatever resolution failed. Setting to 1024X768. My xorg.conf.old file is completely empty, so I have no idea what the original settings were. I have tried removing and reinstalling xserver.xorg but that hasn't seemed to get me anywhere. I have also used the "apt-cache search nvidia" command to see what drivers could be installed, but every single driver that I attempt to remove isn't installed.

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General :: Installed 10.10 Ubuntu On SDHC Card - But Still Boots On Main Drive

Mar 6, 2011

I have an 8 gig ssd Dell vostro that has been running ubuntu linux successfully for several months. Linux is the only O.S. on the machine. Wishing to have more room I inserted a new 32 Gig SDHC card in the card slot and did an ext4 format and then did an install using the 10.10 disk that did the original install. Everything seemed to proceed as expected, but it rebooted using the 8 Gig drive. The 32 Gig card appears to have all the proper files. How do I get it to boot from that card?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Grub To Boot Straight Into Either Of The Windows Versions?

Jan 24, 2010

I've recently reinstalled all the os's on my computer, just now I'm going with ubuntu (general use) win xp (for flash, it doesnt play nice with 7 for some reason) and win 7 (for games). Everything is fine, but I can't get grub to boot me straight into either of the windows versions: Each option makes brings me to the windows bootloader, where I can choose between "Windows 7" and "Older version of windows". I want to go directly from grub to xp/7, without that extra menu. How do I get rid of it?

Using ubuntu 9.10. I snooped around and found a script to run that should give some helpful information:


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Ubuntu :: Desktop Computer Boots Into Text Mode After Nvidia Drivers Installed

Jan 12, 2011

After installing ubuntu 64 bit, I installed all my updates and installed the current nvidia driver for my 9800 GTX+ from the additional drivers page. After restarting my computer, ubuntu boots into text mode. I used google and found out a couple of commands like:

After i hit control+alt+f7 it hangs on checking battery state with NO ok to the right of it. after running sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia -current and restarting the computer, the boot hangs on the ubuntu screen everytime.

My specs are:
Core i7 860
4 GB of ram
Nvidia 9800 GTX+

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multi-boot Fail - Sytem Starts Straight To XP

Sep 1, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu, downloaded the version to run on the same PC as windows XP. Sytem starts straight to XP, never gives the option to start in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Installed An Nvidia Driver, Computer Boots Into Terminal / Restore Xerver Without Reinstalling?

May 14, 2010

I just installed the only Nvidia driver available in the software center for Ubuntu. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10. I don't know which Nvidia driver I installed, but the screen resolution the Nvidia driver tried to set fails at login, so now I'm stuck booting my computer into the terminal. . I used sudo apt-get install xerver-xorg in attempt to restore the screen; however, the xerver-xorg package cannot be found. How do I restore xerver without reinstalling Ubuntu? How do I restore my original driver?

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Does Not Boot After Install Goes Straight To Windows

May 27, 2011

I have a multi-drive system:

C: RAID 10 (WD 500 GB x4)
D: Data Drive (WD 1.5 TB)
E: Back-up ( Seagate 3 TB)

I shrunk the 3TB drive (E: ) to give me a free unallocated 60GB. Boot to F15 live DVD and did a custom install of the partition.Using the 60GB unallocated partition, use 500 MB /boot, 2GB /swap, and the remaining for /root and chose Fedora bootloader The installation completed successfully but after reboot it just goes straight to Windows 7-64. I have a AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3.3Ghz with 8 GB DDR3 memory. RAID controller is a HighPoint RocketRAID 4320 PCI-Express and the other drives are connected to HighPoint RocketHybrid 1220 PCI-Express 2.0 SATA III controller. Only the DVD-ROM and Blue-Ray drives are plugged into the mobo's nVidai SATA controller.

I'm not sure if its the drive configuration is causing the problem or Grub was not written to the MBR but apparently it wont let me boot to F15. I'm also running 4 monitors with 2 x Radeon XFX HD-697A-CNDC HD 6970 but only one video card (2 monitors) are working. During boot to the live DVD I notice that it switches from each pair of monitors but not all 4 and only after the login screen that only my 2 monitors are working. I tried the monitor detect and it only see 2 monitors.

Ps. I just love F15 Gnome3. I'm moving from Ubuntu 11.04 Natty.

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General :: Installed Driver For Graphics Card, Now It Boots Directly To Terminal?

Jan 4, 2011

Finished installing Ubuntu 10.10 in my XPS15, intel i5 4g ram, nvidia GT 420M graphics card,

problem is when i go to additional drivers, the driver listed (Nvidia accelerated graphics) when I install it and reboot it the computer starts on the terminal, no graphic interface. All I get is the black screen asking me login and password, when I enter them, just get the terminal prompt in a black screen.

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Fedora Installation :: Doesn't Work - Goes Straight To The Windows XP Login?

Aug 17, 2011

I burned Fedora onto a disk, but when I turn on the system it just goes straight to the Windows XP login.

I thought it was something wrong with the disk or something like that, but when I pop in the disk on my Dad's laptop, the installation for Fedora runs perfectly.

Also, yes, I checked the order for booting and the CD drive comes before the hard drive.

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General :: Machine Boots W/ Grub > Command / Window Installed ASAP For A Class?

Jan 26, 2010

I had linux installed on dell latitude d600, I did fdisk and deleted the OS so I can install Xp. When I try to boot from the Window xp cd , I get LINUX grub command line . " grub>" and can't do anything.I need window installed ASAP for a class that I am taking .

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Fedora :: Cold Boots Often Take Up To 10 Attempts Before The Computer Successfully Boots?

Oct 29, 2010

my desktop pc is acting very strange. cold boots often take up to 10 attempts before the computer successfully boots. after the 1st successful boot, i can expect 1-3 "glitches". here's what happens:

the first few cold boots fail at various points during the boot process. there appears to be no pattern to it. when it happens, the machine is completely locked up. it responds to nothing, except holding in the power switch for 5 seconds. i'll go through this procedure several times.

finally, it will boot all the way to a desktop. from there, once i log it, i can expect it to lock up completely, usually once or twice. and then, finally, the screen will go blank and it will suddenly be back at the login screen.

usually, once i log in that last time, it's at least usable, although hardly stable. watching flash video seems to cause a complete lockup, with the sound looping. it doesn't matter where the content is coming from (videos or similar) nor does it matter which browser i'm using (firefox or chrome). i've stopped visiting videos-type sites in the meantime.

this installation has always been a tad bit screwy. 99% of the time, firefox fails to shut down properly, resulting in a message letting me know that a crash was detected. earlier today, i was alerted to 3 kernel crashes simultaneously.

right now, i'm using the pc, as normal. the random nature of the problems would lead me to believe it was hardware-related, specifically something like memory (ram). however, i installed memtest86+ and ran it. i walked away for 4+ hours. came back, it was running, no errors were found. i stopped the test and booted, trouble-free.

the pc seems to be stable enough for a backup, but this does have me concerned...obviously. i'm debating wiping the drive clean and installing f13, just as a test. if it's screwy as well, it would have to be hardware-related, wouldn't you think??

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installation Automatically Boots Into A Black Screen With Blinking Cursor?

Jun 24, 2010

Problem-PC automatically boots into a black screen with blinking cursor. No message or nothing

I have 4 HD. Primary drive has Windows Vista, Secondary no OS installed. Sata1 HD Ubuntu 10.04, Sata2 Windows 7. Prior to installing windows 7 all was perfect but once I did it, grub got all screwed up. The only way I can boot into grub is if I manually select my Sata1 which has Ubuntu on it and only then it allows me to select Linux or Windows OS. How can I change that so it can boot up normally as before? I'm assuming that grub was installed in the primary drive which has vista on it, but once I installed windows 7 it got deleted and when I tried reinstalling Ubuntu, the grub was not installed in the primary drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boots To Grub Prompt After Installation Upgrade

Jul 10, 2010

I installed 10.04 clean on the PC.Not other operating system.It booted to Ubuntu fine after the install and all appeared to be working fine.Used the upgrade manager to install the upgrades to the basic system.I had not yet loaded in any non-ubuntu or medibuntu repositories so this was the first, basic upgrade.After the upgrade,I can no longer boot to Ubuntu but boot to a grub prompt instead.I presume this is a recover prompt. How do I "recover" and continue booting to Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boots Into Terminal Not Os?

Mar 15, 2011

so i just got ubuntu so i updated it then installed the wirless card drivers and nvida card drivers i then had to restart so when it re starts it is not at the log in screen like normal it is like in the terminal and then asks me for the log in name so i type it hit enter and then it asks for password so i type it in hit enter and then it says packages can be updated the updates are security up dates then it wants me to type a command in what do i do

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Only Boots Into Recovery?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a new (for me) computer (Its a Dell Dimension 9200) that I have put my hdd in with its Ubuntu install. The hdd works just fine when booted in my kpc shuttle but does not boot properly in the Dell. I can get a grub menu when I pull the power cord and then reboot. If I select recovery mode, I can get a graphical desktop with the failsafe graphics options or a command line. When I reboot after recovery mode, I do not get a grub menu (even if I press shift during boot) and all I get is a black screen with a blinking cursor. The monitors then go blank and act like they are no longer connected to the computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic Boots - Xp Won't - Error 13

Jan 7, 2010

I installed Karmic on a newly formatted hd. Xp is on another. When I boot, KK comes with no problem. But, I get and error 13 when I try to access xp. Here is the result of the boot info script.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Boots To Tty1 Instead Of Tty7?

Mar 13, 2010

I installed karmic on a dell vostro 1000 - all went well until I installed updates and restarted. Ubuntu booted to tty1 instead of tty7. I'm not entirely sure what changed, but I could do one of 2 things. at the login prompt on tty1 I could wait about 2+ minutes and it would boot to tty7 w/o my network card (but keeping the wireless) or I could ctrl+alt+f7 and get to the normal tty7 with everything working.After a bit of looking around, i found a few solutions, but the problems were not exactly like mine.- I could reinstall gdm (I did this and it had no effect)- I could install minigetty and do something else (not to sure what they wanted here)- I could remove usplashIt turned out that removing usplash did the trick...I dont get the cool little white logo over a black screen

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - 10.04 Only Boots To Maintenance Mode

Apr 26, 2010

Poston my phone, so forgive the formatting. i just ran the ug to 10.04 from karmic and it appeared to run fine (no errors.) system rebooted and i get a "general error mounting filesystems" and then dumped to maintenance mode. root and swap mount successfully, but root is read only. is there any way to fix this short of a reload. i don't have a second pc very handy at the moment.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 Just Boots To Login Prompt?

May 24, 2010

I installed 64 bit Lucid Lynx last week. There were some issues with the grub boot manager and my windows boot manager. However, about half the time i would boot to reach only a login prompt. If i used CTRL ALT DEL i would then reboot usually into the GUI.So now i only reach a login prompt all the time. How do i get the the GUI to run automatically?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 (64bits) Boots Sometimes But Most Often It Doesn't

Sep 23, 2010

The problem i have is that after sucessfully installing Ubuntu 10.04 (64bits) when i start my PC and i get to grub2 and select Ubuntu it will get stuck at a blank screen with only an "_" flickering on the top of the screen. At first i thought "Hey, maybe it just takes a while to boot" but after letting it sit there for about 20 minutes and nothing happening i decided to restart my PC. And then the same thing happened like 5 times. BUT on the 6th try it booted sucessfully! And everything was working perfectly but as soon as i restarted my PC i would encounter the same problem.

Details I should probably mention that i had the exact same problen on the install process. I tried with a CD i had burned the image on and it would show me install options (Try and install, install, etc.) But when i selected either one of those i would get the "_" flickering and nothing ever happening. Then i tried it with a DVD thinking that the CD was the issue. Same thing. After that i tried with a USB drive and i would get the same exact problem, but on the retry on the USB drive the planets aligned in such a way that i actually got the Virtual Ubuntu loaded from my USB drive.

So it installed sucessfully and when i restarted it i got to GRUB and selected Linux and the "_" would start showing and nothing ever happens. On the <random number> of restarts it actually launched and it picked up my audio, video cards, other NTFS drives, etc. But when i restarted i would get the problem again. I even went trough the whole install process AGAIN (getting it to read from the USB flash drive, starting on Ubuntu) and still no consistent results. Though on the second install it didn't pick up my audio hardware nor my other NTFS drives until the second restart where i was able to use Ubuntu normally. I even upgraded what it told me to upgrade. (now i have two "different" versions of ubuntu on grub, each with it's own safe mode only different by a .24 and a .25 on their names) and right after upgrading and restarting it booted immediately. But after that i'm getting the same issue over and over again.


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