Ubuntu Installation :: InstallCDCustomization "Incorrect CD-ROM Detected"?

Nov 26, 2010

i have create a Custom ubuntu cd with the guide [URL]But when i try to install i have this error: "Incorrect CD-ROM Detected".

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Ubuntu :: TestDisk - Incorrect Partition Table Detected

Apr 29, 2010

I'm not sure exactly how, but somehow one of my partitions was corrupted yesterday (GParted showed it as unallocated space). I tried using testdisk. It found the lost partition, so I happily let it rewrite the partition table. The lost partition did return, but then I found out another partition has disappeared (the one most important to me) and in its place there is an empty NTFS partition and an empty ext3 one (the original was an ext4.

The two new partitions seem to be those that were merged to form the ext4 partition). I tried testdisk again. When I run "testdisk /dev/sda" and choose "Analyse" the incorrect partition table is detected. I tried running "testdisk /dev/sda5" (sda5 is the NTFS partition) and it finds a partition labeled "magic" which is the name of the lost partition but testdisk cannot recover it. I get this:

TestDisk 6.11, Data Recovery Utility, April 2009
Christophe GRENIER <grenier@cgsecurity.org>

Disk /dev/sda5 - 47 GB / 44 GiB - CHS 5823 255 63
The harddisk (47 GB / 44 GiB) seems too small! (< 75 GB / 70 GiB)
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...

The following partition can't be recovered:
Partition Start End Size in sectors
Linux 0 1 1 9137 234 56 146800640 [magic]

EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock, 75 GB / 70 GiB
I tried deleting the second partition and moving the one after it so that there is 75GB available but it didn't help. I have lost worth of a year of my work. The worst thing that could ever happen to me!

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Moodle 2.0 - Incorrect Access Detected

Feb 16, 2011

This must be a server related question, so i decided to give it a try!I installed the defaults of:

apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server

Then i installed Moodle 2.0 blá, blá ... It's working fine from localhost. When try to access this server from other host i get:

"incorrect access detected, this server may be accessed only through [URL] address,"

Apache is working fine because i get the "It work's!" message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Preseed - Incorrect CD-ROM

Jun 4, 2010

I'm trying to preseed a 10.04 install, and it's giving me a lot of trouble. I've been using [url] as a guide, but I can't seem to make it work.

I have ripped the x64 alternate install .iso to my hard drive, inserted the preseed files (details on this later) and remastered and burned the iso. When I put the disc into my test PC, it boots up to the CD, checks for English keyboard, enters my custom install option and then fails. It brings up a red screen that says, "Incorrect CD-ROM detected. The CD-ROM drive contains a CD which cannot be used for installation. Please insert a suitable CD to continue with the installation."

The way I've understood the documentation is that there are 2 files that needed edited, and one file that needs created: edit /isolinux/text.cfg, edit /isolinux/isolinux.cfg, and create /preseed.cfg

Here is what I currently have in those files:




The preseed.cfg is 95% copied from the ubuntu documentation, I've only made the changes that are necessary. I'll admit I do not know what most of the boot parameters in the /isolinux/text.cfg file mean.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Incorrect Filesystem Size After Clone?

Mar 17, 2010

Question:Several months ago I upgraded my hard drive on a dual boot machine (xp & U9.10 - both 64bit) from approx 80gb to 250gb. I chose to use DriveClone from windows to clone the old drive directly to the new drive. Operational everything works fine. the problem is the Ubuntu HD size went from around 10GB to approx 150Gb, but the filesystem only recognizes approx. 10GB as the total available capacity. I just tried to reinstall Ubuntu without reformatting and only recovered a few GB's. GParted reports the proper partition size. Is there any way I can correct this problem? It's not a big issue...I thought I would check here first before I reformatted the partition. The pre-boot disk check ran and reported no errors but the file system is still not seeing the unused GB's.

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Ubuntu :: Incorrect Path To Installation Script Error

Aug 3, 2010

I'm trying to install Intel Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Linux IA-32 and am getting the following error:

root@p-comp:~/Documents/fortran compiler/l_cprof_p_11.1.072_ia32# ./install.sh
Error: Incorrect path to installation script. Installation can not be started
if the path contains space symbols.
Quitting! Press "Enter" to terminate install.

I've tried after downloading fresh files from intel's site but the problem persists. The install.sh file exists in the folder. I don't understand what to do! I leave no spaces anywhere as the error message says.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keyboard Incorrect Keys After Update?

Sep 21, 2010

Everything has been fine until tonight - updates have always ran ok. Automatic update screen appeared tonight so ran it as usual.

Now the keyboard layout is all wrong, ie backspace key puts a 5 in rather than go back a space, enter key puts / and spacebar moves 2 spaces also numbers on the right are not correct despite number lock on as usual. What happened to the settings and how can reset keyboard settings.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Incorrect Resolution After Update From Beta?

Nov 24, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 10.10 Beta and everything worked great. I upgraded one time and now my screen resolution is wrong. I have tried many things, but I would like to start troubleshooting from scratch.

The computer is a Dell Inspiron 537 Desktop. It is using 1024x768 resolution, when it should be using 1280x1024.

$ lspci -v
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset DRAM Controller (rev 03)
Subsystem: Dell Device 02e1
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0


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Software :: Login Incorrect With Almost Default Installation Of Proftpd

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to set up ftp server in the most simple way possible - login to home directories for existing linux users (except root). I get "Login incorrect" when I try to authenticate, although I am sure it is the right user-password (I even changed it using passwd on server's shell and tried again with the new one). The funny thing is even if I purge the proftpd package and install vsftpd instead - it doesn't help - I can't log in. But I can log in with ssh.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Incorrect Ambiance Icons After Upgrade / Remove Them - Get That Default Theme?

Oct 12, 2010

I recently upgraded from Lucid to Maverick... I did not notice this earlier but the icon theme (for example, in the nautilus toolbar) is not the same as ambience theme. Although I chose all the defaults for ambience theme by going to 'System' > 'Preferences' > 'Appearance'. I think the current icons I have are remnants from some previous installations. How do I remove them and get to the ambiance default theme?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Catalyst Control Center Displays Incorrect Version Information?

Oct 20, 2010

I have installed Catalyst 10.10 to Ubuntu 10.10 using the following methodology:

wget http://someplace/ati-driver-installer-8.783_RC1-x86.x86_64.run
chmod +x ati-driver-installer-8.783_RC1-x86.x86_64.run


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Installation Ati 64 Bit Driver Failed - Checksum Incorrect?

Feb 14, 2010

when adding the www2.ati.com/suse/11.2 repo to yast and installing the fglrxg01 I get this errormessage: Fehler: INVALIDaket ati-fglrxG01-kmp-desktop-8.593_2.6.31.5_0.1-21.1 wurde anscheinend w�hrend des Transfers besch�digt. Wollen Sie es erneut abrufen? checksum incorrect)

Suse asks me to install it anyway but then decides to not let me install it, only leaves skip, cancel and retry. when doing skip, suse also managed to fcuk up Grub and removes all the entries for suse. Installing the driver doing like ATI Proprietary Driver Install Guide | openSuSE 11.2 vanilla - openSUSE Forums

fails miserably too. the free radeon driver on my FirePro V7750 on the Dell 6400 still has artefact all over screen, I hardly can type., this linux installing is still quite frustrating. or should I try Linux maybe in a year again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Error No Hard Drive Detected

Feb 11, 2011

After lot's of research i still can't find any solution to my problem, that's why i'm posting a message here.So, it's been few days now that i'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10, with the live CD, but each time when i must choose where to install it or how to make partition, it just tell me there is no hard drive..(i have two 1 TB sata hard drive )So i tried many things, GParted doesn't find my hard drive either, they appear in the bios (i can run windows), try to uninstall a raid program that might hide the hard drive, but it didn't work either.

So i came to see that i had Marvell 9123 which seems to be a SATA controller, and few people seems to have some similar issue with that Marvell stuff..I'm quite desperate now.. i tried to install ubuntu on a USB drive but my computer just doesn't boot on it (i tried this method for the sb drive URL...

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Ubuntu Installation :: No USB Devices Detected / What To Do?

Mar 4, 2010

I am just getting started with Ubuntu and love it so far. It has breathed new life into an old Compaq Presario V2000 and once I get up to speed on it I hope to start running it on all the rest of our machines.

The only major problem I am having is that none of the USB devices I have plugged in are being detected. From what I have seen online I should be getting a notification and should be able to view the devices at Places/Computer but so far, nothing. Googling this problem it appears that individual devices often don't work but I could not find anything on all USB devices not working.

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here?

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Ubuntu :: No Harddrive Detected During Installation / Fix It?

May 5, 2010

During the installation of Ubuntu from a LiveCD my harddrive doesn't seem to be detected. I cannot create partitions. I used Gparted to shrink my Windows partition. There's 23 GiB of unallocated space, but it's not being detected.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Md's Not Detected After Upgrade From 8.04

May 23, 2010

I've upgraded a P4 system from 8.04 to 10.04 and it hangs on boot saying it can't find root (/dev/md0).ALERT: /dev/md0 does not exist.I've added rootdelay parameters in case it was a timing thing and cat /proc/modules shows raid1 etc. (although no md ??).I noticed the md and raid1 modules weren't in the /etc/modules and /etc/initramfs-tools/modules - so i added them and did a: mkinitramfs -o <name> 2.6.32-22-generic

Oddly at the initramfs prompt when I type "reboot" I see it flash up with syncing md devices (or similar) just my /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 are not in the /dev partition (although the individual devices are - /dev/sda1 etc.).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Monitor Is Not Detected After 10.10

Oct 28, 2010

I just upgraded, and when I rebooted I could see that it was booting but after the initial phase I got a blank screen.

I went to prompt and tried xrandr to which I got the error : Can't open display.

What does that mean, and how do I fix this? I guess that my monitor is not properly identified or is not identified at all.

Does anyone know what I can do?

Went to /etc/gdm to find xorg.conf but it is not there. In etc/X11 I have an xorg.conf

The contents are :

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
Section "Screen"


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04: SATA HDD Not Detected?

May 15, 2011

I tried to install 11.04, but the partition tool shows no HDD. If I try to run Ubuntu from the CD, I can explore the HDD but the partition tool in the installation program won't find it. What can be wrong with my Promise SATA controller

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Ubuntu Installation :: HD Not Detected On New Install

Jun 17, 2011

Ubuntu 11.4 installed on 400GB SATA Drive.I have 2 other SATA HD's and only 1 is being shown in Ubuntu.The missing drive is Fat 32, and all the drives are visible in bios.

#1 what steps I need to take to find out why Ubuntu is not detecting it?
#2 how to add the drive to Ubuntu?

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Fedora Installation :: System Update - Package Error "failed To Get A TID: Incorrect Path With ';' Returned"

Apr 19, 2009

I just installed Fedora9 in my desktop. The installation was successful and it was doing security update and system update right after install. After all the update service finished, I do a manual update to see what happy (Sysem>Administration>Update System). It keeps coming up with Package Error with the message "failed to get a TID: Incorrect path with ';' returned!".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Video Card Not Detected?

Feb 6, 2010

Working on a friend's PC, which was previously running XP and got a very nasty virus infection. I convinced him to try Ubuntu, showed him the interface running on my own machine and he was hooked. Backed up all his data to network, completely erased the hard disk and install Ubuntu. Sounds easy, right?

Installed 9.10, it didn't detect the video card and xorg.conf was missing from /etc/X11. After some messing around trying to get it to work, I realised that the sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg command wasn't working properly and didn't produce the menu shown in the screenshots. After some digging I found that this was a bug in 9.10, so to make the job easier, I wiped the drive again and started again on 9.04.

With 9.04, at least the xorg.conf file was there, but had no entries under configured video device. I tried adding "vesa", "via", "openchrome" (all on separate attempts), all to no avail. I retried the dpkg -reconfigure command above. still no menu.

Now several days into this "easy" install, I rolled back to the LTS release (8.04 - hardy) and installed that instead. Still no video card detection, and resolution is obstinately stuck at 800x600. Tried the same string of tests again, and now admitting defeat The relevant output from lspci is: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome] Integrated Video (rev 01)

The output from xrandr is:
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 600
default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm
800x600 60.0* 56.0
640x480 60.0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Not Detected During 10.04 Install?

May 2, 2010

trying to install 10.04, once i reach the dialog where i'm supposed to select partitions for mount/install, the installer reports my HDD is empty. it wants to create a partition table and proceed from there.in fact, my 1TB disk is 50% full and contains 10 partitions, including /boot /home, swap (which i wanna reuse) and 2 other OS partitions. these partitions do show up when running nautilus in 10.04 live, also "fdisk -l" shows them - the installer does not.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Not Detected Outside Of Lucid?

Jul 17, 2010

About a month ago I did a clean install of Kubuntu Lucid. I believe it was after that point I was unable to run other LiveCDs without some problems -- I first noticed that swap partitions failed or weren't detected. It appears that partition managers such as gparted, fdisk, etc cannot detect my partitions and interprets my hard drive as "unallocated" (this has been tested with multiple LiveCDs). However, as far as I can determine, all the LiveCDs with applications for mounting drives and HD backup ARE able to detect the partitions.Furthermore, when I am in Lucid, I am able to detect the partitions with gparted.It's very odd... I've only found a few situations like this on the web. Could it have something to do with the GPT?[URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: HDDs Aren't Being Detected

Oct 4, 2010

My reality distortion field went through a polarity shift today, and nothing's been working like it should. After the 10,000th problem, I decided to just make room for a fresh lucid install and the accompanying stability. It worked well, then I had some sort of a boot error upon reboot. So then I just decided to reinstall. The problem is that neither of my 2 internal HDDs is registering. Currently sda is an 80GB drive with a slackware install, sdb is a 120GB with a 60GB mint partition and (upon previous install) 60GB lucid partition. I've got no important data on any of my partitions yet, but also no net connection. I have install dvds for lucid, mint kde 9, and slackware plus a gparted live. I'm seriously considering making this machine a slack standalone, but then I've got legacy nvidia drivers to deal with.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Network Cards Not Detected?

Feb 16, 2011

Toshiba T110 laptop, 4 meg ram, kernel 2.6.31-14; multi boot Suse / Ubuntu / Windows; Atheros AR8132 Ethernet card; Realtek RTL8191 SE wireless card.

Installed 9.10 from an old DVD lying around - everything appeared to go ok, but no networks cards - Ethernet or wireless - were detected during the install.

(Later versions do not install - problems somewhere with video card - I need to allow multi kernel selection - but this is another issue)

Does this mean that this install is toast, or can it be saved?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keyboard Not Detected After Upgrade To 11.04?

May 27, 2011

After upgrading to 11.04 everything went fine for almost 6 weeks. Now the keyboard is no longer detected. It happened overnight, without any updates or changes. Mouse is working. (Partial upgrade from 10.10, desktop computer)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Already Present OS Windows 7 Not Being Detected / Fix It?

May 27, 2011

When I try to install Ubuntu 11.04 ( Not using WUBI ).. My already present OS Windows 7 is not being detected. More over I get two options,

1)Erase the disk and install
2)Specify the partitions

When I try to specify the partitions, my hard disk is shown.. but my 4 partitions are not visible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot Device Detected?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm trying to install 11.04 onto a custom build pc.I have burned an install CD of the desktop edition and have inserted it into the drive, started up, and tried to run the live version. IT pops up, everything works, Hooray! I go to install it to disk and I follow all the prompts and it needs me to reboot to start. YAY! I click to reboot, remove the CD as requested, and then I get the "No Boot Device Detected!" error message.

I then tried installing straight from the CD and not booting into the live version. I follow all the steps and get a congratulations on installing it and all I need to do it reboot. I remove the CD, reboot, and BANG! the same message. I'm not sure what's up or even where I can get information from because there is no BIOS splash screen or anything to naviagate through.

System Specs:
Intel Atom Mobo/Proc (1.66Hz)
8GB Corsair RAM
1 slim optical drive (SATA)
1 2TB Seagate HD (SATA)
1 Case/PSU combination

EDIT1: Currently I am checking the live CD for defects (though it has an internet connection so I'm unsure whether the CD matters).

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Installation :: Red Hat - DVD Drive Not Detected?

Mar 14, 2010

I have Red hat Enterprise 5 , red hat 9 and a few other versions too . The issue is whenever i am trying to boot from it , it boots fine only to end up saying local cdrom not found do you want to specify your .. thing ! whereas all fedora disks are running perfectly without any problem .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Espon Printer Not Detected As A Usb Device

Jan 11, 2010

I have a Epson Stylus SX115 All In One Printer which i connected to ubuntu 9.10 the other day. Upon installation the drivers for the stylus SX 115 were not available, but there were drivers for the stylus SX110 which i then installed. Printing is fine although for some reason even though i connect via usb cable the printer is not detected as a external device. I have to pull out the usb cable without unmounting-what should i do?

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