Ubuntu Installation :: Install Almost Worked But Screen Resolution Too High?

Dec 6, 2010

The installation went okay (to start with) on my newly formatted hard drive (after death of Windows XP), but I got an error about 3/4 of the way through. The system said something about starting the desktop to try to resolve or fault find the problem. So I now have a desktop with access to all the menu system. I am feeling my way around slowly getting used to the environment. I think there are bits missing from the install but with no frame of reference I cannot tell what exactly is wrong. One obvious problem is my Monitor screen resolution. In Monitor preferences it is set as 'unknown monitor'.

The detect monitor button does nothing and the resolution is set as 2048 x 1536 which is just too small to see properly on the screen. I am currently using zoom to increase within a window to use at all. I have tried opening a terminal and using the xrandr command which reports the following:

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 2048 x 1536, current 2048 x 1536, maximum 2048 x 1536.
default connected 2048x1536+0+0 0mm x 0mm


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Get High Screen Resolution

Jul 31, 2011

I know this is probably a stupid question , but I started using Ubuntu 11.04 .

My screen resolution on windows was 1600x900

But on ubuntu (even after installing proprietary drivers) the highest I can get is 1024x768 .

I tried using xandr but couldn't work it out .

My xandr info

When i tried adding a new mode using the command

I got the following error

Now I'm not sure what VGA refers to , but Im using a vga port to connect my monitor

Also I'm using only one monitor.

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Hardware :: Linux Slows Down Significantly At High Screen Resolution?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on Athlon Barton 2600+ 2.2GHz, 1GB RAM and ATi Radeon X800 computer at 1600x1200 resolution with 2d (no compositing like Compiz).

Looking into the trouble of slow windows resizing I ended up with the observation that for 1280x1024 it's reasonably fast while at 1024x768 it's extremely fast. But 1600x1200 is my LCD's native resolution.

At 1600x1200 my computer is quite slowly responding, resizing windows or moving columns width makes it stumbling, you can see the action clearly does not go right with mouse, it's always late. KDE 4.x is way slower than Gnome.

I've tried many graphic cards (ATi, NVidia) with all possible drivers - open and proprietary, with or without 3d compositing.

Some graphic parameters:
GL_VERSION: 1.5 Mesa 7.6
GL_VENDOR: DRI R300 Project
GL_RENDERER: Mesa DRI R300 (R420 4A4A) 20090101 AGP 8x x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE TCL

Glxgears gives ~4000fps with windowed mode and ~400fps at 1600x1200 maximized window. What is extremely amazing for me is that windowed mode takes 100% processor usage while 1600x200 maximized window (with window decorations) takes 30% of it, don't understand it.

Windows XP seems not to take care about 1600x1200 resolution, it's really fast.

Some more important devices from lspci:
$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 IGP2 (rev c1)
00:01.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation nForce2 SMBus (MCP) (rev a2)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AGP (rev c1)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R420 JJ [Radeon X800SE]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Default Resolution Too High For Monitor ?

Sep 13, 2011

I have a problem with my screen resolution in Linux. This happens with both openSUSE 11.4 and Fedora 15. The moment my PC restarts after I have installed the operating system it will boot up with a screen resolution higher than my monitor supports. My screen supports a maximum resolution of 1600 x 1200 @ 75Hz and Linux sets the default resolution way too high at boot, now all I get is a message from my screen asking me very nicely to change the signal timings, but I can't because I can't see anything to change it to a lower value (I don't want it so high anyways because then everything is too **** small). My monitor is a SONY GDM-5410 and the Graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 4870 1GB. It nly works when I boot the system to FailSafe mode, but then I can't cahnge it permanently.

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Ubuntu Installation :: RV710 Chip - HD 4550 - And High Resolution On Dell U2711 In 10.10 ?

Oct 13, 2010

I asked around about in the now closed thread: [url]

For about half a year ago, is not present in 10.10. That is I can now use the Dell U2711 monitor at its full resolution, using a Radeon HD 4550 (RV710) card, with acceleration and without the image beeing distorted, using the open xorg radeon driver.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Trying To Install - Message Saying The Screen Resolution Is Wrong And Need To Reset

Sep 20, 2010

on an older computer. I get as far as the screen that asks if I want to try or install and then I get a message saying the screen resolution is wrong and I need to reset. I even disabled the hard drive in bios and still get this message. computer was built to run xp and had ubuntu on it before. I tried to upgrade the nvidia driver and broke it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Live Cd Worked Flawlessly Install Hangs At Boot?

Oct 12, 2010

My live cd worked flawlessly.

After I installed it, is another story I chose to include the suggested .mp3 codec, and to install updates at the same time.

Cmos and hardware all inits fine, then I get several seconds of a cursor, followed by the nice "ubuntu" title with little orange squares under it.

Interestingly, the squares do not cycle until I hold down the power button.

Searching for "10.10 boot" somehow returned zero results. ??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Increase Resolution Than At Least Stretch The Screen To Full Screen?

Aug 27, 2011

I recently upgraded my graphics card from a Geforce 7600GS to a Gefore 560Ti. And while most things are normal, during boot up my screen isn't "full screen" until X is started, after which everything else is fine. Essentially, all display, the grub menu, the splash screen, console text, etc, is within a box on the screen, with 2" on the left and right, and 1" top and bottom of empty blackness.

From what I understand, this is because the framebuffer is using the wrong resolution, but the maximum resolution that hwinfo --framebuffer returns is 1280x1024 (which I am already using "0x031a".) (My monitors is natively 1920x1080) Is it possible to do something about this? If not increase resolution than at least stretch the screen to full screen?

sudo /usr/sbin/hwinfo --framebuffer
02: None 00.0: 11001 VESA Framebuffer
[Created at bios.459]
Unique ID: rdCR.GGyCBArXznD
Hardware Class: framebuffer
Model: "NVIDIA GF104B Board - 10400050"


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Ubuntu :: K Menu Too High Resolution

Feb 24, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 9.1 (KDE 4.4) on an IBM Thinkpad T30. By default K set my resolution to the highest output of my graphics card (ATI Mobility Radeon 7500) which I was able to change via xrandr at command line, however now the K menus and taskbar appear to be set at too high a resolution of their own to properly display. The K menu and taskbar appear pixelated and unreadable. Is there any way to change this or has Kubuntu likely just installed the wrong driver for my card?

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Ubuntu :: Keep High Resolution - Resize Desktop ?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a 26 inch screen in my living room that supports 1920 x 1200 resolution. i would like to use that resolution, but I am not able to read the menu and see the icons because they are to small using standard values. How can I resize the desktop for beter readability?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE On High Resolution Monitor ?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a dell latitude with intel i7 nvidia NVS 3100M and screen 1920x1080 resolution, using KDE 4.4 stable suse, well with high resolution monitor I found some problem usng kde:

1- I can change the font dimension by system settings but if I bigger the font the dimension of Kmunu doesn't change so the result is big font in small container, ugly and difficult to use

2- I can change the font dimensions in KDM splashscreen but the window where username and password is shown doesn't change, result is big unreadeable font in a small case

3- I cannot change the tabs and theyr font dimensions in chromium and firefox, result very small tabs

4- Icons in system tray and Kmenu and other icons remains always small even if I bigger the panel

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OpenSUSE :: How To Turn Up The High Resolution In 11.3

Dec 15, 2010

My screen resolution is only 640x480 after I installed the nVidia driver by authority method of 1-click install.

And then I run nvidia-xconfig,/etc/X11/xorg.conf was built.Restart my PC.

I selected the default mode to run opensuse.My screen was black.

So I select the failsafe mode and remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

I try to copy my ubuntu 10.3 /etc/X11/xorg.conf,but I failed,the screen was black when booting default mode.

Now my LCD resolution is so low.

Graphics card:nVidia Geforce 5200
Monitor:19 inch widescreen LCD

And I can keep the best LCD resolution 1440x900@60Hz in the Windows XP successfully.

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Ubuntu :: Streaming Videos Choppy With High Resolution

Mar 16, 2010

Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, GeForce2 MX/MX 400
When my machine ran Windows XP, I was able to watch full screen videos on Hulu, etc. with no problem. Now my machine is running Ubuntu (Koala). I'm using Firefox with the most recent Adobe Plugin (and I've made sure there are no other flash players installed). Streaming video (at low to medium resolution) is pretty choppy but still watchable most of the time. It is not watchable when played full screen or with high resolution. When I download the .flv file and play it through VLC, everything is smooth. Are there any tricks I can try to get the video running more smoothly, like it did before? (Disabling desktop effects made no difference.) Should I just get some more RAM? (I realize my RAM is low, but it didn't seem to effect my video watching before.)

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Ubuntu :: How To Get High Resolution Bootsplash When Cryptsetup Installed

Sep 12, 2010

I'm using an nvidia graphic card, as i read before on this forum, to get high resolution in bootsplash i need v86d package - and i installled it and i get back 1680x1050 resolution in bootslash. But the problem with resolution come back after installing cryptsetup package, now i've got 640x480 and i can change it, I trying to reconfigure v86d , plymount, trying update-initramfs -u but with no result.

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Ubuntu :: Getting A Screen Saying It Worked But No Content Has Been Added?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm currently learning how to program in PHP i have recently installed LAMP server and apache2 and MySQL, i have run a bunch of commands, so i can really remember them all..the ones i can remember is:

apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server
sudo tasksel install lamp-server
sudo apt-get install apache2
and when i entered url in my browser bar i got a screen saying it worked but no content has been added.

I tried put my test file (called index.php) into /var/www/ still not worked renamed it to index.html still not worked.tried url and with index.html wasn't working.

i woke up today to try find out what was wrong. BUT NOW I CAN'T ENTER url.I got a "server not found" screen like when you enter an incorrect adress

i tried to restart apache using:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
but get's


* Restarting web server apache2 apache2: Syntax error on line 233 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 12 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/index.php: Expected </?php> but saw </div>

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Debian :: High Resolution Video Files

Sep 30, 2015

Debian 8.2 is installed to my Toshiba notebook. There is a performance issue about high resolution mp4 and mkv files. They are not played well on VLC or default media player.I don't see this issue on Windows. This computer has Intel HD Graphics 5500 and i7-5500U CPU.

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Fedora :: High Display Resolution For Rdesktop ?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm using rdesktop to remotely access a winxp box from F14. However I'm not getting high resolution. Please help me to get high resolution. The machine is at the same lan and no bandwidth problem here.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: High Resolution Fonts / Icons Too Small?

May 14, 2010

I hooked up Lucid to a 50" and adjusted the resolution to the max. Gives a clearer sharper picture but all the displayed items are tiny. Is there something I need to do that I haven't? I went from 1086x720 to 1400(approx)x900(approx) and created the problem. Now I'm back at 1086x720. I'm using the Nvidia 195 drivers.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Console Resolution High And Font Size Small

Jan 3, 2010

I am have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 in my laptop. After performing the reboot, the shell/console resolution went very high and the font size went too small. How to regain the old console shell resolution as in 9.04. I require this urgently as my laptop suffers the white screen problem. Switching between Ctrl+Alt+F6 and Ctrl+Alt+F7 I could get back the screen as the change in the resolution switches off and on the screen, so that I can negotiate with the white screen problem.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Cursor Doesn't Display After Login With High Resolution / Fix It?

Aug 12, 2010

Version: Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop

When I change the resolution higher (e.g. 1920x1080),
mouse cursor disappear, until I open the terminal / Ctrl+Alt+F1 (~F6), or run other applications.
But the main problem is, every time after login, the cursor will disappear
(as I know that, before the login, the resolution is 800x600 60Hz, after login, the resolution will be adjusted according to the setting)
So, anyone know how to fix this problem?

I have searched many related posts before,
some of them told me to upgrade the driver, but it didn't help and become worse (cannot boot up, need to re-install ubuntu)
and some of them told me to modify the xorg file, it didn't help, too. (as xorg.conf doesn't exist and I have tried to create one to do the modification, but didn't help)
Any other solution?

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Saver Feature Has Never Worked?

Mar 30, 2010

I have never been able to use the Screen Saver in the Desktop settings, as even clicking on a Screen Saver, crashes the whole Desktop Settings.Here is what I get:

Application: systemsettings (1.0)
KDE Platform Version: 4.4.1 (KDE 4.4.1) "release 228"


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General :: Debian - Use High Resolution (same As Desktop) In Virtual Consoles

Dec 6, 2010

I want to use 1920x1080 in the virtual consoles, with:

Debian Squeeze; proprierary ATI drivers.

Switching back to the open source drivers, it works automatically, but I got no clue with these ones. Someone say I should use uvesafb by modifing initramfs accordingly.

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Programming :: Calculations - High Resolution Mandelbrot - Working Code

Feb 25, 2010

I am piecing a Mandelbrot generator up, I have one working to produce a 1,500 x 1,500 picture (which is fairly accurate).

I would like to increase the resolution over 100,000 x 100,000 + (into the millions x millions).

How I can achieve this? What kind of buffer sizes do I need?

(note this code doesnt have any memory allocations yet)

Here is my code so far:

The program outputs the Mandelbrot as a .tga file. I calculated the image on fixed axis of -2 to 2 (on the x and y axis). Image produced: [url]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unsupported Screen Resolution For Install?

Jul 4, 2010

I got my hands recently on openSUSE 10.2 (ppc) to put on my b&w powermac g3. i can boot from the cd and it gives me a text prompt and the choices install, rescue, and something to do with the network (which is whatever), and a not-very-helpful help option. so i type install, and my monitor says "input not supported." i figure, "ok, that's cool, i'll just plug in one of my old crt monitors 'cause it must be trying to use a resolution lower than my fancy-schmancy one supports." plug in the old one, restart, type "install," same thing. i'm not new to linux, but i don't really have any options with this prompt that any manner of googling or thread-hunting can uncover which allows me to specify the resolution at which the yast installer starts (or refresh rate, maybe that's it...) or lets me keep it in text mode through the installation. I tried typing "install textmode=1" which seems to do nothing special (same result as just "install") and just "textmode=1" (which is a fundamentally retarded approach, but what else am i supposed to do?). Once the operating system is installed and i can boot into a terminal, i figure can edit the xorg.config to use the resolution i want, but i can't very well install the system without seeing what i'm doing! It's just confusing 'cause it doesn't seem to like any display i give it.

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Fedora :: Play High Resolution Videos - Appears To Slow Then Becomes Choppy

May 2, 2010

I'm having issues playing HD videos ( some with 720p level, much more apparent with 1080p level one) The video appears to slow then becomes choppy, becoming de synced from the audio that carries on as normal. This occurs with both VLC player and XBMC, though the latter is better. My specs: Fedora 12 3.2 Ghz P4 processor 1Gig ram Radeon 9800 xt gfx card (I couldn't get the 9.3 ati driver to work)

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General :: X-Window Modeline For High Resolution Modes On NEC LCD 22WV Monitor?

Apr 30, 2010

What should look like X Window System (X.Org) modeline to be put in xorg.conf, for high resolution (incuding recommended 1680x1050 @ 50Hz resolution) for 22" NEC LCD 22WV monitor? X.Org autodetect correctly only 800x600 and lower resolution SVGA modes,unfortunately.1,2

How can I generate proper "Modeline" line for xorg.conf? Is information included in NEC_Datasheet_LCD22WV-english.pdf enough (found on NEC LCD 22WV product info page)? What tools there are available to generate proper modeline for a LCD monitor for Linux? MS Windows (MS Windows XP Home) correctly detects and use 1680x1050 resolution; can I somehow get modeline information from MS Windows?


1) It might be hardware problem with the monitor itself, as the same LiveCD Linux distribution that couldn't autodetect recommended 1680x1050 mode for NEC LCD 22WV monitor, correctly autodetects recommended 1440x900 mode for slightly smaller NEC LCD 19WV monitor from the same family, by the same producent.

2) Or it might be problem with graphics card (NVIDIA Riva TNT2 M64) not supporting such resolution, or with graphics driver not supporting such resolution.

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Debian :: Can't Get High Resolution With Vesa Xorg Driver (Intel 82845)

Feb 20, 2011

With the upgrade to Squeeze and the 2.6.32-5-686 kernel, my Dell GX260's 82845 video chip suffers from the documented intel driver bug (freezes within a few minutes). I tried to fall back to the vesa driver, but am only able to get 640x480 resolution. The monitor is an LG L1720P.

I turned off kernel mode setting (via /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf), and modified xorg.conf -- added Modeline entries (from gtf) and
additional Mode lines to try to force resolution. Relevant portions of xorg.conf, dmesg and Xorg.0.log are shown below.



Section "Device"
Identifier "Generic Video Card"
Driver "vesa"


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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Resolution Out Of Range?

Jun 5, 2010

I upgraded to ubuntu 10.4 and now my screen says out of range. I can hear my normal login noises. sounds like I am working blind. after I log in I cannot do anything without knowing whats going on. I tried ctrl-alt + to try to change screen resolution but I cant tell if it pops up. nothing new happens. I cant slave my hard drive to my other windows or linux OS or linux Live CD, it tells me I dont have permission to open files so I can rescue my files. DO I have to buy a new graphics card or new monitor?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Resolution Low After Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04

May 16, 2011

I have upgraded my machine from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04, initially it worked fine, and then I had to replace my VGA cable - now I wind up with a screen resolution that is too low.

It is possible to change the resolution with xrandr, but is there a way to set this permanently (currently it resets on startup)? Previous versions have altered the xorg.conf file and just added a new resolution setting - but I think these settings have been moved out of xorg.conf. Does anyone have any ideas how to change the screen resolution settings permanaently in 11.04?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Screen Resolution Way Off On Reboot

Jan 12, 2010

I am installing 11.2 on an older machine, Athlon 2800+, GeForce 6800, 1 GB RAM. Install goes fine until try to reboot to the OS and just get massive garbage on the screen. Can't see anything just lines crossing the screen, it seems almost like the resolution is way off but don't know how to change that since I can't see anything. I tried two different install disks to make sure not the problem and got the same thing with both. I tried installing both KDE and GNOME on separate occasions and still same problem. I have used the same install disk to put this on an even older machine and that went fine. I do have windows 7 installed on another partition. I'm fairly new to linux but I'm learning.

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