Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Console Resolution High And Font Size Small
Jan 3, 2010
I am have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 in my laptop. After performing the reboot, the shell/console resolution went very high and the font size went too small. How to regain the old console shell resolution as in 9.04. I require this urgently as my laptop suffers the white screen problem. Switching between Ctrl+Alt+F6 and Ctrl+Alt+F7 I could get back the screen as the change in the resolution switches off and on the screen, so that I can negotiate with the white screen problem.
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Mar 3, 2010
I use CentOS and i need to set resolution or font size so that i can see more lines of logs at a time on the main console of my CentOS box.
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Sep 10, 2010
After reinstalling Squeeze's base system, the console font is too small to read comfortably. I tried to pass the kernel parameter vga=0x303 without success. After init starts the font reverts to a very small font that I cannot read comfortably on my 17 inch TFT LCD monitor.
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Jun 5, 2010
The font size on Chromium for the URL and tabs is *far* too small. I went into the "Under the Hood" settings, but to no avail. How can I make this bigger? [URL] Also, the bookmarks bar seem to be inheriting system fonts, but it looks like that size is hard coded too. I love chromium but I need some accessibility here.
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Sep 16, 2010
i was using eclipse in windows 7, th fonts are small so I can see the code good. But I want to use in Ubuntu so I setup. But here the font size is huge and windows are taking more space and I am unable to code.How to reduce the overall font size and make it small?
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Dec 20, 2010
Does anyone know how to change the font size of the user interface elements of the chromium/chrome browser? I've searched around for a solution but only come up with how to change the font size of viewed sites. Just to be clear, I want to increase the font size of the tabs headings, bookmark menu etc, not the font size of the sites I'm viewing...Using chromium on lucid...
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Aug 15, 2010
What's happening to the console screen resolution in version 11.3? I have been using an 80x24 character console screen to run character based software and I want 80x24 to fill the whole screen. To do that, I have chosen "text mode" on the initial dvd boot up screen (F3 before choosing install). Choosing a higher resolution installation produces gui installation screens and results in console screens with progressively higher resolution, smaller type and more characters/line and lines/page, as the gui resolution increases. The installation resolution does not seem to affect the xwindows resolution. However, when I installed ver 11.3 using the text mode installation, the console screens alt-F1 to alt-F6 had very small text and the 80x24 text area fit in a small rectangle in the upper left corner of the screen. How can I fix this? My system is an Asus M4A785-M motherboard with a 2.8 ghz quad core athlon II, using the onboard ATI Radeon HD 4200 GPU.
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Dec 9, 2010
I installed "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx" Amd_64 version on my dell vostro 1015. My screen resoultion is set to 1366*768(16.9) by default because the font size on web pages looks too small. I am not able to understand if it is font size too small or is it a resolution set too high. I am trying to fix this because I find very difficult to read web pages specifically. I tried to zoom in on firefox, but that is not permanent solution.
I want to decrease my screen resolution. I opened drop down and I find following:
None of the above resolution suits my laptop. The monitor type identified by Ubuntu says Laptop Monitor.
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May 14, 2010
I hooked up Lucid to a 50" and adjusted the resolution to the max. Gives a clearer sharper picture but all the displayed items are tiny. Is there something I need to do that I haven't? I went from 1086x720 to 1400(approx)x900(approx) and created the problem. Now I'm back at 1086x720. I'm using the Nvidia 195 drivers.
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Jul 3, 2011
I am running openSUSE 11.4 KDE 64bit. I found the default font in YAST, for example, in Bootloader and Software Management, is about 8-9 points which is too small to read. Why on earth does openSUSE set a tiny font size as default?
I did try Configure Desktop >Application Appearance, etc. as well as qtconfig in the terminal but these seem not to increase the font size to 12-14 points.
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May 3, 2010
It's about the promt for default keyring password after ubuntu boot. I cant get a screen-shot as print-screen doesn't work at that point.
The password mask (*******) symbol font size is smaller than any other password prompt (for instance gksudo). Is it only me ?
Should I report it as a bug ?
It's a minor problem but may be it's caused from something more serious as I have other problems.
Also this dialog window (of the keyring prompt) doesn't "woble". By that I mean that the effects that I've set are not applied to this window?
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Jun 9, 2015
I've a high resolution monitor(2560x1440) on my laptop running Debian testing and would like to change the font size in X. I manage to change most of the fonts to a readable size through the openbox configuration manager. But the font in my login window and for example in apps like vlc is still very tiny. How this could be changed ....
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Feb 26, 2011
I am using ubuntu lucid.as a desktop and don't run a server. The editor I use is vim so increasing font by edit > profile preferences. What I need to know is how to increase the size in console ie. when I use Ctrl +Alt + F1 to F6. On running xrandr I get this :
I know that,the graphical user interface ( using X windows , I think ) sits on top of the base system ie F1 to F6. In the Fs , xrandr replies "Can't open display ". The question is am I right in thinking that "gui" is totally independant of the base ( is that the correct word ?). I have read that messing about with resolution can wreck a monitor ( I'm using a laptop) , is there a safe way to proceed?
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Dec 31, 2010
So I set up that OS I was talking about, everything I need, staying away from the "Startx" command, and it's working very very awesomely except for ONE little problem. The console font size is too big for me, and honestly I don't know how to change that. Coming out of Ubuntu, I'm realizing I don't know as much about config files as I think I do :P
Any way I can change the font size? When I use the GParted live cd, I see a line in the start up that mentions changing the frame buffer to 700 x 48 or something, I'll get specifics soon (computer's not on me) and it makes the font and everything just how I like it.
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Feb 14, 2010
I've read so many howto's and threads but never managed to get a decent font size on my tty's. Before grub2 I used to use vga=795 (or something like that), but now that isn't working anymore. I have a 24" Samsung screen and the font size is HUGE. Has anyone with same hardware succeeded in setting a decent resolution? I've played around with gfxpayload and all that stuff. I'm using fglrx driver on an up-to-date system.
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Mar 7, 2010
I've just installed Ubunter Server 9.04 (after having installed 9.10, having problems with it, and uninstalling it). Mostly, 9.04 is working well so far, but for one nuisance: the font is huge.
Well, okay, not huge, but big. On my other machine, running Ubuntu 9.04 desktop, same size monitor, I have the resolution set to 1440x900 which gives me 46 lines on the CLI (with the window maximized, but not full-screen). On the server machine, however, I'm getting only 25 lines -- and there's not even a window title-bar, menu bar, or panels taking up any of the landscape.
So my question is this: Not having a GUI nor any of the associated display-management software, how can I set the screen resolution or otherwise get my display font smaller, using the CLI?
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Nov 5, 2010
I'm trying to do is protect the computer against housemates. The standard procedure I do with Lenny:
1. Password protect BIOS.
2. In BIOS, always boot from hard drive. Disable booting from any other device such as USB or CD-ROM.
3. Password protect Grub (v1) using the "password --md5 $1$9MuaA/$5TDLgvmcEiCWNr5W9VaMK1" syntax in my menu.lst file.
With the above precautions in place, [I think] the only way to gain root access to the system is to take the case lid off and proceed to do stuff physically (like set jumpers and/or take out the hard drive). Am I correct? My reasoning for this is, the computer boots -> must boot from HD -> must load Grub -> must go to default menu item since others are protected, and cannot command prompt in Grub without password.
Anyhow, In Squeeze, I was a bit disappointed to find out, after doing a bit of Google-research, that Grub v2 (which is standard on Squeeze now) does not easily support password protecting the Grub menu. Am I correct? Will this issue perhaps be addressed in the Squeeze final release? Is this feature dumb anyways because the Grub password is of no use (i.e. my paragraph above is complete horseradish)?
Another thing I would like to do is change the console font and size back to something more "normal" or "classic", not some crazy tiny font that's only found in totally bleeding edge Linux distrubutions <gasp!>. I found that the Squeeze console font (e.g. when I type Ctrl+Alt+F1) is wicked tiny. I wanna change it to "normal". Grub v2 password and console font config?
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May 17, 2011
My Squeeze installation has the horrific 80x25 line display, and I cannot stand it. I know it can do better, because the grub screen is very tiny. I ran dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but the offerings there aren't much better. I don't know what happened to the good ol' days of grub when all you had to do was pass vga=791 to the kernel to get a decent console size... but it seems they are gone.
I don't really understand this new v2 grub... I don't know why it was necessary to change how it was configured, when it seemed to work so exquisitely. how I would accomplish the functional equivalent of passing vga=791 (1024x768@75hz) to the kernel in grub
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Jan 25, 2011
I am using Fedora 11 and when the system booted, the screen resolution and font size were increased all of a sudden. Then I configured the screen resolution using
to the actual that I had.
But the fonts in gedit are still big. Although the settings shows the default settings that I search on several blogs i.e.
Edit -> Preferences -> Fonts & Colors -> Use the system fixed width font (Monospace 10)
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Aug 16, 2010
I can't change fonts in Firefox preferences (Content).
My OS is openSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4. release 8.
Any type and size of font I use, nothing happens. It's still same font which I choose for the first time I've started Firefox afer installing openSUSE 11.3.
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Mar 16, 2011
I am seeing a weird error in a font display. I see a small question mark next to a font that I am using as a simple graphic. Does this mean that some function call in xlib is being passed an invalid paramter?
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Feb 25, 2010
In all previous versions of KDE I had Console8x16 set as KDE font for all cases (Settings->Appearance->Fonts). After tonight upgrade, this (only!) font is not working. I can see it in font manager, I can set it in ...Appearance->Fonts, but actually remains default font. Two of about 30 attempts somehow (can not reproduce) succeeded to set "console 12" font, but it disappeared after restart.
1. What can be the problem in 4.4?
2. In /usr/share/fonts tere are 3 files named console8x16.pcf, console8x8.pcf and console9x15.pcf, but in the font list in Appearance->Fonts I can see only 2 - one named "Console" (seems to be 8x16 and "console" (8x8). File 9x15 does not appear at all. Why?
Last results of attempts: cannot use console font in part of areas, while part works OK. For example: kdevelop editor, kmail message body text works OK. But kmail other parts - does not. The most interesting is that although setting the kmail body message text to console displays the message body text correctly (with console font), but the example message in "Configure kmail" dialogue "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog" is displayed in the default font, as if there is no console font!
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Jan 24, 2010
I am running mythbuntu 9.10 with all patches and updates. I open VLC from the menu on the desktop and the font is so small I cannot read the menus. I can read every other menu on all other programs, just not in VLC. Because of this I cannot configure my audio output device. I have gone into Applications -> settings -> Appearance and made sure the font size is set to 11. Is there anything else I can change to be able to read the menus in VLC?
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Apr 3, 2011
I have a problem with firefox since the first time I installed ubuntu:
The default font for web pages is too small!
The solutions I tried:
The 1 / 2 solutions:
My screen resolution : 1680 x 1050
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Nov 14, 2009
Is it just me or the fonts in opensuse are way too small and thin and fuzzy? Expecially compared to those in ubuntu. So I changed my dpi font for my 1440*900 17 inches laptop in gnome settings from 96 to 102 dpi. same on firefox where in about config I had to change layout.css.dpi from -1 to 110. Now I can read decently even if some fonts are a little fuzzy and slim.
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Dec 10, 2010
kernel, GNU (slackware 12.0)I have entered sourceforge.net. The fonts in their pages I find I cannot change their size. Neither ^+ (cntl++) has any effect. And the resolution I have it (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) at 640x480 (in this way I have a really big screen; so, big characters). I can't almost read that tiny characters.
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May 30, 2011
I am using a 17" VGA monitor with 1024x768 resolution. With some tweaking, I'm pretty satisfied with GNOME Shell and its look. The only exception is the font of the text below the icons in Activities. On my monitor with this resolution, the text is just too small. As far as I know, it's the smallest text anywhere in the GUI. This is kind of an accessibility issue for me, since I do have a sight problem
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Aug 7, 2010
I just recently move from win 7 to opensuse, and still new on linux. just wondering if there is solution for thin font on firefox. I already search google for solution, the best solution so far is to lower screen resolution to 1024x768 (I prefer 1280x800).
Other tempt I tried are:
1. install freetype2, but the setting in "about:config" page on firefox aren't there. already try to create new boolean, but no effect at all.
2. install dejavu font and use it on firefox, but the font is still thin.
3. set minimum font size to 18. easier to read, but too big and messing up with website layout.
currently I'm using:
-dejavu font, minimum font size 18
-allow web to use own font (enable)
here's screenshot: [url]
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Jun 10, 2010
Are there software that can split big file size into small file size in Linux?
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Jan 19, 2011
am installing 10.10 on a 7.5GB hdd.
Can anyone recommend what partition(s) i should create, (primary/logical)|(size)|(filesystem type)|(mount point).
It has 1gb ram, although that will be upgraded to 2 in the next few days.
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