Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Can' Find/load Kernel?

Nov 25, 2010

After installation of Ubuntu 10.10, grub loads and has the right menu list. However, Ubuntu doesn't load and I get an error message of :Gave up waiting for root device. (with a list of common problems)There is also:ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/1584598e-b8e5..... does not exist.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel On 9.10 Grub Kernel Load Error

Jan 4, 2010

Over the past few days I have been trying to install an older kernel (kernel on ubuntu 9.10 64-bit WUBI installation. I compiled, installed, and updated my grub for the kernel. When I reboot, the grub menu correctly gives me the option of booting into the older kernel but when I do so I receive the following error message:

error: you need to load the linux kernel first.

I am at a complete loss on how to fix this. I even downgraded grub but I still get the same error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updated And Grub - Load Kernel First

Mar 25, 2010

So I have been using Ubuntu for the past couple of months using Wubi, mainly because my parent's are afraid that I'll screw something up on the computer if I partition the hard drive and stuff like that. And Today I installed the latest updates for 9.10, asked me to restart the computer, and now whenever I try to boot using the latest kernel GRUB keeps telling me to "Load kernel first". The funny thing is that I can boot with the older kernel fine, But I would really like to get the lates updates, which I can't using the older kernel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Can't Find Menu.lst / Can't Boot Kernel

Feb 10, 2010

I seem to have determined a few other things about my "only gets as far as a GRUB command line" problem:To recap, sda3 (GRUB hd0,2) is the main Linux partition; sda9 (GRUB hd0,8) is the boot partition.GRUB is 0.92.Installation was from an 8.04LTS live CD (at least, that's what the envelope says it is)/"/boot/grub" (i.e., "/grub" on sd9/hd0,8) contains a "menu.lst" file. I modified it (had to do a "sudo gedit" from a command line!) to (1) comment out the line that hides the boot menu, (2) change the timeout from 3 seconds to 90, and (3) add a menu line based on my succesful manual IPL of DOS.

It still boots to a GRUB command line. If I do a "configfile /grub/menu.lst," a boot menu comes up. DOS will successfully IPL, but Linux still gets a "no setup signature found," (ditto for "recovery mode"), which suggests either a bad kernel, or a kernel that's too big for the GRUB to handle.Why would it be finding its way to grub, but not finding the boot menu file?Why would the live CD come up just fine, yet the GRUB and kernel it installs fail?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: "you Need To Load The Kernel First" On The GRUB Screen

Sep 24, 2010

I upgraded my ubuntu version 8 to 10.. I was using my new version normally, but on the GRUB screen, I have two choices (ubuntu 1 and 2.. something like 'generic-2.6-32..) I could only choose the second option.. because the first option, return this error: you need to load the kernel first.

Ok, i'm using the second option... but when i'm tried to install the driver of my nvidia 3d board, the second option of boot is also not working.. =(return this erros: kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (8,33)... both are kernel problems.. my instalation of ubuntu 10.04 was perfectly successfully (aparently)..

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Load - Make Load Again Upon Booting?

Feb 9, 2009

I had Fedora 7 and Windows Vista dual booting on my computer. I just installed Fedora 10. When the live CD asked me where to install it, I chose "Remove all Linux Partitions and create default layout" The installation went perfectly, but now when reboot my computer, it boots directly into Fedora; GRUB does not load to ask me which OS I want to load. I know I did not overwrite Vista because I can still view my Vista files through Fedora. Here is my grub.conf file:


What do I need to do to make GRUB load again upon booting?

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Ubuntu :: Pae Kernel - Selection From List Appears After Grub Load?

Aug 23, 2010

I am currently running 9.10 ubuntu (gnome). I have a dual core intel chip at 3.00 ghz. My mobo is an ASUS P5ND2-SLI. My mobo will support up to 8gb of ram. Now, as we all know, 32-bit os/kernel will only support like 3.2gb, and 64-bit like 4gb. I'd like to install a pae kernel so I can get the most from my mobo, but honestly, I don't have a clue where to start looking for a pae kernel. I'd like to be able to select it from the list that already appears after the grub loads, and if I like it, be able to remove the rest from the list, or just make it default.

Question, in CPU-G, it says my architecture is i686. I don't know if that's the os/distro, or the kernel itself. it also lists the GCC version as 4.4.1 and Xorg as 1.6.4. my current kernel is Linux 2.6.31-22-generic. Again, I'm trying to find a pae kernel, but I don't know if my os/distro will make a difference, if the architecture is the kernel or os itself. I am still fairly new to ubuntu, and I must say, I've made the switch completely from windows.. which blows...

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General :: Grub 0.97 CLI To Load Kernel - And Boot On OpenSuse10

Aug 29, 2010

I unfortunately remove "some" softwares on my OpenSuse10 (preinstalled on my laptop, without cd driver) cause I was running out of space on hd. Icons starts to dissappear ...

Then I have only the Grub 0.97 shell that appears and to use to solve the problem... tried to boot kernel, but said that it "must be loaded before boot".

In the Grub 0.97 black window I have two lines :

I press "b", to boot with the First line : kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz ... but the window turns blue and said "all data would be lost", so it shut down the system automatically to avoid this.

I press "e" to edit the command in the boot sequence for the same line, but don't really know what to tell Grub to do.

I must get my important datas back on my hd before "Restore to factory settings" (the last option). Any solution ?

Maybe it is a step on a solution ?

From [url] I downloaded linux kernel on a usb memory stick. Could it be useful ? how to ?

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Ubuntu :: 2.6.31-20 Kernel Won't Load In Grub, It Reverts To Dell Boot Screen?

Apr 14, 2010

I tried to update to 2.6.31-20 kernel but I think I messed it up, because when I click on it in the GRUB it starts to load but then it goes back to the dell boot up screen and I have to use the older one in order to get onto ubuntu. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Load GRUB From Grub Rescue Prompts?

Apr 11, 2010

First the hard data:

Upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 via upgrade manager
System is AMD 64
Have dual boot with XP on seperate hard drive


Then the wheelspin:

Seem to have knocked out GRUB as normal loading screen does not appear anymore.
Worse, I think I accidently installed grub to something labelled SDC5.

Cannot get anything except the "grub rescue" prompt. I'm not sure if using the LiveCD (9.10) can help. Have tried a few prompts from other threads but just ended up with mud splattered all over the place. I'm gathering I need to load grub, but can I do it using any grub rescue commands?

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Ubuntu :: After Update Grub Can't Find The Kernel

Feb 5, 2010

I had Windoze 7 on my wife's laptop, it started running crappy so I install Ubuntu 9.10 via Wubi (so it is not a partitioned dual-boot). I did the latest update, which I think included a kernel update. When I rebooted and chose Ubuntu from the windows dual boot window, instead of loading the GRUB I see an error message flash:


TRY hd0: NTFS no Wubi(something-or-other)

it flashed almost too fast for me to catch - it took about 10 reboots to figure out that much... and then it goes to a screen that says


GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4

I tried several different commands (you can prompt it to give you available commands by hitting TAB), but it said it couldn't detect a kernel. Also, before I updated, I had tried to install iTunes via these instructions. iTunes seemed to have installed fine, but I hadn't tried it yet.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Mode - Error: Cannot Find A Device For /boot/grub (is /dev Mounted?)

Dec 16, 2010

I updated yesterday and now when I start my laptop it goes in to grub rescue mode. I have booted from a 'live cd' and thought I could repair grub from there. In gparted however the partition with ubuntu (sda1) is seen as unknown file system, in terminal when I list the partition table it shows up as FAT16 type. When I try a grub-install it gives this error message:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel Not Load In 9.10?

Mar 18, 2010

I m new user for Ubuntu..I m using ubuntu for last 5 Months.I love very much and also i m spreading ubuntu community in my place.I have a problem now to use Ubuntu.When i on the ubuntu...Its says in grub kernel is not load...

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General :: Grub - Error "You Need To Load The Kernel First"

Jan 24, 2011

I installed bt4 alongside my windows and fedora13 partition, but my fedora won't boot after that, so I updated grub to 1.96, but still fedora13 won't boot, it displays the error, "You need to load the kernel first". When I try to boot fedora from grub command line, linux (hd0,6)/boot/<TAB> it does not show any entry, although my fedora partition is intact with vmlinuz and initramfs inside the /boot directory. BTW (hd0,6) is my fedora13 partition, file system on fedora13 is ext4, while on bt4 it is ext3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First 9.10

Jun 28, 2010

I have windows xp and now I have installed UBUNTU 9.10. When my laptop starts it comes up with the option of Windows Xp and Ubuntu. Selecting windows xp works fine here but Selecting UBUNTU comes up with another screen giving three options.

2. UBUNTU recovery and
3. Windows Xp

Selecting any of the above doesnt work here. With option 1 & 2 it gives the error message

error: you need to load the kernel first

I am totally new to this UBUNTU.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error : You Need To Load The Kernel First?

Oct 11, 2010

I've finally gotten around to installing Ubuntu 10.10. I currently have it installed on on a 320GB HDD. It's the 64bit. I also have Windows 7 x64 on a 1TB HDD. After I installed it, I keeping getting "Error: You Need To Load the Kernel First." Windows 7 boots up fine, but Ubuntu doesn't. I'm almost completely new to Ubuntu so I don't know how I would go about fixing this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Won't Load - Error 15 & 17

Jan 10, 2010

So after having performance issues with Karmic in ext4 I decided to install Hardy with ext3. Was blazing fast, epic, I loved it. But I wanted firefox 3.5 & all the other cool stuff Karmic has.. so I decide to install Karmic, but this time with ext3 instead of 4.

First installation: After the installation went fine, no errors while installing or anything. I remove the CD and reboot. "GRUB Loading, please wait.. Error 15" I did my googling, with the live CD to try and figure out a way of fixing this error. No luck. I did find out that the error is caused by the GRUB trying to load form the wrong drive. So I try to boot directly from the Karmic drive, Error 15. Try to boot directly from the Windows drive, Error 17.

This is the first time this has ever happened to me. First time installing Hardy, everything went great. Installing Jaunty, everything went great. Installing Karmic (for the first time) everything went great. Uninstalled Karmic and installed Hardy, everything went great. Uninstalled Hardy to install Karmic = FAIL!. I did a clean install every single time. The OS is being installed (clean) in the same drive.

A 40GB drive for Windows. A 200GB drive for Ubuntu +/home +swap, and a 120GB(FAT32) for storage.

I installed Karmic 3 times, yes.. 3 times. The last time I installed I removed both the 40GB & the 120GB drives. Leaving only the one I was going to use for Ubuntu, the 200GB drive. After the installation I rebooted and Karmic loaded without problems. I'm in Karmic right now and it isn't all sluggish like it was with ext4, guess my old drives aren't good with ext4 *sight*.

But I can't use my Windows drive. When trying to boot directly from it, it gives me "GRUB Error 17" - I have to disconnect the Ubuntu drive to boot into Windows. Quick question: What the **** is going on?

Someone help, please.. I'm tired of this ****.. and if I have to install Karmic one more time, I won't. I'll just give up and disconnect my Ubuntu drive, put it away and let it accumulate dust somewhere, seriously.. Someone help me correct this without having to install the OS again.

The GRUB error is while the GRUB is loading. It doesn't give me the option to select a OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Load After 10.10 Upgrade?

Sep 27, 2010

I had installed Ubuntu 10.04 within Windows 7nd everything work perfect until this morning. When I turned my laptop on I was told that Grub could'nt find the storage device and was presented with a grub command line

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Find Boot File / Won't Load Anything

Aug 21, 2010

My internal hard drive developed a problem (probably from a fall) and needs to be replaced. In the meantime I've decided to use my external hard drive to hold a version of Linux (ubuntu 10.04) until I am able to replace the internal hard drive. For some reason I am unable to get the external drive to accept the recovery disks I have for Windows 7.

What I'm having issues with is that after installing the Ubuntu OS on to the external, I reboot the PC and it tells me it cannot find a boot file, and won't load anything. I have to run the live cd version of the OS to get anything to work right.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesnt Load After Last Kernel Update?

Jan 14, 2010

im dual booting ubuntu and win7 (i installed ubuntu using wubi)yesterday i ran the update manager and i noticed it installed a kernel update.since then, whenever i reboot i get the boot loader menu asking me to choose between win7 and ubuntu, but when i choose ubuntu, instead of the regular menu that asked me which kernel version i wanna use i get a command-prompt-like interface with the title:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failure To Load Following Kernel Upgrade

Feb 6, 2010

I successfully installed Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix on an Asus EeePC in a dual boot mode with Windows XP. Because the computer has no CD drive, I used a USB stick to download the files for installation. Twice now, after upgrading to a new kernel (2.6.31-17 and 2.6.31-19 I think), when rebooting after the upgrade and selecting Ubuntu from the operating system menu, I get a message:


along with a notice about limited shell commands being available. The ls command results in:

(loop0) (hd0,3) (hd0,2) (hd0,1)

In trying some of the other commands, I get a message that a linux kernel isn't loaded. The computer still runs Windows fine - or at least as fine as Windows ever runs. I'd like to recover Ubuntu without doing another full installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2: Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First

Mar 7, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu since 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. I only recently fully switched to Linux OS's, and Ubuntu is now my primary. I currently have 9.10 installed. CURRENTLY I also have Backtrack 4, and Fedora 12 (Ugh!).Previously, I thought something was wrong with my my filesystem in Ubuntu 9.10, and after an upgrade of the linux kernel, I started to get Error: You need to load the Kernel First. That's where my problems started. I had upgraded to 9.10 from 9.04 and I still had Grub Legacy, so I went through hoops to try and get it to work, but eventually everything just kind of broke, and I completely wiped off my partitions on it and started fresh installs of all 3.

And now that the new linux kernel is released, 2.6.31-20 generic (I think... That's what the highest number on a file I can find in /boot is)I went through a few more hoops and ladders and tried to get it to work, but to no avail. I've looked the internet for a solution to this and tried just about everything but there is no unified answer, and I've seen on Launchpad there are alot of bugs that are classified as 'Fixed', but the problem still remains.I took out the 'quiet splash' part in the GRUB2 line for the newest kernel and it didn't do anything. It only changed it to "Error: Couldn't find file".This is the top two kernels (Main and Recovery for the new, and Main and Recovery for the previous working one)


### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
menuentry "Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-20-generic" {


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Start WUBI - You Need To Load Kernel First

Jan 6, 2011

After to trying make a Multiboot live USB using MultibootSystem, my Ubuntu (10.10 install in Windows 7) is not booting anymore. I have moved the folder c: ubuntu (to saved my data) uninstall Ubuntu and reinstall it still nothing. I have the grub but when I select Ubuntu I have the following error message:
error : out of disk
error : you need to load the kernel first
Press any key to continue...

When I press anykey () I no have the message
error : unknown filesystem
error : you need to load the kernel first
Press any key to continue...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 On Usb Stick Don't Load Grub.cfg

Feb 7, 2010

I' ve tried to do a iso multiboot 1gb pen stick with grub2 bootloader. I 've already readed all is it possible finding on the WWW but there are some problems i don't understand how to solve.

This is my sitution:

-koala 32bit installed on my pc with grub2 bootloader

-1gb pendrive parted as follow:

In the first fat16 partition there is installed grub2. On the second ext2 one there are iso files.

This is what i've do to install grub2 on my pen:

So i've created /boot/grub/grub.cfg file with the follow lines:

When i reboot by the pen stick, grub load up to it says me:

It seems not reding /boot/grub/grub.cfg

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tricking Old GRUB To Load GRUB2

Jun 8, 2010

So I have an MBR that is Grub legacy,(from HardyHeron) and I cannot edit/upgrade this MBR. (I won't get into the reasons, other than I will mention SafeBoot).

I have a new encrypted LucidLynx Linux installation on partition 4 and an unencrypted /boot partition on partition #3.

When I boot up, I get the "Error 15" Grub error, which is expected as Grub legacy is looking for /boot/grub/stage2 or something like that and /boot/grub/stage2 does not exist in my GRUB2 installation in /boot/grub.

I thought if I could make a link from the GRUB2 binary of interest to /boot/grub/stage2, then maybe the GRUB legacy would be tricked into loading the GRUB2 binary.

what is the binary of interest in the GRUB2 installation that is the main binary?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed 10.4 GRUB Doesn't Load

Jun 25, 2010

i have Vista 64Bits Ultimate installed on an 1TB hard disk whit 3 partitons I have a 2nd 160GB HD in my system which i installed Ubuntu 10.4 on. All went ok, except after the installation finished and the system rebooted it booted straight into windows, whitout ever displaying GRUB. Now i found a way to boot either system, by using the bios and setting the applicable HD to 1st device. (or something similar)

Any way on how to solve this? keeping to have to enter the BIOS to select the HD and Thus OS i want to boot aint very practical. (im currently using ubuntu BTW)


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 GRUB Fails To Load After Upgrade?

Dec 7, 2010

I currently have a Dell Dimension 4100 from 2000 upgraded with an Nvidia Geforce 6200 video card and 160 gig hard drive, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04 and once I restart, I hear a beep come out from my computer speaker, and then displays the following text:

GNU GRUB version 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word,TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions.

grub> I'm not used to typing in command line, but if anybody has a way around it for me, I'll be pleased. It's Ubuntu or Windows goes back on... or bust.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Load Windows - Grub ?

Mar 13, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu, now when logging into my laptop i am able to sucsessfully load ubuntu but i am unable to load the original OS (windows 7).

The grub 1.9 bootloader gives me the option

When selecting this option it goes to a black screen with a - in the top left of the screen then the grub screen re-appears

I have ran the boot_info_script.


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Load GRUB After Release Install

May 11, 2011

I just installed the newest Ubuntu release through the update manager and, after the restart, GRUB won't load. Before GRUB would normally load I get the message: error: the symbol 'grub_xparts' not found grub rescue> How can I fix this? Background: Running an XP and Ubuntu dual boot with the two OSs on different hard discs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescuce - Cannot Load Module

Jul 1, 2011

This is my fourth variant of trying to get Ubuntu installed and i have lost how mant different steps of troubleshooting I have done.

I could attach a long list of specs but will wait for someone to request what thewy need. At the Livecd Enviroment ATM

I have gone back to a basic partion layout because i thought Raid1 > LVM may be causing issues.

Now installing on a single 750GB Drive:
4GB - Swap
50GB /
rest /home

Every install drops me at the grub rescue> prompt.

I can boot the livcd I installed from no problem.

Grub rescue troubles:

I can ls and find the partions of the drive lablled

(hd0,msdos3) - home partion
(hd0,msdos2) - root partion
(hd0,msdos1) - swap area

ls (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub - Lists the .mod's and both Linux and normal are there.

Issue comands:

set prefix=(hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub set root=(hd0,msdos2)

insmod normal Error 'Invalid object type'

insmod linux Error 'Invalid object type'

Tried to point via full path

insmod (hd0,msdos2)/boot/grub/normal.mod [I]ALSO [/I ]linux.mod

Brings back the same error. Error 'Invalid object type'

Tried to load from /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc

Again! gives the same error.

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