Ubuntu Installation :: Exact Filesystem Image For Use On Multiple Terminals?

Mar 8, 2011

I've been out of the Linux loop for a little while, but a customer of mine wants a "No Virus) desktop environment, I have gone through the process of installing and configuring Ubuntu 10.10 to work with their client side software, but for the life of me, I can't remember if or how I can create an exact image of this file-system to install on all of the desktops.I would need to have all of the installed programs, Security Certificates, Display settings... basically, I need exactly what I have right now installed from the disc so that "IF" the customer needs to install the environment on new systems, I can just pop the disc in and run.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An Exact Image Of A Hard Disk?

Sep 8, 2010

this is in the wrong section, but I wasn't sure where to put it. Since the background to my problem is kind of long winded I've split this post into two sections: Short version of problem

I have a PC that has two internal drives: one drive (drive A) is empty, and the other (drive B) has a copy of windows vista installed. At the moment the PC boots from drive A. I'd like to transfer everything from drive A to drive B, so that this new disk will boot and behave nicely and windows will still function.

Is there any easy way to do this in ubuntu? I'm guessing I can use something like dd, but will this copy the boot sector and will I have to mess around with the partition table? Long version of the problem

Today I built a new PC for my dad with two internal drives. He was previously using vista on a laptop which died a few days ago, and I'd like to install vista on one disk of the new PC, and ubuntu on the other disk.

He has a licensed copy of Vista for his laptop, but it came as a "system restore" disk, and so I can't install vista directly onto the new PC. I have an identical laptop to his, so I took out the drive from his laptop, put it in my laptop, and did a "system restore" from the disk that came with the laptop. I then took out the drive from my laptop, and put this inside the new PC. It boots up fine, and I installed all the necessary drivers and etc to make windows work.

Now instead of using a slow/small laptop drive inside the new PC, I'd like to be able to clone the data on laptop disk and this onto one of the bigger/faster internal drives of the new PC. How can I do this from ubuntu, so that the new drive will boot windows?

I'm fairly certain it can be done using dd, but how do I make sure the information in the boot sector (or partition table) is correct for the new drive? I'm asking this because when I put my laptop drive into the new PC initially, I had connected it as an external drive, and when I tried booting from this there was an error, something like "Invalid partition table" (I think). I figured that when I did a "system restore" on my laptop, the drive was the only drive available, so this would be HDA, or SDA in the boot record of that disk. But when I added it to a system where other drives were available, it was no longer at that same location, so the boot loader couldn't find the data it was looking for to load the system.

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Hardware :: Exact Size Of UDF Image For 50G Bluray?

Aug 3, 2010

Whats missing is exact size of image.udf. E.g. what should be exact value of $Z ?

1) dd if=/dev/zero of=image.udf bs=64k seek=$ZZZZZZZZ count=1
2) mount -o loop ./image.udf /mnt/udf
3) write files to /mnt/udf
4) umount /mnt/udf
5) growisofs -speed=8 -Z /dev/scd0=image.udf

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Software :: Cloning Centos As An Exact Image?

Sep 1, 2010

what is the best software for cloning my centos as an exact image?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Terminals Before X?

May 20, 2010

When i start my Ubuntu it doesnt go directly into xserver/desktop mode. This is because my machine is very slow. Therefor i exclusivly use the terminal. I only hate the fact that there is only one terminal and i cant switch between them. ctrl-shift-F2 doesnt work. How can i use multiple terminals before having logged into X?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Download 10.04 Image Into LiveCD Filesystem?

Sep 30, 2010

Recently I've been struggling with an upgrade to Karmic Koala (see my Cannot Boot from Hard Disk) from Jaunty Jackalope. Despite a valiant effort to find and install grub2 I've decided instead to download and install Lucid Linx. However when I visit the download site on ubuntu.com it gives no options as to where I might save it. Since I'm currently running Karmic from a LiveCD the filesystem doesn't have enough room for the 700mg .iso, although I have plenty of room on the 40 gig HDD. How do I point the download towards my hdd rather than the LiveCD filesystem?

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General :: Detect Filesystem Type (can't Mount Filesystem Image .img)

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to mount a file image, like this

mount -o loop /tmp/apps.img /media/apps

But I get the following:

mount: you must specify the filesystem type

I try ext3:

mount -o loop /tmp/apps.img /media/apps -t ext3

dmesg says:

error: can't find ext3 filesystem on dev loop6.

I've also tried ext2, vfat etc. How can I detect the filesystem type of apps.img?

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General :: Ubuntu - Spawn Multiple Ssh Terminals?

Nov 25, 2010

when i am logged into my server via SSH how can i spawn many ssh terminals? is there a xterm command for this?

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General :: Can't Close Multiple Terminals?

Sep 3, 2010

I just started using Fedora Linux Console. I know how to open multiple consoles, but i don't know how to close them.

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General :: Open Multiple Terminals In Run Level 3?

Dec 8, 2010

I am using red hat Linux 4 I have two question.

Normally in GUI interface i open multiple terminal at a time like one for log file and one for configuring any file etc etc.
The problem is normally I do work on run level 3 but in that way how can i open multiple terminal at at time ? Is there any way...

2- When I use the command

# tail -f /var/log/messages
in GUI i normally close the windows after viewing the log file messages.Is there any hot key by which I can again see the prompt example [root@localhost ~}# to write the command instead of closing the terminal windows ?

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Programming :: Number Of Users Logged In Using Multiple Terminals

Feb 21, 2011

I want to count the number of users who have logged in multiple terminals ? How will I get this ? I always get the total number of users. How will I get the uniq number of users with multiple logins ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: "Multiple Terminals" On The Server's Console Screen?

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to learn to set up code and web hosting etc and learn about server admin so I've been resisting the urge to install a gui. However, I would like to know if there is some way to make the console (I think that's what its called - basically its like a single terminal window) have two "multiple terminals" similar to how I can open multiple terminals in the desktop version?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Select Exact Version Of Software During Installation?

Mar 11, 2011

I did horrible mistake and installed upgrade for firefox 3.6.15 via KPackageKit. There would be normally no problem but this version does not work with Q3 live Is there a way to select older version of software in KPackageKit, Synaptic or via dpkg?P.S. I don't want to install it from tar.gz2 file - I want normal installation.

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Software :: Create A Bootable Image From Debootstrapped Filesystem?

Feb 3, 2010

I debootstrapped lenny to by machine. I compiled the latest kernel etc and setup all the necessary programs by chrooting. I want to now boot a PC using newly debootstrapped system. How do I do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Exact HDD Backup For Upgrade To SSD?

Apr 8, 2011

I currently have been using 10.10 on my new netbook. I've been an Arch user for a while, but recently come back to ubuntu for my new netbook since it's a lot simpler to get working from installation, imo (oh and I'm quite impressed with how far Ubuntu's come in the last year since I used it ). Anyway, I want to upgrade to a 128GB SSD but I also want to keep the current setup I'm running on my current 320GB HDD. Is there any good HDD imaging tools for Ubuntu/Linux (that's relatively easy to use), as I've never done this before?

Also, bear in mind, my current HDD has a three partition setup. 4.1GB swap, 8.2GB ext3 (/ directory), 308GB ext3 (/home directory) respectively. And also an additional question: As the new SSD has only 128GB (compared to my current 320GB), is it possible to shrink my /home partition but keep the other partitions at their current sizes? (as my /home partition has probably over 128GB free space anyway) Oh and also, how big do Ubuntu root partitions have to be in general? I think my 8.2GB / is a bit of an overkill, is it not?

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CentOS 5 :: Use Multiple Filesystem Types ( Like / Ext3 And /var & Home Xfs)?

Nov 30, 2010

I am going to install CentOS 5 on my pc , for3d modeling , and i have some doubts about partitioning the system.

I know that i can have /, /var , /tmp , /home and other directories as individual partitions. I know that i can use ext3 , or xfs ( i know that anaconda doesn't let to use xfs, but i know a way of migrate partitions to xfs after installing) or ext4 , and others , without problems.

But i could for example, once installed all with ext3 , have for example / on ext3 , and /var and /home on xfs.

For me it would be very interesting have /home in a another partition and as xfs (migrating it later from ext3) as mostly i will save in /home a lot of big files ,images,dvd isos,renders , binary maya files and like, and i see a advantage of use xfs with /home.

But a lot of people also use xfs for / as well , but as / has a lot of small files , perhaps use xfs on /var and some other directories, could be good (because xfs performance deleting files or other features), and leave / as ext3 for example.

So is it possible to have different filesystem type for some directories under / ,(for example /var and /home as xfs, the rest as ext3 in / ) , without having any problem ?

(not counting using xfs for a directory that won't see improved his performance because has a lot of static small files or like)

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General :: Feedback Requested On Planned Multiple Filesystem Copy

Jan 14, 2010

I am going to be involved with a massive filesystem copy from a local to a remote server in the next couple of weeks. There are ten filesystems in involved in this process. All, except one, are one hundred gigabytes in size, with the remaining one at twenty gigabytes.The cp command with the -pr options will be used to copy the directories to their new location. A speed test, involving ten directories, was done to determine the average amount of time it would take to complete the process. The ten directories used in this test ranged in size from 2.3 gigabytes to 4.3 gigabytes. The results indicated the average amount time to complete the copy was around one minute and thirty seconds.

The question I have is the following: Is it better to interactively go to each filesystem and run the cp -pr command there, or should I write a script that will automatically go to each filesystem and run the copy?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ttys Virtual Terminals Vanished?

May 13, 2010

I am using 9.10 and my ability to "ctrl + alt F-dey" to a ttys shell no longer is available after running an update. 10.04 has the same bug. Getty is installed and I can not figure out what happened.

How do I get ttys back?

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Ubuntu :: Split Multiple Images From One Image?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a couple of gigs of png files, each with 5-7 photos on each file. Currently I am making 5-7 duplicates of the file, then opening each one in gimp, and cropping and saving each one. kind of time consuming. Does anyone know of a program that will let me split an image into multiple slices?

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVidia Drivers Causing Resolution With Terminals?

May 2, 2010

You know, the "ctrl+alt+F5" type things, where you go to those pure command lines? I installed Ubuntu 10.04 from scratch, and everything was working great! Good resolution, etc. When I booted up my computer, the (very brief) splash screen fit the entire resolution of my monitor (1680x1050), and the X server did the same.

When I'd go to one of those 'tty' terminals, I was surprised (in a good way) to see that they had scaled to my monitor's resolution as well. I was looking forward to using that. Well, time came where I wanted to turn on Compiz, so I downloaded/installed the nVidia drivers. Well, they work. I can work with Compiz and 3D games at full speed and full resolution in Ubuntu, and I have zero complaints about that.

What I do have a complaint about is that the terminals (tty5, in the above example) are back to that old resolution, 640x480 I believe. Also, that brief splash screen is at the same horrible resolution, instead of the full resolution I had on the old nVidia driver that didn't support 3D effects.

Is there a way to get that back? Is it a bug or a glitch that it's no longer scaling the tty's to my display resolution, and do I just have to wait for an update?

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Debian Configuration :: Making A LiveCD To Resemble An Exact HDD Installation?

Nov 13, 2010

I've been trying to make a live CD off an installation with minimalist deviation possible. Purpose is to check the hardware compatibility using the live CD, after which I'll copy the installation to the hard drive (which will probably be a squashed image) and do the necessary edits to make the system bootable. Since the rootfs will be copied over (not dd, but direct cp --preserve=all), the difference from the actual install should be minimal.

If there are any caveats using this procedure, do notify.

I've been succeeded in doing this using Gentoo but it appears the Gentoo kernel uses Gentoo specific kernel parameters which makes things very simple, but I gotta do this with the generic Debian kernel.

If it can be done easily using a script I would also like to know exactly how it's done so I can reproduce it by hand even to make an ro rootfs and possibly reproducing the same with other distros.

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Software :: Get Rid Of Multiple Bad Image Errors?

Oct 22, 2010

Whenever I open up any program or just start my computer, multiple bad image errors pop up and I am forced to close all of them by pushing "ok." Everything is fully functional that I know of, but I would like to fix them. I have tried checking the system but it doesn't work. I have AVG Antivirus and Registry Defense installed. It has supposedly fixed things but the error messages still pop up.Would a malware remover work?
If so what would be a good one?

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Server :: How Many Terminals Are Running In Background While Rhel Installation

Feb 1, 2010

how many terminals are running in background while rhel installation

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General :: How To Scan Multiple Pages Into One Image

May 23, 2010

Notwithstanding that I might not want to do this because of the large file size, how would I scan a multi-page document into one image file (probably a jpeg)? The only way I know how is to, after making seperate jpegs of every page, manually pasting the images below each other in a photo editor, which of course is a lot of trouble.

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Fedora :: Printing Large Image Over Multiple Pages In GIMP

Dec 8, 2009

I have a large image that I want to print over 4 pages, each page showing 1/4 of the overall image, that I will past together. I'm doing this from GIMP on an up-to-date fc12 system. Searching around I find that there is a "scale" field in the print dialog and the lp command that cups supports and according to the documentation if I set scale to "200%" it should do what I want.However, when I set scale to 200% I get only one page with the upper left 1/4 of the page and then nothing. How do I get it to print the remaining 3 pages?

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General :: Windows - Resize An Image To Multiple Resolutions Simultaneously?

Aug 22, 2011

I am looking for software (Windows or Linux) that can do the following: Resize one image to several provided sizes. Detects the type of the pic­ture (wide, nor­mal) and does the resize based on that. What I mean by that is that it should not break the image by shrinking it more in one direction then in the other so it looks weird. The purpose of this is my Blog. If I want to give my readers a wallpaper, I want to give them several options for the sizes so they can have it in their own preferred screen resolution. The image must however keep its original aspect ratio.

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Software :: Multiple Disk Images From Single Read-only Image

Jun 16, 2011

Oooookay, so basically the idea I have is that I would like to boot Windows XP over an AoE connection. This is no issue, however the problem comes when I want to have a single, read-only image as the base image and want to be able to boot multiple computers off this image.Licensing issues aside (let's assume that this complies with all licensing issues, or we can think of it as just a conceptual "how could we do this"), the basic issues are thus:Each boot of Windows will require a writable AoE device...The original disk image must be read-only to avoid changes in 1 boot affecting all boots(As far as I know) The AoE device must be a disk image, or some block device rather than a mounted file system (if this is not so, aufs could be used)So the long and the short of this, from what I can tell is that we need a read only device that we can write to.

At the end of a session, the changes to the device will be discarded, so these can be thought of as simple temporary sessions. This means that there is little concern with having changes to the original read-only image effecting the modifications to the "duplicate" images.

I would like to avoid duplicating the image for each instance, however if no solution can be reached then this could be a possibility (every boot, we can copy the image, give the fresh image to the new boot and remove when done)Optimally, changes to the filesystem will be written to a different filesystem (much like what aufs does, however as stated earlier, afaik aufs only deals with 2 mounted file systems, whereas we need the end result to be an image or block device)Sorry if I havn't explained this particularly well, however I've been trying to think of solutions, caveats and generally how to define the problem as I was writing. If you think that this idea is ridiculous because software x handles the problem better, I'd be very pleased to hear about it, but the basic requirement of temporary, network bootable windows xp sessions still applies.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Filesystem Check After Power Outage - WARNING: "Running E2fsck On A Mounted Filesystem May Cause SEVERE Filesystem Damage"

May 18, 2011

I am very new to linux, and I have a question regarding the filesystem check (fsck). The power recently went out and when I tried to restart linux the following error appears:

*/dev/sda1 contains file system w/errors, check forced it then goes on to say..

*An error occured during the file system check. Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue) I wasn't sure what to do, but checked some other online forums and they suggested running fsck manually - so I typed in the root password - and used the command, "fsck -A -V ; echo == $? ==" it then gave the following message

*WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage
*Would you like to continue (y/n)

Again, I wasn't sure what to do so i just checked no. I then manually turned off the computer and was prompted at the beginning to press Alt-3. I was brought to another screen and it informed me one of the drives was degraded and suggested rebuilding the array. I tried doing this, but it still brings me back to the original error of, "/dev/sda1 contains file system w/errors, check forced," and the process continues.

Also, when I tried to rebuild the array, I didn't backup any of the data on our home directory before doing this (which was probably a big mistake). After being prompted to type the root password, I was able to give the ls command and look at all the directories...the home directory where our data was stored was empty and I am afraid I may have lost some information. Is there a possibility that data was lost when I was trying to rebuild using the old drives?

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Software :: Openbravo Installation / Ant Setup And Setup-prerequisites File (don't Remember Exact Name)?

Apr 27, 2011

i am trying to install openbravo on my server.I have installed all the pre-requisites as ANT, JDK(though i installed JRE).

Everything goes fine untill the ant setup and then running the setup-prerequisites...file (don't remember the exact name).

As soon as i issue ant install.source it ends up with some errors..

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Ubuntu :: Finding Filesystem Type/repair Broken Filesystem?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a following problem: Recently my drive with Ubuntu 9.4 has mysteriously stopped working, i.e. when I switch the computer on it informs me that GRUB didn't find the filesystem. Well, I suppose it happens.

First, I though it was due to the drive dying, but I popped it in an external enclosure and HDTune told me the drive was fine. Wanting to recover the files on the drive before reinstalling I first tried to mount it in said external enclosure under Windows (I have Win Ext2 driver installed which used to work just fine). This time, however, drive gets assigned a letter but upon opening it Windows popped up an error saying that the drive was not formatted and whether I would like to format it then.

Unfazed by this streak of failures I tried to mount it under Linux but, alas, to no avail. I might have tried every single -t operator under mount command but it still won't budge and let me mount.

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