Ubuntu Servers :: "Multiple Terminals" On The Server's Console Screen?

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to learn to set up code and web hosting etc and learn about server admin so I've been resisting the urge to install a gui. However, I would like to know if there is some way to make the console (I think that's what its called - basically its like a single terminal window) have two "multiple terminals" similar to how I can open multiple terminals in the desktop version?

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Hardware :: Radeon Kernel Modules Blanks Console Terminals?

Sep 8, 2010

When I load the radeon module, from initscripts, the commandline, or when Xorg loads it, it makes all my consoles go blank. They are still active I can type into them then cat /dev/vcs* from X, and I see what I typed. I am using vga16fb as my framebuffer console driver, and am on PowerPC so I don't think I can use plain VGA consoles.

this is my /etc/modprobe.d/video.conf

install radeon /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install radeon modeset=1 tv=0
lspci | grep -i radeon

0000:04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 0x3e50 [Radeon X600]

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Terminals Before X?

May 20, 2010

When i start my Ubuntu it doesnt go directly into xserver/desktop mode. This is because my machine is very slow. Therefor i exclusivly use the terminal. I only hate the fact that there is only one terminal and i cant switch between them. ctrl-shift-F2 doesnt work. How can i use multiple terminals before having logged into X?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Disable Console Screen Shutoff

Mar 6, 2010

I have my headless server, and just plugged a spare monitor into it, opened up screen, ran htop on it, so I can see the system status, but the screen keeps shutting off after so long. The only way to "wake it up", is to use a local keypress (which means I have to hook a keyboard back up to it). I have already tried 'setterm -powersave off -powerdown 0', but it didn't affect it any. Is there any way to disable this powersaving mode?

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General :: Ubuntu - Spawn Multiple Ssh Terminals?

Nov 25, 2010

when i am logged into my server via SSH how can i spawn many ssh terminals? is there a xterm command for this?

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General :: Can't Close Multiple Terminals?

Sep 3, 2010

I just started using Fedora Linux Console. I know how to open multiple consoles, but i don't know how to close them.

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General :: Multiple Servers Or One Server With Multiple VMWare?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm looking at setting up a couple automated systems: Here are a few examples:

* Internal accounting system to download and process emails
* Public web server to visit

I could put each system on its own separate box -- for example, it's generally good practice to separate anything that external users have access to (such as a webserver) from internal processes such as accounting. Now, rather than dishing out the money for two separate servers, could I get away with just installing new instances of VMWare on the same box for each system?

To give you an idea, these are not large scale computationally sensitive systems. The accounting one is simply downloading and tallying emails, and the latter is just a webserver with maybe 5 hits per day on a good day. I could definitely pick up a new box for say $50, but I wanted to know the general practice of using VMWare on the same box versus two separate boxes.

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General :: Open Multiple Terminals In Run Level 3?

Dec 8, 2010

I am using red hat Linux 4 I have two question.

Normally in GUI interface i open multiple terminal at a time like one for log file and one for configuring any file etc etc.
The problem is normally I do work on run level 3 but in that way how can i open multiple terminal at at time ? Is there any way...

2- When I use the command

# tail -f /var/log/messages
in GUI i normally close the windows after viewing the log file messages.Is there any hot key by which I can again see the prompt example [root@localhost ~}# to write the command instead of closing the terminal windows ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Exact Filesystem Image For Use On Multiple Terminals?

Mar 8, 2011

I've been out of the Linux loop for a little while, but a customer of mine wants a "No Virus) desktop environment, I have gone through the process of installing and configuring Ubuntu 10.10 to work with their client side software, but for the life of me, I can't remember if or how I can create an exact image of this file-system to install on all of the desktops.I would need to have all of the installed programs, Security Certificates, Display settings... basically, I need exactly what I have right now installed from the disc so that "IF" the customer needs to install the environment on new systems, I can just pop the disc in and run.

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Server :: Ubuntu 9.04 Server - Console Font Too Big And Starts Off Screen

Jan 4, 2010

The title pretty much says it all. Once I get past GRUB, the font becomes HUGE and starts off screen. It appears to be center zoomed because I cannot see the login prompt nor anything I type. It's not really an emergency, I installed OpenSSH during the OS installation and can just turn it on and log in over SSH or start up Webmin. It just bugs me that I cannot figure this out.

There is no graphical environment installed, so it's not a video card issue. I tried adding vga=ask as a kernel flag and then tried several options, but to no avail.

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Programming :: Number Of Users Logged In Using Multiple Terminals

Feb 21, 2011

I want to count the number of users who have logged in multiple terminals ? How will I get this ? I always get the total number of users. How will I get the uniq number of users with multiple logins ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Windows DHCP Server - Multiple Boot Servers ?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm curious if anybody can shed some light for me in this department. We're in a large environment with a Windows DHCP Server. We have been tinkering with LTSP on Edubuntu as thin and fat clients. It works great, but right now we just have 1 server handling the lab, which works fine unless we want to expand, which may be very possible.

These are the instructions I received:
Login to your windows server and load the DHCP configuration screen
Create a DHCP reservation for the MAC address you obtained
Add the configuration options below to enable the machine to boot from the LTSP server
017 Root Path: /opt/ltsp/i386
066 Boot Server Host Name: <ip address>
067 Bootfile Name: ltsp/arch/pxelinux.0 # Specify CPU architecture in place of 'arch', for instance 'i386'

From: [url]

I'm curious, what if I want to have multiple Ubuntu servers on the network that I want to have bootable? For example, let's say I have 3 labs, and 3 servers. Server A to Lab A, Server B to Lab B, and Server C to Lab C. I want all C's computers to boot to C, and B to B, A to A, etc.

1 - How would I add multiple entries on the Windows DHCP Server to allow all 3 (A B C) servers to boot?

2 - How would I be able to isolate the clients so ONLY Lab A clients boot to Server A, etc?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Many Terminals Can I Run?

Jan 7, 2010

i know the trick where u can press alt and f1 or f2 and so on to bring a new terminal screen.how many terminals can i run?
running 9.04 with no gui

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bash Script To Open 1 Screen Session With Multiple Windows?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to write a bash script to open 1 screen session with multiple windows... each one running a different service. Is this possible? I tried several things, and I can start up multiple sessions really easy.. but not 1 session with multiple windows...

I want this so I can attach to that session and quickly move between the different windows.

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Debian :: Suspend On Console Without The X Server Running The Laptop Wakes Up To A Blank Screen?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm using a dell latitude d630 with an nvidia quadro 135M card. I'm able to suspend without any problems while running the X server. If I try to suspend on console without the X server running, the laptop wakes up to a blank screen. The screen remains blank and my only resort is to type sudo halt (with the screen off).I'm using the proprietary nvidia driver with the nvidia-kernel package on testing.

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Ubuntu :: Adjust Screen Alignment For Virtual Terminals?

Oct 4, 2010

When I installed 10.04 in April, I started having all sorts of problems with my Virtual Terminals (CTRL-ALT-F*). First they were inaccessible completely, then they were there, but not visible, i.e. I could use them to login and run commands, but there was no screen output, then they were gone again, and the fight just went on and on. I just recently got this functionality back after months just messing around, testing different peoples solutions, and really just not being afraid to break the whole thing. Ultimately, it boiled down to nVidea graphics driver problems.

However, now I notice that outside of gdm, the screen is not aligned properly. It seems to be about 2 characters to the left and several lines lower than it should be on VT1-VT6, while gnome is aligned perfectly. I can use my screens auto-adjust to fix the problem, but when I switch to another terminal, the problem comes back. It's not really a huge deal, but after all this trouble, I really just want them to work the way they are supposed to work. Does anyone know of a way to set the screen alignment via software, or am I just stuck dealing with it?

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Terminals Not Functioning / Returns With A Blank Screen?

Feb 16, 2010

I just recently reinstalled 9.10 and everything I normally use with my workstation is working fine except for virtual terminals.

ctrl+alt+f1-f6 just returns with a blank screen.

ctrl+alt+f7 returns to gdm session

ctrl+alt+f8-f12 also yield no information.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Connections To SMB Server

May 25, 2010

I'm curious how I can use a Windows client with two separate accounts to connect, at the same time, to a SMB server hosting two shares. (Provided permissions and accounts are all in order)

Scenario:User1 is always logged onto a Windows client mapped to a Public share on a Linux SMB server.I need a way to keep User1 connected to the Public share and then when needed, allow User1 to provide User2's credentials to connect to a Restricted share.The only way I've been able to do this is to disconnect from the Public Share then reconnect to the Restricted share using User2's credentials. (This is the issue because I need to keep User1 connected to the Public share).Is this a limitation of SMB? Or am I missing a configuration? Please point me in the right direction

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple User For A Web Server?

Jan 15, 2011

create an Apache web server with multiple user accounts, for work. Each user needs to be able to upload his/her files via SSH Each user needs his/her own web directory, (preferably in their home directory for ease with permissions) There web directories need to be password protected Only one user account (mine) should be allowed remote SSH control. It needs to be easy to add new users to the system.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can Host Multiple Sites On The Same Server?

Aug 15, 2010

Recently I've been earning money doing web development, php, html/css, MySQL and so on. What I have encountered a lot are clients that need a complete solution. They need their site built, but they also need a hosting solution. I've sent more than just a few clients off to GoDaddy, and quite frankly, I'd like to cash in on some of that.

It would do wonders for my business if I could offer them a hosting solution with full support on top of building their site. My problem is I have no idea how to do this. So I'd like to know how I can host multiple sites on the same server. Does anyone know of a nice guide I can follow to set this up? It's really important that I can add sites fairly easily over the internet. Since I will be away at school, I won't have direct access to the server

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Ubuntu Servers :: OpenLDAP Multiple Domains On One Server?

Apr 17, 2011

I work for a college with many departments. I'd like to just deploy one LDAP/krb5 server (plus slave replicas) to authenticate all users in all departmentsIs it possible to do this?The proposed DNs for the departments matches what is done for NIS now.If anyone has any pointers or URLs that describe how to properly do this.

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Server :: How To Backup Multiple Servers

Jun 28, 2011

I am currently working on managing multiple linux servers in remote locations, servers particularly user for web hosting. I need to backup data to a backup server but rsync which i currently using doesnt helps is there any tool to backup every server with out modifying it bcos there are hundreds of servers so installing a tool in every server is time consuming process.

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Server :: Multiple Servers Acting Like One?

Jan 26, 2010

by now I have 10 servers for hpc, power computing oriented. My users need to launch several processes using qmake. The users are used to work with ubuntu 9.10, and the software from the repositories is switable for them. I've deployed ubuntu 9.10 to all 10 servers (pxe rocks). By now we work with parallel-ssh and cluster-ssh, which allows as to launch the same process to all servers. With this tools this tools the servers remain as independent but with the same software and the same launched command. Now we would like to go to next step and see all the servers as a single one with all the resources from the other 9 as if was its resources. The difference would be substantial in time to process and also time to design the command to launch.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting Multiple Programs At Boot On Server

Feb 11, 2010

Running Ubuntu Server 9.10.I have a couple of programs that I would like to start at boot, they will both run forever. I have created a cron job with @reboot and that will start a program, but if I have multiple programs in there it waits for the first to finish before starting the next.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail Server Setup For Multiple Domains?

Jul 4, 2010

Im moving all my websites on a dedicated box. I had a cpanel hosting account, and now moving to a terminal and ssh system.I need some advice on choosing my mail setup. I need POP, SMTP, with multiple domains, as host for a few clients.I would like the most simple version.The server will only send +- 100 mails / day.I currently running Ubuntu Linux 10.04.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail Server Setup - For Multiple Domains ?

Oct 10, 2010

I have recently setup an Ubuntu 10.04 Minimal x64 Server. I plan on setting it up as a mail server. I need a secure server, that has spam prevention on it. Im setting up around 50 domains and would like a web based control panel. What is the most secure mail server, that i can setup for multiple domains?

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Server :: Multiple SCGI Servers With Lighttpd?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm trying to configure lighttpd to send SCGI requests to different ports, depending on what file(s) are accessed. Is this possible? This is what I've tried, and it hasn't worked.


$HTTP["url"] == "URL1" {
scgi.server = (
"/RPC2" =>


SCGI requests aren't sent to the correct port, regardless of what file is accessed.

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Server :: Multiple Streaming Servers In A Cloud?

Aug 9, 2010

I have multiple video streaming servers(Red5 running on machines internally on LAN. For different subdomains.Ubuntu 10.04 The front end to the is apache2 on a Bastion Host. To be able to reach the streaming server I embed a javascript in HTML pages as follows


<embed .....


how will I make sure this rtmp request is mapped to a port different than 1935 as there are three other streaming servers which are also to respond to their respective requests.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Running Multiple Websites On Single Server - VirtualHost

Aug 25, 2010

I currently am running 10.04.1 and have successfully setup my home web server to run a single website. My current settings are:

-I have registered the domain name annarrankings.com through godaddy
-A record is - host = @ and points to =
-CName is - host = www and points to = @
-on my server I have the site running in /var/www

I've done some research and found that to run multiple websites I need to setup VirtualHost.

-So I created a folder /var/www/annarrankings.com and moved my site to that folder

-Edited Apache2.conf to add the following line

-I then went to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and copied the default file to a new file called annarrankings.com. Here's the annarrankings.com file after I edited it

-I then created a link in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to the annarrankings.com file in /etc/apache2/sites-available

-Next I editied /etc/hosts

-When i went to enable the site using a2ensite annarrankings.com I got the following

I figured this was ok since I had already created a symbolic link earlier (a result of trying to following multiple tutorials and ..... videos at once) so I reloaded apache2. I created an index.html file in /var/www/ just for testing purposes and when I load www.annarrankings.com I get the file located in /var/www/ instead of the website located in /var/www/annarrankings.com Do I need to change my A record or CName in godaddy or did I just do this completely wrong?

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Fedora Servers :: Run A Server With Multiple Blog With Worpress?

Dec 19, 2010

I want to run a server with multiple blog with worpress, is there a tutorial ?

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