Software :: Create A Bootable Image From Debootstrapped Filesystem?
Feb 3, 2010
I debootstrapped lenny to by machine. I compiled the latest kernel etc and setup all the necessary programs by chrooting. I want to now boot a PC using newly debootstrapped system. How do I do it?
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Jun 21, 2009
I have downloaded a bootable DOS iso CD image that I have burnt to CD and can boot from.I need to add more disk checking utilities to the CD iso image.The DOS disk checking utilities are designed to be run from a floppy disk, but my laptop does not have a floppy drive, so CD-ROM is an alternative, if I can remaster the existing iso image file?Can I mount the DOS iso file and then add other programs to it, and then remaster the updated iso, and make a new CD-ROM to boot from with the added tools?
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Sep 2, 2009
I created a bootable usb pendrive with ubuntu netbook remix, and now want to download it to an ISO image to be able to use the pendrive for other purposes, but having possibility to create it again from ISO. What is the right application to do it?
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Jun 26, 2010
create bootable usb from windows vista.iso image.I have used unetbootin and imagewriter so far and no booting.
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Jul 28, 2011
All of my PCs are set up to either run Ubuntu directly, or are dual boot Ubuntu and some variant of Windows. One of the things I like about this is that in the rare instances that I get a virus I can simply boot into Ubuntu and run ClamAV to remove the virus from there.
I have a friend who recently picked up a nasty virus and we are having a hard time getting his machine to boot at all without all sort of strange behaviors. Under that scenario I can't trust Wubi to work correctly. Soo....
Is it possible for me to create a bootable CD, DVD or USB drive from my machine? I'd like to use my machine because I can update the virus definitions before I create the image and then use that to clean his machine.
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Mar 11, 2011
I am trying to mount a file image, like this
mount -o loop /tmp/apps.img /media/apps
But I get the following:
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
I try ext3:
mount -o loop /tmp/apps.img /media/apps -t ext3
dmesg says:
error: can't find ext3 filesystem on dev loop6.
I've also tried ext2, vfat etc. How can I detect the filesystem type of apps.img?
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May 8, 2009
I wonder if someone can shade alight on this problem,I have active subscription for rhel4 ES and trying to do a fresh install of rhel5,I was able to download rhel5.3 DVD image from redhat site,burnt it to a DVD but is not booting,i have so far tried on 2 different DVDs but both have failed. I have even downloaded and burnt 1 CD ISO image burnt it still failed.BIOS level is set to cd device first so no problem there,it works!
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Jun 29, 2010
I have an image with a autorun.inf file on it and wanted to make it bootable on a simple cd (700Mb). Untill now I tried and failed to make it bootable. The image is on the cd but the cd won't boot.I tried also under windows (with n?r0) and failed again... no way to boot on this cd with the image I created.I need more informations or how toes ^^ to use the "El-Torito" features for the mkisofs utility that I use to create my .iso files
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Apr 9, 2011
I just tried to run the command
kexec memtest86-4.0.iso
To boot into memtest86 using kexec.
This is the output: Cannot determine the file type of memtest86-4.0.iso
How am I supposed to do this?
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Apr 1, 2010
I have installed Centos 5.4 and then on top of that i have been installing many softwares over the time ( like pbx system , web console , billing etc.) and now it has come to a quite stable stage. the problem is i have to move this installation to another machine with different config etc. even have to install it on multiple systems. the idea is to create a bootable linux iso of the current machine with all the softwares so i can simply put it in a different machine and make it install and run without much fuss. is creating a linux appliance the only solution ? or is there any way to backup the current machine in an iso format and then install it on another machine? also i would like to make this completely hardware independent.
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Apr 20, 2010
the things i've tried:
1. Created an asm bootloader code that calls a c function which just prints a hello message.
2. Compiled both and linked them using LD command using a .ld file available.
Steps followed from get a kernel.bin file which is of ELF format. I've set up a tftp server using tftpd32 tool and created the necessary pxelinux.cfg files.
Now how do i create a bootable kernel image out of the elf file. The steps given in the above website to create an image doesn't help.
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Apr 11, 2010
I downloaded the iso image of Centos 5.4 from the website and burned it on the dvd....but its not making it bootable...What am i doing wrong?
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Jun 16, 2010
I'd like to do a complete backup of my laptop, convert it to ISO, and then create a bootable flash drive with it. I'd like to be able to totally restore, or run (like in Live mode) the image.
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Dec 22, 2008
How to create a bootable cd/dvd from downloaded iso images of CentOS 5? I have collected all the iso in a dvd but it is not booting the system.
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Jul 29, 2009
i try to setup sun virtual box but it show there are no bootable image found.
How to attach my XP to this VM ?
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Feb 2, 2010
i want to setup multiple xen on a remote server in a datacenter, this is first time i am doing it, i want to know when we do it on a local machine it asks for bootable DVD to be inserted, but that can't be done on a remote server, so is there a way we can give it the path of some directory which behaves as a bootable dvd and install the os
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Nov 29, 2010
I've read all the documentation on installing Debian via CD, USB, or HD.I need to install Debian on a embedded system using only compact flash.This is similar to a HD installation, but I don't have any version of Linux installed to format.Is there someway of creating a bootable CF image from a Windows system?
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Apr 18, 2015
I have created a bootable USB with PowerISO in Windows 8, and the device is now booting. Why any of the solutions below creates a bootable ISO correctly? I would like to know what to do in case I have to create a bootable ISO again, but without using Windows. I have been searching about this, but I couldn't manage to find the solution.
System: ASUS laptop, Debian 7.8 Wheezy, Secure Boot disabled, Fast Boot disabled..I'm trying to create a bootable USB from an ISO image. The ISO image is PelicanHPC, a Debian-live based clustering distro, to create a home cluster with some computers just to try how it works.I have tried several ways of creating the bootable USB.
* Unetbootin
The Unetbootin loader is showing Default but when I press ENTER it will only show the same loader, not loading the kernel.
* dd and cp
I have tried dd standalone, and also as I could see in other websites, using isohybrid first on the ISO. I have tried setting/not setting as bootable partition /dev/sdb1 in fdisk. Using default bs and bs=4M too, without success.
I have tried running cp isoimage.iso /dev/sdb1, without success booting.
Then I tried booting the ISO image without USB from the local hard disk.
* grub-imageboot
Adding the ISO image to /boot/images and then running update-grub, but then, it won't boot, it keeps loading for a long time, 15 minutes, showing the splash image of the default grub (Debian's bootloader). I could read in the docs that it does not boot every ISO images.
* adding manually a menu entry to GRUB
I have created a loopback to the iso file and then loading the kernel (linux and initrd.img). This way, it loaded correctly, but when loading the system, an error message was displayed (unable to mount aufs on /root: No such directory) then kernel panic. A shell is prompted, if I do ls, it will display several directories, /root among them.
In boot.log there are 2 messages:
I will try now the Unetbootin version from another computer that's running Debian 8 Jessie. There is not any unetbootin package in Debian 8 Jessie.
PelicanHPC is not too old distro, it dates from late 2013.Booting the ISO in a QEMU virtual machine boots and functions correctly, I even created a new virtual machine that boots from PXE and add a node to the master system.
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Mar 28, 2010
I have a iMac G5 and an eeepc 1000 netbook, and I would like install Fedora 12/13 on it. I have downloaded the Fedora-12-DVD.iso, now that .iso is on my Mac, and I would like to create a bootable usb(8GB) on Mac using the iso file. I did find a few instructions on how to do this in Mac OS X [URL] however, they were concerned with .img files. If I am to expand the iso file I can see several .img files in the img folder and a few in other folder, which do I choose? The obvious choice seemed to be install.iso but it was only 166MB so I thought the whole system could not, possibly be fitted into such a file.
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Oct 16, 2010
I've created a custom Lucid installation using debootstrap, it works nice but have some problems, one of them is plymouth: it does not show the splash screen, when booting, I can only see a black screen, suddenly a green one and again black, when it is about to boot, some text messages appear and then the system starts. I'm only using X, no window manager, so I edited /etc/init/plymouth.conf and changed the start instruction from:
But it remains the same, Plymouth does not show the splash screen.
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Jun 10, 2010
I just brought a netbook(1005HA) and wanted to try out Ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 but I clean installed it.I like it but there are programs on Windows that I need to use for my HD2. My friend put a windows 7 .iso file on the netbook and I transferred the image to my USB drive to make a bootable USB but it does not boot. install Windows 7 from a USB using Ubuntu correctly?
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a system built and running in exactly the basic configuration I want, with my recompiled kernel, extra packages, special drivers, everything works, life is good. What I want to do is take this exact setup and create an image I can copy onto a bootable USB stick. Is there a way to essentially take the contents of my hard drive and copy that onto a USB stick and then boot directly from that? The use case behind this is that I am building an embedded system of which I may have hundreds of boxes with identical hardware and software configurations. Instead of hard drives, I am going to use USB sticks for cost efficiency and maintenance. My idea is that when it's time to upgrade, I could just image a hundred new sticks and go out and swap them.
My issue is that a standard LiveCD install gets me maybe 25% of the way to a finished system. I need to recompile the kernel for realtime support with my CPU, add some fidgety drivers for some specific hardware, and install a whole bunch of additional packages. I suppose I could create a makefile(s) to replicate all the manual steps of the buildout but that seems like a lot of unnecessary complexity IF I can just image that running system as it is.
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May 15, 2015
I'm having a problem creating an USB bootable pendrive, with Debian Jessie stable. I've downloaded the ISO from the site (I have tried with two versions, netinst and gnome). I tried to create the bootable pendrive with the command dd.
Code: Select alldd if=debian-etcetcetc.iso of=/dev/sdb
I put two pendrives that i've dd'ed them on the usb ports, and then typed fdisk -l, it returned this:
Code: Select allDevice Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1 * 64 2978975 2978912 1,4G 17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS
Disco /dev/sdc: 7,3 GiB, 7784628224 bytes, 15204352 setores
Unidades: setor de 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
However, i tried to boot this two pendrives in three PCs and it was not recognized by anyone as bootable system.
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May 27, 2010
I've successfully created bootable DVDs for several distros over the years. First, I downloaded F13 x86-64 the day of the release, checked the sha256sum against the CHECKSUM file (it passed), and burned a DVD. I see 5 folders and 10 files on it, as expected.I restart, and my PC (AMD Phenom 9600 quad, Gigabyte S Series GA MA69G-S3H motherboard) does not boot from the DVD, but from the hard drive.So I get into the bios, check to make sure that the boot order is correct (it is) and try again. No joy.
Next, I assume I screwed up, had a bad burn, down load and burn again, checking everything. Still won't boot from DVD. Try getting the ISO from torrents, (checking sha256sum all the while), burn my 3rd DVD (using Brasero this time) and - same problem.Now I assume I have a hardware problem, and for grins, put in the F12 ISO DVD. It boots from there just fine.So I don't have a hardware problem, and I seem to have 3 good burns, but it's not recognized as a bootable DVD.
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Mar 3, 2010
I am running ubuntu 9.10 on my pc, trying to update the bios on a thinkpad a31. I'm trying to create a bootable iso disk from the downloaded file from ibm (spsuiv69.exe) it is currently sitting on my desktop.
To be clear - I am having trouble making the .exe file an iso. I read this is the best way to update bios on a linux machine, if there are better ideas - whatever works.
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Jun 13, 2010
I lose my W7 DVD a couple of times and im tired of making DVDs when i can just create a Bootable USB but the only thing wrong is that i know of can only create Ubuntu USB in Ubuntu.... In Windows you can create a Windows USB with progrmas and UBuntu as well... SO since windows can make multiple USB bootable... Does Ubuntu have a Program that will allow me to Create a Bootable Windows 7 USB?
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Aug 19, 2010
how to write bootable cd i want to write xp in my cd how can burn that to format my system
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Oct 12, 2010
how to creat a bootable pen drive of ubuntu 10.10???
i can't make bootable usb flash drive of ubuntu 10.10 useing "Universal-USB-Installer-" as [URL]. how can i make a bootable ubuntu 10.10 using my pen drive. i have the .iso file.i don't want to burn it into cd.
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Nov 4, 2010
Running: Ubuntu 9.04 32 bits I'm trying to create an bootable usb drive for installing windows 7 so i took this release"Microsoft.Windows.7.Enterprise.x64.Integrated.Oct ober.2010-BIE"
1. Extracted to get the iso
2. Formated my 8gb usb flash drive with gparted
3. Extracted all the files from the iso with UNetbootin to my usb stick
4. Restarted and selected boot from removable drive in the bios options
After step 4 nothing worked i tried to remove booting from the hdd to force the computer to boot from the usb drive but just get the message that i need to insert an bootable media or restart.
Tried several times and the usb worked propperly while installing ubuntu 9.04 which I run this writing moment. I'm out of ideas and I don't have an cd/dvd reader to boot an dvd from either so via usb is the only thing my knowledge is capable to.
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Feb 27, 2011
ok so i want to create a bootable CD containing some usefull progs.. ie gparted live / clonezilla live / Memtest etc.... how would i go about making this cd with a choice window to select what application i want to run ?
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